Monday, October 4, 2010

Big Ben

Today Ben Roethlisberger's suspension ended allowing him to reunite with his team, which is 3-1 after a narrow loss yesterday to the Ravens. The Steelers showed they didn't need Ben to win games, and also showed that Troy Palamalu is more important to their success than Ben. Last year Troy was hurt and the team didn't play well in his absence, without Ben 3-1 and almost 4-0. Well I'm not writing this about his return, him coming back reminded me of a story I heard a few weeks back. A study by someone did a list of the 10 most disliked athletes in America according to Q Rating which is what they base endorsements. Ben came in 7th. Not to bad of a showing I think until I saw the 6 guys ahead of him, and I realized America has some real problems.

The top 6 in no particular order, Kobe Bryant, Tiger Woods, Chad Ochcinco or Johnson, Terrell Owens, Micheal Vick, and LeBron James. What the hell is that? Now, I'm only a fan of two of these guys, LBJ and Tiger. But Big Ben isn't disliked more than these guys? I understand Vick and Woods, but what has T.O. Chad 85, LBJ, or Kobe ever done to be ahead of a guy accused of 2 rapes? Vick killed dogs I get it, Woods cheated on his wife, A LOT, and Kobe he cheated on his wife and was accused of rape as well, but it was proven to be consensual with a girl who was a bit slutty. What have the other 3 ever done besides being cocky? Is that how we are America being cocky is worse than being accused of rape? I don't even understand how LBJ made this list he went to Miami to win, which everyone says your supposed to win and athletes are selfish when they go for the money on loser teams, this guy took less money went to a winner and now he gets killed for it, America is ridiculous.

Now, I get race has to do with this and I'm not gonna beat my anti-racism drum, but if we're to blind as a society to see a guy who may have raped to people in a brighter light than 3 guys who are just cocky, we have some real problems. That is all, Go Giants, get Atlanta first take 'em down.

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