Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday Night Baseball Diary

Always do diaries for the Super Bowl and oddly my favorite team is never playing in it, so tonight I'm gonna be homer and do a diary of the Giants-Reds game.

7:11 We are live from the man cave, Timmy Auto jersey in corner, Jon Sanchez on the hill for the Giants, batting lead off for the Reds strikeout maching Drew Stubbs. We're off

7:12 baseball is boring to some, not me, I love this and I'm way more annimated when my team is on. Aubrey Huff almost makes a great catch in foul territory, but he lost it in the sun.

7:13 well there's a shock Sanchez walked someone, he does this often, Brandon Phillips up. Expecting the Reds to run on Giants catcher Chris Stewart, he's young and doesn't have the greatest arm, did say young more like a journeyman.

7:15 I wasn't a fan of Joe Morgan doing games but he's way better than Orel and Bobby V. Don't get me started on Dan Shuleman, Jim Miller kills him at play by play.

7:16 just realized something, I'm watching and doing a diary on a regular season baseball game instead of Game 6 of the NBA Finals, shows how much I care about basketball.

7:17 Sanchez can't get Phillips out here, I like Jon but him and Timmy both seem to be Bi-Polar when they pitch, when their on watch out, but when their off I have long nights, GOT EM, one out. Like I said I'm bi-polar during games.

7:19 Taylor made double play, Burris to Crawford, to Huff, and we're out of the first, the double play is a great equalizer in games, if you can get one it helps the pitcher out so much.

7:21 the commercials aren't gonna be as good as my normal diaries, hard to take the High Life guy serious now that he's on that Body of Proof show on ABC.

7:22 Giants coming to the plate, my man Nate Schierholtz getting the start in right and batting 3rd, this dude is good take notice. On the hill for Cinncy Edison Volquez, he's a good pitcher been hurt lately though.

7:23 Love how ESPN keeps saying the Giants can't score runs, well guess what we're in first place so shove it, 4 pitch walk to Torres

7:24 Tejada to the plate, don't like him, he's a streaky hitter and frankly I can't wait for Pablo to come back and put Tejada on the bench, Torres overslides 2nd on a steal and is out. DAMN Looks to me Brandon Phillips pushed Torres off the bag, bad call dude.

7:26 Base hit for Tejada right up the middle, Nate is up now, lose one bud

7:27 Volquez doesn't look on hopefully we can be patient and make it hurt, not chase pitches or run ourselves into outs. ESPN making a big deal about the shadows, they deal with this almost daily not sure why it's a big deal, if their pro's they should be able to hit in shadows.

7:28 Full count to Nate, Tejada should be moving, he was and I should be a manager.

7:30 strike em out, throw em out, accept the SS didn't catch the ball, so now Miggy is on 2nd with Huff at the plate, Aubrey is on my fantasy team so I'll take a RBI here buddy.

7:31 Volquez just left one fat and Aubrey didn't capitalize, then he chases a bad one, I know hitting is hard but it makes you so mad when they let one go then go chasing the next pitch, COME ON.

7:33 They continue to say how offensivly challenged we are, as Huff rolls over on a curve ball to first, when you spend your money on pitching like we do offense is gonna struggle, and our best offensive player is out for the year, sorry we're not the Sox, Yanks or Phils like you always broadcast ESPN, we don't have deep pockets and instead take a bunch of role players and win with them instead of megastars. BTW we're in FIRST PLACE, if we suck so bad how come we're in first place and just won the World Series?

7:36 Jay Bruce to lead off for the Reds, he's killing the ball.

7:37 Jonny walks him, bringing up 734 year old Scott Rolen. How old is this dude, I swear he was playing when I collected baseball cards. Jonny fighting back up 0-2 to him.

7:39 Just showed Dusty Baker, has anyone benefitted more from steroids as a manager, he was our manager when our whole team was on the stuff, and since being fired he's gotten 2 other jobs, he's a good regular season manager, but terrible in the playoffs. Check that first statement, Tony LaRussa has benefitted more.

7:41 Rolen pops out to Manny Burriss, not a fan of Burriss but our whole infield is hurt so he has to play. Jonny is averaging over 7 pitches per out, has to be better, Jay Bruce picked off stealing, I don't get why teams run when pitchers are struggling, Giants ran into an out and now the Reds did, no reason to do that.

7:44 Johny Gomes goes down swingin, Sanchez is battling just wish he'd throw more strikes. Hate to harp on this but Bobby Valentine sucks as an announcer, he acts likes he's still managing, dude I don't care how you did it just call the action.

7:47 my man Cody Ross to the plate, I'm a big Ross guy wish he got a few more base hits, grounds out, damn.

7:48 The rookie Brandon Crawford, playing shortstop due to injury, he's up a little soon but he has potential and frankly I like the kid.

7:49 Brandon works the count full, Bobby V loves him, he needs some hitting help but the D is there and he has a ton more range than Tejada.

7:50 The Giants manager made a joke about Pablo Sandoval catching this week now the media won't leave it alone, stop he's not gonna catch. Crawford grounds out to World Series MVP Edgar Renteria, still think Timmy should've gotten it.

7:51 Manny Burriss to the plate, don't like guy one bit he's been up and down the last few years never been a huge fan, he's small and makes lots of errors on D, only good thing is he can play 5 positions. And he check swings out. Volquez is settling down, or maybe our hitters just stink.

7:53 it's almost been an hour and it's only the 2nd I'm gonna be up all night, let's get this moving, only beef I have with baseball the game goes slow.

7:55 one pitch one out.

7:56 Ramon Hernandez gets the Reds first hit, talking about evening the divisions, I'm for this move and having 15 teams in both leagues, then getting rid of the DH.

7:57 The pitcher is up with a man on 1st he's bunting, why I love the no DH, pitchers should hit.

7:58 Volquez tries the ole fake bunt slash hit and fouls it off, smart play if it works, strikes out 2 down.

7:59 Stubbs goes up the middle 2 on 2 out, of course Sanchez could have a short inning and now he can't get someone out.

8:01 Brandon Phillips working the count, ground out to 3rd, Tejada steps on it then for no reason throws it to Huff at 1st, can we carry one of those outs over to next inning please?

8:02 how's that basketball game going, wonder why ESPN keeps showing the score on the bottom? If we wanted to watch it I'm sure we'd be watching it, it's the biggest game of the night, obviously baseball fans are watching this game not people who like the Mavs or Heat.

8:05 Chris Stewart to the plate, not much to say about this dude, he's 30 and has been around, good defensive catcher, but he strikes out, nice work dude.

8:06 Jon Sanchez to the plate, hopefully he can work the count, nevermind grounds out to 2nd.

8:07 Giants hitters not showing the patience we had in the first inning. Torres is working the count now. right as I type that he rolls over to first man we are offensively challenged, our guys can hit just can't put them together.

8:10 realizing I'm very calm in the early innings, wait for when the bullpen comes in, I'm sure the phrase, he sucks is gonna come out a lot.

8:11 NL MVP Joey Votto to lead off, double play his first AB, Jonny just threw at his chin, effectivily wild I believe the phrase is, but he walks him, that's 3 of the first 4 innings that Jonny has walked the first guy. COME ON DUDE throw f^cking strikes.

8:13 Thinking about jumping over to E-Bay quick and seeing if there are any Buster Posey Autograph's for sale, already got Tim why not get Buster? Sanchez works the count to 3-1 on Jay Bruce, come on.

8:16 and he walks him, nobody out two walks, come on Sanchez make them be hitters we have a good defense. Bobby V says Votto distracted Sanchez, hey Bobby nobody was on first when he walked Votto, I think Sanchez just stinks, not that Votto is amazing.

8:17 and the walks kill him Rolen short hops the left field wall, gets a rbi double, can't walk people. 2nd and 3rd nobody out, time to turn it on, after the bullpen got a workout yesterday when Tim only went 4 innings.

8:19 down 2-0 already, that's 3-0, throw f^^^ing strikes, 4 pitch walk and there loaded with nobody out, dude is garbage how come he's our number 2?

8:20 Renteria to the plate, hopefully he's the normal Edgar not world series Edgar.

8:22 Renteria goes about 10 feet away from hitting a Grand Slam, instead it's a sac fly, and it's 2-0 Reds, runners on 1st and 2nd 1 out.

8:23 The catcher hits into a double play the great equalizer, 5-4-3, WE NEED TO HIT

8:24 just saw a preview for Horrible Bosses, damn star power that could be funny, I'll give a review in 6 months when I get it on Netflix.

8:26 manager interview time, I like Wendi Nix, not gorgeous but better than most people ESPN has. Another nice one is Amy K. Nelson doesn't get enough camera time for my liking.

8:27 Tejada leads off and chases right away down 1-2, be patient.

8:28 Miggy flies out to RF, Bruce struggled with it but caught it. Schierholtz base hit to left, let's go make em pay.

8:29 Aubrey Huff to the plate come on dude LOSE ONE. Looks at one at the knees.

8:30 double down the left field line by Aubrey, atta boy, 2-1 Reds, Cody Ross now up, let's go boys string together some hits.

8:31 tough call there by the home plate ump. almost the same spot there.

8:32 Cody needs to get the hit here, after him the line up starts to get thin, I like our team but not the bottom of the order.

8:33 Walked him, some borderline pitches there. Time for the young Crawford to come up huge for us.

8:35 this ump stinks just gave Volquez a gift, 2-2, come on Brandon.

8:37 goes down swingin, I knew Cody Ross had to hit when he was up, I like Crawford but Volquez kept throwing change ups to him and he couldn't hit.

8:38 now Burris, CRAP, gift strike there, this ump blows. side note to Burris swing the f'n bat.

8:39 Burriss lines out to 3rd, just missed getting it through, damn, got one back now we need Jonny to not struggle, got the pitcher first.

8:41 don't get me wrong I love Brian Wilson but this beard thing needs to stop, it's not like he's always had it, he just grew it last year, after the all star game, the thing is way to long now.

8:42 Volquez grounds up the middle, damn we need to get the pitcher out.

8:45 Stubbs grounds down the line, got bailed out by the pitcher being on, only got one base, should've been a double at least. Action in the Giants pen, not gonna be good.

8:47 stuck out Phillips 1 down, hopefully Votto roles into a double play.

8:48 well that's a SWEET double play, Votto flys out to left field and Cody throws a rope to 2nd to get the pitcher before he gets back, Jonny out of trouble, that's our 3rd double play of the night.

8:51 8-9-1 for us to lead off the inning, I'll be happy here with anything that isn't a 1-2-3.

8:52 Since we lost Buster our catchers are hitting below 200 and have 2 rbi, man that stinks.

8:53 like clockwork Stewart hits a double down the line, time to bunt Jonny, get that tie run to 3rd. That was funny missed bunt Hernandez throws down to second wasted play.

8:54 Sanchez swings down 0-2 need to move the runner here dude, and he can't do it, come the hell on.

8:55 Torres needs to come through here come on dude one of those Andres doubles would be great.

8:56 Torres grounds out to short, so lead off double and two outs later he's still on second,

8:58 Tejada grounds out to third inning over, crap like this makes you mad, your job is too move runners and both Sanchez and Torres are left handed and neither pulled the ball to move the runner, we need to be pro's and do this. Still 2-1 after 5

9:01 Sanchez starts Bruce off with a strike, I'm shocked.

9:02 Bruce works the count full, he's already walked twice.

9:03 Hersheiser psychoanalyzes pitchers way too much, strike 3 got em.

9:04 Rolen hits the longest out of the game 400 feet, Torres chases it down, 2 down, Jonny is helping the bullpen here, amazing how much he struggles yet still only has given up 2 runs.

9:06 of couse as I finish that he works the count to 3-0 and then walks Gomes, should've been a short inning instead have to face another hitter. They show our staff, man what a staff, our top two starters are struggling the most, Cain, Madison, and Vogelsong are carrying us while Tim struggles. On that note I'll take our staff against anyone and I mean anyone

9:08 Renteria grounds out to short inning over, 3-4-5 for us these guys did the damage last time, come on boys.

9:09 just checked the basketball game 4th quarter is starting and the Heat are losing sure hope, if they lose that LeBron at least shows up don't need to hear about how small he plays when the game is on the line.

9:11 Schierholtz works the cound 2-0 come on dud9:e need runners, 3-0 Nate is my man I love this kid. Draws the walk, won't be surprised if he's not stealing here.

9:12 our big hitter with Posey out is Huff, he needs to be clutch like he was last year for us to succesful going forward. action in the Reds pen.

9:13 6th inning and finally someone says Votto was MVP last year, man unless you play for the Yanks Sox or Phils nobody gives a crap about you.

9:14 Huff works the count 2-2, we need you dude. double down the right field line means a run with Nate running.

9:15 full count send the runner, once again I'm right but bounces it foul.

9:16 base knock and with Nate running he gets to 3rd, nobody down and Cody coming to the plate runners on the corners, come on Cody big hit here.

9:17 not how you draw it up, slow roller to SS but it gets the job done, tied at 2, only one man down, runner at first, hey Brandon how about triple here dude.

9:18 talking about how the Giants win one run games, I like that we do this because everyone gets a chance to win games and it makes the young guys feel the pressure. Especially if we keep winning.

9:20 Crawford hustles out of a double play, giving Stewart an AB, maybe he can get another double here, Crawford runs well, side note I'm tied in SB's in fantasy, I got Crawford so I'll take a steal here,

9:21 he went but Stewart grounded to first. Tied at 2 after 6, (ed note: that was Burriss not Stewart who grounded out)

9:24 Ramon Ramirez to the hill for us, good night for Jonny not great but good he battled. 1 down right away Hernandez goes first pitch swingin.

9:27 found some Posey's balls on E-Bay 140 a little steep I'll look for a better deal, unless you wanna get me a SWEET wedding present.

9:28 Finally Ramon Ramirez gets Fred Lewis looking, 2 down, lead off man Stubbs up, and he hits him damn, once again 2 outs and we give up a runner can't do this. Need to finish innings to win.

9:30 Balk on Ramirez this just got worse can't be giving free bases away FOCUS!!!!

9:32 struck him out, Phillips hasn't been great tonight, well that's it for Ramirez he'll be hit for to lead off the inning, probably Pat Burrell to hit for us.

9:33 I know this Shaq commercial where he gets the mascot out of the tree is old but I love it, too funny.

9:34 just checked the basketball game, Mavs still lead, must say changing the channel twice is the most I've switched to the NBA all playoffs, why did basketball lose me?

9:36 Stewart leads off, I was off by one guy last inning keep forgetting about Burriss.

9:37 Stewart walks to lead off, Burrell does pinch hit, double play waiting to happen, just saying.

9:38 Pat looks at a strike, he's too perfect of a hitter for my liking. and goes down looking swing the bat old man.

9:40 Torres has worked the count here, need a base hit home boy, just gets over Votto's head. Double.

9:41 we got something cooking now, runners on 3rd and 2nd, one out, big spot for a guy who knows how to hit in Miggy Tejada. This is how we win, keep games close then beat up the bullpens.

9:42 looks like their gonna walk him, with Nate on deck bad move in my eye, their gonna bring in a lefty to pitch him, of course Bobby V says you need to pinch hit for Nate, no need he's a pro and has about hot of bat as anyone right now.

9:44 barring a miracle looks like the Mavs win, great let the LeBron is to blame talk start, I hate the media.

9:45 they showed the score at the game and crowd cheered, everyone hates Miami. Bill Bray against Nate, just need a long fly ball Nate no grounder or K or shit pop.

9:46 sac fly to center, we're winning, atta boy Nate, I knew I loved this guy for a reason, remember I don't edit this stuff so all the praise I've been given him isn't just because he got that huge sac fly and the other 2 runs.

9:47 Huff now up, come on dude put up a crooked number here.

9:49 Huff really stringing this AB out, just trying to get something good to crush I think, base hit to left, and Torres scores, for the record he slid into home. 4-2 good guys.

9:53 Another pitching change, now Cody gets a righty to face, still got runners 1st and 2nd 2 outs, keep this inning up Cody.

9:54 side note love when guys wear the high socks, think it should be a rule all baseball players wear high socks.

9:55 fly out to center, and the inning is over 4-2 after 7, Sergio Romo time.

9:58 check that with Votto and Bruce due up, we go with Javier Lopez the lefty specialist, a guy I LOVE, I think he was one of the biggest pick ups last season.

10:00 and he got Votto swingin.

10:01 boom baby, back to back K's of two of the best lefties in the game, NOW we can see Romo.

10:03 Now Romo comes out and starts Rolen with back to back strikes, Romo struggled in the post season but I still got faith in the guy.

10:05 Rolen fouls out to Huff, it will be B-Dubz next time we're on the field.

10:07 coverage comes back to Wilson warming up, man that dude is goofy looking, and he's crazy as hell off the field.

10:08 talking about the All Star game, is anything more worthless than the All Star game? That's in any sport not just baseball, I think people would prefer a skills challenge over a game

10:09 Crawford can't get anything cooking tonight keep the head up kid you'll be fine

10:10 Schuleman just reminded everyone that we are in first place, damn right we are, pitch well play defense keep games close and win against bullpens.

10:11 Burriss just made himself look like an idiot pitch right down the middle he thought was ball 4, next pitch though it was ball 4 man on first one down.

10:14 hit and run and Stewart hits the pitcher dangerous play but I think he's ok. man on 2nd 2 out, some dude I don't know to pinch hit, Connor Gillespie. Young guy was up like 3 years ago, just playing because we are banged up.

10:16 Just guessing this kid will be back in Triple A when Pablo comes back on Tuesday.

10:18 and Connor gets a walk, Torres to hit maybe we can get some more insurance, this game is dragging a little.

10:20 showed Dubz in the bullpen, he's ready, Torres grounds to 2nd inning over 2 run lead top of the 9th coming up.

10:21 They show Dubz running onto the field, he is a fan favorite and I love the guy, he gets himself into trouble sometimes but what fun is it to go 1-2-3?

10:23 That Beard is on the creepy borderline now, but hell it works, strike 1.

10:24 gotta give a shout out to Dubz shoes, those bad boys are sweet lots of Orange and Orange laces might get some for myself, 1 batter 1 K, 1 down 2 to go.

10:26 typical Dubz going 3-1 Renteria, it's never easy with this dude. Nice play by Burriss to get Renteria, always happens I kill the guy and he makes a great play in a huge situation. 2 down.

10:28 again Dubz gets behind, he needs pressure to fuel his pressure I suppose, base hit Hernandez, some Heisey dude to pinch hit, I need to update my Reds roster.

10:29 of course starts him with a ball, never easy with Dubz.

10:30 3-1, just got a gift full count, 2 down top 9 come on Dubz. Foul ball

10:31 another foul, Reds just pinch run when the count got full, bouncer to 3rd Miggy with not a great throw to first but Huff wrangles it in, GIANTS WIN GIANTS WIN

I know it wasn't as good as the regular Super Diary but hey at least you know more about my Giants and who I like. Who am I kidding nobody read this.

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