Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Roids and Rookies

Gonna get this off my chest quick, a report comes out NFL Defensive Rookie of the Year, Brian Cushing tested positive for PED's in September. Somehow some way he got his appeal to last all season, played every week, and won the award. I for one blame the NFL for letting this take so damn long and not suspending him right away or at least part way through the year. Instead his suspension won't be until the first four weeks next season, how in the F does that work, couldn't figure it out in the 17 weeks of the season? Well that's beside the point, or least my point.

After the suspension came down and the timing of the failed test came out, the AP decided to revoke the award from Cushing and have a re-vote, Cushing not disqualified. So, their gonna re-vote and if you want you can still vote for Cushing. I have a problem with this two ways. One, if your gonna take away his award make him ineligable to win the damn thing. Two, why are you doing this? To prove a point, your dumb. My stance on roids has already been published and I feel there is nothing wrong with it, nor should people be punished for taking them. Now I've heard some people say no big deal and others have been mad, but I haven't seen one guy be outraged at this positive test, if it was a baseball player who won an award he would be getting filleted on ESPN, Mark Farnuwada or whatever would be at the teams offices asking questions, Bob Ley would be hosting round table discussions every half hour. But, since it's a football player nobody cares, you can't get Wendi Nix off the Tiger Beat and Rachel Nichols is prolly camped out in Mississippi hoping Brett Favre needs attention. Baseball player leads Sportscenter, football player an "update" comes 3 commercials in. As I said I'm not against Cushing, nor his positive test, but all you hypocrites need to cover this story with the same intensetity and vigor as you would a baseball player. I don't read a lot of columns but if you voted for Cushing a second time I better not hear a word about Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens ruing the sanctity of the game.

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