Monday, October 29, 2012

World Champions of the World

Like you thought I'd talk about anything else today?  Last night the San Francisco Giants won the World Series in a 4 game sweep of the Detroit Tigers, 2 World Series wins for the Giants in the last 3 years.  I'm not gonna go on a long narrative about the team and ups and downs of the season just gonna hit a few of the points I want to make, some will be short some will be long here we go.

I've said it twice on Facebook but the talk before the series reminded me so much of 2010, in both series the Giants were suppossedly outpowered, but the Giants clowned Prince and Cabrera like they did Hamilton and Cruz for the Rangers.  Two years ago the Rangers had the "best pitcher" in the series in Cliff Lee well the Giants whooped him twice, this year Verlander was that guy and Kung Fu Panda did some yard work twice.  Of course you had to outplay both those teams their great but the Giants were better.

The 2 teams have a lot in common but a lot of differences, for the most part the pitching was the same, only names missing from this year were Jonathan Sanchez and Brian Wilson.  Zito wasn't on the postseason roster but he stepped up this year and pitched well, Romo was the set up man for Wilson 2 years ago this year he shut the door.  In the starting 8 position players only 1 guy was on both teams, Buster Posey, and Pablo Sandoval was only other starter on roster 2 years ago. 

Biggest difference is the homegrown talent on this team Brandon Belt and Brandon Crawford both farm kids from the Giants, as well as Posey and Sandoval.  2 years ago it was a bunch of misfits, this year was a team built by Brian Sabean.

Mid-August the Dodgers brought all those Red Sox in and everyone said be affraid, but the Giants weren't affraid, in fact the Dodgers were closer in the race the day they made the trade than they were at the end of the season.

The Giants have the All Star Game MVP-Melky Cabrera, LCS MVP Marco Scutaro, World Series MVP Pablo Sandoval, and hopefully regular season MVP Buster Posey all in one year, that's pretty cool that it's 4 different guys.

Tim Lincecum was an absolute weapon for us, he pitched amazingly out of the pen.  He also took the ball in game 4 in the LCS which gave us the option get Mad-Bum right.  He was a huge weapon and I'm happy to have his Jersey hanging in my basement.

I've been a Giants fan my whole life and have never waivered by rooting for anybody else or having an American League team I like.  This stems from Robby Thompson my 4th cousin playing his entire career for the Giants including batting 2nd and playing 2nd on the 1989 World Series team, and I hope that I bring to the table a little more perspective than some Johnny come lately fan who's only contribution is posting the teams FB pics after every game, I love my team and welcome all fans but please be a fan and have something to contribute.  Know the players learn their stories get into the team, I know most people don't care as much as me but don't come around when things are going good add something.

Have a couple loose ends to tie up, if you follow me on twitter @derekbredeson you may have noticed I gave up on the Giants not once but twice this postseason, when they were down 0-2 to the Reds and Homer Bailey pitched a 1 hitter but somehow they pulled it out, I was sick and could barely watch a game.  BUT when they Timmy was pitching in game 4 I thought for sure the Giants were gonna win, I just didn't want to voice it to jinx it.  Then when the Giants were down 3-1 to the Cardinals in the LCS I stopped watching the games and they won game 5, so I didn't watch until they got up in both game 6 and 7.  Superstition is a bitch and couldn't bring myself to watch the games.  I was dying watching us loss those games and for my sake I had to stop watching b/c I loved this team so much.

The Blockbuster (Marco Scutaro) was the biggest pick up this year in MLB, I know we got Hunter Pence but Scutaro was the difference in the regular season and the difference in the LCS, what a pick up.

All this positivity I gotta be a little negative, I fucking hate Prince Fielder, that guy is a big piece of shit.  I remember a few years ago when he hit a walk off against the Giants the Brewers did this celebration where everyone fell down when Prince landed on the plate.  Since then I've disliked him, in game 1 he hit a liner to left and did some bat flip, well Gregor Blanco caught the ball and Prince had this look on his face, well buddy hope your happy with all that money b/c the Giants are gonna be at home shinning their rings.  I think Prince is a fat piece of crap who comes up small in big situations, I'm not sure on the actual stats but I know he didn't hit any homers and he didn't have 1 clutch at bat.

If you watch the highlights you'll see all kinds of great defensive plays by the Giants and the only guy on the Tigers who can make a play was Austin Jackson, I think defense was the difference in this Series.  The Giants could get to the balls where Miggy and Peralta couldn't for the Tigers.

Next year the Dodgers will be the favorite to win the West and I'm ok with that, we'll have to shock the World again and the Giants will once again come from nowhere to win it all. 

Last note I called the Giants winning it all on this blog in August and I had them beating the White Sox, well I was 3/4 right they beat the AL central champs just was the Tigers not the White Sox.  Chase note for the week Denny's chase is over and I remember in 2010 when he could've won the Chase instead he finished 2nd, I thought maybe this year the Giants would finish 2nd and he'd win the Chase but it's not gonna happen, so be it get stronger and come back next year Denny, or even try to win these last 3 races.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Lance Armstrong

Today it became official the International Cycling Union or UCI, not sure how that works, stripped Lance Armstrong of his 7 Tour De France titles.  Last week Armstrong stepped down as chairman of the Livestrong Foundation, and Nike dropped their sponsorship of him, and today Oakley his last sponsor dropped him.  The USADA brought the doping charges against Armstrong in August and he refused to fight them claiming he's tired of fighting.  My stance on Armstrong is this, why are we shocked that a guy who dominated the most doped sport doped?  I'm not shocked and frankly I was waiting for this too happen, all greats in doping sports eventually cave.  The debate however is this, should Armstrong be known as a doper or as a guy who helped raise more than 470 million dollars since it started in 1997.

I personally find the fact he helped raise 470 million dollars a farce.  Armstrong started the foundation in 1997, he won his first Tour de France in 1999, I have no facts to back this up but I bet he didn't raise as much money those first 2 years as his did after he won.  I bet you didn't wear one of those yellow bracelets until after he won a few of those races.  He basically built his foundation, career and bank account on lies.  My stance on steroids in baseball has been stated I'm all for it, and I won't crucify guys who used, my stance is almost the same for this.  Armstrong wanted to use to win, fine with me, but don't lie about it and don't have a foundation and career based off it.  I don't like when people say they're giving Armstrong a pass b/c of all the good he did.  Well that's awesome are those same people giving Joe Paterno a pass for all the good he did at Penn St.?  I bet not.  When your life is built on lies no matter what you did good or bad you should be held accountable.  So far, business wise Armstrong has but I fear in the court of public opinion he's getting a pass b/c he helped cancer victims. 

My final thought is this, if your Lance Armstrong please just admit the truth already, don't come out with this "I'm tired of fighting" crap, if your innocent you never get tired of fighting.

Monday, October 15, 2012

QB Trade Value Part II

I started it last week with the AFC, today we'll move onto the NFC.

Dallas Cowboys would trade Tony Romo for Tom Brady, Big Ben, Joe Flacco, Andy Dalton, Matt Schaub, Andrew Luck, Phillip Rivers, Peyton Manning, RG III, Eli Manning, Jay Cutler, Aaron Rodgers, Matthew Stafford, Cam Newton, Matt Ryan, Drew Brees, Russell Wilson, and Sam Bradford.  That's right the Cowboys would take over half the league over Tony Romo, what a pile this guy is, has anyone done less to be considered a top QB?  No Super Bowl appearences, 1 playoff win, and we have to hear about how great the Cowboys are constantly, wanna see Tony Romo's greatness watch the last 30 seconds of yesterdays game.

New York Giants would trade Eli Manning for nobody, he's their man and nobody could replace him.  2 rings over the Patriots, Eli is on the Mt. Rushmore of current NFL QB's nough said.

Philadelphia Eagles would trade Micheal Vick for Brady, Ben, Flacco, Schaub, Luck, Rivers, Peyton, Eli, Rodgers, Stafford, Cam, Ryan, Brees, and Bradford.  I think the Eagles are a mess and it starts at QB.  I think the Eagles need a guy who's experienced and accurate and they could be a Super Bowl team.  I kept RG III off the list b/c he's Vick 2.0 and the Eagles don't need what they already have.

Washington Redskins would trade Robert Griffin III for Brady, Ben, Luck, Eli, Rodgers, Stafford, Cam, Ryan, Brees, and Bradford.  I love RG III and did you see the 77 yard run he had yesterday to ice the game?  I'll give you my commentarty from the play.  RG drops back to pass, "why are you throwing the ball you idiots"  RG sees a hole and takes off, "get the first down run run"  RG makes a move away from a defender to the outside to get to the sideline "get down get down, keep the clock running"  RG realizes nobody is in front of him and goes the distance "go baby go baby, yeah baby RG III has struck."  Yeah only reason any of these guys could replace RG is expercience and maybe durability.  Another reason I listed these guys is they are better than RG but RG may have the biggest upside in the whole league.

Chicago Bears would trade Jay Cutler for Brady, Ben, Luck, Rivers, Peyton, Eli, Rodgers, Stafford, Cam, Ryan, Brees, and Bradford.  I'm pretty even keeled on Cutty, when he's good he's great, when he's bad he's Danny Wuerfel.  I can handle the faces he makes the attitude all of it b/c he's not the only one with those things, just the only one who gets seeked out when he's blowing up.  I think the Bears would have to get a guy who throws better than Cutler but not a runner except for Cam.

Detroit Lions would trade Mathew Stafford for, Brady, Ben, Eli, and Rodgers.  This doesn't mean Stafford is better than Peyton or Brees just means he's younger and has a future, the guys listed have rings and futures in this league so yeah Detroit would take them.  My Stafford rant is this, dude can you play the first 3 quarters the way you play the 4th good god man your killing me.

Green Bay Packers would trade Aaron Rodgers for nobody.  Only guy who could be listed is Eli and I don't think the Packers want Eli's up and downs in the locker room.

Minnesota Vikings would trade Christian Ponder for, Brady, Ben, Flacco, Schaub, Luck, Rivers, RG III, Eli, Cutler, Rodgers, Stafford, Cam, Ryan, Brees, and Bradford.  I like Ponder more and more but the Vikings have 2 of the best weapons on offense in the league in Peterson and Harvin.  Ponder has his moments but he threw one yesterday that cost the Vikings the game.

Atlanta Falcons would trade Matt Ryan for, Eli and Rodgers.  Once again I'm not saying Matt Ryan is a top 3 QB just saying his age draft position and fit on this team makes him perfect for this team.  The Falcons are the last undefeated and Ryan has something to do with that, watch that pass he threw to Roddy White 2 weeks ago and tell me different.

Carolina Panthers would trade Cam Newton for Brady, Ben, Luck, Eli, Rodgers, Ryan, and Brees.  I think Cam is stuck with a bunch of losers and he's feeling like he needs to make every play.  I'm not really a Cam guy but I think the Panthers like him and frankly don't want to give him up for anybody, but these guys are pocket passers and could do a better than job than Cam right now.

New Orleans Saints would trade Drew Brees for Brady, Eli, and Rodgers.  This system is perfect for Brees and I can't imagine what these other three would look like in it, with a running game and the WR's that are dangerous, let alone Jimmy Graham.  The 3 listed have shown glimpses of offense like this but never consistantly like Brees.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers would trade Josh Freeman for Brady, Ben, Flacco, Dalton, Schaub, Luck, Rivers, Peyton, Carson Palmer, Romo, RG III, Eli, Vick, Cutler, Rodgers, Stafford, Ponder, Ryan, Cam, Brees, Wilson, and Bradford.  I'll be honest I don't like Josh Freeman, never have.  I think he's erratic and inconsistent.  I like a lot guys for the Yuks more than Freeman.

Arizona Cardinals would trade John Skelton/Kevin Kolb for everyone, you name them the Cards would take em.  I think it's a mess out in Arizona and they win despite it.  I even think a guy like Mark Sanchez would help.

San Francisco 49ers would trade Alex Smith for Brady, Ben, Flacco, Schaub, Luck, Rivers, Peyton, Eli, RG III, Cutler, Rodgers, Stafford, Cam, Ryan, Brees, and Bradford.  I think the 49ers are a QB away, Smith is good at times but you can't trust him to bring you back in a game.  I think that playoff game last year against the Saints was blip instead of the norm.  The 9ers need a winner and a playmaker.

Seattle Seahawks would trade Russell Wilson for Brady, Ben, Flacco, Luck, Eli, RG III, Rodgers, Stafford, Cam, Ryan, Brees, and Bradford.  Can't believe this list isn't longer, I don't even like Russell Wilson I just know the Seahawks love him and think he's the future.

St. Louis Rams would trade Sam Bradford for Brady, Ben, Eli, and Rodgers.  I've had Bradford on this list a lot and I think the Rams love that they have him, and wouldn't want another young QB on their team.

Well that's the end of the list I will say the NFC was much easier than the AFC.  Hope you enjoyed it and if you got any beefs feel free to leave a comment.  Chase thought of the week, Denny got 2nd and closed the gap a little but running out of fuel at Chicago in the first race is hanging around.  With 5 to go Denny has won at all the tracks and could still win this but the 48 and 2 aren't going anywhere.  Speaking of the 2, it was nice to see the fuel mileage bug bite them back since Brad always seems to win fuel mileage races.  Stay tuned to the NLCS this week as the Giants try to bounce back from last night, and if you want my thoughts on them follow me on Twitter @DerekBredeson, I'm pretty active during the games.

Monday, October 8, 2012

QB trade value

I was watching First Take last week, if you don't know the show Skip Bayless and Stephen A. Smith "argue" about the NFL and NBA 5 days a week, you don't have to watch the show daily they basically say the same thing day after day week after week.  Last week however they brought up a good question, what other team would take Tony Romo straight up in a trade for their QB?  It got me thinking if you were team A and team B called you up and said hey do you want our QB all you gotta give us is your QB.  Think of it as turning fair trades off on Madden and you giving Matt Cassel to the Patriots for Tom Brady, I know it couldn't happen but if your KC you'd take that deal.  I'm gonna list each teams starter and then say who they trade for.  Take into account age, system, and ability.  Another thing to look at is where someone was drafted or what the team gave up to get them.  Meaning guys like Tannehill, RG III, and Luck are in my eyes a little more valued by their current teams, and that is gonna go for a lot of teams who've drafted their QB in the last 3 years. 

Buffalo Bills would trade Ryan Fitzpatrick for Brady, Big Ben, Flacco, Andy Dalton-would be close, Matt Schaub, Andrew Luck, Phillip Rivers, Peyton, Romo-would be really close, RG III, Eli, Vick, Cutler, Rodgers, Stafford, Cam, Matt Ryan, Brees, and Sam Bradford.  I know Buffalo just gave Fitzy an extension but I tend to think they'd take most of these guys.  Over half of them are top 10 picks and for the most part are more consistent than Fitzy.  I think the Romo-Dalton-Vick line is really close other than that I think the rest would be no brainers for the Bills.

Miami Dolphins would trade Ryan Tannehill for Brady, Big Ben, Flacco, Schaub, Luck, Peyton, RG III, Eli, Rodgers, Stafford, Cam, Matt Ryan, Brees, and Sam Bradford.  I don't even like Tannehill and I think the list I made is short, but they took him top 10 so they'd have to get someone better than him back.  Guys like Rivers and Cutler are gonna be as inconssistant as Tannehill but he's younger so age does matter.

New England Patriots would trade Tom Brady for Eli and Rodgers.  Maybe one of the hardest decisions to make in this.  The only reason I think they'd pull this trigger is age, both guys are younger than Brady but both have rings.

New York Jets would trade Mark Sanchez for everyone but Kevin Kolb.  I think the Jets are done with Sanchez and even a Jake Locker or Brandon Weeden would at least get a little more rope from the fan base.  Now remember this is only for the starting QB so Tim Tebow isn't part of the discussion.  I just think Sanchez is in such a terrible spot that the Jets would be willing to take anyone for him if they could handle the pressure better.

Baltimore Ravens would trade Joe Flacco for Brady, Big Ben, Peyton, Eli, Rodgers, Stafford-close, Matt Ryan-close, Brees, and Sam Bradford.  I look at the Ravens like this, if they had an experienced QB they're in the Super Bowl last year.  They have talent on the outside but Flacco doesn't seem to utilize it all the time.  On the flip side I think they'd take one of the top QB's who've been in the league a few years but none of the new top guys, that's why I like Bradford-Ryan-Stafford for them but not Luck-RGIII-Cam, because Baltimore needs a guy who's been around at least a couple years.

Cincinnati Bengals would trade Andy Dalton for Brady, Big Ben, Flacco, Schaub-close, Luck, Rivers-close, Peyton, Eli, Rodgers, Stafford, Cam, Matt Ryan, Brees, and Sam Bradford.  I know the Bengals like Dalton but he's a game manager and they could use a playmaker back there.  I bet Jay Gruden would like a little more experience.  Rivers and Peyton would be interesting because the leap wouldn't be as big but I still think the Bengals make the move.  I'm gonna use Stafford-Bradford-Luck a lot in this thing only b/c they are all #1 picks and all have talent in bunches so I tend to think most teams would take them in heart beat.

Cleveland Browns would trade Brandon Weeden for Brady, Big Ben, Flacco, Dalton, Schaub, Rivers, Peyton, Carson Palmer, Romo, RG III, Eli, Vick, Cutler, Rodgers, Stafford, Christian Ponder, Cam, Matt Ryan, Brees, Alex Smith, and Sam Bradford.  Brandon Weeden is 28 years old, if it takes him 2 years to get comfortable in this system and the Browns to surround him with talent he'll be 30 on the downward portion of his career what a future.  I think the Browns would pull the trigger on someone younger than Weeden say a Ponder just because his age gives him a longer window to learn the system.

Pittsburgh Steelers would trade Ben Roethlisberger for Brady, Eli, Rodgers, and Brees.  For the most part I think Ben is the QB for the Steelers he's big and tough just like the Steelers but the 4 guys I listed all have that little extra Ben doesn't.  But Ben has age on Peyton, and is a winner over Rivers-Schaub-Flacco.

Houston Texans would trade Matt Schaub for Brady, Flacco-close, Big Ben, Rivers-close, Peyton, Eli, Rodgers, Stafford, Matt Ryan, Brees, and Sam Bradford.  Houston is in a unique position of being in a window where they could win it all, so they'd either need a proven winner or a young guy who takes care of the football b/c Kubiak doesn't like guys who give the ball away.  That's why I leave Cutler off he doesn't have the control to keep Kubiak happy.  I do however think a guy like Rivers would thrive with all the weapons.  Matt Ryan is basically doing the same think in Atlanta only slightly better so I like the fit.  Once again Bradford and Stafford are b/c of the age and draft postition.

Indianpolis Colts would trade Andrew Luck for Eli and Rodgers.  They have Peyton 2.0 and the only reason I think they'd take these 2 is age.  I keep Brady-Brees off b/c they're the closest to Peyton in age and the Colts are set at QB for the next 10 years and they only has about 5 years left.  Peyton is left off as well b/c frankly the Colts already made that deal.

Jacksonville Jaguars would trade Blain Gabbert for Brady, Big Ben, Flacco, Dalton, Schaub, Luck, Rivers, Peyton, Romo, RG III, Eli, Vick, Cutler, Rodgers, Stafford, Cam, Matt Ryan, Brees, and Sam Bradford.  I think the Jags are a mess that's all I can't really comment on the current situation.

Tennessee Titans would trade Jake Locker for Brady, Big Ben, Flacco, Schaub, Luck, Rivers, Peyton, Romo, RG III, Eli, Vick, Cutler, Rodgers, Stafford, Ponder, Cam, Matt Ryan, Brees, and Sam Bradford.  Another team that's a mess, I don't care for Locker and think he's overated but the Titans made their bed when they drafted him in the top ten, but I think they see Ponder and wish maybe they had him.

Denver Broncos would trade Peyton Manning for Brady, Big Ben, Rodgers, Eli, and Brees.  Requirement to replace Manning is rings and these guys are all younger than him and they all have rings.

Kansas City Chiefs would trade Matt Cassel for well it'd be easier to say who they wouldn't trade for, and that's Sanchez and Kevin Kolb.  The Chiefs are a mess and yesterday the fans cheered when Cassel got hurt.

Oakland Raiders would trade Carson Palmer for Brady, Big Ben, Flacco, Dalton, Schaub, Luck, Rivers, Peyton, RG III, Eli, Cutler, Rodgers, Stafford, Cam, Matt Ryan, Brees and Sam Bradford.  Another team that is a mess but if your Oakland you gotta upgrade so bringing in a guy who's a pick around 10 isn't gonna help he's either gotta be a winner or a top 3 pick.

San Diego Chargers would trade Phillip Rivers for , Brady, Big Ben, Flacco, Luck, Peyton, Eli, Rodgers, Stafford, Matt Ryan, Brees, and Sam Bradford.  I actually like Rivers and think he's a bona fide stud just stuck with nobodies at WR.

That's all for today I'll tackle the NFC next week.  Chase thought of the week is I wish on a last lap crash they raced back to the checker flag b/c if your car is so torn up it can't move a car who avoided the accident should finish higher than you if that car can cross the finish line.  Denny has 6 races left to make up 23 points, but the rest of the way doesn't have the bumps the last 2 weeks had.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Power Rankings week 4

We're 1 game away from the quarter pole but since I work Tuesday's I'll have to do the power rankings a day early.

32. Cleveland Browns 0-4, they are the worst in the league gave the Ravens a fight on Thursday.  Weeden isn't the answer and they have no weapons on the outside.  Trent Richardson is a nice piece but things need to change.

31. Oakland Raiders 1-3, their win took a miracle comeback.  They just seem overmatched wish I watched them more to have something to add.

30. New Orleans Saints 0-4, they lost their coach, their idenity, they've lost it all.  Sad part is they've lost to some bad teams and haven't even hit the hard part of the schedule yet.  You know the worst thing about this bounty thing is, the Saints D was never even that great, it took miracles for them to beat the Vikings in the NFC champ game a few years ago.

29. Kansas City Chiefs 1-3, only reason they aren't lower is that they beat the Saints.  Buffalo dismantled them 3 weeks ago.  I like the tools on O, but these top picks on D continue to underperform.

28. Jacksonville Jaguars 1-3, they stink, it's bad.

27. Tampa Bay Buccaneers 1-3, watched them yesterday, they have a bad secondary, and up until yesterday had a good run d but the Skins torched them.  Freeman is good at times but woeful at others.

26. Tennessee Titans 1-3, Locker got hurt yesterday, their line play is bad.  I can't name a guy on their D, gonna be a long year for the Titans.

25. Carolina Panthers 1-3, they've beaten the Saints, lost to a banged up Giants on a short week, lost to Atlanta yesterday.  I like Cam but I don't think he's surrounded with the weapons and talent to win.  Don't be surprised if they make a run though.

24. Maimi Dolphins 1-3, played the Jets and Cardinals to tough losses but I'm not buying them.  Tannehill is playing better than I expected but they still don't have the depth.

23. Indianapolis Colts 1-2, beat the Vikings week 2, but it was announced today they've lost their coach for at least 6 weeks ask the Saints how not having your head coach goes.  They are also lacking talent at a lot of positions.

22. Buffolo Bills 2-2, when their good their real good but their bad they blow ass.  Their defensive front is bad even though they have 90 some million of guranteed money on it.  Spiller is the real deal and they need to realize it.

21. Washington Redskins 2-2, lost to the Rams and Bengals, beat Saints and Bucs, not a tough schedule so far.  The secondary is terrible and needs help.  Offense is moving the right direction.

20. Seattle Seahawks 2-2, should be 1-3 but aren't I'm not buying the Hawks don't like Carrol or Russell Wilson.  Lost yesterday to the Rams.

19. Detroit Lions 1-3, they should be in the 20's I know but with all the talent they have they should be better than this record and I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt and thiking they'll still finish with 9 wins or so.

18. St. Louis Rams 2-2, never underestimate Jeff Fischer.

17. New York Jets 2-2, excuse me for not acting like the world is ending b/c the Jets are underperfomaning.  I'm tired of hearing they have no weapons, they have weapons just a shit head coach who doesn't know how to use them and I'm not talking about Tebow..

Top half of the league is

16. Pittsburgh Steelers 1-2, don't count the Steelers out that's all I'm gonna say.  They'll get this on track.

15. Denver Broncos 2-2, their gonna be up and down get used to it.  One week Manning, Decker, Thomas, and Stokely on gonna be on the same page the next week they won't.  Too much stock is giving in week to week performances let's get to week 10 and see where this team is.

14. Dallas Cowboys 2-1, shut up

13. Chicago Bears 2-1, whoever wins tonight will be 13 loser will be 14.

12. San Diego Chargers 3-1, who knows with this team they don't trust Ryan Mathews.  They are off to a good start which is odd for them but things could change, good for them they have Chiefs and Raiders in division.

11. New York Giants 2-2, Giants schedule so far prime time Wed, reg Sun, prime time Thurs, prime time Sun.  can these guys get a normal fucking schedule.  You can't overbuy or oversell the Giants whatever you do they'll make you look dumb.

10.  Philadelphia Eagles 3-1, first team to be 3-1 that turns the ball over so much.  This team still has a shit ton of talent they could win this whole thing or take a huge dump.

9. New England Patriots 2-2, took a contorversal call for them to have 2 losses.  Also took a terrible meltdown by the Bills to get 2nd win.  Defense is better than they have been in the past, and they have a running game, who knew.

8. Green Bay Packers 2-2, should be 3-1 BUT unless this offensive line doesn't start playing better they are doomed.  Also, can someone on this defense make some plays.  Really wish I watched them more but haven't yet.

7. Cincinnati Bengals 3-1, beat the Skins, Browns and Jags not an impressive resume, but Jay Gruden is a great o-cordinator.  This team has talent just a tough division.

6. Baltimore Ravens 3-1, do you trust Flacco?  Why do they abandon Ray Rice?  Why does a team so many thinks is one of the best in the league have so many questions?  Don't mention the old D.

5. Arizona Cardinals 4-0, beat the Eagles and Patriots, but struggled to beat the Dolphins at home.  They have serious questions at QB, but the D is awesome.

4. San Francisco 49ers 3-1, should be higher but the team they lost too isn't listed yet.  They are built for the long haul and if I do this list again I can only imagine them going up.

3. Minnesota Vikings 3-1, beat the 9ers and Lions, but lost to the Colts, huh?  They run, play d, don't turn it over, have a huge home field advantage.  Not sure they keep this up but last week they out 49ered the 49ers.

2. Atlanta Falcons 4-0, had Carolina give the game away yesterday.  I said it last week they are front runners.  That said though their 4-0 just need to win 6 more games to get in the dance.

1. Houston Texans 4-0, they can do everything, and frankly anyone who says different it wrong.  The difference between Houston and San Francisco is this, the Texans have real talent at all positions, and a back up RB who could start for 30 teams in Ben Tate.  I love the Texans have for a few years and this team is legit, especially being in a terrible division.

Chase thought of the week.  Tell me Denny Hamlin will come out of Dover 8th I'd be happy so no bitching about yesterday.  I do have a problem though with Brad Keseloski, has he ever dominated a race?  Does he always seem to use strategy or fuel mileage to win races?  That's what I thought I told Jessica yesterday he doesn't scare me and we need to keep Jimmie in our sights not Brad, she thought I was crazy but that's what I think.  That's it for this week, baseball playoffs start next weekend so Orange October has officially started.  Follow me on twitter @derekbredeson or check out the older posts.