Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Case For the BCS

Being a few days from the greatest day of the year, a day I like to call National Football Day, I've decided to make a case for the BCS system of determining a champion in college football. I want a fair system as much as the next guy but I'm gonna throw a few cogs in the arguments for various playoff systems.

I'd like to start with thanking the BCS since you've come along things have been better. In 1997 Michigan and Nebraska both went undefeated, Michigan went to the Rose Bowl, ranked first in both polls, beat Washington State. Nebraska, ranked 2nd in both polls, whooped up on Tennessee in the Orange Bowl. After the bowl games, the coaches poll changed it's mind and gave Nebraska the #1 ranking, making a split national championship. So, that's awesome 2 national champions, how "fair" does that sound? The two best teams didn't play each other because their conferences had arrangements with different bowls. If that's not a case for the BCS I don't know what is. I don't know who would've won between the two teams but I wish Michigan could've had a shot against Nebraska and I know Chris wishes they would've gotten their shot against the Wolverines.

Now, I'm gonna drill some holes through some arguments against the BCS, or how to find a national champ.

First Idea: Plus 1. The plus 1 idea is that 4 teams get into a playoff, 1 vs. 4 and 2 vs. 3, the winners play an extra game after the bowl season. In theory a good idea, you keep the integrity of the bowl system, which I like, and the top teams play each other. One gaping hole, who are the top 4 teams? This year you have 5 undefeated teams, and I'm pretty sure Florida deserves a top 4 ranking, so that's 6 teams for four spots. So, who gets in, Bama, Texas, TCU, and Boise b/c their 1-4? So Cinncy and Florida get screwed? This is the arguement against the BCS b/c TCU got hosed out of the championship game, so if you invited 4 than Cinncy got screwed, or maybe if they invite 4, Boise suddenly doesn't get as much love from the polls and Cinncy jumps them, so now Boise if F'd over. This year is different than most, we normally have 1 or 2 undefeateds, and about seven 1 loss teams. So whose number 4 now? Now I understand it's a little easier to distinguish 4 from 5 than 2 from 3, but if you did this than whoever ends up 5th is gonna have a shit fit every year. What about the year Auburn was 3rd and undefeated, so now you have 3 unbeatens and 1 one loss team, pretty sure that one loss team doesn't deserve a shot with the other 3.

Another idea is 8 or 16 team playoff. I hate these ideas, ruins the entire bowl schedule. I love my bowls, especially the Rose Bowl, love hearing Keith Jackson call the "Grand Daddy of 'em all." Tradition is a huge thing with me, and the bowls are tradition, January 1st is tradition. I have Idaho and Bowling Green on my TV right now, without a bowl schedule these two small schools don't get national recognition, which helps their recruiting. The reason a playoff ruins the bowl schedule is, why are these advertisers gonna pay to have their name on a bowl if the playoff game scheduled that same day is gonna steal their viewers. The Bowls will cease to exist, the 8 or 16 teams will continue their years while the other 50 teams get nothing. Same thing happens as well with who gets in and who doesn't. Do you give automatic qualifiers to the conference champs? Just a lot of questions I have that people who make these arguements can't answer. Once again I love Bowls, I want bowls, and hey 12 years ago the best two teams in the country didn't play each other, so the BCS is better than what we had. Besides how much does it matter if we have a "true" national champ, who won it 7 years ago? I don't know, don't care and if it was a BCS travesty than so what at least the top teams got to play each other.


Well 2009 all you say is w.t.f. All the expectations to this. All you really say was great was the Minnesota game on Monday night that was awesome. I'm just going to throw my two cents into everything to the G.M. to the coaching to the players.

Well the man who built this team is Jerry Angelo. The Bears are always know for never going for the big free agent talent and just getting the cheaper talent and hope it works. Well the free agents Jerry brought in this year have done well nothing. Draft they always go for defense and really haven't drafted an offensive lineman besides Chris Williams. Some of the dumb moves J.A. has done. Trading our second round pick next year for Gaines Adams. Trading Chris Harris to Carolina for nothing. In my mind if anyone is fired he should be it. Let somebody else come in and evaluate Lovie Smith.

Lovie Smith

Two years left and owed eleven million dollars. Ouch for an organization that is cheap. That's putting it nicely. Lovie is a student of the cover two. Just won't change which is disappointing. Wish he would show a little more fire on the sidelines always seems to have a blank look on his face. Took over the defense this year and really aren't any better.

Ron Turner

Found the first moron that should be fired. How the hell did this guy ever get to be a head coach. Ron coached at Illinois for those that don't know. Had one good year. This guy can't do crap. Way to predictable.


Jay Cutler. Only one qb in town. A Porshe working with a bunch of Fords. Gotta get this guy some talent. One of the better qbs in the league. I know hes got twenty six picks but I'm sure he feels likes hes gotta do everything. What Wrs does he have? None


Matt Forte. Paging Matt Forte Matt Forte your wanted at Soldiers Field. Look at your milk carton hes on is it. Want to see a disappearing act. But seriously hope he bounces back. Great back just looked a lot like Anothy Thomas this year. If you get him in space he looks great. No line really hurts.


Jason suck


Devin Hester. Most overrated player. What does he do?

Earl Bennett. Starter. You look ok but you really shouldn't be starting

Johnny Knox. I like you one day and the next I don't. Amazing speed just quits on routes.

Devin Amorashodu. Cutlers only been asking for this guy to play for the last two months. Finally gets to and looks good.

One last note on Hester what do you do again?


Greg Olsen. Cant' block and drops a lot of balls.

Desmond Clark. Best te on the team. Not fast but it works. Good blocker. Problay gone after this year

Kellen Davis. Good second year had a few tds would like to see him more.

Offensive line

Orlando Pace. Done done done done done done done. Hall of Famer but done done done done done done done done done.

Frank Omiyale. The big free agent signing of the year. Heard of him? Ya me either. Got twelve million guarantee. Started one game in his Carrier. Fu@king nuts and dumb. That was at tackle now he plays guard.

Olin Kreutz. Well hes been a leader for years but that's the problem years. Up there can't get a push anymore. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Roberto Garza. Doesn't do anything great. Average

Chris Williams. Moved to left tackle when Pace went down. Played ok but then Monday night went up against Jared Allen and looked awesome. Starting to like him.

Kevin Shaffer. Playing right tackle since Williams was moved to left. Cleveland cut him after they signed John St. Clair from us. Well that's never a good sign since St. Clair wasn't great but consistent. I guess hes playing alright.

Defense to come later.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Decade

I've been seeing some stuff online about "this of the decade" and such so I thought what the hell let's put 10 years into a few paragraphs.

Team of the Decade all sports.
Well the list of possible winners is small, Patriots, Red Wings, Lakers, and Yankees. Even though the Yankees only missed the playoffs once, and the Pats won 3 Super Bowls and appeared in another, I have to give the nod to the Lake Show. Kobe and the gang won 4 Championships and appeared in the Finals two other times, so in 10 years they either got 1st or 2nd 6 times. That's pretty hard to argue against.

Team Sports Athlete of the Decade
Once again the list is short but distinguished, Brady, Manning, A-Rod, Jeter, Kobe, Shaq, and for kicks Marty Broduer. This is tough, real tough, to give a guy and entire decade that was better than anyone else. In a close race, I gotta go with A-Rod with the slight edge or Kobe and Peyton. Alex put up huge numbers every year, and got his title in '09. I don't care about the performance enhancers the guy can hit and was better defensivly than the guy at SS on his own team. He's bulked up since then so he's not really a SS anymore.

Individual Sports Athlete of the Decade
Easy Tiger, nuff said. So he cheated on his wife he didn't cheat on his sport like Lance did. Federer another guy who could stake claim to this just isn't in the media enough. Tiger ruled golf the entire decade.

College of the Decade
Tough one here, Florida has the nod from me, they won multiple national titles in football and basketball. Texas had some good runs in both sports, but Florida for sure had the best.

Cinderella of the Decade
Nominees are New York Giants over New England, Boise State over Oklahoma, Gonzaga in basketball, now a powerhouse, but 10 years ago nobody knew who they were, George Mason Final four team, Pittsburgh last year Stanley cup team. I gotta go with Boise over OU, definantly the best game of the decade in my eyes, especially since Boise pulled all the school yard plays to beat up the big neighborhood bully. Statue of Liberty and hook 'n ladder. I urgevyou try to find that game sometime and watch it again.

Well that's it for these 10 years, let's see how the next ten go.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Must Read

Unfortunate happenings yesterday, Chris Henry, WR from the Bengals died from injuries in a weird truck accident. I'm not talking about the details of the accident, just more about the situation of an athlete dieing in the middle of the season and his team having to play a game days after the tragedy. I've had many run-ins with death starting at a young age when my mom died, and a few years ago losing someone very special to me. When my mom died nobody made me go to school, when my friend died I quit my job and moved back home to live my brother. I didn't have to go out and play a sporting event 3 days after either. The Redskins went through this situation 3 years ago when Safety Sean Taylor was murdered in his own home, after his death we played Buffalo to a close game, losing after coach Gibbs called back to back timeouts and moving their kicker 5 yards closer for the the game winning FG. After that game, we stepped up the rest of the season and made the playoffs. The team had many players take the death hard, mostly Clinton Portis and Santana Moss, who along with Taylor attended "The U." Fortunatly for the Bengals, they are in better position than the Skins were, being in first place and in the drivers seat for a playoff spot.

I have to give it up to athletes who can get over the death of a teammate and play. I remember being so mad that we lost after Taylor's death but in hindsight I think I was wrong. We didn't play for him that game, we played for him the rest of the season. I hope the Bengals can use Henry's death as inspiration for their playoff run. I'm not sure how they'll respond this weekend, but I think after this week they will play for the honor of Henry.

I do have to compare Henry and Taylor simply because when I heard about Chris, I thought of Sean T. right away. Henry and Taylor were both considered troublemakers early in their careers. Sean used the birth of his daughter to help him grow up, Henry used a couple of suspensions from the league to grow up. Both were tremendous talents and died way to young. Both were hurt when their deaths occured, Henry was done for the year, Sean was hurt and missed the game against Tampa Bay the day he got attacked. The robbers apparently thought he wouldn't be home, I guess they couldn't read the injury report. I wish both men could have kept living and reached their true potential.

I'll end with this, my prayers are going out to the Henry family, his children, and the Bengals family. I hope the league has everyone wear 15 stickers on their helmets the rest of the year.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


It happened, it finally happened, Dan Snyder "fired," the official news is resigned, Vinny Cerrato. Oh boy oh boy, for the first time in Snyder's ownership we have an official GM, Bruce Allen, former Tampa Bay and Oakland executive, and son of former Skins coach George Allen. Bruce has close ties to one mister John Gruden, who is calling the game on Monday night so let's see how hard Tirico and Jaws hammer him with questions about his employment. The hiring for me has a few implications, the first being we have a guy who knows what he's doing in the front office. A guy who can tell Snyder to shove it and just pay the bills. This also means Jim Zorn is most likely gone as well a few older players, I hope. Bruce built the Raiders of the early 2000's, the teams that lost the Super Bowl, and the team that got screwed by the tuck rule game. So yeah I'm excited. Been a while so I'll give some more NFL thoughts.

  • Doesn't matter how much we bitch, Thursday games are here to stay, damn you NFL network
  • The Saints look like the chosen ones pulling games out of their asses, we'll see how the playoffs work out for them, I'm guessing not with a Super Bowl appearance.
  • Green Bay keep proving me wrong, please, I don't want both Wild Cards from the East.
  • Dallas, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  • Philly stop using Vick, you have DMC let him play
  • Hey Chicago, how's Cutler working out? I know it's all we talk about, but if you were winning guess who'd get all the credit?
  • Pittsburgh, WTF, does one guy make that big of difference for your D, if he does maybe we should be revaluating last years Defensive MVP
  • Ray Lewis sucks
  • hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, it's December, do you think next years Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Calender will only have 11 months in it, like the Cowboys season?
  • San Fran owns Arizona that is all
  • Not my words, JaBust did not work out for Oakland, got that from a Raider fan thanks Kevin.
  • Hey, Pack fans, Chaz Woodson is playing out of his mind keep the compliments coming please, only Defensive orientated player to win the Heisman.
  • Tiger gettting divorced best thing for him, go get your play Tiger. Also, athlete of the Decade Hell yeah.
  • Final thought for Chris, Suh is probably the best player in the country, but when you average 201 yards per game against ranked opponents and killed Florida the week before the voting, your gonna get the Heismann. I think Suh should have been 2nd, but Ingram deserved the award. In April when Suh goes number 1, he'll get something way better than a trophy and a curse, he'll get paid, DOLLA DOLLA BILL YA'LL.


So would just like to add my two cents to this. WTF I realize you have just over a billion dollars but C'Mon man. Do you realize you have a supermodel wife. What are those a dime a dozen these days? I guess they always say you never know about somebody until you walk in their shoes but it cant be that bad. I know as guy you always may not be happy with things but over fifteen woman have said they slept with him. DAMN from club hosts to porn stars to escorts to cougars. Seriously Tiger find a better cougar. To death do we part huh? Just kinda sad that's all we are really talking about these days but I guess that gold pedestal we put him on wasn't right. Hes a man who made mistakes and now he will pay for them. Its kinda sad that as an average person we'd give up anything to be him for one minute. But right now that's a pretty bumpy road that I want nothing to do with. I hope it was worth it.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Trying something new, had to go with 3 parts for it to work right, I'm gonna try to work on it and try to make only one video, until then enjoy.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Power Rankings

How about a common thing among sports websites the power rankings with my own little spin on it.

The Wuerffel Division

32. Cleveland, new coach same problems, name two guys on this team that would be impact players for another team in the league? Josh Cribbs and Joe Thomas maybe but the rest of 'em stink.

31. St. Louis, seem to play everyone tough but really this team has zero upside.

30. Tampa Bay, the YUCS, have a long way to go and I got a feeling their coach is only gonna get 1 shot at this.

29. Detroit, haven't put up a decent showing against a decent team yet.

28-27. Oakland and Kansas City, played out of their minds two weeks ago but really I don't see these ships going anywhere, JaMarcus Russel I hope your time in the league was fun.

Rod Smart Division,

26. Washington, Dan Snyder why you hate me so much get some depth and a training staff, the list of Skins on IR is starting to look like a Pro Bowl roster, Chris Samuals, Chris Cooley, and Randy Thomas, with Haynesworth and Portis both injured.

Beautiful Dreamers Division

25. Buffalo, oh the hope T.O. brought and he's not gonna blow up because he needs to be signed next year.

24. Carolina, good thing you gave Jake Delhomme all that money dummy's.

23. Seattle, not sure what's going up there but really stop wasting Hasselbeck.

Bill Cowher Division

22. Chicago, if you want Cowher as you coach keep it up, what happened to that Forte guy you had last year he was good.

21. Houston, you could make the playoffs if you would win a big game for once in your lifetime, maybe Schaub isn't a closer, or maybe Kubiak isn't a closer whatever it is fix it.

Jeckyll and Hyde Division

20. NY Jets, nough said I hate you Rex Ryan.

19. Miami, not sure what to make of the fact that you always dominate the ball but your D for some reason can't stop anyone.

18. San Francisco, WHO ARE YOU, are you good? are you bad? are you decent? COME ON TELL ME.

17. NY Giants, you suck, Eli sucks, your D is old and slow, stop making people think your good, your WR's are terrible by the way.

The Outsiders Divison

16. Tennessee yeah you've won 5 straight but eventually your lack of talent at WR will catch up with you, however I understand your D taking a while to come together after Haynesworth left.

15. Denver, hoo ray you beat the Giants on a short week, at home good for you, you still stink.

14. Jacksonville, when you lose you lose bad it seems, why is that?

13. Sorry, Green Bay, too many injuries on the Defense I just don't think your gonna make the playoffs, but your the best of the worst.

The team behind the curtain

12. Dallas it's December so you can show your true face.

The Kevin Costner Division

11. Baltimore, blah blah your D is still ok

10. Pittsburgh, blah blah, Ben is still good, but run the damn ball

9. Atlanta, what can I say I love this team and think they're on their way to the playoffs.

The Andre Agassi Division, think they don't have a shot but might just shock you and win this.

8. Arizona, you saw the tear they went on last year, you don't get trophies for the regular season

7. Philly, still think the Walrus is gonna screw you over, by the way why you gotta run stupid trick kicks and go for it on fourth down to beat the Skins?

6. San Diego, haven't seen them use Sproles much lately is that so late in the year LDT can grab some pine and Sproles is fresh?

5. Cinncy, played not to lose to Cleveland by running the ball every play, so we'll see what the two faced monster of Benson and Johnson can do, two guys running with tremendous chips on their shoulders.

4. New England, even though New Orleans dismantled you, your the only ones I like going to Indy, accept for San Diego, but I like you more.

The Brett Favre Divison

3. Minnesota, to me they are the best team in football but you can't deny undefeateds and as Bill Parcells says, "you are what your record is," so their not better than NO or Indy, YET!!!

The Can We Really Do This Division

Tie 1. Indy and New Orleans, both have awesome QB's, great WR's, good enough D's, and always find a way to win even when they play poorly for a half or so.

So there you have it, for the most part these are pretty standard but at least I got to throw my thoughts of each in.