Saturday, December 15, 2012

My View

This is a sports blog, I usually talk about sports don't try to get into anything to heavy.  Politics and things like that get to heated, in sports there is a winner and loser, you are what your records says you are.  No grey areas in sports.  After the shootings in Connecticut I feel like I have to put my thoughts down, and since I don't wanna have a long winded facebook status or a thousand tweets I figured I'd put them on this platform.  I said a few things yesterday on the social media sites, some in jest and some in seriousness, so I need to clear my mind and give my views on certain issues.

First topic I'll get into is guns.  I'm not a gun owner, in fact I've only fired a gun about a dozen times in my life.  I understand the need for rifles and shotguns when it comes to hunting.  I think everyone should be able to own a firearm if they pass the current laws in place.  I guess my point is I'm not trying to take your gun away.  What pro gun people need to realize is this though, guns kill people.  I don't want to hear this lame ass "guns don't kill people, people kill people."  That is terrible, guns kill people, you never hear of someone having  a mass stabbing or mass strangling, you hear about mass shootings.  In the last 3 weeks there have been 3 high profile shooting, the one yesterday, the mall shooting in Oregon, and Javon Belcher of the Kansas City Chiefs killing his girlfriend and then himself.  All 3 have that key word in there "shootings," how far would any of them gotten had they gone around and stabbed people with a knife or wielded a machette.  So in fact guns do kill people, and if your a gun owner I know your probably not gonna go out and shoot up a public place, so obviously your guns don't kill people, BUT they can.

When it comes to guns I'm not very bright, I don't know names, caliburs, or uses for most.  I know you use a rifle or a shotgun to shoot bambi, and I like that you do that b/c I'd rather you shoot her than me hit her with my car.  What I question is the need for a regular citizen to own an assault rifle.  Why do you need a semi-automatic assault rifle to shoot anything, unless your idea is to kill a lot of things at one time you don't need that.  What are you gonna kill a lot of at one time, certainaly not a deer, or any animal for the most part.  If you need to fire off that many rounds to kill something maybe you should go practice more b/c your aim sucks.  Most of these public shootings occur with the assailant carrying an assault rifle or two.  If they didn't have these high powered high volume guns maybe we're only talking 10 children from yesterday not 20, still a tradgedy but I think 10 of those kids would like to be alive right now.

Another thing I hear a lot of is, "if someone had been allowed to carry a weapon in the school they could've stopped this."  Really, you want guns in our schools, and what type of gun?  Say the teacher has a hand gun in her desk, is she gonna stop the guy with the assault rifle before he shoots her?  I don't think so.  People who conceal and carry say they do it for protection, protection from what?  I've never carried a gun and I'm fine, never been robbed or anything.  Once again I'm not trying to take your gun away just look at it from my side.  If you feel the need for "protection" than you are one paranoid person.  My job doesn't allow firearms on the property not even in your car, pretty sure they've never been robbed or anything.  I don't think I've ever heard of a mass shooting being stopped by a private citizen who pulled out their liscensed hand gun and shot the shooter.  That shit just doesn't happen.  We need to have stricter gun laws, not taking them away from private citizens, just STRICTER, and we need to stop the sale of semi-automatic and assault rifles.

Few other points about the shooting I hear people say.  This shooting is the medias fault b/c they make the shooters famous.  What a bunch of shit, and what a way to get off the real problem, which is A) most of these people are mentally ill, and B) they have a fucking gun and are shooting people.  The media is doing it's job, they are reporting the news, when anything bad happens people want to know why, what was the motive.  You have to report on this b/c people need facts not hearsay.  Pretty sure the media covered 9/11 and since then has anyone flown a plane into a building to become famous?  NO, stop it with this garbage about how these people want to be famous, most of them take their own lives anyway so what fame do they have?  These people do this b/c they have a mental illness of some sort and aren't getting the help they need.  Blaming the media is like blaming video games and music, everyone plays those games, everyone listens to that music, and everyone watches or reads the news, everyone doesn't go into a mall or grade school and take lives.  Often people try to find other areas to blame when the thing they stand for is the thing getting blamed for the problems.  Guns don't kill people, the media who publizes the shooters kills people.

The last thing I'll talk about is mental illness.  Everyone is fucked up a little, I think we all have a little mental illness.  We all have quirks and things we do that are weird.  I for one talk to myself out loud when I'm alone, sometimes I do it when people are around.  I think in some way that could be considered mental illness of a sort.  When I watch sports I'm slightly bi-polar, my team is down 2 runs I'm pissed, my team just hit a 3 run homer, I'm jumping up and down euphoric as ever.  That's a little mental illnessey to me.  I guess my point is we all can't get help, and the people who really need it barely get the help they need.  This country as a whole needs to look at mentally ill people and try to figure out a way to get them help, let's face it if your gonna walk into a school and shot children your a little off.  I don't have the answer for this problem I just think we need to start the discussion.

Those are my thoughts on this, you may not agree with them but please respect them.  I'd love to have the discussion with anyone as long as we both agree to keep it civil.  I respect your rights to have a gun, I know the need for guns, I'm not a gun hater, I just think these things could be stopped with a little more regulation and record keeping by the government.


  1. HEAR, HEAR!

    Agreed, 90%. (Minus our slight disagreement over publication of the shooter's name, which we already had a very civil discussion about!)

    We've got a long way to go.

  2. If you look at all the shootings in the history of the US check and see how many will come back registered to the actual shooter not many most are obtained illegaly...I dont believe tighter gun laws are actually the answer example you used is you dont think people would use knifes or other means to harm others but this is false a guy in china recently did the same thing he went to a school but he had a knife(Because gun laws are tighter in china)and he slashed just as many kids as the gunman in ct killed...i know people think tighter gun regs will make things better but i believe criminals are criminals and will always find the means of inflicting harm on someone if they feel the need...Sure tighter gunlws might curve the number of inciddents down involving guns but i think you would then see an increase of stabbings or bombings or some other means, criminals are criminals but their not stupid...Just my view on it

    1. The point isn't to take away guns Ray it's too take away assault rifles, if you can't buy or sell assault rifles than this stuff would stop. Most of these mass shootings aren't "criminals" they are psychopaths, who if they didn't have access to these weapons wouldn't have carried out these terrible acts.

    2. but I do understand your point that if you want something you'll get it, but let's let the real criminals do the hard work. The kid in CT took guns from his own home.
