Monday, October 29, 2012

World Champions of the World

Like you thought I'd talk about anything else today?  Last night the San Francisco Giants won the World Series in a 4 game sweep of the Detroit Tigers, 2 World Series wins for the Giants in the last 3 years.  I'm not gonna go on a long narrative about the team and ups and downs of the season just gonna hit a few of the points I want to make, some will be short some will be long here we go.

I've said it twice on Facebook but the talk before the series reminded me so much of 2010, in both series the Giants were suppossedly outpowered, but the Giants clowned Prince and Cabrera like they did Hamilton and Cruz for the Rangers.  Two years ago the Rangers had the "best pitcher" in the series in Cliff Lee well the Giants whooped him twice, this year Verlander was that guy and Kung Fu Panda did some yard work twice.  Of course you had to outplay both those teams their great but the Giants were better.

The 2 teams have a lot in common but a lot of differences, for the most part the pitching was the same, only names missing from this year were Jonathan Sanchez and Brian Wilson.  Zito wasn't on the postseason roster but he stepped up this year and pitched well, Romo was the set up man for Wilson 2 years ago this year he shut the door.  In the starting 8 position players only 1 guy was on both teams, Buster Posey, and Pablo Sandoval was only other starter on roster 2 years ago. 

Biggest difference is the homegrown talent on this team Brandon Belt and Brandon Crawford both farm kids from the Giants, as well as Posey and Sandoval.  2 years ago it was a bunch of misfits, this year was a team built by Brian Sabean.

Mid-August the Dodgers brought all those Red Sox in and everyone said be affraid, but the Giants weren't affraid, in fact the Dodgers were closer in the race the day they made the trade than they were at the end of the season.

The Giants have the All Star Game MVP-Melky Cabrera, LCS MVP Marco Scutaro, World Series MVP Pablo Sandoval, and hopefully regular season MVP Buster Posey all in one year, that's pretty cool that it's 4 different guys.

Tim Lincecum was an absolute weapon for us, he pitched amazingly out of the pen.  He also took the ball in game 4 in the LCS which gave us the option get Mad-Bum right.  He was a huge weapon and I'm happy to have his Jersey hanging in my basement.

I've been a Giants fan my whole life and have never waivered by rooting for anybody else or having an American League team I like.  This stems from Robby Thompson my 4th cousin playing his entire career for the Giants including batting 2nd and playing 2nd on the 1989 World Series team, and I hope that I bring to the table a little more perspective than some Johnny come lately fan who's only contribution is posting the teams FB pics after every game, I love my team and welcome all fans but please be a fan and have something to contribute.  Know the players learn their stories get into the team, I know most people don't care as much as me but don't come around when things are going good add something.

Have a couple loose ends to tie up, if you follow me on twitter @derekbredeson you may have noticed I gave up on the Giants not once but twice this postseason, when they were down 0-2 to the Reds and Homer Bailey pitched a 1 hitter but somehow they pulled it out, I was sick and could barely watch a game.  BUT when they Timmy was pitching in game 4 I thought for sure the Giants were gonna win, I just didn't want to voice it to jinx it.  Then when the Giants were down 3-1 to the Cardinals in the LCS I stopped watching the games and they won game 5, so I didn't watch until they got up in both game 6 and 7.  Superstition is a bitch and couldn't bring myself to watch the games.  I was dying watching us loss those games and for my sake I had to stop watching b/c I loved this team so much.

The Blockbuster (Marco Scutaro) was the biggest pick up this year in MLB, I know we got Hunter Pence but Scutaro was the difference in the regular season and the difference in the LCS, what a pick up.

All this positivity I gotta be a little negative, I fucking hate Prince Fielder, that guy is a big piece of shit.  I remember a few years ago when he hit a walk off against the Giants the Brewers did this celebration where everyone fell down when Prince landed on the plate.  Since then I've disliked him, in game 1 he hit a liner to left and did some bat flip, well Gregor Blanco caught the ball and Prince had this look on his face, well buddy hope your happy with all that money b/c the Giants are gonna be at home shinning their rings.  I think Prince is a fat piece of crap who comes up small in big situations, I'm not sure on the actual stats but I know he didn't hit any homers and he didn't have 1 clutch at bat.

If you watch the highlights you'll see all kinds of great defensive plays by the Giants and the only guy on the Tigers who can make a play was Austin Jackson, I think defense was the difference in this Series.  The Giants could get to the balls where Miggy and Peralta couldn't for the Tigers.

Next year the Dodgers will be the favorite to win the West and I'm ok with that, we'll have to shock the World again and the Giants will once again come from nowhere to win it all. 

Last note I called the Giants winning it all on this blog in August and I had them beating the White Sox, well I was 3/4 right they beat the AL central champs just was the Tigers not the White Sox.  Chase note for the week Denny's chase is over and I remember in 2010 when he could've won the Chase instead he finished 2nd, I thought maybe this year the Giants would finish 2nd and he'd win the Chase but it's not gonna happen, so be it get stronger and come back next year Denny, or even try to win these last 3 races.

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