Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Annoying list

You ever watch something it just annoys the crap out of you. You have in movies, TV, magazines, friends, work, and of course sports. We're going to get into the sports things that just make me upset when I hear/see them. Let's get into it......

11) No double-headers in baseball, this past week the Giants and Cubs played 2 on Tuesday and during the late game they said Ernie Banks played 1/4 of his career games in double-headers, what happened to that. These days with pitch counts, bullpens, and injury prevention, not many double-headers get played. I wish they did, even if it was everyother Saturday play a day nighter, you could easily cut at least a week off the season if not more. Teams could adjust easily to the rules, in fact if you wanted expand the roster to 27 guys so teams could carry and extra fielder and pitcher, seems simple enough. Also, you could make more money in having events between the games so the fans don't have to leave, it could be a win-win for baseball, think about it. Besdides what's a good arguement against?

10) The Designated Hitter in baseball. By far the most annoying thing of interleague play and the World Series. The rules of the games are different depending on where the game is played, that's dumb. I of course being a Giants fan like when pitchers hit, and I think managing the game without the DH is harder. So a guy like Tony La Russa is a better mangager to me than Terry Francona, Tony has to worry about when he changes a pitcher when is he gonna hit, where Tito just can change the guy no reprecussions. Also, it let's guys hang on for too long, let's guys be one dimensional. I mean David Ortiz can barely play first that should be pretty easy, Jorge Posada is a washed up catcher, however keeps getting to play every day becasue he can still sort of hit. This all boils down to how can two leagues in the same sport have different rules, it's not like the Western conference in basketball has a deeper 3 point line than the East.

9) College Basketball players going one and done. A few years ago the NBA put in an age limit, making players be at least one year removed from high school to play. So guys go to school for one semester then basically leave. That wasn't a misprint I said semester not year. What happens is guys make sure they make grades for the second semester then check out and focus on basketball b/c they know there isn't a reason to stay onboard. I would like them to go to the NFL rules, where you have to be in 3 years before you come out. This would help scouting so much and guys like Greg Oden wouldn't happen as much. This rule also let's what Derrick Rose did happen, submit false test scores to the school and by time they figure it out your gone and don't have to worry about being punished, where the school catches hell.

8) People who dislike fighting in hockey. You ever been to a hockey game, there are cheap shots everywhere, guys take liberties constantly when the officials aren't watching. Hockey players tend to police themselves, take liberties with our best player, our best fighter will take liberties with your face. People who argue it's barbareck are dead wrong, if you outlawed fighting cheapshots would go up, and players would be getting hurt constantly. I like fighting and it should be allowed, on the other side of the spectrum, you fans who go to watch hockey for fights stay home, if that's all you want to see you don't need to show up and start chanting "less hockey more fights."

7) Idiots who argue, this could be used in a number of categories, politics and sports are the most common. I try to stay current with my sports, baseball, NASCAR, and football, and when people try to argue their points who don't know crap it makes you so mad. I understand if you just want to talk to talk, but think your dead right no matter what I say, your fighting a battle you can't win and I'm just never gonna talk sports with you again. This leads right into number 6

6) Blind fans. I don't mean to single out a certain fan base, but sorry I lived in Wisconsin almost my whole life, and those fans don't know talent from their asses. I know every year your good, every year you turn out a couple of guys, but your not a powerhouse, your a good big ten school that's it, Iowa is the same way, everyone in Iowa loves our 10-15 guys that are in the pro's. This isn't only true in college sports but in the pro's as well. Cubs fans are the worst at this they love all their guys but sorry half of them couldn't start for anyone else, and people do this a lot with young guys. You ever hear, he should be playing everyday, or he should be starting over that guy, well guess what, the coaches see these guys prepare everyday and they know who the better player is. Sometimes young guys have an advantage b/c nobody knows the book on them but eventually scouting catches up to them and they start to struggle. I myself can fall into this category sometimes, especially with this Buster Posey injury I'll argue to I'm dead that Scott Cousins had plenty of plate to hit. I think Chris Cooley is a top 5 tight end, and every year I think the Skins deserve at least 5 pro bowlers, well sometimes you can't help being a homer but when someone shoots you down at least take a second to look at their point and not just shoot it down b/c their rallying against your team.

5) The phrase "That's the way it's always been," dumbest arguement you can ever have, if we lived our lives that way then guess what no cars, medicine, or internet. That's the way it's always been. Just stop tradition is a good thing to hang onto but if something is better, like interleague play in baseball then the way it's always been isn't gonna work anymore.

4) Multi-team fans, I know this one is gonna hit pretty close to another writer on this blog. I cheer for my teams, Skins, Giants, Denny, and Hawkeyes. I do sometimes pick teams in the playoffs I'd like to see win, mainly b/c of who they're playing against. However, there isn't another team in baseball I cheer for or keep up. Same for football, it's the Skins that's it for me, nobody else. As I said sometimes in the playoffs I'll pick a horse to ride, but that's just who I think is gonna win, like last year I said I was on the Packer bandwagon. I wasn't cheering for them I just saw the way they played against Atlanta and went whoa, these guys are good and are gonna win it all. I'm not a packer backer, just who I thought was gonna win the Super Bowl. If your a fan be a fan of one team, and frankly how can you cheer for 2 teams what if they play each other, do you go well I like them more so go them. NO, if you like a team stick with them. You know people who cheer for two teams like say their home team and a traditional power, well when the home team get's good and traditional power starts to stink, all the sudden I've been with my boys the whole time. No you haven't, you cheered for good team while your team was down.

3) Announcers who can't admit a mistake/when they're wrong. Phil Simms is the worst of this he sees what he wants to see and can't admit when that isn't what happened. In general announcing as a whole is garbage these days, too many former players are doing color. They still hold grudges from their playing days. I wish they'd go back to media guys doing this but it'll never happen.

2) Fair weather fans. Is there anything more annoying? I don't think so. Who do you like now the Giants huh? Can you name the starting 9? No, you can't, how about the rotation? No, so what part of them do you like, the winning part? I've been a Skins fan since I was a kid, granted I can't keep up on them as much as I should but I know when we sign someone, when someone is hurt, and so on. When the playoffs start don't all the sudden start wearing your gear, or when the team is down for a long time, then get good start saying how you've been there the whole time, no you haven't. Like I said I've been with the Skins my whole life, we've been good like 3 years of that, I still cheer for them, and wear my gear.

1) Without further ado here it is the most annoying thing in sports, ESPN. WHAT, the network devoted to sports annoys you? Damn right it does. You know why everyone hates LeBron, b/c ESPN gave him an hour special to say where he was gonna play, he said I want to announce where I'm going ESPN says let's make an event out of it. Then they shove LeBron down your throat for a whole year. ESPN overdoes stories worse than soap operas and proffesional wrestling. You know why guys do stupid shit like change their names to Ochocinco and Meta World Peace because those guys know ESPN will slurp them up and put them on every show they have. In baseball all they care about is the Yanks, Sox, and Phillies. Football Jets, Cowboys, and Patriots. They put Chad 85 and T.O. on TV so much it makes people hate them even though their decent football players, same with LeBron, if ESPN hadn't shoved LeBron down our throats he wouldn't have the hate of most Americans. Another thing they do is give credit to their insiders on everything, Jay Glazer breaks a lot of news regarding the NFL, but Mort and Sheffty take credit for his stuff constantly. ESPN used to be cool, but now they break down one game 4 times a show and the rest of the sports world can suck it.

BONUS ITEM, the overated chant and court storming in college basketball. If you BFE university and you beat a traditional power go get some, but if your Louisville and you just beat number 1 rated UCONN, stay in your seats. Chanting overated at college players is also dumb, like they have any contorl on rankings, if your undefeated your gonna be ranked high that's how it is, it's mostly based on record. This is especially true when too top 25 teams play, stop it, your just as good as the other team, and your at home you should beat them.

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