Friday, March 29, 2013

Somethig for the Fellas

   Took a day off so figured I'd blog a little.  About a month ago I posted a question on twitter about hot singers in music videos.  It got me thinking maybe I should find some of the best girl singer music videos do a mini-post about it, and hey at least the research will be fun.  Well I guess this is gonna really sexist but I don't care here are some of my hottest chicks who sing music videos.

Maybe one of my favorite videos off all time Mariah Carey, Honey.  She may be annoying now but holy hell when she jumps in the pool, WOW is all I can say.
Britney Spears, Baby One More Time, classic video and when I was 16 I couldn't stop watching it.

Christina Aguilera, Come on Over, my god when she shakes her ass, it could make a 17 year old boy lose his mind.  Dirrty was close but Come on Over has been my favorite of hers forever.

My first new school girl Katy Perry California Gurls is awesome, not to mention the fact she's naked for most of the video.
My only group video is the Pussycat Dolls, Don't Cha, not much else to say.
How about a sports reference, Eric Decker's girlfriend is blazing and so is her video for Wanted, Jessie James
Speaking of Athlete wives Carrie Underwood is probably the most gorgeous girl in country music.
Another sports related person, Jennifer Lopez (part owner of the Dolphins), Love Don't Cost a Thing.  She has a great ASSets in this video.
My girl Rihanna turned heads when she first came out
How can I do a list without Beyonce, I'm on record she's not my favorite but she's pretty hot
AND finally Christina Milian, not the best musician but who cares.

Well that's all I got, I probably forgot some nice ladies if I did feel free to tell me.  Enjoy and if I lost some female readers, so be it, but this is a sports blog and you gotta take it.  Follow me on twitter @derekbredeson and stay tuned for my regular Monday post.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Baseball 2013

    I promised it last week it's my 2013 baseball blowout.  I've never actually done this before so I don't know how it's gonna go kind of shooting from the hip here and since that's how all my posts go I guess it won't be any different.  I don't want to go division by division and give you straight winners, how about instead some bold predictions or maybe not so bold.

  • For the first time in what seems like 40 years the Yankees or Red Sox won't make the playoffs.  Sox are a mess have nobody on their roster I'm afraid of and they Yankees have everyone on the DL.  CC and Hughes could keep the Yanks close but with only Cano in the everyday line-up it's over for them.
  • Sleep on the Blue Jays, they spent too much, in fact the Marlins tried this last year and how did that work out?
  • Speaking of spending money, fuck the Dodgers, money can't buy team chemistry which is what you need.  Once again I'll bring this up, the guys they got from Boston weren't winning there why would they be different in LA.  Greinke is garbage in any important game and has never pitched under pressure.
  • Speaking of spending money, the Angels are gonna be tough, they have the best hitter of the last decade, they have the best hitter of the next decade and they have the best power hitter of when he's right can crush.  Besides the Rangers got nothing, The A's are weird, The Astros are garbage, and the M's are tough but not Angels tough.
  • I don't want to make any bold predictions for the Giants.  I think they'll win the West provided, Scutaro is the hitter he was in August and September last year.  Pagan is the guy he was in the playoffs and in the WBC.  Lincecum is can break out of his funk, and Vogelsong can keep dominating at home.
  • BEWARE of the Nationals.  They went out and got Soriano from the Yankees to close games.  Strasburg is gonna go a full season.  Don't forget Gio and Jordan Zimmerman.  The line-up is tough and Harper is only gonna get better.  I liked this team last year and I'm sure I'll watch them 2nd most this year.
  • The NL Central is garbage.  Reds will be good, Cardinals have zero pitching, Brewers suck, Cubs suck more, and the Pirates well let's see about those Pirates.
  • Speaking of the Pirates keep your eyes on Starling Marte, this kid is gonna be awesome, he's my breakout star of the year.  Anthony Rizzo is a good bet for that as well.
  • I'm man crushing on Aroldis Chapman this year, he might be the best closer of all time when it's all said and done, if he stays there he'll be better than Mariano.
  • I almost forgot to mention the AL Central, oh that's right the Tigers got that on lock, Cleveland your a few years away.
  • Any outfield with the Uptons in it is bound to strikeout a lot.
  • I like the Rays and Royals.  Watch out for the sneaky Royals pitching.
  • AL MVP: Mike Trout AL Cy Young: Justin Verlander
  • NL MVP: Joey Votto NL Cy Young: Stephen Strasburg
  • AL playoff teams, Rays, Tigers, Angels Division Champs Wild Cards Royals and A's
  • NL playoff teams, Nationals, Reds, Giants Division Champs Wild Cards Dodgers and Phillies
  • World Series Nationals over Angels, MVP Bryce Harper.
That's all for this week, I'd talk about my bracket but if you look at last weeks post it's completely fucked.  Follow me on twitter @derekbredeson.  Nascar note of the week, I understand what Joey Logano did wasn't "dirty" yesterday, but he needs to learn their are 2 ways to handle things like a bitch and like a man.  He handled this controversy like a bitch, yeah dude I'm sorry you got turned doing 100 MPH, but running like an idiot at 180+ is only gonna get people hurt, like it did.  I won't blame you for Denny's back injury but I'll blame you for his bad finish.  The brick wall caused the injury, but you helped put him there.

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Madness

  This year the madness actually is maddening, I filled out my bracket as I always do right after the selection show and when I was done, I looked at my Final Four, and went I don't like any of these teams.  That is the case of this years bracket we don't like anybody.  I think every bracket has at least 4 legit Final Four contenders, that's at least 16 teams that could win it all.  I think the number is probably more like 18-20.  Let's go region by region and I'll give my winner out of it leading to Final Four.

Midwest, Louisville is the overall number 1 seed yet ended up with the hardest bracket by far.  Duke is the 2, Michigan St. 3, and Saint Louis 4.  Other contenders Creighton at 7, Okie St. at 5 and St. Mary's in the play-in game, ST MARY's.  I think predicting this bracket is nearly impossible.  I went with Michigan St. simply because they are battle tested in the Big Ten, they play great defense and can come from behind.  I haven't watched much Big East this year so I'm not huge on Louisville.

East, Indiana got the number 1 in this bracket but once again it's wide open.  Miami could've been a 1, Marquette is the 3 (overrated I think), Syracuse the 4.  Contenders are #8 N.C. State and preseason favorite, UNLV at 6, Montana the 13, Butler vs Bucknell in the 6-13 game is a good match-up.  Illinois could be a sleeper if they play like they did in November and December.  I've liked Indiana all year, but they've played like crap lately and they tend to forget they have Cody Zeller sometimes.  I've chosen Miami not sure why but once again who else you gonna take.  They beat Duke, play good defense and have a ton of seniors, in a tournament without a dominant player older teams are gonna play better and seniors are a premium.

West, Gonzaga got the number 1, but this a tough region I think you can say 6 teams can win a national title out of it.  #2 Ohio St.  #3 New Mexico, #4 Kansas St, #5 Wisconsin, and #6 Arizona are all tough outs.  Add in Iowa St. that is older and Ole Miss the SEC tourny champs that just beat Florida and holy hell is this tough.  If you make the sweet 16 and your not Gonzaga or Arizona it's gonna be tough b/c they'll have great crowds in L.A.  my pick is Gonzaga, got nothing to back that up, I haven't watched them play a game all year, but I think it'll end up between Ohio St. and them and Ohio St. doesn't have the size to match-up with the Zags up front.

South, Kansas got the number 1, not a huge fan of it.  I think Kansas is by far the worst #1 in the tourny, and the Big 12 is a bad conference so I don't think they earned this over Miami or even Duke.  This region is tough as well #2 Georgetown, #3 Florida #4 Michigan are all pretty good and have ability to be great especially Michigan and Florida.  VCU is the 5 and are really good, San Diego St. is the 7 tough, Minnesota is the 11 and have size and seniors 2 nice things to have.  Don't forget the 8-9 game of North Carolina and Villanova leading to a match-up with Kansas.  What a great coaching match-up in the "3rd round."  After saying all that I decided on Georgetown, which will probably blow up in my face since they always under perform.

This season is especially tough b/c there is a ton of parody, no true dominant team, and almost every team has a bad loss.  So with that being said I have zero confidence in my Final Four of Michigan St., Gonzaga, Georgetown, and Miami.  My Champion is Miami over Gonzaga, yeah I know it's horrible. 

That's all for this week, check back next week when I do a baseball preview, and follow me @derekbredeson where I'll have plenty to say about the first 2 rounds this weekend.  Final thought Joey Logano and Denny Hamlin have a beef, which right or wrong I'm taking Denny's side of course.  I saw Joey call Denny the worst teammate ever when they were together.  Well, Joey who gave you the keys to Martinsville and Pocono?  Denny did, you wanna cry b/c he spun you yesterday go ahead but let the past be the past, I'm starting to think your the worst teammate ever since yesterday you pushed Denny into your teammate on a restart costing him the race and in Daytona you fucked up the bottom line by getting out of line once again costing your teammate. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Thoughts of the week 3-11 edition

    Not much too talk about, just figured I'd lay down a few thoughts.

The race yesterday was the best so far of the year, the teams are learning how to adjust the cars.  Matt Kenseth and Kasey Kahne had a great dual at the end.  I was very happy to see Kenseth get the win for Joe Gibbs Racing.

The Nascar vs. Denny saga can end when Nascar admits they made a mistake in fining Denny.  All Denny said was the teams have a lot to learn and the cars are gonna race like the old cars did at the beginning, until the teams learn what the cars can do we're gonna have snoozer races.

Team USA in the World Baseball Classic is a joke and I don't care who they beat, until we get the great pitchers to do this tournament we won't win.  This entire tournament is stupid btw b/c who wants to play in a tournament before the season starts?

NFL Free Agency starts tomorrow a whoopity doo, I don't get too excited for this probably b/c I'm not near the Redskins and don't hear any of the rumors on who their gonna get.  Also, the Redskins have made so many terrible signings in my lifetime I actually don't look forward to who we're gonna waste money on.  That said I hope we get some safetey help, and hopefully a long term solution at middle linebacker.

College Basketball is setting up for a great tournament, can't wait and hopefully the Hawkeyes can win a couple Big Ten tourny games and get in the dance.

In nonsports related subjects I'm watching "The Bible" and "Vikings" on History Channel, both have been ok so far, Vikings has some potential but since they have 1 hour segments it goes fast, and not much story gets told.  The Bible is good I like the Old Testament stories and so far that's what the Bible has shown.   Kind of wish they spent more time with David but I think they're already moving on.  Pretty good movies so far check them out.

Well that's it for this week I know pretty lame but I can't make up stories to talk about, come back next week when I'll have plenty to talk about with the bracket out.  In the meantime follow me @derekbredeson on the Twitter machine.

Monday, March 4, 2013

A Storms a Brewin'

  It's here March, the month that belongs too college basketball, conference tournaments start next week, then on March 14th the Big Dance starts.  College basketball doesn't get too much pub b/c it's so fluid, you can't put a lot of stock in the rankings.  You can watch the Big East, Big Ten and ACC but it's hard too make defining statements unless their is that dominant team like Kentucky last year.  With all this fluidity upsets happen all the time, which leads to today's column, the court storming.  I'm not a huge fan of storming the court, and I think there has to be something done about it.  I've felt this way for a long time, I believe I touched on it last year or the year before but never spent a whole post on it, but Coach K bringing up his beef with it last week led me to write about it today.  I've elected myself Court Storming President, I'm gonna lay out some rules for proper storming.

Rule 1) You may only storm the court once a year, if you storm when you beat Michigan, then you can't wait later in the year and storm against Indiana.  If you storm twice your losing the "specialness" of storming to begin with.  If you storm that many times, then why not storm after every win.  Yeah we beat Texas A&M Kingsville, lets rush the court.  I also think if you decide to storm the court more than once maybe your team is actually good and beating a top team isn't that much of a reach.

Rule 2) You may only storm against a Top 10 team.  You storm after beating #20 that's lame, besides that team will probably be out of the rankings b/c they lost to a team who felt they were bad enough too storm the court when they beat you.  A Top 10 team normally has 0-4 losses so a loss is rare and hey they should've beat a terrible team like yours.

Rule 3) You may only storm if your not ranked.  This happened this year already NC State stormed on Duke, when NC State was ranked, not only that they started the year ranked higher than Duke so in actuallity their team underperformed.  This is also goes for if you were ranked in the last month, Minnesota stormed on Indiana last week, Minnesota underperformed so much that they fell out of the top 25, but they played well one night and stormed against Indiana but they'll get back in the top 25 this week.  If your ranked and you beat a top 10 team, you were probably favored in the game.  Homecourt advantage is a big deal in college basketball, I remember Wisconsin storming the court a few years ago in a game they were favored in, that's right a game they were picked to win and they felt the urge to storm the court.  If your ranked you should win sit your asses down and watch your team win.

Rule 4) You may only storm if you haven't been stormed upon.  A few years ago Notre Dame was involved in 3-straight court stormings, they stormed, were stormed upon, then restormed, that's a 3-game span where court storming was seen as needed?  You have to wonder was the 1st one wrong?  The 2nd one wrong?  The 3rd one?  Where does it end?  I wish I knew who those 3 games were against but I can't recall right now.  If you were ranked high enough to be stormed upon then you were too good to be storming other teams. 

The final Rule, that we can't control is this, ESPN and other news outlets stop showing court stormings unless they follow the above 4 rules.  Why do these kids do this, b/c they get on TV and if you would take away the exposure the kids would end this crap.  I understand they're college kids and they get caught up in the moment, but if their isn't an end game they'll stop doing this.

That's all for this week, I'll be back next week, follow me on twitter @derekbredeson.  One thought on Joe Flacco, just b/c your highest paid doesn't mean your the best, if that were true nobody could make more than Jordan, Rice, or Bonds.