Sunday, June 9, 2013

Thoughts of the week 6-9 edition

  Not a heck of a lot going on besides the NBA Finals but I don't watch basketball enough to even bother writing an entire post about it.  Anyway a few thoughts for the week.

Yaisel Puig is the real deal.  It sucks he plays for the Dodgers but the dude came up this week hit 4 bombs and 10 RBI in his first 5 games, not to mention he has a gun and doubled a guy off at first to end the game last Monday.

Didn't watch the end of the race today because I was playing softball but I saw Jimmie won and Denny got 8th.  That's a decent day for Denny but if he's gonna get in the top 20 and make this chase we need a lot more of that and not so much of last week.  I have faith he has winnable tracks ahead of him just needs that break at the end of the race to go his way.

Watched some of tonight's game between the Heat and Spurs.  I am by far the biggest LeBron fan I know, mainly since everyone hates him, but the guy is the best player in the league and he takes games over.  He's not going to disappear for a whole series like Bosh did.  He plays great defense, dishes like Magic, and plays physically like a power forward.

I love reading when people say the NBA is fixed.  Why would it be fixed?  What do they have to gain with it fixed?  The TV deals are already made so they won't get more TV dollars in their next contract b/c the Heat won or lost.  In fact if there was a conspiracy I would think it would be to make the Heat lose since everyone hates them.  I'm sure ESPN isn't going to take off 2 million from the next TV deal b/c in 2013 the Spurs won.

The Nationwide series ran at Iowa this weekend, man do I wish they would add some seats there and get a cup race.  The Cup level needs another short track and Iowa is the perfect place for a race, just need the facilities to get better and double the capacity

The last ESPN the Magazine was one of the best issues in a while, I read the whole thing cover to cover.  They had great articles about Mike Tyson, Brittney Griner, and a coach from Minnesota who lost his job b/c he had a video of his kids naked on a cell phone.  Excellent read, also had a nice piece about Tim Tebow and why he'll never get another job and how it's his fault.

The Tebow article was great b/c they said the guy is a media whore and he does things to keep himself on the camera's and deflect his lack of football ability.

I know I don't tend to talk pop news much, but did you see Bieber at game 7 of Indy-Miami, what a douche and kid get your life figured out.

Seeing a lot of NFL news lately about RG III and his health, hope the guy gets 100% healthy and doesn't hurt himself anymore.

Another thing that is a hot topic of late is the Redskins changing their name.  I honestly wouldn't mind a name change, as long as the colors stay the same and I'd prefer the logo to remain.  If they could change to Indians or Warriors or something along that lines it would be ok.  I understand Native Americans don't like the term "Redskins" but who is racist against them and uses the term Redskin?  I think people use a more derogatory term, but I may be wrong.  Personally I don't think about the team name all that much, too me it's the same as Giants or Hawkeyes just my team.

This steroid witch hunt is about ridiculous.  MLB is going to interview a guy they were suing about a week ago.  I went through this crap with Barry Bonds and I'm honestly over it.  If you catch guys catch them don't do this back channel gotcha justice bullshit.  MLB is mad at Ryan Braun for making them look a fool last year, and I'd put money down the Yankees are bankrolling this investigation just to void A-Rod's contract. 

That's if for this week, twitter me @derekbredeson, see ya next week.

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