Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Diary

Gonna keep a running diary of the Super Bowl, Bill Simmons style. Gonna write down my thoughts of the moment no editing, What I write stays.

5:10 The Saints have arrived, why don't teams announce starting line-ups anymore, I miss it. I think it was the Patriots that started this running out as a team stuff, I wish they wouldn't.

5:11 The Colts are here, I think I heard some booing when they announced them.

5:12 CBS we want HOT sideline reporters, not Solomon Wilcots and Steve Tasker. What do they know about Super Bowls neither have won one. Get me Erin Andrews STAT.

5:16 Congrats to London Fletcher finalist for the Walter Payton Man of the Year award.

5:18 Brian Waters wins award, they show Peyton Manning who just wants to play. Queen Latifah out to sing, thought she was a rapper. Doing the remix I take it, when did this become the pre-game festivities? It goes anthem, coin toss, kick no other crap.

5:21 Carrie Underwood to sing the anthem, think the NFL told her please don't look too hot. Jeremy Shockey resembles and ex of mine, not sure if that looks good on my part, but he does.

5:23 Jim Nantz let's us know "coming up..(dramatic pause)...the COIN TOSS, no freaking way.

5:25 New LeBron vs. Howard commercial, very nice very nice. Loved how Dwight says whoa whoa, no jump shots.

5:27 Hall of Fame guys announced, I'll have more on that this week.

5:28 Have Jerry Rice flip the coin, not Emmitt Smith come on. Saints get the ball first, TD in about 4 minutes.

5:31 we're off

5:33 3 and out, poor selection by Brees on the 3rd down play. Call for a fair catch dummy.

5:34 words of Jess, Peyton runs so funny.

5:35 Can't cover Dallas Clark with a LB.

5:37 Looks like Roman Harper is gonna cover Clark we'll see how this goes.

5:38 The Colts love that WR bubble screen, that's one time they've ran it, I'm gonna guess we'll see it about 4 more times.

5:41 early observasion, the Saints have had a few shots at Peyton and haven't taken 'em yet, I think the refs said something before the game.

5:42 Stover is good, 3-0

5:43 I love Betty White

5:45 dumbest thing in sports, 3 minutes of commercials, 1 play for 3 seconds, 3 minutes of commercials.

5:46 Walter Payton is happy he's dead, terrible Bears. Dorito's very nice

5:50 Catch the ball Coltson

5:51 Freeney is not all there, galant effort but if you can't spin out your wasting your time.

5:52 Sterotype foul on Dorito's single black mom, terrible.

5:56 Gregg Wiliams yelled the defense, they're hitting Peyton now.

5:57 The Saints offense better show up when they get the ball back or this is gonna be over in a hurry, if Addai can keep running like that, the Colts can eat the clock.

5:59 see last post, Addai is tearing it up.

6:01 Manning to Garcon, looked the TD right before halftime of the Jets game. 10-0 Colts.

6:05 30 seconds left in the first quarter, still we go to commercial dumb.

6:06 Auto tune is terrible. Beavers playing fiddles I dig it.

6:08 Phil Simms doesn't know what a double team is, the safety was no where near Garcon. Announcers are dumb and can't admit when their wrong.

6:13 big penalty use it Brees. Jess says, he barely hit him, maybe not a good call. Pierre Thomas is all man, and says I'm the real Pierre in this game. Where is that stat, first time two guys named Pierre can control a game.

6:15 anyone seen Jeremy Shockey, is he playing?

6:16 nice step up by Brees.

6:17 eating my words about Freeney. Hartley is good 10-3 Colts. We need TD's here boys.

6:19 Jay Leno is clutch.

6:22 Brett is my man, hilarious.

6:23 CBS this is your A-Squad, Phil Simms say, that sack may have stopped a touchdown drive for the Saints, well duh he got it on 3rd down you dummy.

6:24 Garcon has 2 drops.

6:32 The Saints WR's go right after you, the Colts guys go down and protect themselves, the Saints try to run you over. Not a time for a reverse, got 'em on the ropes keep throwing it..

6:37 what happened to the 2nd quarter.

6:40 Mini-KISS love it.

6:42 Sean Payton lives like this all the time, if your gonna go for it, throw the damn ball on 3rd down.

6:47 Phil Simms is killing me, I'm a better announcer, why would you use your third timeout with 20 seconds left what a dummy.

6:49 Hartley is good 10-6, Saints needed more points in that quarter. The last two minutes took 12 minutes.

6:51 halftime is starting, time for someone my dad thinks is old to entertain us.

6:55 why do we need highlights of what we just saw?

7:01 half the people watching this just went what is pin-ball?

7:06 irony alert, irony alert, half of America is asking the same question, who are you?

7:12 it's over, terrible, note to the NFL get a band who's made relevant music within the last 20 years to do halftime. Over 10 minutes of sucky-ness.

7:20 Halftime took over a half-hour, I'm bout ready for bed, we need some points, early and often.

7:21 Sean Payton is a crafty mother, he's got balls that's for sure. Can't believe it worked. Mr. Kendra Wilkinson should've had it, can't believe I got to use him in the Super Bowl Diary, thank you Kendra thank you.

7:25 Saints have this thing called momentum, now they need a TD.

7:27 remember what I said about the Saints guys staying up after contact, Pierre Thomas is a beast. Touchdown Saints, 13-10 Saints Sean Payton is f'n crazy.

7:30 Stevie Wonder just took best commercial, amazing.

7:31 Ladies call Barney Stinson

7:32 when we last saw Peyton he was 4 years younger Just saw the WR screen again, that's twice.

7:33 not gonna lie I had this wrong the Colts are running the ball well.

7:35 Peyton is a bona-fide stud, that was through like quadruple coverage to Clark.

7:36 halftime adjustment for the Colts, quickly setting up before plays.

7:38 Joseph Addai scores, CBS shows Eli, because Eli had so much to do with that drive. 17-13 Colts, the offenses are finally showing up.

7:41 one question why doesn't Reggie return kicks, he should.

7:42 Hi I'm Derek and I'm a milkaholic. Jess agrees

7:44 Saints got the ball back, if they want to win only TD's the rest of the game, Peyton has his game face on.

7:46 These defenses are f'd, both guys are locked in.

7:49 Hartley is good, the Saints don't need fg's 17-16 Colts.

7:54 why do we watch any other channell CBS has the best shows on EVER.

7:55 Phil Simms would like to prepare your balls, if you would like him to do it call CBS he'll come to your house right before bar time so you can have your balls prepared for that skank you dragged home.

7:56 get your 4's up, we need some points, about 24 to be exact.

8:01 MVP ballots are open, my early canidates Pierre Thomas and Joseph Addai, who's gonna win it, Peyton or Brees. Jess thinks Hartley b/c she likes the kickers.

8:02 good call on 4th and 2, Peyton is gonna retire and not even be an o cordinator.

8:04 WR screen number 3, Vilma great coverage on Collie

8:05 Stover is no good, Saints got good field position

8:10 Cowher called it at halftime, Freeney stiffened up over the long break.

8:12 David Thomas with the catch, which reminds me, go get some Wendy's. bad joke sorry

8:13 Jeremy Shockey is in the building, going for 2, I told Jess they would before the drive started.

8:14 didn't catch it Saints 22-17

8:17 not sure about the challenge, pretty sure he didn't catch it. He had the ball for a long time, depends how you interprupt the rule. Not gonna be mad either way. Text from Chris, he got it. that was a hell of a grab.

8:18 here's the call, he got it, Saints 24-17

8:23 I smell overtime, said it before Jim Nantz, just ask Jess.

8:24 Jenkins almost got a pick, so far very clean game, the refs are staying out of it, I like it. When Peyton gets it going, he looks for Garcon, not Wayne.

8:26 the Stover miss is rearing it's ugly head.

8:27 Taco Bell, the lead up commercials sucked and the Super commercial sucked. Thank you for sucking.

8:29 best ever MY ASS, I called a TAINT before the game, just had the guy wrong. F'n a COTTON f'n A 31-17 SAINTS, WHERE YOU AT WHO DAT'S

8:31 Phil Simms just admit your wrong.

8:32 I would like to hear you read some words, I'm starting a book club.

8:33 must say I prefer the old E-Trade baby.

8:36 Peyton can sling the rock that's fo sho, two minute warning. Saints don't play prevent, only prevents you from winning.

8:37 going to Denny's on my birthday.

8:39 not a horrible penalty, but still dumb.

8:40 that flag was LATE LATE, booth review it, come on. How was that not reviewed?

8:42 Phil Simms new name is captain obvious, if they score they need to kick it onside, REALLY dumb ass.

8:43 game over, Saints win, didn't get the over like I wanted but what the hell New Orleans won. Reggie Wayne should've caught it.

8:44 class act of the Colts not using the timeouts to prolong the game. Thank you Jim Caldwell.

8:45 Peyton Manning is a baby, go shake hands you puss.

8:46 MVP votes Jess wants Lance Moore for the 2 pt, I want Pierre Thomas, Chris has Drew Brees.

8:52 not gonna lie, I like the hats, very plain, not over the top, and stylish.

8:57 Let Len Dawson through damn it, Undercover Boss is on deck and we need to get through this.

8:59 Surprised CBS didn't cut away when Benson and Payton almost kissed.

9:01 Purdue now has two Super Bowl winning QB's, holy crap next year Neckbeard.

9:02 Brees wins the MVP two TD's, can't argue.

9:03 New Orleans is gonna be crazy ass place for the next two weeks. Congrats to the Saints, and to the Colts you played a hell of a game.

1 comment:

  1. not bad im really pissed there was a couple movie ads but nothing i'm pumped for. I want to see the summer blockbusters damn it! Think you should do the nfl draft that'd be good. Just round one
