Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday

So I know its Tuesday and the big game is done, but I was busy and I got a few things to say about the game. Well I didn't care who won,but i was rooting for the Colts. Its fine the Saints won and I'm happy that one of professional sports biggest losers had their day in the sun. The thing I don't like is people going on and on about them like they are Saints fans. Its Tuesday get over it. I still can't believe Peyton made that throw. Collie in the slot wide open and Manning forces one. The greatest q.b. of our time but man he chokes. Couldn't believe it happened again. All in all Gregg Williams has to get a job next year. They've really turned it around with him. Who knew the Colts could be held to seventeen without Curtis Painter. Not gonna go to much more into the game theres other things to talk about. OK enough is enough the NFL can't keep throwing out old washed up acts. Its doesn't make much sense to me to have Carrie Underwood sing the National Anthem and The FREAKING Who is the main act. Thank you Janet and Justin. Thanks a lot! I hope it changes next year its getting worse. Well now for the commercials of the night.

Top 5
1. Motorola Megan Fox. I'm a guy enough said. Sex sells sex cells and it works for me.
2. Late Show. Getting those three to sit on a couch together. Classic. I know it was only for 30 minutes but great.
3. TruTv. Mini Troy Polamalu could still the crap out of most. O the show I checked it out. Not that great.
4. Dennys Screaming Chickens. Freaking funny. I kinda want Dennys. Well the ads maker did there job.
5. Doritos. As a whole I thought they where all funny.

In closing just want to say I hope Anheuser picks it up a bit. Another disappointing year in my mind.

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