Sunday, July 24, 2011

Team Love vs. Player Love

We're coming to intersting time in sports, one never seen before. NFL free agency and the MLB trade deadline are going to be at the same time. This has never happened b/c usually football gets done in April. Another thing going on is NASCAR free agents are trying to sign for their rides for next season so merchandise and sponsors can be lined up. This brings the question of the day up, what do you do when your team signs a guy you hate? Has it happened before sure I would guess it happens all the time, I for one disliked that Edgar Renteria was making 18 million a year from the Giants, did he pay it off with a World Series MVP, maybe but I still don't like that we had him. (Side Note, I still think Tim should have won MVP for the series, went toe to toe with Cliff Lee both games and beat him both times.) If you've been paying attention to facebook the last two days I've been in a discussion of a guy I hate Nyjer Morgan and my opposition says if he were a Giant I'd love him. I doubt it.

This matter was first brought to light by NASCAR, where Chris has been telling for month that Carl Edwards is coming to Joe Gibbs Racing. My dislike for Carl is not rivaled by anyone in NASCAR, he's mr. media, mr. backflip, mr. if I pay you back for wreaking me I may kill you. He's annoying when he wins, loses or gets a top 5. It's not a good situation for me. I already have to tire myself defending Kyle Busch against everyone because he drives for my owner, and if Denny doesn't win I want JGR to win a race. If this Carl deal goes through I don't think I can do that. NASCAR is a little different than team sports, your cheering for one guy, not a group of 9 or 11. Look at this way, I don't care for Miguel Tejeda, but he does something good I can be happy b/c he's helping my team win, in racing Carl wins in my eyes he's only helping himself. I can stand Kyle b/c he actually isn't wrong all that much (maybe I'm jaded, hell I know I'm jaded), Carl is douche bag in my eyes. So what do I do? Same as football or baseball, let's say someday the Skins get Eli, I'll cut my eyes out before I watch him. Let's say the Giants do get Morgan, my god I'll go crazy, that cock doesn't belong on a winner.

What do you do? Do you root for him? Do you root against him, that can't be good, if I hope bad luck on Carl in JGR stuff he'll cost us money and knowledge that could be used to help us get better. I'm actually lost on this, I can't stand Carl what if he drives for us? I'm actually reaching out here for help, let me know what you think, is team allegiance above athlete allegiance? Tell me what to do leave a comment. Also, tell me who the guy on your team right now you can't stand we all have them, that guy who's overpaid, maybe a little too cocky for your liking. For the Skins it's DeAngelo Hall the guy had one game last year that's it other than that I can't stand him, for the Giants it is Miguel Tejeda, when we signed him I knew it was bad news and he's only proved my point by being benched for a guy who's hitting .200 but can actually field a ball.

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