Friday, October 21, 2011

Nickname Game

I love nicknames, I myself have a few, Feedbag and Brady for starters. I love to try to nickname people all the time, whether it's at work or hanging with friends, it's fun for me. Another thing I love is sports nicknames. Athletes get all the best nicknames, George "Babe" Ruth, Dennis "Oil Can" Boyd, Willie "The Say Hey Kid" Mayes, and of course Ervin "Magic" Johnson. 3 of those are what you actually call guys. I have a few problems with the state of nicknames though. We're just getting lazy, seems these days it's mostly intials (LdT or LT-Ladanian Tomlinson, DW-Darrell Waltrip) or using the first or last name to create some (A-Rod, Alex Rodriguez and Aaron Rodgers, or Revis Island-Darrelle Revis) Don't get me wrong we have some goodies currently being used I love Megatron for Calvin Johnson and The Freak for Tim Lincecum. It makes me wonder why we're not getting some of the lasting nicknames like the Galloping Ghost or Crazy Legs Hirsch. I have a few ideas.

The large number of great Latin players in baseball, instead of coming up with something new people just take the easy way out. Your last name is Rodriguez, guess your nickname is first name intial then "Rod," A-Rod or K-Rod (I guess K-rod is a bad example but it's almost the same thing). Gonzales is another favorite, Car-Go, Lui-Go, A-Gone, guess what all those guys names are, Carlos, Luis and Adrian. Martinez has V-Mart, no originallity at all, a few have gotten sweet names Ivan "Pudge" Rodriguez, (the second "Pudge" but I'll get into that later. Why do we have to take the easy way out why not give guys real nicknames. Why not something without their name in it. Just saying.

Another problem could be the fact we're running out of names, I referenced "Pudge" earlier, there are two Pudges, Carlton Fisk and Ivan Rodriguez. The name fits both so no reason not for them to have it. I think if a name fits a guy he should be able to carry a nickname of someone who came before him. Why can't we use "Babe" or "Air" ever again just because they were the best we have to retire the nicknames like jersey numbers. In boxing there are 100 guys with the name Sugar and people didn't stop after Ray Leonard retired. If a guy warrants the name "Hammer" he should get it and he shouldn't be held up in Hank Aaron's light, I think Prince Fielder fits the name "Hammer" very well, of course some call his current teammate Ryan Braun "the Herbrew Hammer" so maybe that'd get confusing.

I think the biggest culprit to the fad of using the name is Chris Berman, who for a time gave everyone a nickname using their name, some are good Andre "bad moon" Rison, others even though funny the guy has a better nickname that was "Boomer" gives him. Albert "Winnie the" Pujols is more commonly known as "The Machine" I like that more than the bear reference. Maybe since Bermann made it common place to just use the guys name people stopped getting creative. Let's do this America, let's start to get creative again stop using initals (T.O.), stop using the easy way out using last names (King James), stop combining the first and last name into one (J-Roll). One more thing don't shoten a nickname to an even small nickname (AD for All Day, Adrian Peterson). To have a little fun though I'm gonna list some of favorite current nicknames and maybe I'll give away my favs of all time another time.

All Day-Adrian Peterson, great name and he is a horse so he can get the ball All Day.
Megatron-Calvin Johnson, the guy is huge, fast, great hands he's amazing.
The Freak-Tim Lincecum, he's small, weird motion and is effective, it is freaky.
Any Time-Devin Hester, it's a play on his hero's name "Prime Time" but Devin is defiantly Any Time but it does seem he gets his biggest returns in "prime time."
The Machine-Albert Pujols, it fits the guy, he's a machine in his mechanics and looks effortless.
The Big Donkey-Adam Dunn, rumor is he's a very gifted man, and I'm not talking about how far he can hit the ball.
Pronk-Travis Hafner, part project part donkey, not sure what that means but awesome name.
5-Time-Jimmie Johnson, this term of endearment started as 4-time which Jeff Gordon called him when he was pissed after the two had a tift last season.
Sex Cannon-Rex Grossman, not sure who thought of this but me and Chris have called Rex this for year.
Dirty-Mark Sanchez, it's what Chris calls him, I believe it's for Dirty Sanchez a not so nice thing to give your lady friend.
Lil Schrub-Kyle Busch, a play on his last name and being the younger Busch brother in Nascar.
If you have any feel free to leave some, and seriously we need more cool nicknames not just abbreviated names D-Wade I'm looking at you.

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Tebow "Thing"

At home watching Sportcenter, they're breaking down the Denver/Dallas game from last night. It's preseason so I don't care, but of course they're making a huge deal about Tim Tebow leading Denver, and making plays with his feet and arm. I don't like Tim Tebow, I don't know why. The kid wins, I like winners, he plays tough, I like tough guys. Yet, everytime I see him I say he's not a NFL QB, he doesn't have the fundamentals to lead a team. I think I do have a couple things, for one he's shoved down our throats, he's a back-up yet has advertising deals. His jersey sells like crazy (hence why he's shoved down our throats, people want to see who they like). It could also be the God thing, not many guys are as up front about their love of the lord and savior. Is that my problem, is he too unthugish for me? I don't like Mike Vick b/c he's a punk, but I don't like Tim Tebow b/c he's too good of a guy? That makes no sense at all.

Tebow is probably the most polarizing guy in the NFL. No matter what he does, good or bad, the people that like him will like him, the people that don't will always not like him. Unless the guy wins a Super Bowl he'll never get credit for being a "real" QB. When he was at Florida he ran more than he passed, I didn't look that up I'm just assuming. He won 1 national championship, and was the back-up for another, he won the Heisman, but since when does winning that make you a good pro QB, Matt Leinart I'm looking at you. My main problem is he's not a natural thrower, and in the age of the robots that are Manning, Brady, and Matt Ryan, guys who don't "look" right stand out and make you think they can't make it. He's a big kid, so big he looks shorter than what he actually is, I think he's 5'10" but he's actually 6'3" so he's not tall and big like Ben. He's also a runner, that really bugs the crap out of me, it's easy to run when guys are running routes and the DB's have their backs turned. I want my QB to stand in the pocket and only run when needed much the way a your Donovan McNabb was, I liked that, I don't like Vick and Tebow who take 2 seconds see nothing then take off. It's almost unfair, especially since their both so damn fast. That's another thing about Tebow he doesn't look athletic, he looks like a FB, but he's quick and will run you over. The more I type the more I think I should love this guy, but I don't. I can't wait for the fall of Tim Tebow and when he does I'll say I told you so, but when I'm wrong and he wins a ring you can shove in my face and I'll take it I promise. I know my opinion is backed up by much fact, but it is what it is.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Team Love vs. Player Love

We're coming to intersting time in sports, one never seen before. NFL free agency and the MLB trade deadline are going to be at the same time. This has never happened b/c usually football gets done in April. Another thing going on is NASCAR free agents are trying to sign for their rides for next season so merchandise and sponsors can be lined up. This brings the question of the day up, what do you do when your team signs a guy you hate? Has it happened before sure I would guess it happens all the time, I for one disliked that Edgar Renteria was making 18 million a year from the Giants, did he pay it off with a World Series MVP, maybe but I still don't like that we had him. (Side Note, I still think Tim should have won MVP for the series, went toe to toe with Cliff Lee both games and beat him both times.) If you've been paying attention to facebook the last two days I've been in a discussion of a guy I hate Nyjer Morgan and my opposition says if he were a Giant I'd love him. I doubt it.

This matter was first brought to light by NASCAR, where Chris has been telling for month that Carl Edwards is coming to Joe Gibbs Racing. My dislike for Carl is not rivaled by anyone in NASCAR, he's mr. media, mr. backflip, mr. if I pay you back for wreaking me I may kill you. He's annoying when he wins, loses or gets a top 5. It's not a good situation for me. I already have to tire myself defending Kyle Busch against everyone because he drives for my owner, and if Denny doesn't win I want JGR to win a race. If this Carl deal goes through I don't think I can do that. NASCAR is a little different than team sports, your cheering for one guy, not a group of 9 or 11. Look at this way, I don't care for Miguel Tejeda, but he does something good I can be happy b/c he's helping my team win, in racing Carl wins in my eyes he's only helping himself. I can stand Kyle b/c he actually isn't wrong all that much (maybe I'm jaded, hell I know I'm jaded), Carl is douche bag in my eyes. So what do I do? Same as football or baseball, let's say someday the Skins get Eli, I'll cut my eyes out before I watch him. Let's say the Giants do get Morgan, my god I'll go crazy, that cock doesn't belong on a winner.

What do you do? Do you root for him? Do you root against him, that can't be good, if I hope bad luck on Carl in JGR stuff he'll cost us money and knowledge that could be used to help us get better. I'm actually lost on this, I can't stand Carl what if he drives for us? I'm actually reaching out here for help, let me know what you think, is team allegiance above athlete allegiance? Tell me what to do leave a comment. Also, tell me who the guy on your team right now you can't stand we all have them, that guy who's overpaid, maybe a little too cocky for your liking. For the Skins it's DeAngelo Hall the guy had one game last year that's it other than that I can't stand him, for the Giants it is Miguel Tejeda, when we signed him I knew it was bad news and he's only proved my point by being benched for a guy who's hitting .200 but can actually field a ball.

Friday, July 22, 2011

NFL Lockout

Lots of talk about the NFL Lockout coming to an end soon. The owners like the deal the players don't. The longer this takes the better chance games get cancelled in the pre-season. The Hall of Fame game is already cancelled what could be next. Well I'm here to help ease your worries, as long as your a common fan, not some crazy guy who can name the whole depth chart down to the back-up punter and your only goal in life is to get the long snappers autograph to complete your team photo. I'm talking about common fans, people who tune in Sunday, watch the local news for team news, and the only reason you care about anyone but your team is fantasy football. If your that type fan here is a little help to ease your tension.

What the players and owners are fighting about now, we as common fans don't give a crap. What is the difference between 51 and 49 percent. Nothing in my eyes. I wish pro football were like politics, we don't like that these two sides are fighting over 9 billion and crying over every little penny, it's 9 billion freaking dollars. If it were politics next election we'd vote out the owners or players that are annoying us. I'd love nothing more than to vote Dan Snyder out of office in Washington D.C. All these players are crying on twitter that the owners tried pulling a fast one on them, shut up we don't care. It's been over 100 days get over it, your gonna cry over what the last guy on every roster is gonna make, that's where I'm mad, if your a stud you'll get paid no matter what, middle of the road just be happy to make some money.

To the beef of the matter these two sides aren't idiots and guess what the season will start on time. We'll have at least two pre season games and the coaches will have to make decisions based on what they see in practice, but like always about 35 spots on the roster are spoken for, and we as common fans only care about those guys, I mean what does is it matter if we make the wrong choice on the 3rd Tight End. I can't wait for the season to start so fantasy and gambling can begin, and don't worry it will, on time. This has been my stance the whole time two rich sides fighting over money in a recession, we should hate them for being greedy but of course when they suit back up we'll all be there worshipping their every move.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Bold Predections

We're nearing the trade deadline in baseball and the second half is heating up so I figured why not throw out some predictions for the rest of the year.

1.) The Pittsburgh Pirates will hold on and win the NL Central. They have pitching and timely hitting sounds like a team I know from last year. I like Milwaukee's offense, but not their pitching. I like St. Louis but something seems off. The Reds may turn into sellers in the next week, so maybe Pitt can keep this run going. Another thought, this isn't like Cleveland who got hot early and then have been coming back to the pack, the Pirates are gaining momentum not losing it.

2.) The White Sox will catch the Indians and Tigers to win the AL Central. As I type they are 4.5 games out of first. Ken Williams will make a deal for a hitter if Adam Dunn doesn't wake up. Also the bullpen market is wide open and they could make a move for some back end help. Ozzie is a great manager and gets the most from his guys I think this is a safe bet.

3.) Ubaldo Jiminez will be a Yankee. I think the Rockies are gonna sell and the Yankees need starting pitchers. This only makes sense to happen. If the Yanks can find enough prospects and maybe through in a pro player, like Brett Gardner or Nick Swisher this could happen.

4.) The Giants will get a power bat. We have no choice the offense is struggling and Pablo Sandoval can stay hot for only so long. Carlos Beltran is supposed to be a viable option but he doesn't have the power we need. I love our team right now and don't want to mortgage a the future this team won it last year and frankly if Tim, Cain, Vogelsong, and Madison can keep it up we won't need that many runs.

5.) The Cubs will be a farm team by the end of the year. Zambrano, Dempster, and Soriano are all gone. Carlos Pena may get moved as well. I think the Cubs have no choice but sell these guys and get something for them. For the most part they are all dissapointments, but have good trade value.

6.) Jose Bautista will hit 60 HR's. I'm pretty sure he's day to day right now but this guy kills the ball and is on a torrid pace. Besides Toronto has nobody else so if the dude hits a solo shot the game won't be changed.

7.) Prince Fielder will win NL MVP. Contract year, his team in the race, the guys get on in front of him. He's gonna put up huge RBI numbers and of course the dingers. The rest of the league is mostly pitching and Lance Berkman so not much competition I guess.

8.) The Phillies will NOT represent the National League in the World Series. Well duh of course I say that. I'm on record that I don't think their big pitchers have what it takes in the playoffs and last year we proved it against all 4. I like the Braves, Pirates and Giants pitching just as much so if they end up against each other those teams can shut down Phillies offense which is completely overrated. I mean Raul Ibanez is 45 or something yet bats in the middle of that order.

9.) The Rays will catch either the Yankees or Red Sox for the AL Wild Card. I'm record about the Yanks starting pitching, and the Red Sox are banged up. Besides, they'll play eachother enought that if the Rays get Evan Longoria going they'll catch one of these two.

10.) Prince Fielder will be a Yankee next year. I know that isn't till the offseason, but Prince will go there to DH b/c Jorge Posada is as good as gone. The Yanks will pay up and Prince will be a full-time DH the next 7 years.

11.) The Cardinals will trade Albert Pujols before July 31st. Yeah right I can't even back this up, but if it happens this would have to happen. In the next 11 days the Cardinals would have to lose a lot, the Pirates and Brewers would have to run away a little, and Albert would have to agree to go get a ring somewhere else and then come back next year as a Free Agent.

12.) The Giants win it all over the White Sox. I have no evidence to back this up, just what I think. We have the pitching let's do it again.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Annoying list

You ever watch something it just annoys the crap out of you. You have in movies, TV, magazines, friends, work, and of course sports. We're going to get into the sports things that just make me upset when I hear/see them. Let's get into it......

11) No double-headers in baseball, this past week the Giants and Cubs played 2 on Tuesday and during the late game they said Ernie Banks played 1/4 of his career games in double-headers, what happened to that. These days with pitch counts, bullpens, and injury prevention, not many double-headers get played. I wish they did, even if it was everyother Saturday play a day nighter, you could easily cut at least a week off the season if not more. Teams could adjust easily to the rules, in fact if you wanted expand the roster to 27 guys so teams could carry and extra fielder and pitcher, seems simple enough. Also, you could make more money in having events between the games so the fans don't have to leave, it could be a win-win for baseball, think about it. Besdides what's a good arguement against?

10) The Designated Hitter in baseball. By far the most annoying thing of interleague play and the World Series. The rules of the games are different depending on where the game is played, that's dumb. I of course being a Giants fan like when pitchers hit, and I think managing the game without the DH is harder. So a guy like Tony La Russa is a better mangager to me than Terry Francona, Tony has to worry about when he changes a pitcher when is he gonna hit, where Tito just can change the guy no reprecussions. Also, it let's guys hang on for too long, let's guys be one dimensional. I mean David Ortiz can barely play first that should be pretty easy, Jorge Posada is a washed up catcher, however keeps getting to play every day becasue he can still sort of hit. This all boils down to how can two leagues in the same sport have different rules, it's not like the Western conference in basketball has a deeper 3 point line than the East.

9) College Basketball players going one and done. A few years ago the NBA put in an age limit, making players be at least one year removed from high school to play. So guys go to school for one semester then basically leave. That wasn't a misprint I said semester not year. What happens is guys make sure they make grades for the second semester then check out and focus on basketball b/c they know there isn't a reason to stay onboard. I would like them to go to the NFL rules, where you have to be in 3 years before you come out. This would help scouting so much and guys like Greg Oden wouldn't happen as much. This rule also let's what Derrick Rose did happen, submit false test scores to the school and by time they figure it out your gone and don't have to worry about being punished, where the school catches hell.

8) People who dislike fighting in hockey. You ever been to a hockey game, there are cheap shots everywhere, guys take liberties constantly when the officials aren't watching. Hockey players tend to police themselves, take liberties with our best player, our best fighter will take liberties with your face. People who argue it's barbareck are dead wrong, if you outlawed fighting cheapshots would go up, and players would be getting hurt constantly. I like fighting and it should be allowed, on the other side of the spectrum, you fans who go to watch hockey for fights stay home, if that's all you want to see you don't need to show up and start chanting "less hockey more fights."

7) Idiots who argue, this could be used in a number of categories, politics and sports are the most common. I try to stay current with my sports, baseball, NASCAR, and football, and when people try to argue their points who don't know crap it makes you so mad. I understand if you just want to talk to talk, but think your dead right no matter what I say, your fighting a battle you can't win and I'm just never gonna talk sports with you again. This leads right into number 6

6) Blind fans. I don't mean to single out a certain fan base, but sorry I lived in Wisconsin almost my whole life, and those fans don't know talent from their asses. I know every year your good, every year you turn out a couple of guys, but your not a powerhouse, your a good big ten school that's it, Iowa is the same way, everyone in Iowa loves our 10-15 guys that are in the pro's. This isn't only true in college sports but in the pro's as well. Cubs fans are the worst at this they love all their guys but sorry half of them couldn't start for anyone else, and people do this a lot with young guys. You ever hear, he should be playing everyday, or he should be starting over that guy, well guess what, the coaches see these guys prepare everyday and they know who the better player is. Sometimes young guys have an advantage b/c nobody knows the book on them but eventually scouting catches up to them and they start to struggle. I myself can fall into this category sometimes, especially with this Buster Posey injury I'll argue to I'm dead that Scott Cousins had plenty of plate to hit. I think Chris Cooley is a top 5 tight end, and every year I think the Skins deserve at least 5 pro bowlers, well sometimes you can't help being a homer but when someone shoots you down at least take a second to look at their point and not just shoot it down b/c their rallying against your team.

5) The phrase "That's the way it's always been," dumbest arguement you can ever have, if we lived our lives that way then guess what no cars, medicine, or internet. That's the way it's always been. Just stop tradition is a good thing to hang onto but if something is better, like interleague play in baseball then the way it's always been isn't gonna work anymore.

4) Multi-team fans, I know this one is gonna hit pretty close to another writer on this blog. I cheer for my teams, Skins, Giants, Denny, and Hawkeyes. I do sometimes pick teams in the playoffs I'd like to see win, mainly b/c of who they're playing against. However, there isn't another team in baseball I cheer for or keep up. Same for football, it's the Skins that's it for me, nobody else. As I said sometimes in the playoffs I'll pick a horse to ride, but that's just who I think is gonna win, like last year I said I was on the Packer bandwagon. I wasn't cheering for them I just saw the way they played against Atlanta and went whoa, these guys are good and are gonna win it all. I'm not a packer backer, just who I thought was gonna win the Super Bowl. If your a fan be a fan of one team, and frankly how can you cheer for 2 teams what if they play each other, do you go well I like them more so go them. NO, if you like a team stick with them. You know people who cheer for two teams like say their home team and a traditional power, well when the home team get's good and traditional power starts to stink, all the sudden I've been with my boys the whole time. No you haven't, you cheered for good team while your team was down.

3) Announcers who can't admit a mistake/when they're wrong. Phil Simms is the worst of this he sees what he wants to see and can't admit when that isn't what happened. In general announcing as a whole is garbage these days, too many former players are doing color. They still hold grudges from their playing days. I wish they'd go back to media guys doing this but it'll never happen.

2) Fair weather fans. Is there anything more annoying? I don't think so. Who do you like now the Giants huh? Can you name the starting 9? No, you can't, how about the rotation? No, so what part of them do you like, the winning part? I've been a Skins fan since I was a kid, granted I can't keep up on them as much as I should but I know when we sign someone, when someone is hurt, and so on. When the playoffs start don't all the sudden start wearing your gear, or when the team is down for a long time, then get good start saying how you've been there the whole time, no you haven't. Like I said I've been with the Skins my whole life, we've been good like 3 years of that, I still cheer for them, and wear my gear.

1) Without further ado here it is the most annoying thing in sports, ESPN. WHAT, the network devoted to sports annoys you? Damn right it does. You know why everyone hates LeBron, b/c ESPN gave him an hour special to say where he was gonna play, he said I want to announce where I'm going ESPN says let's make an event out of it. Then they shove LeBron down your throat for a whole year. ESPN overdoes stories worse than soap operas and proffesional wrestling. You know why guys do stupid shit like change their names to Ochocinco and Meta World Peace because those guys know ESPN will slurp them up and put them on every show they have. In baseball all they care about is the Yanks, Sox, and Phillies. Football Jets, Cowboys, and Patriots. They put Chad 85 and T.O. on TV so much it makes people hate them even though their decent football players, same with LeBron, if ESPN hadn't shoved LeBron down our throats he wouldn't have the hate of most Americans. Another thing they do is give credit to their insiders on everything, Jay Glazer breaks a lot of news regarding the NFL, but Mort and Sheffty take credit for his stuff constantly. ESPN used to be cool, but now they break down one game 4 times a show and the rest of the sports world can suck it.

BONUS ITEM, the overated chant and court storming in college basketball. If you BFE university and you beat a traditional power go get some, but if your Louisville and you just beat number 1 rated UCONN, stay in your seats. Chanting overated at college players is also dumb, like they have any contorl on rankings, if your undefeated your gonna be ranked high that's how it is, it's mostly based on record. This is especially true when too top 25 teams play, stop it, your just as good as the other team, and your at home you should beat them.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Dale Jr.

It's been 3 years, over 100 races since Dale Jr. won a race. I have been really hard on the guy, and his fans I know, so I thought maybe I'd take some time and explain myself and say why I don't think the fans favorite driver is all that good. Too be honest I don't really hate Jr. I don't like the media attention he gets, or the fact that everyone loves the guy, when frankly he hasn't done jack crap in career.

First of all, Jr. used to be good, he's won 18 races, (one more than my favorite driver Denny Hamlin) but all but three of them were before 2005. In case you didn't know July 18th, 2004 Jr. was in a crash at Infeon raceway in California. Driving a Corvette he hit the wall and the car suddenly burst into flames., you can watch it here. Now, a good source of mine says that wreck changed Jr. and since then 6 wins for him, so something has changed in him. That crash is pretty scary is may make you think your not long for this world especially when your dad died while you were finishing a race in front of him. Maybe, Jr. made it a point then I'm just gonna count my cash and be a sponsor guy and screw being good, which makes sense in a way. NASCAR is the only sport people keep paying you no matter how good you are. If for instance a pro sports team struggled as much it's fans would stop going to games, buying merchandise, or watching on TV, but in racing it's different Jr. is by far the most popular and I'm guessing as long as he's driving he always will be.

That last thing is my whole driving force behind my Jr. ripping, how can fans continue to support a loser, forcing the media to shove him down our throat. Anytime he gets a top 5, the guys calling the race go nuts, he gets in the lead the entire stands get up and cheer. Hell a few weeks ago Jr's nationwide driver Aric Almirola got up front at the race I was at in Iowa and all the fans cheered, are you f'n me? This blind loyalty really bugs me especially when talented guys like Jimmie Johnson, Denny Hamlin, Kyle Busch, and Kevin Harvick don't get nearly the camera time or the sheer number of fans. I get that the guys dad was possibly the best ever, but that didn't work for Kyle Petty he's not universally loved. Darrell Waltrip spends the entire Fox season of races saying it's his week to win. I guess I'm trying to say most guys who don't win in 3 years don't get talked about unless their doing something right, Jr. this year is 3rd in points and has come close to winning, but that's this year, he was a non-factor the last 2 years.

The other thing that gets under my skin is the advertisements, Jr does commercials for everyone, he's the freakin Peyton Manning of NASCAR. It really makes me think he just wants to count his money and not care about racing, once again this year excluded from that. His points finishes match up with other guys people won't even know, but somehow everyone loves Jr. These points keep coming back up, the results don't reflect the fan base or the dollars he's pulling in. Jr. is close to winning this year, and frankly I hope he does so I don't have too keep hearing how close he is or the number of races it's been since then. When he does I'm sure all 4 million of his fans will celebrate and whatever network airs that race will jump for joy b/c the ratings will be huge, and sportscenter will lead every day with a story about the streak ending, it'll be great. I actually fear the Cubs winning a world series but Jr. winning I'm not affraid of, just get it done 88, PLEASE.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Father's Day

This Sunday will be Father's day so I thought why not give a shout out to my dad. I wanna take the time to thank my dad for being there for me, giving me my passion, and making me into the person I am today. I owe a lot to him, my love for golf and my game I got from him, I bat left handed in baseball but golf right handed because when I started hitting balls I used my dad's clubs in the backyard to learn. There are a ton of other things my dad gave me but this is a sports blog not somewhere you want to learn about who or why I am.

When I was youngster my dad didn't push any of his teams on me, hence why a kid from Wisconsin can like the Washington Redskins, San Francisco Giants, Michigan Wolverines (no longer a fan of those guys), Chicago Bulls, (everyone my age was a Bulls fan), Rusty Wallace and Pittsburgh Penguins. There are no state teams in that list, the closest being the Bulls who I no longer care for, that's for basketball in general. My dad in fact does like the home teams, Packers Badgers, and Brewers. He loves him some Green Bay, but when I was a kid he didn't force me to like them, in fact he didn't force my sister either, her teams are just as spread out as mine. I know for sure he wishes maybe I wasn't so passionate about sports in general but he deals with it, and lately he's coming around and we can have intelligent conversations about stuff, mostly football. I'm not sure if I'll be able to do my kids my the same favor, I have a feeling they'll be pushed to the Hawkeyes and Giants especially, but I hope I can keep and open mind like my dad did when I was a kid. Thanks Dad, happy father's day!!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Bucket List

Man what is getting into me, another post 3 in 4 days I better slow down. This is one is so cool I didn't wanna lose my thought before Friday. I've done some cool stuff in regards to sports, I've been to Wrigley, new Comiskey, the Bristol night race, NFL Hall of Fame inductions in Canton, Ohio, and watched the Giants live more than a handful of times. I started thinking today, if I could attend any ten sporting events what would they be. I wrote down some stuff coming up with 15 events, I ranked them to a top 12, and now I'll unveil them, from 12 to 1, #1 being the thing I want to do most. Also, I've got some other lists in my head so this may become a theme. Here we go......

12) Kentucky Derby, I'm not a huge horse racing fan, but going to the Derby would be sweet, the hats, the beer, the gambling. That would be awesome to witness.

11) Richmond Race (NASCAR), this is my favorite driver Denny Hamlin's home track. Richmond has two races a year both are at night so either would suffice. Geographically, I'm a loner as a fan, I've never been to one of my favorites home stadium, so being around what I would hope be a mostly pro Denny crowd would be sweet, plus he's good there so a great chance he wins.

10) Redskins vs. Cowboys in D.C. how amazing would this be, huge rivals, our stadium, be around the Skins fans. If my seats were by the "Hoggettes" it'd be even better.

9) Super Bowl, only knock I would have is all the pre game and halftime crap, I'm there to see a football game let's play. To be at the biggest game of the year would be beyond belief, especially since tickets are so much. Cherry on top would be a team I like is there, but not a requirement. But to watch whoever host the trophy at the end live would so awesome.

8) British Open, my favorite Golf Tournament of the year, it'd be extra sweet if it was St. Andrews but any course would ok in my eyes. The British is cool because it seems a guy comes from nowhere every year to contend, and I've heard European fans aren't as courteous as American ones, so to hear some heckling at golf would be so funny.

7) A perfect game pitched in baseball, to be there as somebody chases perfection, 27 up 27 down. How cool would it be, the anticipation in the ballpark would so amazing. The tension so thick, to watch the fielders figet while they're waiting to get a ball hit to them, can't describe how cool that'd be. Also, seems as if every perfecto has at least one did you see that play that someone on defense makes.

6) Rose Bowl, the best bowl game of them all, I don't need to get into detail about why the Rose Bowl is so great.

5) Fenway Park, I've been to Wrigley, Yankee stadium is knocked down, there's only one "old" park left for me to see. That'd be Fenway, the Red Sox wouldn't have to playing someone especially good I just wanna go there for a game and see the place up close, maybe from the Monster Seats.

4) Iowa vs Michigan @the Big House, always wanted to go to the Big House in Ann Arbor, but to go watch the Hawkeyes play Michigan there would be too cool.

3) Southern 500, Darlington Raceway (NASCAR), this is my favorite race of the year, (besides Bristol) it's not a plate track like Daytona or Dega, and not an open-wheel track like the Brickyard in Indy. Darlington is steeped in tradition, the racing is fast and you can hit the wall anytime there.

2) Stanley Cup Game 7, don't care who is playing just want to watch my favorite sport to see live crown a champion. If you don't watch hockey much when a series is over, the team that wins celebrates, then both teams shake hands before they get the hardware, then each guy carries the Cup around the ice. The tension, intensity, the focus, couldn't imagine how cool that would be. When your at a hockey your on edge already but to amp it up to game 7, AMAZING

1) Giants-Dodgers, AT&T Park, San Francisco, Tim Lincecum on the hill for the Giants. That is very specific I know, but if this is gonna be the game I go see at the Giants home park this is the game I want to watch. Tim is electric when he's on, and to be at a rivalry game would be so cool. The Giants have one of the most beautiful parks in the whole league, then to see the 2 time Cy Young winner throw for us, my excitement level would be through the roof.

There you have it, another list of mine, I'm sure some of the stuff you could give a crap about, but this is what I want to do, tell you what if I do 2 of these I'll be a happy camper.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday Night Baseball Diary

Always do diaries for the Super Bowl and oddly my favorite team is never playing in it, so tonight I'm gonna be homer and do a diary of the Giants-Reds game.

7:11 We are live from the man cave, Timmy Auto jersey in corner, Jon Sanchez on the hill for the Giants, batting lead off for the Reds strikeout maching Drew Stubbs. We're off

7:12 baseball is boring to some, not me, I love this and I'm way more annimated when my team is on. Aubrey Huff almost makes a great catch in foul territory, but he lost it in the sun.

7:13 well there's a shock Sanchez walked someone, he does this often, Brandon Phillips up. Expecting the Reds to run on Giants catcher Chris Stewart, he's young and doesn't have the greatest arm, did say young more like a journeyman.

7:15 I wasn't a fan of Joe Morgan doing games but he's way better than Orel and Bobby V. Don't get me started on Dan Shuleman, Jim Miller kills him at play by play.

7:16 just realized something, I'm watching and doing a diary on a regular season baseball game instead of Game 6 of the NBA Finals, shows how much I care about basketball.

7:17 Sanchez can't get Phillips out here, I like Jon but him and Timmy both seem to be Bi-Polar when they pitch, when their on watch out, but when their off I have long nights, GOT EM, one out. Like I said I'm bi-polar during games.

7:19 Taylor made double play, Burris to Crawford, to Huff, and we're out of the first, the double play is a great equalizer in games, if you can get one it helps the pitcher out so much.

7:21 the commercials aren't gonna be as good as my normal diaries, hard to take the High Life guy serious now that he's on that Body of Proof show on ABC.

7:22 Giants coming to the plate, my man Nate Schierholtz getting the start in right and batting 3rd, this dude is good take notice. On the hill for Cinncy Edison Volquez, he's a good pitcher been hurt lately though.

7:23 Love how ESPN keeps saying the Giants can't score runs, well guess what we're in first place so shove it, 4 pitch walk to Torres

7:24 Tejada to the plate, don't like him, he's a streaky hitter and frankly I can't wait for Pablo to come back and put Tejada on the bench, Torres overslides 2nd on a steal and is out. DAMN Looks to me Brandon Phillips pushed Torres off the bag, bad call dude.

7:26 Base hit for Tejada right up the middle, Nate is up now, lose one bud

7:27 Volquez doesn't look on hopefully we can be patient and make it hurt, not chase pitches or run ourselves into outs. ESPN making a big deal about the shadows, they deal with this almost daily not sure why it's a big deal, if their pro's they should be able to hit in shadows.

7:28 Full count to Nate, Tejada should be moving, he was and I should be a manager.

7:30 strike em out, throw em out, accept the SS didn't catch the ball, so now Miggy is on 2nd with Huff at the plate, Aubrey is on my fantasy team so I'll take a RBI here buddy.

7:31 Volquez just left one fat and Aubrey didn't capitalize, then he chases a bad one, I know hitting is hard but it makes you so mad when they let one go then go chasing the next pitch, COME ON.

7:33 They continue to say how offensivly challenged we are, as Huff rolls over on a curve ball to first, when you spend your money on pitching like we do offense is gonna struggle, and our best offensive player is out for the year, sorry we're not the Sox, Yanks or Phils like you always broadcast ESPN, we don't have deep pockets and instead take a bunch of role players and win with them instead of megastars. BTW we're in FIRST PLACE, if we suck so bad how come we're in first place and just won the World Series?

7:36 Jay Bruce to lead off for the Reds, he's killing the ball.

7:37 Jonny walks him, bringing up 734 year old Scott Rolen. How old is this dude, I swear he was playing when I collected baseball cards. Jonny fighting back up 0-2 to him.

7:39 Just showed Dusty Baker, has anyone benefitted more from steroids as a manager, he was our manager when our whole team was on the stuff, and since being fired he's gotten 2 other jobs, he's a good regular season manager, but terrible in the playoffs. Check that first statement, Tony LaRussa has benefitted more.

7:41 Rolen pops out to Manny Burriss, not a fan of Burriss but our whole infield is hurt so he has to play. Jonny is averaging over 7 pitches per out, has to be better, Jay Bruce picked off stealing, I don't get why teams run when pitchers are struggling, Giants ran into an out and now the Reds did, no reason to do that.

7:44 Johny Gomes goes down swingin, Sanchez is battling just wish he'd throw more strikes. Hate to harp on this but Bobby Valentine sucks as an announcer, he acts likes he's still managing, dude I don't care how you did it just call the action.

7:47 my man Cody Ross to the plate, I'm a big Ross guy wish he got a few more base hits, grounds out, damn.

7:48 The rookie Brandon Crawford, playing shortstop due to injury, he's up a little soon but he has potential and frankly I like the kid.

7:49 Brandon works the count full, Bobby V loves him, he needs some hitting help but the D is there and he has a ton more range than Tejada.

7:50 The Giants manager made a joke about Pablo Sandoval catching this week now the media won't leave it alone, stop he's not gonna catch. Crawford grounds out to World Series MVP Edgar Renteria, still think Timmy should've gotten it.

7:51 Manny Burriss to the plate, don't like guy one bit he's been up and down the last few years never been a huge fan, he's small and makes lots of errors on D, only good thing is he can play 5 positions. And he check swings out. Volquez is settling down, or maybe our hitters just stink.

7:53 it's almost been an hour and it's only the 2nd I'm gonna be up all night, let's get this moving, only beef I have with baseball the game goes slow.

7:55 one pitch one out.

7:56 Ramon Hernandez gets the Reds first hit, talking about evening the divisions, I'm for this move and having 15 teams in both leagues, then getting rid of the DH.

7:57 The pitcher is up with a man on 1st he's bunting, why I love the no DH, pitchers should hit.

7:58 Volquez tries the ole fake bunt slash hit and fouls it off, smart play if it works, strikes out 2 down.

7:59 Stubbs goes up the middle 2 on 2 out, of course Sanchez could have a short inning and now he can't get someone out.

8:01 Brandon Phillips working the count, ground out to 3rd, Tejada steps on it then for no reason throws it to Huff at 1st, can we carry one of those outs over to next inning please?

8:02 how's that basketball game going, wonder why ESPN keeps showing the score on the bottom? If we wanted to watch it I'm sure we'd be watching it, it's the biggest game of the night, obviously baseball fans are watching this game not people who like the Mavs or Heat.

8:05 Chris Stewart to the plate, not much to say about this dude, he's 30 and has been around, good defensive catcher, but he strikes out, nice work dude.

8:06 Jon Sanchez to the plate, hopefully he can work the count, nevermind grounds out to 2nd.

8:07 Giants hitters not showing the patience we had in the first inning. Torres is working the count now. right as I type that he rolls over to first man we are offensively challenged, our guys can hit just can't put them together.

8:10 realizing I'm very calm in the early innings, wait for when the bullpen comes in, I'm sure the phrase, he sucks is gonna come out a lot.

8:11 NL MVP Joey Votto to lead off, double play his first AB, Jonny just threw at his chin, effectivily wild I believe the phrase is, but he walks him, that's 3 of the first 4 innings that Jonny has walked the first guy. COME ON DUDE throw f^cking strikes.

8:13 Thinking about jumping over to E-Bay quick and seeing if there are any Buster Posey Autograph's for sale, already got Tim why not get Buster? Sanchez works the count to 3-1 on Jay Bruce, come on.

8:16 and he walks him, nobody out two walks, come on Sanchez make them be hitters we have a good defense. Bobby V says Votto distracted Sanchez, hey Bobby nobody was on first when he walked Votto, I think Sanchez just stinks, not that Votto is amazing.

8:17 and the walks kill him Rolen short hops the left field wall, gets a rbi double, can't walk people. 2nd and 3rd nobody out, time to turn it on, after the bullpen got a workout yesterday when Tim only went 4 innings.

8:19 down 2-0 already, that's 3-0, throw f^^^ing strikes, 4 pitch walk and there loaded with nobody out, dude is garbage how come he's our number 2?

8:20 Renteria to the plate, hopefully he's the normal Edgar not world series Edgar.

8:22 Renteria goes about 10 feet away from hitting a Grand Slam, instead it's a sac fly, and it's 2-0 Reds, runners on 1st and 2nd 1 out.

8:23 The catcher hits into a double play the great equalizer, 5-4-3, WE NEED TO HIT

8:24 just saw a preview for Horrible Bosses, damn star power that could be funny, I'll give a review in 6 months when I get it on Netflix.

8:26 manager interview time, I like Wendi Nix, not gorgeous but better than most people ESPN has. Another nice one is Amy K. Nelson doesn't get enough camera time for my liking.

8:27 Tejada leads off and chases right away down 1-2, be patient.

8:28 Miggy flies out to RF, Bruce struggled with it but caught it. Schierholtz base hit to left, let's go make em pay.

8:29 Aubrey Huff to the plate come on dude LOSE ONE. Looks at one at the knees.

8:30 double down the left field line by Aubrey, atta boy, 2-1 Reds, Cody Ross now up, let's go boys string together some hits.

8:31 tough call there by the home plate ump. almost the same spot there.

8:32 Cody needs to get the hit here, after him the line up starts to get thin, I like our team but not the bottom of the order.

8:33 Walked him, some borderline pitches there. Time for the young Crawford to come up huge for us.

8:35 this ump stinks just gave Volquez a gift, 2-2, come on Brandon.

8:37 goes down swingin, I knew Cody Ross had to hit when he was up, I like Crawford but Volquez kept throwing change ups to him and he couldn't hit.

8:38 now Burris, CRAP, gift strike there, this ump blows. side note to Burris swing the f'n bat.

8:39 Burriss lines out to 3rd, just missed getting it through, damn, got one back now we need Jonny to not struggle, got the pitcher first.

8:41 don't get me wrong I love Brian Wilson but this beard thing needs to stop, it's not like he's always had it, he just grew it last year, after the all star game, the thing is way to long now.

8:42 Volquez grounds up the middle, damn we need to get the pitcher out.

8:45 Stubbs grounds down the line, got bailed out by the pitcher being on, only got one base, should've been a double at least. Action in the Giants pen, not gonna be good.

8:47 stuck out Phillips 1 down, hopefully Votto roles into a double play.

8:48 well that's a SWEET double play, Votto flys out to left field and Cody throws a rope to 2nd to get the pitcher before he gets back, Jonny out of trouble, that's our 3rd double play of the night.

8:51 8-9-1 for us to lead off the inning, I'll be happy here with anything that isn't a 1-2-3.

8:52 Since we lost Buster our catchers are hitting below 200 and have 2 rbi, man that stinks.

8:53 like clockwork Stewart hits a double down the line, time to bunt Jonny, get that tie run to 3rd. That was funny missed bunt Hernandez throws down to second wasted play.

8:54 Sanchez swings down 0-2 need to move the runner here dude, and he can't do it, come the hell on.

8:55 Torres needs to come through here come on dude one of those Andres doubles would be great.

8:56 Torres grounds out to short, so lead off double and two outs later he's still on second,

8:58 Tejada grounds out to third inning over, crap like this makes you mad, your job is too move runners and both Sanchez and Torres are left handed and neither pulled the ball to move the runner, we need to be pro's and do this. Still 2-1 after 5

9:01 Sanchez starts Bruce off with a strike, I'm shocked.

9:02 Bruce works the count full, he's already walked twice.

9:03 Hersheiser psychoanalyzes pitchers way too much, strike 3 got em.

9:04 Rolen hits the longest out of the game 400 feet, Torres chases it down, 2 down, Jonny is helping the bullpen here, amazing how much he struggles yet still only has given up 2 runs.

9:06 of couse as I finish that he works the count to 3-0 and then walks Gomes, should've been a short inning instead have to face another hitter. They show our staff, man what a staff, our top two starters are struggling the most, Cain, Madison, and Vogelsong are carrying us while Tim struggles. On that note I'll take our staff against anyone and I mean anyone

9:08 Renteria grounds out to short inning over, 3-4-5 for us these guys did the damage last time, come on boys.

9:09 just checked the basketball game 4th quarter is starting and the Heat are losing sure hope, if they lose that LeBron at least shows up don't need to hear about how small he plays when the game is on the line.

9:11 Schierholtz works the cound 2-0 come on dud9:e need runners, 3-0 Nate is my man I love this kid. Draws the walk, won't be surprised if he's not stealing here.

9:12 our big hitter with Posey out is Huff, he needs to be clutch like he was last year for us to succesful going forward. action in the Reds pen.

9:13 6th inning and finally someone says Votto was MVP last year, man unless you play for the Yanks Sox or Phils nobody gives a crap about you.

9:14 Huff works the count 2-2, we need you dude. double down the right field line means a run with Nate running.

9:15 full count send the runner, once again I'm right but bounces it foul.

9:16 base knock and with Nate running he gets to 3rd, nobody down and Cody coming to the plate runners on the corners, come on Cody big hit here.

9:17 not how you draw it up, slow roller to SS but it gets the job done, tied at 2, only one man down, runner at first, hey Brandon how about triple here dude.

9:18 talking about how the Giants win one run games, I like that we do this because everyone gets a chance to win games and it makes the young guys feel the pressure. Especially if we keep winning.

9:20 Crawford hustles out of a double play, giving Stewart an AB, maybe he can get another double here, Crawford runs well, side note I'm tied in SB's in fantasy, I got Crawford so I'll take a steal here,

9:21 he went but Stewart grounded to first. Tied at 2 after 6, (ed note: that was Burriss not Stewart who grounded out)

9:24 Ramon Ramirez to the hill for us, good night for Jonny not great but good he battled. 1 down right away Hernandez goes first pitch swingin.

9:27 found some Posey's balls on E-Bay 140 a little steep I'll look for a better deal, unless you wanna get me a SWEET wedding present.

9:28 Finally Ramon Ramirez gets Fred Lewis looking, 2 down, lead off man Stubbs up, and he hits him damn, once again 2 outs and we give up a runner can't do this. Need to finish innings to win.

9:30 Balk on Ramirez this just got worse can't be giving free bases away FOCUS!!!!

9:32 struck him out, Phillips hasn't been great tonight, well that's it for Ramirez he'll be hit for to lead off the inning, probably Pat Burrell to hit for us.

9:33 I know this Shaq commercial where he gets the mascot out of the tree is old but I love it, too funny.

9:34 just checked the basketball game, Mavs still lead, must say changing the channel twice is the most I've switched to the NBA all playoffs, why did basketball lose me?

9:36 Stewart leads off, I was off by one guy last inning keep forgetting about Burriss.

9:37 Stewart walks to lead off, Burrell does pinch hit, double play waiting to happen, just saying.

9:38 Pat looks at a strike, he's too perfect of a hitter for my liking. and goes down looking swing the bat old man.

9:40 Torres has worked the count here, need a base hit home boy, just gets over Votto's head. Double.

9:41 we got something cooking now, runners on 3rd and 2nd, one out, big spot for a guy who knows how to hit in Miggy Tejada. This is how we win, keep games close then beat up the bullpens.

9:42 looks like their gonna walk him, with Nate on deck bad move in my eye, their gonna bring in a lefty to pitch him, of course Bobby V says you need to pinch hit for Nate, no need he's a pro and has about hot of bat as anyone right now.

9:44 barring a miracle looks like the Mavs win, great let the LeBron is to blame talk start, I hate the media.

9:45 they showed the score at the game and crowd cheered, everyone hates Miami. Bill Bray against Nate, just need a long fly ball Nate no grounder or K or shit pop.

9:46 sac fly to center, we're winning, atta boy Nate, I knew I loved this guy for a reason, remember I don't edit this stuff so all the praise I've been given him isn't just because he got that huge sac fly and the other 2 runs.

9:47 Huff now up, come on dude put up a crooked number here.

9:49 Huff really stringing this AB out, just trying to get something good to crush I think, base hit to left, and Torres scores, for the record he slid into home. 4-2 good guys.

9:53 Another pitching change, now Cody gets a righty to face, still got runners 1st and 2nd 2 outs, keep this inning up Cody.

9:54 side note love when guys wear the high socks, think it should be a rule all baseball players wear high socks.

9:55 fly out to center, and the inning is over 4-2 after 7, Sergio Romo time.

9:58 check that with Votto and Bruce due up, we go with Javier Lopez the lefty specialist, a guy I LOVE, I think he was one of the biggest pick ups last season.

10:00 and he got Votto swingin.

10:01 boom baby, back to back K's of two of the best lefties in the game, NOW we can see Romo.

10:03 Now Romo comes out and starts Rolen with back to back strikes, Romo struggled in the post season but I still got faith in the guy.

10:05 Rolen fouls out to Huff, it will be B-Dubz next time we're on the field.

10:07 coverage comes back to Wilson warming up, man that dude is goofy looking, and he's crazy as hell off the field.

10:08 talking about the All Star game, is anything more worthless than the All Star game? That's in any sport not just baseball, I think people would prefer a skills challenge over a game

10:09 Crawford can't get anything cooking tonight keep the head up kid you'll be fine

10:10 Schuleman just reminded everyone that we are in first place, damn right we are, pitch well play defense keep games close and win against bullpens.

10:11 Burriss just made himself look like an idiot pitch right down the middle he thought was ball 4, next pitch though it was ball 4 man on first one down.

10:14 hit and run and Stewart hits the pitcher dangerous play but I think he's ok. man on 2nd 2 out, some dude I don't know to pinch hit, Connor Gillespie. Young guy was up like 3 years ago, just playing because we are banged up.

10:16 Just guessing this kid will be back in Triple A when Pablo comes back on Tuesday.

10:18 and Connor gets a walk, Torres to hit maybe we can get some more insurance, this game is dragging a little.

10:20 showed Dubz in the bullpen, he's ready, Torres grounds to 2nd inning over 2 run lead top of the 9th coming up.

10:21 They show Dubz running onto the field, he is a fan favorite and I love the guy, he gets himself into trouble sometimes but what fun is it to go 1-2-3?

10:23 That Beard is on the creepy borderline now, but hell it works, strike 1.

10:24 gotta give a shout out to Dubz shoes, those bad boys are sweet lots of Orange and Orange laces might get some for myself, 1 batter 1 K, 1 down 2 to go.

10:26 typical Dubz going 3-1 Renteria, it's never easy with this dude. Nice play by Burriss to get Renteria, always happens I kill the guy and he makes a great play in a huge situation. 2 down.

10:28 again Dubz gets behind, he needs pressure to fuel his pressure I suppose, base hit Hernandez, some Heisey dude to pinch hit, I need to update my Reds roster.

10:29 of course starts him with a ball, never easy with Dubz.

10:30 3-1, just got a gift full count, 2 down top 9 come on Dubz. Foul ball

10:31 another foul, Reds just pinch run when the count got full, bouncer to 3rd Miggy with not a great throw to first but Huff wrangles it in, GIANTS WIN GIANTS WIN

I know it wasn't as good as the regular Super Diary but hey at least you know more about my Giants and who I like. Who am I kidding nobody read this.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Fighting in the pits

Big news last week, there was a fight in Nascar. Lately that doesn't seem like big news, everyother week it seems someone is mad at another driver, for racing them wrong or touching them. Nascar's answer to down ratings and attendance has been "boys have it." This idea is take car of business on track and we'll stay out of it, no punishment. Well that idea has been bubbling and bubbling, finally coming to a head a few ago in Darlington, when Kyle Busch and Kevin Harvick got into a tif on the track, which spilled onto pit road. Harvick got out of car to confront Busch, Kyle not wanting to fight pushed Harvicks unoccupied car out of the way, and into the pit wall. Doing damage to a car that was virtually spotless. When Kyle punted that car it caused a lot of work for Harvick's team at the Richard Childress Racing shop, making them fix that front end. Afterward, Harvick's team owner let Kyle Busch know that if he messed with his equipment anymore, he was gonna whoop him. Well, it happened and Childress held to him promise.

Last Saturday at Kansas, in the Truck race Kyle wasn't happy with the way RCR driver Joey Coulter passed him at the end of the race for 5th. I repeat FOR 5TH, and Kyle can't score driver points so it's not like he's going for a driver championship, he is after a owner championship but it was only one damn point. Well Kyle gave Coulter a little bump after the race, which people do all the damn time, in doing so he wrinkled the rear quarter panel of the 22 truck a little. Well Childress wasn't happy, so 30 minutes after the race, once coverage was over by the way, Childress confronted Kyle, putting him a headlock and punching him in the face. Details are sketchy how many times he smacked him, but Kyle didn't fight back, he never does, he's not a driver not a fighter according to him. I've never been in a fight, don't want to be, but if a 60+ guy was jacking me in the face I'd maybe hit back. Kyle didn't which is fine, keep himself out of trouble I guess.

Word of the fight got out, people reported on it like it was no big deal which really got under my skin. Nascar handed Childress a 150 thousand dollar fine, and probation the rest of the year-which is bogus Nascar probation is like community service not punishment at all. At first I was upset about the fine, I was told that's basically a car, and since this isn't the NFL with tons of money I'm ok with it, sort of. I do feel though people are giving Childress a pass b/c he hit someone nobody likes. Childress is an owner, Kyle is a driver, these two shouldn't be in an altercation. I'll use other sports, last weeks topic with Scott Cousins vs Buster Posey, Giants GM said some stuff on the radio, repeat SAID stuff, didn't do hit Cousins or anything, but the media killed Sabean and were calling for suspensions, and saying what Sabean did was out of line. What if Mark Cuban after the game went to the Heat locker room and decked Dwayne Wade? David Stern would take away his franchise. What if Jerry Jones punched a kicker from another team after the dude hit a last second fg. The media would kill him and he wouldn't be allowed at a game for a whole season I would guess. Well, because Nascar is a good ole boy sport (read: bunch of hicks turning left) everyone just wants to make jokes and burn down Kyle Busch for getting hit by a senior citizen. Kyle Petty made a joke about on Speed channel with fans behind him making them all cheep, Darrell Waltrip said Childress had passion and passion is good for the sport. I don't argue that passion is bad but Owners and Athletes need to be stay seperated, and owners can't be touching them and vice versa. Physical confrontations aren't needed and frankly Nascar drivers and owners a like need to stop being so damn sensative, and maybe Nascar needs to get rid of "boys have at it" because obviously the drivers aren't policing themselves with just bumpers anymore.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Play at the Plate

Well it's been over a week since Scott Cousins rolled Buster Posey, breaking Posey's leg and tearing 3 ligaments in his ankle. Buster is gonna miss the rest of this season and could be back by opening day of next season. This particular play has caused some good debate, was the play clean or dirty? Most baseball people think it was clean, others mainly Giant personel, Giants homers, and some former catchers, feel it was unnecessary. I (being a Giants fan) am in the minority of thinking it was dirty. I think what Cousins did was brutal, Buster was giving him a third of the plate and he instead decided to railroad him shoulder first like a freaking LB in football, Buster was defenseless trying to field the throw, Cousins had 100 percent control of what happened and decided to kill Buster. My main beef however isn't with Cousins, it's to do with these people who claim you can't change the rule b/c a) it's a hard-nosed baseball play that it's taught, and b) Cousins was just trying to keep his job.

I'm gonna tackle the first arguement first. This is not a part of baseball, it's part of pro baseball, when I was a junior in high school I got ran over twice, and both times the player that hit me was immediatly ejected, for not sliding into home plate. That was 12 years ago, long before Cousins was a pro, and I would guess his high school rules were the same as mine. This it's taught to kill the catcher idea is so bogus, if you don't slide foot first into home in Little League, High School and College your automatically out and booted from the game. In college you have to slide feet first all the time unless your going back to a base. I'll stand by this all year, Cousins had plenty of plate to hit and took a shot at a superstar to make a name for himself, also just b/c that's the way it's always been done isn't an arguement either, if they change a speed limit or add a stop sign to a road you can't say well it's always been 65 here not 55, it don't work.

Now onto Cousins needing to save his job, BULLSHIT. Running over the catcher isn't a way to make the team, if he takes the back half of the plate the Marlins still win, and he still keeps his job. Killing the catcher had nothing to do with him maybe going to triple AAA, or staying in the bigs. It was a cheap shot, and I'm with Giants GM Brian Sabean, we have long memories and we'll be sure that Cousins doesn't forget what he did. For anyone wanting to argue take another look at this and tell me he didn't have a path to the plate.

Friday, February 18, 2011


The snow is melting, I can see the grass in my yard, this means baseball season is almost here. Guys are reporting to camp everyday, and this week a very important player reported Albert Pujols who is playing in the last year of his current contract, Albert and the Cardinals tried negotiating this offseason but didn't get it done. Albert not wanting to be a distraction said once I'm in camp negotiations are off. Well he's in camp and the best player in baseball will become a free agent at seasons end. When I first thought of this, I was like duh St. Louis give the guy 275 million and be done with it, but of course they already have Matt Holliday's terrible contract 7 years 120 million, so the most profitable franchise in the National League is "strapped" for cash. A lot of people think letting Albert go would be a mistake, however I beg to differ, let him walk. The Yankees and Red Sox won't take him, so that leaves both Los Angeles teams, Chicago Cubs, and maybe if they want to spend some money Tampa Bay as possible suitors for Albert. If I'm the Cardinals I save my money and get some pitchers.

All you have to do is look at the World Champion Giants and realize that the league post steroids is becoming a pitchers league. The Giants had almost nobody put up huge numbers last year, but won the ring with great pitching, decent defense and timely hitting. Also if you look at the teams that made moves this offseason, pitchers dominated, Cliff Lee to Philly, the Brewers hoping to make a run getting Markum and Greinke. The Yankees are gonna struggle with their lackluster staff. The Cardinals already have two of the top guys in Carpenter and Wainwright, throw in Jaimie Garcia and they are 1 above average pitcher away from making another run. I know letting go of the best player in baseball doesn't seem smart, but how many rings has Albert gotten you, one, how about A-Rod in New York, one. Get a good staff and you can contend every year, like the Phillies do. I'm excited to see how this plays out and come November two huge first basemen will be free agents, Pujols and Prince Fielder, wouldn't mind the Giants getting one of those guys, only because we already have the pitching.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Not so Super Players

Everyone loves lists, gotta rank players, and of course today's players are the best, yeah right. Anyway with the Super Bowl just being played and one of my favorite guys Charles Woodson getting his ring, it got me thinking could I make a team of great current players who don't have a ring, so I'm gonna try it, gonna have 1 QB, 2 RB's, a FB, 3 WRs, 1 TE, an offensive line, on defense, 2 DTs, 2 DEs, 2 OLBs, 2 MLBs, 2 CBs, a FS, and SS, no need for a kicker or punter, I may add a spot for return specialitst, just to get one more guy on the list, so without further ado here we go.

At QB, I'm gonna look at career numbers not recent sucess and go with Donovan McNabb by and eyelash over Phillip Rivers, right now Rivers is a force but Donovan has the great numbers, he's made the big game once, but didn't deliver, he's a great QB, this year excluded, and could a HOFer.

At RB, I'm gonna go young guy and old guy, my old guy is LaDanian Tomlinson, all time great and sure fire HOFer, my youngin is Adrian Peterson, this guy is emerging as the best back in the league, what a stud, now if only his team could start helping him with a QB.

At FB Tony Richardson, FB is dying position but Tony has been around a long time and should get a ring.

WR, probably the greatest debate b/c great WR's hardly win rings, in fact Cris Carter numbers wise the second best WR ever can't get in the HOF b/c he has no hardware. So, I picked 3 guys here, two of the best ever for sure in Randy Moss and Terrell Owens, and another young guy who's stuck on a bad team, and is the best WR in the game Andre Johnson. Moss and TO have the numbers, but both have only made the big game once, Moss lost in the biggest upset ever, to the New York Giants, and TO lost to New England when he was in Philly. Andre Johnson hasn't sniffed the playoffs but he is the best in the game and hopefully Houston can improve.

TE, no brainer here Tony Gonzalez he's the best TE ever numbers wise, maybe not the best blocker but best pass catching.

Offensive Tackle, not sure on the all timers at this position so I'll pick a couple young guys D'Brickashaw Ferguson and Joe Thomas, Joe has been and All Pro since his rookie year, and Brick is on a good team and close to getting over the hump.

Offensive Guard, first offensive lineman I thought of for this list Steve Hutchinson is for sure one, he could be a HOFer by the time he hangs them up, Randy Thomas is my other guy, just b/c he was a Redskin for a long time and really played well for us.

Center, Olin Kruetz been a figure on Chicago's line for a long time now, got there once, but since hasn't been back.

Now on the defensive side, I think if I assemble these guys together nobody could stop them.

Defensive End, Jarred Allen and Julius Peppers, both guys been doing it for a while and both make great plays against the run as well being great pass rushers, Mario Williams just missed this list.

Defensive Tackle Ndamukong Suh and Haloti Ngata, two young guys who are great players, Suh could down as one of the best interior lineman ever.

Outside Linebacker, this is a bit unfair b/c 3-4 guys get all the numbers, since they blitz more so I'll go with one 3-4 guy and a 4-3 guy, DeMarcus Ware and Lance Briggs, both are great at what they do for their teams.

Middle/Inside Linebacker picked two in case we go 3-4, Brian Urlacher is for sure on this team, he is one of the best players of the last 15 years, next to him we'll go a young guy in Pattrick Willis who is emerging as the next Urlacher.

Cornerback, like I said Charles Woodson was my man but he got his so, Darrelle Revis and Nnamdi Asomugha, These two shut down half the field for entire game so if they joined forces nobody is gonna complete a pass too a WR.

Strong Safety Adrian Wilson been in Arizona his whole career and has been a safety unlike other guys who can't play corner anymore just move to safety, but Wilson is a stud, been to the game once but fizzled out.

Free Safety Brian Dawkins, one of the best to lace them up, has been an emotional leader his whole career and hits like a truck.

KR/PR Devin Hester, the guy I think is gonna be the first special teams player ellected to the HOF, he is lighting in a bottle and can break any return wide open.

Well that's my team all I need now is a coach, this hurts to say but I'll take Andy Reid as head coach/offensive coordinator and Rex Ryan assistant head coach/defensive coordinator, but both will be on strict diets, we're getting closer to one of them having heart attack on the sideline and Rex will not be allowed near a camera or microphone. Well that's my team, I think if you put these guys on Madden together and simulated the season they'd go undefeated.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl 45 Diary

We are live from my basement, Super Bowl 45 is about to get started, gonna have the diary running Bill Simmons style once again, and once again no editing, these are my thoughts as things happen.

5:09 Joe Buck introduces Pittsburgh, first thought of the night Joe Buck and Troy Aikman suck. Also Pittsburgh isn't smash mouth anymore, their as finesse as anyone.

5:10 so the NFL has parody, my ass they do, since 2001 AFC reps for Super Bowl New England 4 times, Pittsburgh 3 time, Indy 2 times, Baltimore 1, and Oakland 1, not exactly Parody.

5:11 here come the Packers, once again I dislike the whole team running on the field, I want starting line ups, also for the first time all playoffs the Pack are in Green.

5:13 how does Mason Crosby get 2nd in line for running onto the field get the kicker in the back.

5:14 what happened Christina you used to be hot? I'm tired of this new Sandler movie, I don't even want to see it now.

5:17 everyone gets on the bus, not just the Falcons, play 60 every day, join the movement. Walter Payton award time, cheering Nnamdi

5:18 apparently to be nominated your name has to be hard to say, and the winner is Madieu Williams of the Vikings, congrats home boy.

5:19 America the Beutiful time, and in classic Fox fashion bring out one of their own to sing, not a fan.

5:22 Omar looks ready for this game to start.

5:23 thanks to the troops that cheer was well deserved, I love Keisel's beard.

5:24 not only is she not hot anymore but she forgot how to sing as well come on.

5:25 Pablo Sandoval made another movie, sweet, Kung Fu Panda 2, hopefully the Panda will be resurected this year, not the guy he was last year.

5:27 Gotta love how the channels charge 2 mil for a commercial but put a thousand plugs for their own shows on during the Super Bowl.

5:28 what is with Fox doing the historic, rah rah America thing tonight, this is only a football game, not some earth moving event.

5:29 your new HOFers, bs btw that Cris Carter can't get in, Congrats Prime you da man. Of course Prime gets to flip the coin, atta boy Prime.

5:31 We get to see Clay first.

5:33 at least Joe Buck admits the hype is too much, he's been doing this for a while. Omar says nothing to cute early, bet not.

5:34 5 minutes late, but now we kick, game on. Both teams with yellow pants confusing.

5:35 thought Ben lost the visor apparently it's back. Wish they did something cool for the starters.

5:36 first run play a loss Zombo with the tackle, Zombo nice name.

5:37 Chris just wondered if this is the Super Bowl or preseason game, the stadium is so quiet, I agree just shows true fans never get tix for this game just business men. Muffed punt, teamate ran into the returner what is the old Madden come on.

5:38 Troy comes to the field see how Green Bay neutralizes him.

5:39 Green Bay tries to run, not happening, Woodley making both plays early for Pitt.

5:40 Farrior offsides, Rogers goes down the middle nice play.

5:41 first shot to Rogers, Keisels beard with the hit.

5:42 Joe Buck is rubbing it into 49ers fans that they passed on Rogers, get the salt Buck get the salt. Jordy needs to catch that, right through the hands, he does get the dropsies.

5:43 second punt, time for commercials

5:44 that is one hungry Pug

5:45 nice work Audi, clever but not over the top.

5:46 nice run by Mendy. If he can get lose Green Bay is in trouble

5:47 see above, hear some cheering sounds like a Packers chant.

5:49 nice no call on close PI, hopefully the refs let the secondaries play.

5:50 this Doritos guy is a Nick Swardson rip off, weird commercial, boundries.

5:51 like this Pepsi Max commercial, women are so mean.

5:52 Green Bay gets the ball back, let's see some offense. This is how the Super Bowl seems to start lately, offenses need time after the layoff. Not everyone is excited for the Super Bowl, my dog is snoring behind my chair.

5:54 Green Bay going to Nelson early and often, side note saw a guy at the grocery store with a Nelson Jersey on, too funny.

5:56 time out, get the play in McCarthey what a bad coach.

5:57 Lassie truck, I like it. No more Fast and the Furious, and they suckered in the Rock, come on. Does Paul Walker have anything else to do.

5:58 good work by A-Rod to get rid of that ball, Bulaga needs to control Woodley

5:59 Green Bay is finding some running lanes, Bulaga is getting worked.

6:01 TD for the white guy, Jordy Nelson, him and Starks were that whole drive, 7-0 Green Bay

6:02 oh sweet mother, fish can't eat Dorito's.

6:03 anyway to get peoples minds off the pending lockout NFL I get it sell the draft.

6:04 Green Bay has some serious kick coverage problems, I thought the Dan Connelly return was bad, but Brown has two nice ones so far.

6:05 Cowboys and Aliens equals dumb, this Kia commercial sucks as well

6:06 these franchises do have long history's play it up Fox.

6:07 terrible play by Ben, nice play by Collins, this just got crazy, flags on the play, to much celebrating. nice play by 95 missed the name, but great play. Howard Green

6:09 animated Eminem, decent commercial, not great but the guy beeping it was funny.

6:11 Pittsburgh can't abandon the run, things will settle down, btw I called for a TAINT by Green Bay but of course got the guy wrong again. Keep running.

6:12 things are getting chippy already, Keomatu is the dirtiest player in the league.

6:14 don't abandon the run, you got first downs, then you throw and get nothing, think the knee is gonna be an excuse, no.

6:15 can't move at all Aikman says, oh wait he just ran for 20 yards, excellent announcing, Chris says run it's the cops, awesome. 1st quarter is over, only took 45 minutes my god, 14-0 Green Bay

6:17 go away Go Daddy, pleaso go away, first Jillian now Joan, ugly.

6:19 Traman Williams great play, is Sanders hurt stay tuned, I think the Steelers are quitters that's for Erb.

6:22 ok Sanders is really hurt. Nick Collins is a stud. Shaun Shazam time, I'm guessing he misses.

6:23 barely Pitt do you trust that guy with the game on the line, I don't 14-3 Green Bay.

6:29 if Emmanuel Sanders was my teammate he'd have to wait till after everyone else showered to shower, PERIOD.

6:30 run a far enough route on 3rd down, duh.

6:33 Fox isn't shying from the Ben suspension, you can't rape people and get away with it, well I guess you can but you can't run from it.

6:34 add another quitter to the list, at least only Cutler quit on the Bears, guys are dropping like flies.

6:35 Pittsburgh isn't abandoning the run, I'm making this a point because I think Pitt can run Green Bay out of this game.

6:36 Ben is a fullback playing QB what a load, (that's what she said)

6:38 Aikman brought this up, about ranking guys all time, can we stop with this nonsense, let guys end their careers before we start ranking them, a la Peyton last year he was greatest ever, this year he's not as good as Brady, Ben, or Brees.

6:40 gotta love Roseanne that was funny.

6:41 dumbasses watching from outside, lame.

6:42 another poor pass by Ben, good play by Bush, Green Bay is like plus 10 in the playoffs.

6:44 where the F did Jordy Nelson come from, does he have some pics of A-Rod with a dong in his mouth or something. Starks going beast mode on that run, nice play rook.

6:45 TD to Jennings, nice try Troy I think you hurt him but he held on. gut check throw by A-Rod, 21-3 Green Bay, just lost 50 bucks with that one, here's hoping for a FG before half.

6:47 this hasn't been pretty by any means, but Green Bay doesn't seem like their dominating just mistakes by Ben are the difference.

6:48 Clay needs to take this game over, where did Antwan Randle El come from, he does this stinks then has a huge game, good for him stepping up for Sanders going down.

6:51 add another name to the quitter list, gonna be a long line for the shower after everyone else, starting to question if this field is garbage, another slow guy getting up. Lot's of guys pulling the Urban Meyer, right MJD.

6:54 another poor decision by Ben how does a 6'5 guy get a ball tipped.

6:55 Green Bay keeps giving up big plays on 3rd down, get a stop here Pack

6:56 TD Hines Ward from Ben, does Green Bay have any DB's left, they just went down the field in a hurry. 21-10, lost some money there, damn.

6:58 seriously what is going on with this field, everyone is hurt, I think I'm hurt sitting here.

7:00 halftime is here, 21-10 the score, we'll see if any Green Bay DB's come back out, time for the Black Eyed Peas, I'll be sleeping.

7:25 halftime almost over, thoughts on the show, audio was terrible, Slash rules, that's all.

7:26 back in the booth Jess asks did Joe Buck dye his hair he looks blonder, I agree.

7:30 Nelson takes the knee, halftime over. Chaz Woodson out for the game, crap he's my boy. Sorry Chaz.

7:32 Green Bay better go on a 30 minutes 80 yd drive, b/c they have nobody to cover Pitts WR's.

7:33 so far 3rd quarter 1 play two penalties. Sloppy Green Bay.

7:34 Jordy Nelson is the Great White Buffalo,

7:35 James Jones with the dropsies, in the words of Charlie Tweeder, look it's a ball I catch it.

7:36 BS call he had the jersey not the mask, the NFL loves Pittsburgh, all of Seattle just sent Green Bay a sympathy card.

7:37 NEW NEW E Trade baby, a little wierd. Bieber and Ozzy, nice.

7:39 another guy hurt, nice run Mendy Green Bay's D better not blow this lead.

7:41 another big run, I knew Pittsburgh could run on these guys. Red Zone Pitt

7:42 TD Mendy, Pittsburgh has dominated this game, just two mistakes by Ben are the difference Green Bay needs to move the ball or Pitt is gonna run away from them. Shazam almost missed an extra point, 21-17 Green Bay.

7:45 IOWA, congrats again to Sal Guinta.

7:46 Well this is the moment of truth right here games aren't won in the 3rd quarter but it could be lost, come on Rogers move the ball

7:47 CATCH THE DAMN BALL, come on. read the preview I said these guys can get the dropsies.

7:48 first scramble by A-Rod, right into Harrison, game over, Pittsburgh is gonna win, where is the flag for facemask that time

7:49 is it just me or have none of the commercials been memorable, so far pretty lame.

7:51 what exactly does Omar do for Pittsburgh LeBeau calls the D, not sure who the O guy is but Omar just stands there, must be an easy gig as coach having the best D Coordinator ever.

7:53 gonna wish you had the TO later in the game.

7:54 CarMax is kind of stepping it up, not memorable but funny.

7:56, stop the run Green Bay.

7:57 uh oh, Ben is going into Eff U mode. Make the play Clay, it's your only chance, need to seize opportunity.

7:58 get the stop here and Shazam will miss the FG

7:59 Sacajewea, ZOMBO, Shazam will now miss. OMG is he terrible, that ball ended up in Houston.

8:02 Eminem again, did Kim take all his money or something.

8:03 Green Bay moved the pocket there (me and Troy thinking alike, kill me now) Jordy with the catch, he can catch. Anyone else see A-Rod try to crack back there. Pretty sure Driver is done with boot on, QUITTER, didn't realize Driver was such a big Urban Meyer fan.

8:06 decent drive, well I guess it was only one play, playing the field position game, and punt.

8:07 D needs to flex it's muscle here, Pitts rb's seem like they run through 3 tackles before they go down.

8:09 nice clean shot by the GB DB, stupid play by the punt returner, keep your head dumb ass.

8:11 I love Chaz, but dude don't be standing there celebrating when your hurt enjoy showering last a-hole.

8:14 turn the mic off Ref, dumb challenge by McCarthy, he sucks when it comes to this stuff, big mistake here. I think the NFL has too many rules, proof is Fox has to have an official in the booth

8:15 I'm changing my mind on this he caught it turned upfield, then stripped that's a catch in my house, of course Calvin Johnson had a catch week 1 in my house as well.

8:18 NFL loves them some Steelers, play upheld, another penalty on Green Bay, Goodell has spoken, Pittsburgh must win.

8:20 3rd Quarter is going on now for over 50 minutes.

8:21 another run, another missed tackle, get your 4's up 21-17 Green Bay still up front.

8:22 you know damn well the Dukes of Hazard were Redskins fans nobody likes the Falcons, and lots of Southern fans love the Skins.

8:24 and it's a fumble, Pittsburgh insists on giving this game away, they have totally outplayed Green Bay all game, 3rd mistake, 4th if you count letting Shazam on the team.

8:25 make it hurt Green Bay, eat the clock, not go down and score right away, wait did I just suggest clock management to McCarthy not gonna happen.

8:26 I'm sure MVP voting is open now, Nelson if Green Bay wins, Ben if Pitt does.

8:27 wouldn't be surprised if Omar challenges and the officials overturn it. CLOCK MANAGEMENT run the ball use the clock.

8:28 what was that, another drop CATCH THE F'N BALL, and the clock stopped again

8:29 just when I think you couldn't get any dumber, YOU TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELF, Troy didn't make a very good play on that tackle, here those boos white guy in the backfield must be Kuhn.

8:30 another pass, and sack, dear Mike McCarthy run the rock, 5-Wide from the 8, TD Jennings, still think Nelson is the MVP, but Rogers is gonna get it. Media loves them some QB, 28-17 Green Bay. 21 points off turnovers for the Packers.

8:32 I must hammer this point home, you need to run the ball and keep the clock moving, giving Pittsburgh too much time is gonna bite you in the ass, however they do only have one TO left but still keep the clock moving.

8:34 the quitters are celebrating a lot on the sidelines, hope MJD is paying attention, I'll check hist twitter feed later to see if he's killing these guys.

8:35 anyone else sick of animated movies, I can't see them all but their about the same anymore. No Aladdin that's for sure.

8:36 Kevin Greene going against his old team, he's like screw you I want my ring

8:37 Fox showing the top quitter of the day, can't play with a broken ankle what a puss.

8:38 Green Bay needs a stop here, get the stop game over, let them drive, keeps hope alive, get a stop run some clock.

8:39 side note we're right on the cusp of the over/under number was 45.5, we have 45 points, lots of money on the line now.

8:40 Pitt is once again abandoning the run, don't do it, you have plenty of time. is that fan noise I hear this place is too big, sounds like we're watching the game on CBS which has terrible audio.

8:41 Ben took his time there, this drive is almost longer than Green Bay's last one, at least someone knows something about clock management.

8:42 Ben to Wallace TD Pittsburgh, you see they have all kinds of time, going for 2 trying to get to a 3 point game but shazam will miss if givin the opportunity.

8:43 trickeration, Pitt pulls out the college option, 28-25, 7 and a half to go. McCarthy will blow this somehow.

8:44 Go Daddy still sucks, nobody wants to see Jillian naked.

8:46 I've said it once I'll say it again, commercial kick commercial dumbest sequence ever.

8:47 The German car companies stepping up the advertisements.

8:49 sack again, run the ball, run the ball, run the ball, run the ball, run the ball, run the ball, run the ball run the ball, run the ball, gonna say this until something else happens, run the ball run the ball run the ball.

8:50 Green Bay is trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory

8:51 huge play to Jennings, now run the damn thing and use some clock. what was that sorry a 12 yd gain oh yeah run the f'n ball.

8:52 getting down on clock time and Pittsburgh only has one timeout, just under 4 to go, no fg here it does you no good.

8:53 1st and goal, Jones actually caught the damn thing. run the ball

8:54 Crabtree just made a great play, that catch kept the clock rolling, run the ball, bubble screen just as good I guess, under 3 to go.

8:55 need to catch that Jordy, however, RUN THE BALL, use the clock you dummy, FG is good 31-25, 7 seconds before the 2 minute warning and we go to commercial, LAME.

8:59 good squib kick, but a flag is thrown, that official is fired no penalties on Pittsburgh. 2 minute warning, we'll see how Ben does, this is a career making drive, he could take this victory from Green Bay the way he took that girls dignity.

9:02 I'm not even a fan or either team and my heart is racing.

9:03 Pitt just wasted the first minute 3 plays that's all, not good use of time.

9:04 4th down, Green Bay has a history of folding in these situations, dare I say 4th and 26.

9:05 incomplete, Green Bay wins, Green Bay wins, Troy wants a flag, let's get another look, what contact? good no call, what was there to call?

9:06 what an ugly game this was not one for the ages, ugly game, Green Bay wasn't the better team, Pittsburgh just made all the mistakes. Titletown USA gets another one.

9:08 hate these interviews let these guys celebrate please. Get that stage out there Glee is on deck.

9:10 so the love of QB's is gonna continue and Rogers is gonna get the MVP, Nelson made all the big plays he should get it.

9:12 LOOOOONG commercial here, Green Bay I had you guys winning but please be honest Pittsburgh gave that game away more than you won it, don't get cocky please, Congrats I'm giving you your props but great is not a way to describe how you played.

9:13 This game hinged on 4 plays, the Ben picks both were bad throws, the Mendy fumble, and the decision to kick that 52 yarder, Green Bay took full advantage of the first 3, and earned the victory.

9:15 In regards to me calling guys quitters, I didn't mean any of it, I was making light of the jerk off guys who buried Jay Cutler who tried to play but still got killed.

9:16 a Cowboy bringing the trophy up to a stage hosted by a Steeler, Green Bay this is sweet sweet revenge for you, put on top of that you got the George Halas trophy at home, anyone who has a beef with Green Bay can suck it.

9:18 Damn you Green Bay now you guys got one more than the Skins, crap. hats are ugly.

9:19 tired of the QB's getting all the damn credit. Nelson needs to be on this stage 9 catches for 140 and a score, MVP worthy to me.

9:21 well the lockout has officially begun we'll see you in October.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Super Preview

I'M BAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!! Been a long few months lots of stuff going for me at work and my stress levels were very high, so finding time to talk sports was not a priority, well now I've moved on and have been relocated in my company, now I'm off every Friday for at least half the day, more if I choose not to work. So, now I'm gonna push at least one out a week, and if the mood strikes maybe a few during the week. Enough about my personal life, let's move onto the big news, Super Bowl 45 is Sunday, Green Bay vs. Pittsburgh, two of the most decorated franchises in NFL history.if you remember last year I broke the game down, had Indy with the advantage but still took New Orleans, not sure how it'll break down this year but let's go to the tale of the tape......btw I'm adding coach to the breakdown this year, you'll never guess where I'm leaning.

Quarterback: Advantage Packers, I know Ben has the rings but Rogers has the numbers, this isn't about who's gonna win the game, this is about who can perform better. I like Rogers a lot more, and frankly Ben doesn't have to be great for Pittsburgh to win, Green Bay needs Rogers.

Running Back: Advantage Steelers, pretty much a no brainer, Mendenhall is a top 10 back, Green Bay has Brandon Jackson and two practice squad guys, I know Wisconsin loves them some John Kuhn, but let's face it Wisconsin is racist and loves the big white guy toting the rock, he's not that good, he's no Peyton Hillis that's for sure.

Wide Receiver: Advantage Packers, again almost too easy, Jennings, Jones, Driver, and Nelson are better than Wallace, Sanders, and Ward, frankly Ward is a bit overated he's not the guy he used to be. Wallace is a bona fide stud, but Sanders is streaky. That said Jennings, Jones and Nelson have been known to have the dropsies so we'll have to see how that plays out.

Tight End: Advantage Steelers, I can't name the guys for Green Bay I know Heath Miller, besides Green Bay's TE's are 4th and 5th WR's basically.

Offensive Line: Advantage Push, Pittsburghs is banged up supposedly, Green Bay has Iowa boy Brian Bulaga at RT, against these pass rushers whatever line helps their QB the most will win this game. If Pittsburgh can run the ball it could be the difference in the game, also these two QB's are hard to sack, Rogers likes to move and Ben is huge, so if the line misses the first guy they could get downfield and help their QB get a few extra yards on a scramble.

Defensive Line: Advantage Push, both teams run the 3-4 so the OLB's are the keys to the D's, the front 3 can make plays but deciding between Hampton and Raji, or Jenkins and Brad Kiesels beard is tough.

Linebacker: Advantage Steelers, all of Wisconsin just went BULLSH^T, we got Clay, yeah you do Pittsburgh has two Clay's, and Bulaga vs. Woodley is the match-up of the game. Clay could go off, but the other three guys have to step up for Green Bay.

Cornerback: Advantage Packers, Chaz Woodson is the man and will be the X-Factor for Green Bay's D, is the other two corners can cover Wallace and Sanders, leaving Chaz to blitz and spy, it's game over. I don't love Pittsburgh's CB's against Green Bay's WR's.

Safety: Advantage Steelers, Troy's hair is what runs this D, last year he was hurt, they struggled, this year he's healthy they win, Jets game perfect example, first time he didn't play lose, second game, win. Ryan Clark is no slouch either.

Kicker: Advantage Packers, Pittsburgh has Shaun Suisham, I wouldn't trust him at all

Punter: Advantage Push, who cares

Returners: Advantage Push, either team could take one to the house

Coach: Advantage Steelers, Mike (don't call me Omar Epps) Tomlin is a way better coach than Mike (I'm trying to get as fat as Andy Reid) McCarthy, if this comes down to a big challenge or clock management, I trust Tomlin a ton more. This game also features two of the best D-Coordinators ever, Dom Capers for Green Bay and Dick LeBeau for Pittsburgh, could be interesting.

Final score Pittsburgh 5 Green Bay 4, but like last year I got this feeling, maybe it's my NFC love, my Wisonsin roots, but I think Green Bay wins, and their defense is the difference, Woodson or Shields will house one of Ben's passes, Green Bay 42 Pittsburgh 21. After the game check back I'm gonna do my Super Diary again, once again it will be unedited and full of thoughts.