Friday, July 31, 2009

PED's in baseball

Ok so if you didn't know yesterday a paper in New York released two more names from the secret list of people who tested positive in 2003. So far of the 104 names on the list 7 have been revealed. Including well known names Barry Bonds, Alex Rodriguez, and Manny Ramirez, and also some unknown names Jason Grimsley and David Segui. So yesterday when Manny, who already got suspended this year and David Ortiz got outed from this list, I went huh, ok. This isn't news anymore, just let the rest of the list out please, this paper obviosouly has the other 97 names, instead they wanna sell papers every 2 months so they release a name or two here and there. What happens when they run out of big names, are they gonna let you know some reliever who bounced between triple A and the majors who took stuff to make the team. I'm gonna guess no, their gonna realese names one or two at a time until they run out of big ones then the other 80 guys on the list will be released at once.

So now to my point, who cares who used? I for one don't care about 2003 anymore, half the guys on this list aren't in the league anymore is my guess. I also don't care who tests positive anymore, people test positive all the time in other sports, football, cycling, and swimming for example. I mean for god sake Shawn Merriman tested positive and guess what nobody cares, nobody is saying he doesn't belong in the league or his name should have an asterik. I'm not doing this just because I'm a Bonds guy, I'm saying this because I believe it. There is no way to tell who is clean and who is not. There are stories of steroids being used as far back as the 60's, I mean the Pittsburgh Steelers of the 70's are admitted users. Where you at haters saying take their Super Bowls away, Terry Bradshaw shouldn't be in the HOF, Joe Greene wasn't as good? Your not saying that stuff, you just wanna go after baseball guys because it's the hip thing to do. There is no way to tell who used in the 90's and early 2000's and if maybe more than one teams World Series run drug aided. I feel for one the Giants World Series team had more than one steroid user on it's team. Whose to say the Angels team that beat them didn't have a few we'll never know unless they admit to it.

So if you wanna hate on steroid using hitters get the whole story first. How many home runs has Manny hit off of steroid using pitchers? How many RBI's does A-Rod have off of steroid using pitchers? How many stolen bases does Barry Bonds have off of steroid using catchers? Did Jason Grimsley and Barry Bonds use the juice for the same reason? I'm gonna guess you don't know the answer to any of those, so heres a message to HOF voters and their holie than thou stance on these guys, let them in and let them in now, I'm gonna guess you've already let someone in who used something in the past. Get off your high horse get the whole story.

First post.

Well I guess I've always been pretty opinionated and I always need my opinion heard, right or wrong. So after some thought I've decided to start this, it's mostly gonna be about sports and I may put some other stuff up. I'm doing this with one of my best friends Chris Erb, a Bears, Cubs, Mets, Bulls, and Jr. fan so expect a wide range of topics to come from both of our minds. Feel free to tell me I'm an idiot, I don't care this is mostly for my own entertainment and I'm hoping your entertained, I'm not gonna try to throw out extreme opinions just to get my name out, I'm gonna be honest with what I think. Not try to be the next Skip Bayless or Jason Whitlock who just say stuff to be controversal. I'm gonna give my opinions on my favorite teams, Redskins, baseball Giants, Denny Hamlin, Alabama football, Pittsburgh Penguins, and maybe a few thoughts on the Suns, but I doubt that last one. I will also try to give my thoughts on the news of the day or of the week. So here goes nothing enjoy.