Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl 45 Diary

We are live from my basement, Super Bowl 45 is about to get started, gonna have the diary running Bill Simmons style once again, and once again no editing, these are my thoughts as things happen.

5:09 Joe Buck introduces Pittsburgh, first thought of the night Joe Buck and Troy Aikman suck. Also Pittsburgh isn't smash mouth anymore, their as finesse as anyone.

5:10 so the NFL has parody, my ass they do, since 2001 AFC reps for Super Bowl New England 4 times, Pittsburgh 3 time, Indy 2 times, Baltimore 1, and Oakland 1, not exactly Parody.

5:11 here come the Packers, once again I dislike the whole team running on the field, I want starting line ups, also for the first time all playoffs the Pack are in Green.

5:13 how does Mason Crosby get 2nd in line for running onto the field get the kicker in the back.

5:14 what happened Christina you used to be hot? I'm tired of this new Sandler movie, I don't even want to see it now.

5:17 everyone gets on the bus, not just the Falcons, play 60 every day, join the movement. Walter Payton award time, cheering Nnamdi

5:18 apparently to be nominated your name has to be hard to say, and the winner is Madieu Williams of the Vikings, congrats home boy.

5:19 America the Beutiful time, and in classic Fox fashion bring out one of their own to sing, not a fan.

5:22 Omar looks ready for this game to start.

5:23 thanks to the troops that cheer was well deserved, I love Keisel's beard.

5:24 not only is she not hot anymore but she forgot how to sing as well come on.

5:25 Pablo Sandoval made another movie, sweet, Kung Fu Panda 2, hopefully the Panda will be resurected this year, not the guy he was last year.

5:27 Gotta love how the channels charge 2 mil for a commercial but put a thousand plugs for their own shows on during the Super Bowl.

5:28 what is with Fox doing the historic, rah rah America thing tonight, this is only a football game, not some earth moving event.

5:29 your new HOFers, bs btw that Cris Carter can't get in, Congrats Prime you da man. Of course Prime gets to flip the coin, atta boy Prime.

5:31 We get to see Clay first.

5:33 at least Joe Buck admits the hype is too much, he's been doing this for a while. Omar says nothing to cute early, bet not.

5:34 5 minutes late, but now we kick, game on. Both teams with yellow pants confusing.

5:35 thought Ben lost the visor apparently it's back. Wish they did something cool for the starters.

5:36 first run play a loss Zombo with the tackle, Zombo nice name.

5:37 Chris just wondered if this is the Super Bowl or preseason game, the stadium is so quiet, I agree just shows true fans never get tix for this game just business men. Muffed punt, teamate ran into the returner what is the old Madden come on.

5:38 Troy comes to the field see how Green Bay neutralizes him.

5:39 Green Bay tries to run, not happening, Woodley making both plays early for Pitt.

5:40 Farrior offsides, Rogers goes down the middle nice play.

5:41 first shot to Rogers, Keisels beard with the hit.

5:42 Joe Buck is rubbing it into 49ers fans that they passed on Rogers, get the salt Buck get the salt. Jordy needs to catch that, right through the hands, he does get the dropsies.

5:43 second punt, time for commercials

5:44 that is one hungry Pug

5:45 nice work Audi, clever but not over the top.

5:46 nice run by Mendy. If he can get lose Green Bay is in trouble

5:47 see above, hear some cheering sounds like a Packers chant.

5:49 nice no call on close PI, hopefully the refs let the secondaries play.

5:50 this Doritos guy is a Nick Swardson rip off, weird commercial, boundries.

5:51 like this Pepsi Max commercial, women are so mean.

5:52 Green Bay gets the ball back, let's see some offense. This is how the Super Bowl seems to start lately, offenses need time after the layoff. Not everyone is excited for the Super Bowl, my dog is snoring behind my chair.

5:54 Green Bay going to Nelson early and often, side note saw a guy at the grocery store with a Nelson Jersey on, too funny.

5:56 time out, get the play in McCarthey what a bad coach.

5:57 Lassie truck, I like it. No more Fast and the Furious, and they suckered in the Rock, come on. Does Paul Walker have anything else to do.

5:58 good work by A-Rod to get rid of that ball, Bulaga needs to control Woodley

5:59 Green Bay is finding some running lanes, Bulaga is getting worked.

6:01 TD for the white guy, Jordy Nelson, him and Starks were that whole drive, 7-0 Green Bay

6:02 oh sweet mother, fish can't eat Dorito's.

6:03 anyway to get peoples minds off the pending lockout NFL I get it sell the draft.

6:04 Green Bay has some serious kick coverage problems, I thought the Dan Connelly return was bad, but Brown has two nice ones so far.

6:05 Cowboys and Aliens equals dumb, this Kia commercial sucks as well

6:06 these franchises do have long history's play it up Fox.

6:07 terrible play by Ben, nice play by Collins, this just got crazy, flags on the play, to much celebrating. nice play by 95 missed the name, but great play. Howard Green

6:09 animated Eminem, decent commercial, not great but the guy beeping it was funny.

6:11 Pittsburgh can't abandon the run, things will settle down, btw I called for a TAINT by Green Bay but of course got the guy wrong again. Keep running.

6:12 things are getting chippy already, Keomatu is the dirtiest player in the league.

6:14 don't abandon the run, you got first downs, then you throw and get nothing, think the knee is gonna be an excuse, no.

6:15 can't move at all Aikman says, oh wait he just ran for 20 yards, excellent announcing, Chris says run it's the cops, awesome. 1st quarter is over, only took 45 minutes my god, 14-0 Green Bay

6:17 go away Go Daddy, pleaso go away, first Jillian now Joan, ugly.

6:19 Traman Williams great play, is Sanders hurt stay tuned, I think the Steelers are quitters that's for Erb.

6:22 ok Sanders is really hurt. Nick Collins is a stud. Shaun Shazam time, I'm guessing he misses.

6:23 barely Pitt do you trust that guy with the game on the line, I don't 14-3 Green Bay.

6:29 if Emmanuel Sanders was my teammate he'd have to wait till after everyone else showered to shower, PERIOD.

6:30 run a far enough route on 3rd down, duh.

6:33 Fox isn't shying from the Ben suspension, you can't rape people and get away with it, well I guess you can but you can't run from it.

6:34 add another quitter to the list, at least only Cutler quit on the Bears, guys are dropping like flies.

6:35 Pittsburgh isn't abandoning the run, I'm making this a point because I think Pitt can run Green Bay out of this game.

6:36 Ben is a fullback playing QB what a load, (that's what she said)

6:38 Aikman brought this up, about ranking guys all time, can we stop with this nonsense, let guys end their careers before we start ranking them, a la Peyton last year he was greatest ever, this year he's not as good as Brady, Ben, or Brees.

6:40 gotta love Roseanne that was funny.

6:41 dumbasses watching from outside, lame.

6:42 another poor pass by Ben, good play by Bush, Green Bay is like plus 10 in the playoffs.

6:44 where the F did Jordy Nelson come from, does he have some pics of A-Rod with a dong in his mouth or something. Starks going beast mode on that run, nice play rook.

6:45 TD to Jennings, nice try Troy I think you hurt him but he held on. gut check throw by A-Rod, 21-3 Green Bay, just lost 50 bucks with that one, here's hoping for a FG before half.

6:47 this hasn't been pretty by any means, but Green Bay doesn't seem like their dominating just mistakes by Ben are the difference.

6:48 Clay needs to take this game over, where did Antwan Randle El come from, he does this stinks then has a huge game, good for him stepping up for Sanders going down.

6:51 add another name to the quitter list, gonna be a long line for the shower after everyone else, starting to question if this field is garbage, another slow guy getting up. Lot's of guys pulling the Urban Meyer, right MJD.

6:54 another poor decision by Ben how does a 6'5 guy get a ball tipped.

6:55 Green Bay keeps giving up big plays on 3rd down, get a stop here Pack

6:56 TD Hines Ward from Ben, does Green Bay have any DB's left, they just went down the field in a hurry. 21-10, lost some money there, damn.

6:58 seriously what is going on with this field, everyone is hurt, I think I'm hurt sitting here.

7:00 halftime is here, 21-10 the score, we'll see if any Green Bay DB's come back out, time for the Black Eyed Peas, I'll be sleeping.

7:25 halftime almost over, thoughts on the show, audio was terrible, Slash rules, that's all.

7:26 back in the booth Jess asks did Joe Buck dye his hair he looks blonder, I agree.

7:30 Nelson takes the knee, halftime over. Chaz Woodson out for the game, crap he's my boy. Sorry Chaz.

7:32 Green Bay better go on a 30 minutes 80 yd drive, b/c they have nobody to cover Pitts WR's.

7:33 so far 3rd quarter 1 play two penalties. Sloppy Green Bay.

7:34 Jordy Nelson is the Great White Buffalo,

7:35 James Jones with the dropsies, in the words of Charlie Tweeder, look it's a ball I catch it.

7:36 BS call he had the jersey not the mask, the NFL loves Pittsburgh, all of Seattle just sent Green Bay a sympathy card.

7:37 NEW NEW E Trade baby, a little wierd. Bieber and Ozzy, nice.

7:39 another guy hurt, nice run Mendy Green Bay's D better not blow this lead.

7:41 another big run, I knew Pittsburgh could run on these guys. Red Zone Pitt

7:42 TD Mendy, Pittsburgh has dominated this game, just two mistakes by Ben are the difference Green Bay needs to move the ball or Pitt is gonna run away from them. Shazam almost missed an extra point, 21-17 Green Bay.

7:45 IOWA, congrats again to Sal Guinta.

7:46 Well this is the moment of truth right here games aren't won in the 3rd quarter but it could be lost, come on Rogers move the ball

7:47 CATCH THE DAMN BALL, come on. read the preview I said these guys can get the dropsies.

7:48 first scramble by A-Rod, right into Harrison, game over, Pittsburgh is gonna win, where is the flag for facemask that time

7:49 is it just me or have none of the commercials been memorable, so far pretty lame.

7:51 what exactly does Omar do for Pittsburgh LeBeau calls the D, not sure who the O guy is but Omar just stands there, must be an easy gig as coach having the best D Coordinator ever.

7:53 gonna wish you had the TO later in the game.

7:54 CarMax is kind of stepping it up, not memorable but funny.

7:56, stop the run Green Bay.

7:57 uh oh, Ben is going into Eff U mode. Make the play Clay, it's your only chance, need to seize opportunity.

7:58 get the stop here and Shazam will miss the FG

7:59 Sacajewea, ZOMBO, Shazam will now miss. OMG is he terrible, that ball ended up in Houston.

8:02 Eminem again, did Kim take all his money or something.

8:03 Green Bay moved the pocket there (me and Troy thinking alike, kill me now) Jordy with the catch, he can catch. Anyone else see A-Rod try to crack back there. Pretty sure Driver is done with boot on, QUITTER, didn't realize Driver was such a big Urban Meyer fan.

8:06 decent drive, well I guess it was only one play, playing the field position game, and punt.

8:07 D needs to flex it's muscle here, Pitts rb's seem like they run through 3 tackles before they go down.

8:09 nice clean shot by the GB DB, stupid play by the punt returner, keep your head dumb ass.

8:11 I love Chaz, but dude don't be standing there celebrating when your hurt enjoy showering last a-hole.

8:14 turn the mic off Ref, dumb challenge by McCarthy, he sucks when it comes to this stuff, big mistake here. I think the NFL has too many rules, proof is Fox has to have an official in the booth

8:15 I'm changing my mind on this he caught it turned upfield, then stripped that's a catch in my house, of course Calvin Johnson had a catch week 1 in my house as well.

8:18 NFL loves them some Steelers, play upheld, another penalty on Green Bay, Goodell has spoken, Pittsburgh must win.

8:20 3rd Quarter is going on now for over 50 minutes.

8:21 another run, another missed tackle, get your 4's up 21-17 Green Bay still up front.

8:22 you know damn well the Dukes of Hazard were Redskins fans nobody likes the Falcons, and lots of Southern fans love the Skins.

8:24 and it's a fumble, Pittsburgh insists on giving this game away, they have totally outplayed Green Bay all game, 3rd mistake, 4th if you count letting Shazam on the team.

8:25 make it hurt Green Bay, eat the clock, not go down and score right away, wait did I just suggest clock management to McCarthy not gonna happen.

8:26 I'm sure MVP voting is open now, Nelson if Green Bay wins, Ben if Pitt does.

8:27 wouldn't be surprised if Omar challenges and the officials overturn it. CLOCK MANAGEMENT run the ball use the clock.

8:28 what was that, another drop CATCH THE F'N BALL, and the clock stopped again

8:29 just when I think you couldn't get any dumber, YOU TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELF, Troy didn't make a very good play on that tackle, here those boos white guy in the backfield must be Kuhn.

8:30 another pass, and sack, dear Mike McCarthy run the rock, 5-Wide from the 8, TD Jennings, still think Nelson is the MVP, but Rogers is gonna get it. Media loves them some QB, 28-17 Green Bay. 21 points off turnovers for the Packers.

8:32 I must hammer this point home, you need to run the ball and keep the clock moving, giving Pittsburgh too much time is gonna bite you in the ass, however they do only have one TO left but still keep the clock moving.

8:34 the quitters are celebrating a lot on the sidelines, hope MJD is paying attention, I'll check hist twitter feed later to see if he's killing these guys.

8:35 anyone else sick of animated movies, I can't see them all but their about the same anymore. No Aladdin that's for sure.

8:36 Kevin Greene going against his old team, he's like screw you I want my ring

8:37 Fox showing the top quitter of the day, can't play with a broken ankle what a puss.

8:38 Green Bay needs a stop here, get the stop game over, let them drive, keeps hope alive, get a stop run some clock.

8:39 side note we're right on the cusp of the over/under number was 45.5, we have 45 points, lots of money on the line now.

8:40 Pitt is once again abandoning the run, don't do it, you have plenty of time. is that fan noise I hear this place is too big, sounds like we're watching the game on CBS which has terrible audio.

8:41 Ben took his time there, this drive is almost longer than Green Bay's last one, at least someone knows something about clock management.

8:42 Ben to Wallace TD Pittsburgh, you see they have all kinds of time, going for 2 trying to get to a 3 point game but shazam will miss if givin the opportunity.

8:43 trickeration, Pitt pulls out the college option, 28-25, 7 and a half to go. McCarthy will blow this somehow.

8:44 Go Daddy still sucks, nobody wants to see Jillian naked.

8:46 I've said it once I'll say it again, commercial kick commercial dumbest sequence ever.

8:47 The German car companies stepping up the advertisements.

8:49 sack again, run the ball, run the ball, run the ball, run the ball, run the ball, run the ball, run the ball run the ball, run the ball, gonna say this until something else happens, run the ball run the ball run the ball.

8:50 Green Bay is trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory

8:51 huge play to Jennings, now run the damn thing and use some clock. what was that sorry a 12 yd gain oh yeah run the f'n ball.

8:52 getting down on clock time and Pittsburgh only has one timeout, just under 4 to go, no fg here it does you no good.

8:53 1st and goal, Jones actually caught the damn thing. run the ball

8:54 Crabtree just made a great play, that catch kept the clock rolling, run the ball, bubble screen just as good I guess, under 3 to go.

8:55 need to catch that Jordy, however, RUN THE BALL, use the clock you dummy, FG is good 31-25, 7 seconds before the 2 minute warning and we go to commercial, LAME.

8:59 good squib kick, but a flag is thrown, that official is fired no penalties on Pittsburgh. 2 minute warning, we'll see how Ben does, this is a career making drive, he could take this victory from Green Bay the way he took that girls dignity.

9:02 I'm not even a fan or either team and my heart is racing.

9:03 Pitt just wasted the first minute 3 plays that's all, not good use of time.

9:04 4th down, Green Bay has a history of folding in these situations, dare I say 4th and 26.

9:05 incomplete, Green Bay wins, Green Bay wins, Troy wants a flag, let's get another look, what contact? good no call, what was there to call?

9:06 what an ugly game this was not one for the ages, ugly game, Green Bay wasn't the better team, Pittsburgh just made all the mistakes. Titletown USA gets another one.

9:08 hate these interviews let these guys celebrate please. Get that stage out there Glee is on deck.

9:10 so the love of QB's is gonna continue and Rogers is gonna get the MVP, Nelson made all the big plays he should get it.

9:12 LOOOOONG commercial here, Green Bay I had you guys winning but please be honest Pittsburgh gave that game away more than you won it, don't get cocky please, Congrats I'm giving you your props but great is not a way to describe how you played.

9:13 This game hinged on 4 plays, the Ben picks both were bad throws, the Mendy fumble, and the decision to kick that 52 yarder, Green Bay took full advantage of the first 3, and earned the victory.

9:15 In regards to me calling guys quitters, I didn't mean any of it, I was making light of the jerk off guys who buried Jay Cutler who tried to play but still got killed.

9:16 a Cowboy bringing the trophy up to a stage hosted by a Steeler, Green Bay this is sweet sweet revenge for you, put on top of that you got the George Halas trophy at home, anyone who has a beef with Green Bay can suck it.

9:18 Damn you Green Bay now you guys got one more than the Skins, crap. hats are ugly.

9:19 tired of the QB's getting all the damn credit. Nelson needs to be on this stage 9 catches for 140 and a score, MVP worthy to me.

9:21 well the lockout has officially begun we'll see you in October.

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