Monday, January 21, 2013

The week that was

Oh boy what a week, if I were an actual sports columnist I think I'd have material for weeks.  I'm not gonna just stick with the Championship games, gotta hit all the stories of last week.

Lance Armstrong came clean to Oprah, good work shithead.  I've talked about Lance before, and if you actually thought he was clean while dominating the most doped sport in the world than your a dope.  I didn't watch the interview, but I saw some clips he was smug, nonapologetic, and basically an ass.  I think he's just trying to get another money grab also state his case so he can do trialothons again, I honestly don't care what he does, there is no hall of fame for him so I guess if he needs to come clean to feel better than so be it.

I'll talk about the football games before I get into that other story.

First the NFC Championship game, this game went about as expected.  Atlanta jumped out front then San Francisco came back and won the game.

I think Atlanta still has a bright future, Julio Jones is on his way to being the 2nd best WR in the league, he has the size of MegaTron and Larry Fitz, and he has great speed.  The guy is pretty awesome and him and Matt Ryan are a great tandem.

Matt Ryan had the 2 brutal turnovers that cost the Falcons the game.

I'm ok with San Fracisco winning in fact I picked them last week on here so as I said not shocked they made it.  They'll have a good shot in the Super Bowl especially if Vernon Davis can get as open as he was yesterday.  But we'll save the breakdown for next weeks blog when I do my annual tale of the tape.

AFC Championship game wasn't nearly the game I thought it would be, but you could tell when Baltimore was getting the momentum their way and New England was done.

New England isn't the same without Gronk, the guy is a match up nightmare and if these freak injuries would stop happening to him New England will be playing in the Super Bowl again next year.

Baltimore is riding some sort of wave of emotion.  This Ray Lewis thing is insane and the guy is some sort of motivator.  I was watching Countdown on ESPN yesterday and Cris Carter and Tom Jackson both said they've never seen a guy who can motivate and have his team believe in themselves as much as Ray Lewis does.  Ray seemed a little over the top to me after the game but hey I'm not in that situation and I almost cried when the Giants won the World Series so who am I to judge.

Joe Flacco is legit, and I think I said it a few weeks ago Jim Caldwell calling the plays is making Baltimore a lot better.  They are calling plays for Boldin over the middle, while still hitting Torrey Smith deep.

I have to get this off my chest, if your a Brady hater or a Belichek hater get over it, you would kill to have those guys on your team.  You'd kill to have 3 rings from your QB/coach combo, been to 5 Super Bowls together.  No other duo has that story, Montana may have 4 rings but he doesn't have 5 Super Bowl appearances.  I understand they got caught in the spygate mess but if you think that's the only reason they won those Super Bowls than your a moron.  The year they got caught they went 18-1, including 16-0 in the regular season.  This team has been on a tear for 13 years and they've done it in a salary cap era, this isn't baseball where they Yankees just keep signing people, the only 2 constants are Bill and Brady.  Side note Brady is top 3 all time, no arguements.

Now onto maybe the funniest/oddest story ever Manti Te'o and his fake girlfriend.  I don't know about you but until we know the entire story it's gonna be hard to pass judgement but from what we know Te'o is a moron.  He met this girl online, never met her, EVER, yet still had a "relationship" that moved him so much that he talked about it in interviews.  Not only that he knew the truth before the Heisman but still acted like she was dead b/c he didn't want the cat out of the bag.  What did you think was gonna happend dummy?  People weren't gonna wonder hey why doesn't this guy have any pictures with this girl who he suppossedly loves so much.

I don't get how on earth you can fall in love without ever seeing the person you love, how can you get so emotionally invested in someone if you've never felt their touch, never held them.  How do you have a girlfriend for 2 years yet never get any physical benefits from the relationship, no sex, no spooining, no nothing.  If Te'o didn't know what was up, he's a real moron and should be happy this happened to him in college when he had no money as oppossed to in the pro's when he probably would've been paying this girls medical bills.

My question is, was he in on it?  If so, why?  At first I thought so, and I though he did it to cover up the fact he's gay.  Well after hearing more of the story come out I don't think he was in on it.  But this brings up the bigger question why don't we have a gay elite male athlete.  Pretty sure there are plenty of gay athletes these days but these guys are affraid to come clean, I was kind of hoping Te'o would be that trailblazer but it's starting to look like he won't be.

Will this hurt his draft stock, I'm not sure.  He might fall b/c you gotta wonder what the guys mentallity is if he got duped so bad.  He'll fall for other reasons as well, he's short and he might not be very fast.  If he ends a MLB in the NFL he won't be a physical pressence and will probably end up in a 3-4 where another LB can help clean it up for him.  I think he'll end up a mid-first rounder, I've seen him as high as 8th, but I'd guess he'll fall into the 20's possibly to the Ravens who need a MLB.

That's all for this week, next week I'll be doing my Super Bowl Tale of the Tape, in the meantime follow me on twitter @derekbredeson.  One last thing for this week, I have to announce I'm all in for Iowa Basketball this year, it's been a while since I've been invested in college basketball.  Iowa has a good freshman class and I decided to make it a point to watch more games, I haven't been dissapointed yet, they've played a tough conference schedule already.  So what I'm saying is when football is done, expect a lot Iowa basketball and NASCAR stuff on the weekly.

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