Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Free Agency

I know I know, I hate the NBA, so why do I care about the pending free agency period. I compare my feelings of the NBA to how I feel about fantasy baseball, I love the draft and finding out where players go, but when the season starts I could give a crap unless somehow one of my teams makes the playoffs then I sort of follow it, and if we make the championship I'm still only half committed. I have 5 fantasy baseball teams, I check them every 2 weeks or so and quite frankly don't care, but that week I drafted those teams I was clinging to my computer wondering if I was gonna get Timmy in the first, or where I'd have to take Jason Heyward at. In that sense this is how I feel about the NBA, I'm fascinated by where LeBron, D-Wade, Dirk, and Amare end up, regular season wake me when it's done, playoffs I have better things to do, and I'm tired of Kobe. Last week I watched the draft for the first 25 picks or so, and now this week I'm jacked to hear where everyone decides to go. Let's get a look at the few options for the main guy LeBron.

Cleveland, they can pay him the most money, but they suck without him. I don't think LeBron is gonna re-sign unless he can work a sign and trade to get Bosh or Dirk in Cleveland with him. Everyone Cleveland tries to get as Bron's #2 fails, whether it's Mo Williams, Shag, Antwan Jamison, or whoever none of those guys are legit Scottie Pippen's.

Miami, sounds like D-Wade is staying Miami as long as he can get at least one of these huge guys to come. I for sure think at least Bosh or Dirk are coming to Miami. Rumors are LeBron, Wade, and Bosh had a meeting and talked about playing together in Miami. I like the idea but who else they gonna get, Miami has 2 guys on the roster now, and if everyone gets max money they have to move Micheal Beasley to free up room, so they'll have 4 players and no money, sweet. My only question is how is Bosh with worth max money, he's not amazing just a solid player. I like this for Miami b/c Bron and Wade can both be Jordan and if either has an off night the other can take over. Lebron was the man in Cleveland and if he didn't show up the Cavs lost, in Miami he can take nights off and Wade can win games, or let Bosh win games for them.

Chicago, the upside for Chicago they have Rose at point and a rebounder in Noah, if LeBron can get Bosh or even better Dirk to come to Chicago with him, oh boy. This next idea isn't mine, it's Bill Simmons of ESPN's, if the Bulls do a sign and trade for Joe Johnson, moving Luol Deng, then holy crap are they loaded. The lineup Rose, Joe Johnson, LBJ, Joakim Noah, and Bosh/Dirk. That team would be amazing, almost better the 90's Bulls, based on talent. As long as 2 of those 5 are on the court they can compete with 90% of lineups in the NBA. The only team that will give them problems is the Lakers if Bynum is healthy with Gasol and Kobe on the floor. Other that that they'll be fine. I love this for Chicago and might cheer for them when I care about basketball.

I have to admit, I'm a LeBron guy, I think he's amazing. I don't care he's never won, he had to carry those teams in Cleveland and frankly that was unfair, that organization didn't try to help him at all and worried more about keeping him happy and having guys who could be buddies with LBJ instead of being aggressive players. Their are a few more teams LBJ could go to.

New York, not happening

New Jersey, could happen b/c of Lopez and Devin Harris being there, but not happening. If I had a choice of Rose and Noah or Lopes and Harris, I'd take Rose and Noah all day.

Anywhere else, not happening, he won't go west, David Stern won't let it happen, we need Kobe vs. LeBron in the Finals, and after Kobe hangs em up, Durant vs. LeBron. LBJ is the main draw in the NBA and he has to be in the East nough said.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Thoughts of June

How do you like the new look? I don't really have anything to report on just gonna give a few thoughts of the last few weeks happenings.

  • Chris please blog why I should care about the World Cup b/c I don't.
  • I'm so pumped the NBA season is over, people bitch about baseball, NBA and NHL are way longer, thank god it's over.
  • Denny Hamlin is HOT, don't touch him, 2 straight wins, 5 wins in 10 races, up to 3rd in points, if the chase started today he's in first place. AMAZING run, keep it up 11 team.
  • Speaking of hot, the Giants have won 5 of 6, and I would like to thank the MLB for giving us Toronto and Baltimore, not the Yanks and Rays for interleague play.
  • Also on a Giants note they finally brought Buster Posey up to the show and suddenly we're winning games, I think I asked for this a while ago.
  • This years rookies are more intense than camping, Heyward, Strasburg, that pitcher from Cinncy (not Chapman), that kid the Cubs got, Mike Stanton, and Buster. All legit guys, and if Buster were on the east coast more people would be hearing about him, but Strasburg is just stealing all the headlines, I wanna see him pitch against a real lineup before I crown him the greatest ever.
  • Listening to the new Slash album, I know I'm behind a little, this is really good.
  • Bad weekend for NASCAR, you got father's day, the US Open-which nobody is talking about, and the World Cup. So, they send both top series to road courses, stock cars and road courses don't go together, I like Sonoma and all but your not gonna outdraw all that other stuff.
  • So I've been a real dick to Chris lately, last Saturday marked the 2 year anniversary of Dale Jr's last win. I know everyone loves him but please people don't tell me he's the best, and stop texting his crew in for fastest pit crew every weekend. I don't hate Jr, but for god's sake people give it up, it's almost like your Cubs fans.
  • Well the expansion happened, sort of, Big Ten gets Nebraska, Pac-10 becomes 11, and the Big 12 decides to stay together, good for them. I don't think the Big Ten is done, we got Notre Dame on our radar and we're gonna get them somehow, whether it's by killing the Big East or what, we're gonna get 'em.
  • Boise moved to early, Utah is leaving the Mountain West I think, so now Boise is only gonna have TCU to compete against, and really TCU isn't as consistent as Utah.
  • MLB Network is my life saver, with ESPN only being about soccer and basketball, I have to watch it to get my baseball, also got to watch the Giants last Saturday on it, and if I would've been home I could've watched them again this week.
  • Albert Haynesworth is making some big news, demanding trades and what not. I'm not gonna waste my breath with this. The Redskins facebook group is going nuts about this guy, I could care less. They're making a big deal about the 21 mil, Dan Snyder gave him that contract, good job dummy, now lay in the bed you made. Albert won't make or break our season, if our offense improves and the D picks up the scheme one overpaid D-lineman won't make any difference whether he's there or not. I just hope powers that be fix this soon b/c we need positivity not this crap hanging over our heads. All this does is prove once again Dan Snyder knows nothing about football and he should've butted out years ago.