Monday, December 10, 2012

Thoughts of the week 12-10-12

You ever have those times you feel like writing about a topic, but you just can't put it into words what you wanna say.  Well, I'm there on a topic right now but I don't have the time nor the patience to actully work on it, maybe if I get some time I'll work on it.  In the mean time might as well stick to the format and keep giving my thoughts on the week that was.

What a game by the Redskins yesterday, sometime in the 2nd half my wife comes out and goes, how are you guys losing?  I'm like well we keep kicking fg's instead scoring TD's.  She goes well it seems like you have the ball the whole time.  Yeah we dominated the 2nd half, and RG III and Kirk Cousins combined to drive the Skins down and get the tying TD and 2 point conversion.

Love that we got a kicker you can trust, Kai Forbath has been money since replacing Billy Cundiff.

Just saw the Ravens fired Cam Cameron, now that's funny, for how bad the Skins d has been this year.  They get a coach fired, amazing.

5 weeks ago Mike Shanahan said we're gonna start evaluating to see who wants to be here next year, since then 4 wins in a row, a lot of people burried him for that quote.  I think he lit a fire under this team and they've been playing lights out since then.

How annoying is it to watch the NY Giants, I can't stand any of them and every guy is the most amazing guy in the world.  How is this team under the cap with all those pass rushers, WR's and Eli?  Yesterday's game I watched the Dolphins-49ers and the Seahawks blowout of Arizona more than the Giants-Saints game.

Last nights game was almost as brutal to watch, the weather was cool and all but man those two teams need to be inside to play each other.

I'm all for player safety but for the 2nd week in a row a perfectly legal hit in a high profile game happened and it was flagged.  Not sure if you saw it but check out Reggie Nelson's hit on Dez Bryant, he led with the shoulder to Bryant's chest yet somehow a flag came flying in from 20 yards away. 

The Redskins got a gift on one of those calls yesterday as well, RG got hit clean by Haloti Ngata I believe and ref behind RG called leading with the helmet.  Ngata lead with his forearms and when RG hit the ground his helmet came off.  Is there such thing as too much protection?

Hey Dodgers feel free to keep spending money on losers, none of the guys you've gone after have ever done anything.  In fact once Greinke left Milwaukee this year the Brewers got better.  Have any of the guys your giving the farm too made a difference in a playoff series?  Have they ever helped win a playoff series?  That's right they haven't.

If you want to look at baseball teams who spend money they hardly ever win the World Series, the best Yankee teams from the 90's were full of home grown stars with guys peppered in.  Since then they've had 1 championship where teams have spent Tens of millions less and have won rings.

Atlanta I'm not defending you anymore you gotta win a big game then win a playoff game.  I like the Falcons but until they win I'm out.

Houston you need to win tonight, your in the same boat as Atlanta to me.

The Seattle screw job is starting to mess with my life now.  The Seahawks are 1 game up on the Redskins for a playoff spot and that annoys me.

Andrew Luck, RG III, and Russell Wilson are all in playoff hunt with first and third of those guys currently in.  This class of QB's could be one of the best ever, too bad Tannehill is in it to ruin the prospects.

Mad I missed the Iowa-Iowa St. basketball game Friday, but the Hawks won and this win could push them a long way. 

Chicago is a mess and once again guys are hurt.  Cutler left yesterday's game, and Brian Urlacher is done for the regular season, sad to see but when your old things like this happen.  I usually pull for the Bears but not now since they are 1 game ahead of the Skins for the final playoff spot as well.

Don't drink and drive, I'm not gonna delve too deep on practice squad guys, but 2 weeks in a row 2 "NFL" players are dead.  This is a problem for the league and they need to address it.

The last 3 weeks of the NFL are going to be exciting.  A lot is yet to be decided especially in the NFC.  I'll be back next week until then follow me on twitter @derekbredeson.

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