Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Week 11 Thoughts

Another week, another loss, oh boy I knew this season was lost but come on dudes, we gotta beat Dallas. If we ever go 2-14, I would hope those two wins are against Dallas, seriously can't stand losing to those arrogant pricks. Didn't watch the game but saw the game winning touchdown on the highlights and what happened to ineligable receiver downfield? Dallas ran the play from around the 9 or 10, I saw a lineman down on the 6, that's crap. The refs didn't lose us the game but at least call it fair. I hope Dallas is real happy, barely beating a team with it's two best RB's on the shelf, and best player as well on the shelf. So, yeah Cowboys fans laugh it up you beat the worst team in the NFC, not named St. Louis or Tampa, by one point, can't wait till December and you guys suck again. Romo blows and so does the rest of the team. P.S. whens the last time you losers won a playoff game? Oh yeah it was when cocaine got passed around the locker room like Jessica Simpson. And for the record Emmit Smith couldn't carry Jim Brown or Barry Sanders jock. Enough bitterness on to the rest of the NFL.

It was nice to actually watch some games this weekend, got a solid day in on Sunday, and watched the first half Monday. Haven't done that in a while, worked last Sunday, and the week before that me and Jess went to the Bears game with Chris. So, it's been a month since I got to watch. Missed some of the late games watching Denny find victory lane, and Jimmie Johnson find his 4th championship, more on that tomorrow.

Got All Day in fantasy so I've watched Minnesota more than any team this season, their good, Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump good.

Seattle, I am so dissapointed in you, I picked you and this how you treat me, your D stinks and do you have a RB? I thought you had like 5 good WR's where they at?

49ers are who I thought they are, and I'm not letting them off the hook, I called this before the year, then they suckered me in, and presto chango their back to who they really are, TERRIBLE.

Green Bay, not sure how your gonna get over the injuries, not so much Kampman but Harris going down is a huge blow, Chaz Woodson is my boy, but he's better at covering the number 2 guy not the 1, we'll see how this pans out.

Can't believe Chris hasn't gone on a rant like mine after the Detroit game, about the Bears yet, I will say this what their doing is dumb. It's like bringing in Jimmie Johnson and giving him a Gremlin to go out and compete with it. Cutler is good, but he needs some sort of talent around him, the Bears have the same problem the Skins do, zero size at WR, Knox and Hester are fast, but at the end of games when you need a play, fast don't do it, size does. They need a big body at WR, maybe a free agent to be from Buffalo.

Didn't watch Indy-Baltimore, not a fan of Baltimore don't really like Ray-Ray he is so annoying and the media just slurps him, don't they remeber he killed someone? Don't get me started on Flacco either.

Pittsburgh and Cinncy I'm gonna treat you like I treat the Ted, go to bed, NOW get in there, and then I'm gonna lock you up until you learn your lessons. Don't bark and whine just sit in there until you know better.

Denver your reminding me of a team from last year, they had a great start and then just couldn't find a way to win a game, oh yeah it was Denver, now I remember.

San Diego your the Anti-Dallas, start out sucky then turn it on as the season goes on, now if only Norv could help you guys in the playoffs.

New Orleans is still amazing, and I'm sure everyone hates them in fantasy, besides Brees you have nobody you can consistantly start and feel good about. If you go with Colston, Moore and Meacham are gonna get 2 TD's each, but if you bench him, he's gonna get 7 catches for 125 yards and a score, so annoying.

Rex Ryan stop crying like a little bitch, you are so damned annoying, oh and I remember why now, your from Balitmore. Cry cry, your the one who started talking shit about New England don't you know Bellichek takes losses and shit talk about his team out on the people who say it. Look at the undefeated year, spygate comes out, he's pissed at the whole league and then kicks everyones ass. It's what he does, so shut up and win a game. This just in Sanchez just threw another pick, JETS Suck.

Atlanta, I don't even wanna be friends anymore, damn you.

Didn't see much of the Arizona game but really Matt Leinhart is not good.

Houston we need to start winning games we're supposed to, come on now, I want you guys in the playoffs, I can't help it always kind of been a Texans guy, want to see you do good. Also, wanna see Andre Johnson get in the playoffs, the guy doesn't talk just does his job and kicks ass every week, I know my step-brother Greg likes him too, seems every year he drafts him in fantasy.

Tennessee believe I called this a few weeks back, put Vince in and see what happens.

What happened to LenDale White, did he blow a knee or something, I get Johnson is good, but dude everyone takes a breathier, where you at fat boy?

Now, the game of the week, that's right Detroit vs. Cleveland, oh BABY what a game, wish I could've watched it, so do the fans in Detroit!! Game was blackedout for those who missed it. All I can really say, where the hell is the D? 24-3 Cleveland leads and Drew Stafford brings them back, then at the end of the game, pass interferance in the end zone. Cleveland way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Not to mention Stafford get killed on the play, then can't play the next play until Man-Genius calls time out and allows him back on the field. What you thinking, I guess the guy couldn't pick his left arm up but still I'd take my chance and let a cold Culpepper beat me not an adrenaline filled Stafford, who threw the game winner to MY BOY Brandon Pettigrew, had this guy from before the season ask anyone who plays fantasy with me, I think he is gonna be an elite TE in the league for a long time.

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