Friday, April 20, 2012


Getting amp'd up for a draft diary next week, so I figured might as well shoot out a couple of blogs this weekend and maybe into next week before Thursday's first round.  Got a couple of ideas just need to put them into motion.  First thing that is on my mind is this stupid bounty case in New Orleans.

For the record I'm a Gregg Williams guy, I wanted him to coach the Skins when Joe Gibbs retired.  Instead Dan Snyder ran him off and hired Jim Zorn as head coach setting the Redskins back 3 years.  I've heard Williams ran a bounty system for the Skins, and I'm against that, but the fact everyone is acting shocked is really pissing me off.  Bounties in sports are as old as sports.  I found a few things when the suspension of Sean Payton and others came down.  One of the examples was from 1986 when the Green Bay Packers had numbers of Chicago Bears players written down on the towels on their wastes.  A defensive lineman picked up Jim McMahon and dropped him on his head after Jim threw a pass, not right after, like 5 steps after.  THAT was a bounty.  A few years ago the Baltimore Ravens admitted to having a bounty out for Hines Ward and Rashard Mendenhal of Pittsburgh, including Ray Lewis breaking Mendenhal's leg.  THAT was a bounty, and NOBODY got suspended.  I understand why the Saints got in so much trouble, it's because they lied and said they ended.  When in fact they didn't end.  The full year suspension of Sean Payton is a tragedy and completly unfair.

A few weeks ago a tape got leaked of Gregg Williams speech before the playoff game against San Francisco.  He made comments about hitting a concussed player, and questioning Micheal Crabtree's passion.  What do you think coaches say before games?  When I was in high school I remember a kid from another school playing nose tackle was about 5'6" 140lbs. and wreeking havoc on the confrence.  That week of practice our coaches told our 200+ offensive lineman to beat him up.  Make him think twice for playing against us.  Kick his ass into submission.  That's in high school, I can only imagine what college and pro coaches say, let alone what other players say.  I'm pretty sure if you heard what was said in the locker room you'd be shocked, pretty sure everyone says, including analyst if you want to win you kill the head of the snake.  Meaning, you wanna beat Minnesota get Peterson, you wanna be New England hit Brady.  I hear it all the time on ESPN or NFL Network guys saying if you wanna be Tom Brady hit him, get around his feet he doesn't like it.  That almost sounds bountish.

Your hearing rumors of player suspensions for this bounty system.  That is absolute crap, from what I've heard Gregg Williams was running the bounty system, and Gregg Williams, the Saints GM, and Sean Payton were the ones who lied to the NFL.  I haven't read everything but I haven't heard the NFL asked players if it was still happening.  The name I keep hearing Jonathan Vilma put 10 grand on the table for whoever took out Brett Favre, 10 grand?  Oh boy 10 grand to hurt a guy who never gets hurt so if your gonna take him out it's gonna have to be an illegal hit that costs you 50 grand, so your out 40 grand, nice work.  If players were putting up their own money I'm guessing it was at the pushing of Gregg Williams to do so.  I look at it like this, when you go after orgainized crime you get the Boss, and the henchmen get lighter sentences.  So if Williams gets at least a year than any player suspension should only be a fine, if that.  These guys were following orders don't punish them.

My wrap it up thought is this.  Bounties aren't right.  Lieing isn't right.  However, acting like bounties are a new thing is stupid.  Being shocked guys are gunning for each other is stupid.  The NFL acting like they care about player safety and not just superstars safety is stupid.  The hypocrasy of this ruling is annoying, if you wanna get tough on bounties get tough 5 years ago when Terrell Suggs admited to having a bounty for those Steelers, and Ray Lewis celebrated breaking Mendy's leg.  All the sudden now the NFL is getting sued by former players they get tough.  Final thought the hits they showed of Brett Favre and Kurt Warner in the playoff run were mostly clean including the hit that took Warner out.  QB throws a pick he's fair game in my eyes.  Like I said I'll be around a lot more this weekend, in the meantime follow me on twitter @derekbredeson to get my thoughts on everyday things.

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