Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Diary 2012

We are live from the man cave, got a couple of extra commentators tonight. In addition to our normal extra helpers, Chris via text, and Jessica here, we also will have my friends Nick and Shannon quoted throughout. As always this is unedited and what I write stays on the paper.

5:09 liked how they did the starters there, but come on Manningham say Michigan.

5:10 Al Micheals brings out the Giants

5:11 to a round of boos and Ozzie he come the Pats, Bellichek of course shoving it to the NFL by wearing the sweatshirt with cut off sleaves.

5:14 Must say I'm happy to have Al and Chris tonight Fox and CBS A-Squads suck.

5:15 Miranda and Blake to sing America the Beautiful, nobody represents America like drunk country singers.

5:16 All the players look annoyed by this and then they show Tom Coughlin and he's singing the song, that guy kills me.

5:18 Kelly Clarkson time, with a choir behind her nice rendition except for those bangs.

5:19 Jessica says good job didn't screw up the words.

5:23 Collinsworth just pick the Giants, b/c he said whoever gets a pass rush will win, the Pats have no pass rush, Nick agrees.

5:24 Tom Brady is fired up, nice to hear that, and you don't want a pissed off Brady I've always said that. New HOF guys out there for coin toss, still BS that Cris Carter can't get in.

5:25 who gets to flip the coin, former Patriot Curtis Martin, who also played in New York for the Jets.

5:26 Pats defer Giants get the ball, and NBC brings up lame stat that for the first time in 15 years the AFC wins the coin toss who cares. Shannon just asked who is everyone cheering for Jessica says I don't care, Nick hates the Pats, so he goes NYG, I'm not voicing my opinion.

5:27 Al says the Super Bowl is next don't think the kick will get off by 5:29.

5:30 the Helmet catch makes me sick too this day. No touchback that was weird I thought for sure it would be.

5:31 Al compares this Giants team to the one that won the Super bowl 4 years ago, can't run on the Patriots they have a bad d but you can't run on them.

5:33 and Eli strikes, his 3rd down numbers are amazing this year, against Green Bay and San Fran 3rd down was his down. The Giants don't look sloppy sometimes the layoff hurts doesn't look like it for them.

5:35 Collingsworth says the Pats need to stop the Giants last ranked running game. Patriots DB needs to make a better play there.

5:36 Sack on first down by the Pats, the play before Eli made a poor decision, he'll do that about 5 times a game you need to capitlize to beat the Giants.

5:37 here is the key to the game get off the field on 3rd down, and Mark Anderson gets a sack

5:38 great punt Tom Brady will get the ball at the 5.

5:39 can Vampires and werewolves just go away.

5:40 my bold prediction the Pats will use Chad 85 a lot.

5:41 grounding on Brady, safety big mistake by Tom. who had safety for first points of the game you just made some bank.

5:43 replay of the safety shows Tom made a stupid throw and nobody was going down the middle of the field.

5:44 need to tackle those FB's

5:45 tired of seeing the Giants offense already, Pats need to start tackling.

5:46 that safety was terrible for the Pats D, got off the field feeling good about themselves get one play off then boom your back on the field.

5:48 Al gives us a break down as if someone just came in and went why is it 2-0.

5:49 the Pats are shooting themselves in the foot, thought this was what Bellichek teams didn't do?

5:51 and we're salsa dancing with Victor Cruz, Eli should've had a pick there, I'm telling you he does this 6-7 times a game, you gotta pick him off when you get your shots.

5:53 new M&M's oh Red you kill me, that one was funny.

5:57 the Giants d finally has to play, and Aaron Ross makes a great play, is anyone cockier than the Giants? Anyone?

5:58 screen to the law firm, 3rd down Brady hits Deion Branch, let's go.

5:59 UH OH Brady is grooving, Pats go no huddle, expect a Giants "injury" soon.

6:00 Aaron Ross your so good making a tackle 10 yards down field, end of the first quarter 9-0 Giants. Only took a half hour.

6:02 thank you go daddy for not having Danica or Jillian naked this year.

6:03 new Liam Neeson movie I would pay to watch Liam Neeson order coffee at Starbucks, "I'll have a Venti coffee, with 2 sugars" the movie btw is Battleship, guessing like the board game?

6:04 Pats in the red zone this is where a healthy Gronk helps, 3rd down let's see what happens.

6:05 batted down, even if he completes that ball to Hernandez he won't get the 1st poor decision making by Brady, Gostkowski on is good 9-3.

6:12 big gap there was getting some food, Dorito's commercial with the dog was funny and the little boy peeing in the pool was funny

6:15 I like Collinsworth and all but he over analyzes, big 3rd down here. Once again Eli connects, the Giants are so good on 3rd down, so good.

6:17 fans wanted a flag on the previous play but Chung had perfect technique.

6:18 3rd and forever here Pats make the tackle, do the Giants go for it? no they punt. Al that was a terrible joke with the Dodge pun

6:21 Shannon wanted the bear to open the coke bottle after all that.

6:22 another knocked down pass for JPP, Pats may want to run some draws of something to get the arms down.

6:23 the Pats again run a route short of the 1st down on 3rd down, gotta be better, anyone seen Gronk yet?

6:25 Giants keep hitting the flats for 6 or 8 yard chunks.

6:26 eating my words the Giants are starting to run the ball, thought for sure the Pats would make the plays.

6:27 for the 1000th time we have to hear Snee is Coughlin's son-in-law.

6:28 the one thing Brandon Jacobs does is run his mouth more than the ball. Holding on the Giants, now Eli on 3rd and 11.

6:29 Once again Eli just throws it up and hopes someone makes a play on the ball, he's not better than his brother don't ever say anything different.

6:30 Weatherford is on, Shannon says he looks like a total ass when he does well.

6:32 if they redo every Star Wars movie in 3d I may choke myself. Another safety here? maybe

6:33 if Gronk doesn't get going he won't play the 2nd half that ankle will only stiffen up with the long break.

6:34 GRONK is here, made a nice catch there.

6:35 2 minute warning we are moving right along tonight, The Avengers might be good.

6:38 Pats almost across midfield they need a score here any score at all, b/c they get the ball after half.

6:40 Brady is going to Hernandez a lot more than normal, this Gronk injury is a big deal, bigger than I thought it would be. Hernandez again on 3rd down.

6:42 not sure what the Pats are doing here letting a lot of the clock run off, Time out their in the Red zone.

6:43 new E-Trade baby, Bruce Willis is GI Joe, now that's funny since his ex was GI Jane.

6:45 Woodhead running through tackles after I said he wasn't very good. Woodhead again down to the 5

6:46 why the hell isn't the Law Firm in this situation, Woodhead is ok but he isn't a goaline back put in the law firm.

6:47 Brady to Woodhead TD Pats, Brady had 3 days to throw that ball, the Giants outthought themselves dropping JPP into coverage.

6:49 I hear "This is Our House" in the background almost as if I'm a Dubuque Fighting Saints game.

6:51 halftime 10-9 my 1st half thoughts, the Giants are lucky to be this close, the only reason they scored is b/c of Brady's mistake and then they scored the TD after the D had no rest, Brady is cutting up this defense, should be a good 2nd half whoever makes the right adjustments will win.

7:09 can we get rid of halftime shows please this is terrible, Niki Minaj was so off on her lip-synching. Seriously though get rid of haltime shows.

7:21 after we've all raided the buffet on the bar we are back and ready to go, Pats get the ball first.

7:22 Bellichek says we need to use the red zone better, hey Bill you made it twice got a fg and a TD, that's good use of the red zone.

7:23 Chad 8 5 makes a play NO WAY.

7:24 The Law Firm breaks a run, Pats are stomring the castle. 14 straight completions for 12, he's pretty good.

7:26 of course they have to remind us that Tom Brady loves Joe Montana.

7:27 Pats are in the red zone again, Welker with the catch, for all the talk of how easy he is to stop the Giants can't do it.

7:28 TOUCHDOWN HERNANDEZ, nice play to run over the DB. 17-9 Pats.

7:29 I think Smash is gonna make it 2 episodes.

7:31 enough about the TE's being the difference maker for the Pats, there big WR's who are slow that's all they are. They are match up nightmares I get it but seriously we don't need to keep hearing about it.

7:33 3rd down here for the Giants if the Pats keeping getting off the field they'll be fine this half.

7:34 Pats keep doubling Cruz so Nicks keeps getting the looks. Again Eli goes to the flat on 1st down, Pats need to shut that down

7:35 Eli is heating up, Nicks is starting to tear it up.

7:36 that should've been a flag for defense less player, Patrick Chung killed Nicks there. Eli got away with another stupid pass 3rd down.

7:37 could be FG time, Manningham got floored there. FG is good, "snuck it in" according to Nick, 17-12 Pats.

7:41 good job NBC took till the 2nd half to show "the Manning" box.

7:43 it's been 5 minutes since a play has been made, Blackburn makes a great play on the Law Firm. JPP is down and instead of showing it we go to commercial.

7:45 lots of GE commercials of courese we're watching the Super Bowl on the network they own.

7:47 not a good series for the Pats there, 3 and out.

7:48 this quarter is taking forever.

7:49 Bud and Bud Light are way down this year, not memorable at all.

7:50 Cris Collinsworth goes with "He's giving it that thing" in regards to Brady stretching his left arm excellent analysis.

7:51 typical Giants fumble the ball and somehow offensive lineman come down and recover it. Giants always get these breaks.

7:53 G-men in the red zone we may be salsa dancing real soon. Pats d is hanging on by a thread here,

7:55 3 man rush gets to Eli on 3rd down, another FG attempt for Tynes. sneaks that one in too 17-15 Pats still lead.

7:58 Gronk is done, if I were the Pats I'd stop using him, get Chad 85 in there and let him take over. 1st down to Branch Pats needed that one.

7:59 after 3 it's 17-15, 15 minutes to go still no feel for who has the advantage in this game.

8:01 just took a poll of the room and it's a consesus the Pats are gonna win unless the Giants d steps up.

8:02 I'm sure MVP voting is now open who ya got, guessing it'll be the QB.

8:04 Brady throws a deep pick basically a punt there, should've been interference in my eyes he pushed Gronk out of the way.

8:05 Typical Giants again fumble and recover it, I'm gonna puke, 3rd down.

8:07 Metlife nice play using cartoons of my youth.

8:08 incomplete flag on the play, looks against the Pats, 3rd and 2. can't have dump penalties.

8:09 Eli magic again on 3rd down the guy is automatic. Nicks has 7 catches Cruz has 2 who do you think Bellichek is keying on?

8:11 Ballard is down Collinsworth well that changes everything.

8:12 Bud Light your still sucking tonight.

8:14 Cruz on back to back plays, Eli threw into double coverage telling you he takes chances.
Giants are turning it on, see what happens if they get to the red zone again.

8:16 Manningham should've stayed in bounds there terrible play by him. Can someone do a study to see if a timeout is worth more than 5 yards, the Giants have used 2 to's on this drive.

8:18 then they get a 5 yard false start penalty anyway, not good use of the timeout. Collinsworth says that's interference right away. Great play in my eyes.

8:20 Kia did a good job there liked the Crue.

8:21 it will be interesting to see how Tom reacts here after the pick on the last drive. 3rd drive for the pats that starts inside the 10.

8:22 Giants front is starting to get there, last 3 plays Brady has had happy feet in the pocket. 3rd down.

8:23 Woodhead excellent run after the catch. Now the Pats need to start working the clock some. Just under 8 to go

8:24 Al brings up the Law Firm has never fumbled in his career, Antrel Rolle is hurt maybe his jaw sore from all the talking he does.

8:25 Samsung pulls out the Darkness wow, and Urlacher that was cool.

8:27 Pats with a little trickeration, Brady got in the way a little. Less than 7 to go.

8:28 not gonna lie this game has been very ho-hum not a single HUGE play yet, last 5 minutes could interesting or boring. Big 3rd down here, I say Gronk time, instead Hernandez out of the backfield, the Pats are assaulting the clock now.

8:29 Collinsworth says stop covering Hernandez with a LB, good luck doing it with a DB.

8:30 this is shaping up to be a game winning drive for the Giants, Welker needs to catch that Brady was a little off. Collinsworth says he makes that catch a 100 times out of a 100 well I guess not dumbass. Incomplete on 3rd and 11 Pats will punt.

8:31 Eli has 3:46, 1 timeout, and 89 yards to go. Collinsworth says we should have these two play all the time, both the girls groaned.

8:33 great play by Manningham, that might be the HUGE play I was talking about Bill is gonna challenge, to be honest there is no reason not to challenge b/c it's not like you need 3 to's.

8:35 seriously I'm gonna be sick, Collinsworth says this is gonna be the play you see for 50 years if the Giants win, yuck, don't care if Manningham is a Michigan man.

8:36 Manningham is the go to guy on this drive, Giants in FG range just over 3 minutes to go.

8:37 4th play of the drive, 4th pass to Manningham 3 catches on 4 targets this drive. 2 minute warning Nicks gets the ball inside the Red Zone.

8:41 if I were the Pats I'd start to think about letting them score. 1st and goal Giants,

8:42 timeout Pats 1:04 to go

8:43 Collinsworth is starting to claim Eli is elite he is, but get over it. TD Giants Bradshaw didn't want to score but he did, Giants going for 2 don't get it 21-17 G-men.

8:45 4 years ago Brady had his chance and didn't come up with the plays, let's see if Welker Hernandez Gronk 85 and Branch can make it happen.

8:46 Nick is not happy even though he has 5 in the numbers, says he hates Brady that much.

8:47 Al says no GRONK, that ankle is dead, Branch drops an easy one.

8:48 I'm gonna puke, another DROP by Hernandez, not happy. Giants are starting to feel it. Sack on 3rd down, brings up 4th and 17. Timeout Pats.

8:50 HUGE catch by Branch, 1st down, Brady shows some elusiveness. another 1st down 17 seconds left.

8:51 too many man on the Giants, 9 seconds left.

8:52 incomplete to Branch 5 seconds left, starting to think of how I can avoid ESPN till next year.

8:53 Hail Mary comes up incomplete Gronk almost had it. That was possibly the worst Super Bowl in years, not a good one in my eyes.

8:54 Redskins beat the Giants twice this year yet these elite teams can't beat them.

8:55 that's all for tonight what a terrible game, see you at the draft I'll be avoiding all ESPN for at least a week don't expect much football talk from me. I might check in this week with my thoughts on Josh Hamilton

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