Friday, December 28, 2012

Year in review

For today's post I'm just gonna put up a bunch of videos of stuff I remember from the last year, most are sports but some aren't here we go.

Probably the song of the summer.
Best Speech of the year

Shot of the year, I know it's from April so you might of forgotten about it.

Hit of the year perfectly legal, he lowered the shoulder and the BOOM
Hall of fame broadcast John Miller
I know it's long but Jeff Gordon is such a tough guy
My favorite Bryce Harper moments of the year
Hey sexy lady
My favorite 2 moments of the year
See you next year where I'll have plenty to say about the playoffs and we're less than 2 months away from NASCAR season starting.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

My View

This is a sports blog, I usually talk about sports don't try to get into anything to heavy.  Politics and things like that get to heated, in sports there is a winner and loser, you are what your records says you are.  No grey areas in sports.  After the shootings in Connecticut I feel like I have to put my thoughts down, and since I don't wanna have a long winded facebook status or a thousand tweets I figured I'd put them on this platform.  I said a few things yesterday on the social media sites, some in jest and some in seriousness, so I need to clear my mind and give my views on certain issues.

First topic I'll get into is guns.  I'm not a gun owner, in fact I've only fired a gun about a dozen times in my life.  I understand the need for rifles and shotguns when it comes to hunting.  I think everyone should be able to own a firearm if they pass the current laws in place.  I guess my point is I'm not trying to take your gun away.  What pro gun people need to realize is this though, guns kill people.  I don't want to hear this lame ass "guns don't kill people, people kill people."  That is terrible, guns kill people, you never hear of someone having  a mass stabbing or mass strangling, you hear about mass shootings.  In the last 3 weeks there have been 3 high profile shooting, the one yesterday, the mall shooting in Oregon, and Javon Belcher of the Kansas City Chiefs killing his girlfriend and then himself.  All 3 have that key word in there "shootings," how far would any of them gotten had they gone around and stabbed people with a knife or wielded a machette.  So in fact guns do kill people, and if your a gun owner I know your probably not gonna go out and shoot up a public place, so obviously your guns don't kill people, BUT they can.

When it comes to guns I'm not very bright, I don't know names, caliburs, or uses for most.  I know you use a rifle or a shotgun to shoot bambi, and I like that you do that b/c I'd rather you shoot her than me hit her with my car.  What I question is the need for a regular citizen to own an assault rifle.  Why do you need a semi-automatic assault rifle to shoot anything, unless your idea is to kill a lot of things at one time you don't need that.  What are you gonna kill a lot of at one time, certainaly not a deer, or any animal for the most part.  If you need to fire off that many rounds to kill something maybe you should go practice more b/c your aim sucks.  Most of these public shootings occur with the assailant carrying an assault rifle or two.  If they didn't have these high powered high volume guns maybe we're only talking 10 children from yesterday not 20, still a tradgedy but I think 10 of those kids would like to be alive right now.

Another thing I hear a lot of is, "if someone had been allowed to carry a weapon in the school they could've stopped this."  Really, you want guns in our schools, and what type of gun?  Say the teacher has a hand gun in her desk, is she gonna stop the guy with the assault rifle before he shoots her?  I don't think so.  People who conceal and carry say they do it for protection, protection from what?  I've never carried a gun and I'm fine, never been robbed or anything.  Once again I'm not trying to take your gun away just look at it from my side.  If you feel the need for "protection" than you are one paranoid person.  My job doesn't allow firearms on the property not even in your car, pretty sure they've never been robbed or anything.  I don't think I've ever heard of a mass shooting being stopped by a private citizen who pulled out their liscensed hand gun and shot the shooter.  That shit just doesn't happen.  We need to have stricter gun laws, not taking them away from private citizens, just STRICTER, and we need to stop the sale of semi-automatic and assault rifles.

Few other points about the shooting I hear people say.  This shooting is the medias fault b/c they make the shooters famous.  What a bunch of shit, and what a way to get off the real problem, which is A) most of these people are mentally ill, and B) they have a fucking gun and are shooting people.  The media is doing it's job, they are reporting the news, when anything bad happens people want to know why, what was the motive.  You have to report on this b/c people need facts not hearsay.  Pretty sure the media covered 9/11 and since then has anyone flown a plane into a building to become famous?  NO, stop it with this garbage about how these people want to be famous, most of them take their own lives anyway so what fame do they have?  These people do this b/c they have a mental illness of some sort and aren't getting the help they need.  Blaming the media is like blaming video games and music, everyone plays those games, everyone listens to that music, and everyone watches or reads the news, everyone doesn't go into a mall or grade school and take lives.  Often people try to find other areas to blame when the thing they stand for is the thing getting blamed for the problems.  Guns don't kill people, the media who publizes the shooters kills people.

The last thing I'll talk about is mental illness.  Everyone is fucked up a little, I think we all have a little mental illness.  We all have quirks and things we do that are weird.  I for one talk to myself out loud when I'm alone, sometimes I do it when people are around.  I think in some way that could be considered mental illness of a sort.  When I watch sports I'm slightly bi-polar, my team is down 2 runs I'm pissed, my team just hit a 3 run homer, I'm jumping up and down euphoric as ever.  That's a little mental illnessey to me.  I guess my point is we all can't get help, and the people who really need it barely get the help they need.  This country as a whole needs to look at mentally ill people and try to figure out a way to get them help, let's face it if your gonna walk into a school and shot children your a little off.  I don't have the answer for this problem I just think we need to start the discussion.

Those are my thoughts on this, you may not agree with them but please respect them.  I'd love to have the discussion with anyone as long as we both agree to keep it civil.  I respect your rights to have a gun, I know the need for guns, I'm not a gun hater, I just think these things could be stopped with a little more regulation and record keeping by the government.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Thoughts of the week 12-10-12

You ever have those times you feel like writing about a topic, but you just can't put it into words what you wanna say.  Well, I'm there on a topic right now but I don't have the time nor the patience to actully work on it, maybe if I get some time I'll work on it.  In the mean time might as well stick to the format and keep giving my thoughts on the week that was.

What a game by the Redskins yesterday, sometime in the 2nd half my wife comes out and goes, how are you guys losing?  I'm like well we keep kicking fg's instead scoring TD's.  She goes well it seems like you have the ball the whole time.  Yeah we dominated the 2nd half, and RG III and Kirk Cousins combined to drive the Skins down and get the tying TD and 2 point conversion.

Love that we got a kicker you can trust, Kai Forbath has been money since replacing Billy Cundiff.

Just saw the Ravens fired Cam Cameron, now that's funny, for how bad the Skins d has been this year.  They get a coach fired, amazing.

5 weeks ago Mike Shanahan said we're gonna start evaluating to see who wants to be here next year, since then 4 wins in a row, a lot of people burried him for that quote.  I think he lit a fire under this team and they've been playing lights out since then.

How annoying is it to watch the NY Giants, I can't stand any of them and every guy is the most amazing guy in the world.  How is this team under the cap with all those pass rushers, WR's and Eli?  Yesterday's game I watched the Dolphins-49ers and the Seahawks blowout of Arizona more than the Giants-Saints game.

Last nights game was almost as brutal to watch, the weather was cool and all but man those two teams need to be inside to play each other.

I'm all for player safety but for the 2nd week in a row a perfectly legal hit in a high profile game happened and it was flagged.  Not sure if you saw it but check out Reggie Nelson's hit on Dez Bryant, he led with the shoulder to Bryant's chest yet somehow a flag came flying in from 20 yards away. 

The Redskins got a gift on one of those calls yesterday as well, RG got hit clean by Haloti Ngata I believe and ref behind RG called leading with the helmet.  Ngata lead with his forearms and when RG hit the ground his helmet came off.  Is there such thing as too much protection?

Hey Dodgers feel free to keep spending money on losers, none of the guys you've gone after have ever done anything.  In fact once Greinke left Milwaukee this year the Brewers got better.  Have any of the guys your giving the farm too made a difference in a playoff series?  Have they ever helped win a playoff series?  That's right they haven't.

If you want to look at baseball teams who spend money they hardly ever win the World Series, the best Yankee teams from the 90's were full of home grown stars with guys peppered in.  Since then they've had 1 championship where teams have spent Tens of millions less and have won rings.

Atlanta I'm not defending you anymore you gotta win a big game then win a playoff game.  I like the Falcons but until they win I'm out.

Houston you need to win tonight, your in the same boat as Atlanta to me.

The Seattle screw job is starting to mess with my life now.  The Seahawks are 1 game up on the Redskins for a playoff spot and that annoys me.

Andrew Luck, RG III, and Russell Wilson are all in playoff hunt with first and third of those guys currently in.  This class of QB's could be one of the best ever, too bad Tannehill is in it to ruin the prospects.

Mad I missed the Iowa-Iowa St. basketball game Friday, but the Hawks won and this win could push them a long way. 

Chicago is a mess and once again guys are hurt.  Cutler left yesterday's game, and Brian Urlacher is done for the regular season, sad to see but when your old things like this happen.  I usually pull for the Bears but not now since they are 1 game ahead of the Skins for the final playoff spot as well.

Don't drink and drive, I'm not gonna delve too deep on practice squad guys, but 2 weeks in a row 2 "NFL" players are dead.  This is a problem for the league and they need to address it.

The last 3 weeks of the NFL are going to be exciting.  A lot is yet to be decided especially in the NFC.  I'll be back next week until then follow me on twitter @derekbredeson.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Thoughts of the week 12-3-12

Figured I'd try to put some thoughts down from the past week.  Didn't watch a lot of games yesterday, had family over but I saw a few things.

Green Bay needs a new kicker, can you trust Mason Crosby in a big playoff situation?  I don't think so.

I hate Seattle

If your the 49ers yoiou gotta be sick, you lose 16-13, and your offense gave up 10 of those points, ouch.  I'm not gonna say bench Kapernick but I don't think Alex Smith losses that game.

Another note on the 49ers why are you running stupid options and reverses inside the 10?  Turn around hand the ball off and get out of the shadow of your endzone.

So tired of hearing about the Jets, most talked about sub 500 team this side of Philly.

Think NBC was a little pissed about last nights game?  2 sub 500 teams duking it out.  I know everyone watches the Cowboys but enough is enough, wish some good teams could get in prime time.

Only reason I watched last night's game was hoping Brent Celek would catch enough balls you win me a fantasy match up other than that I didn't care.

The BCS Title game is gonna be awesome, I can't wait for it to happen.  Alabama on Saturday looked pretty good, but I'd be a little worried about AJ McCarron who didn't throw a lot of passes in the 2nd half of the game.

Notre Dame better be ready for Yeldon and Lacy, 2 tough kids who run well behind a huge line.

Norhern Illinois is the BCS party crasher, but let's face it Wisconsin and Louisville are far more egregious than NIU.  Side note NIU is 12-1, that loss came at the hands of the Hawkeyes.

Speaking of the BCS, it's hard to talk about who deserves to be in these games and who doesn't.  Some people are upset Georgia didn't get in even though they played in the SEC champ game.  Well sorry the system isn't perfect and when you have 21st Louisville and unranked Wisconsin both getting in based on conference titles.  Then you throw in NIU having to get in b/c they're 15th, so that only leaves 2 at large spots left.  Well Florida and Oregon are both top 5 so they should get in.  When you deal with rankings and such it's hard to be "fair."  Don't give me this sob story about Oklahoma not getting in, they're not even a top 10 team, if anyone should be pissed it's all those SEC teams who can't get in including Texas A&M who are maybe playing the best ball right now.

Speaking of Wisconsin what an ass kicking they handed out Saturday.  I think the Badgers played like people expected them too all year.  They were also helped by Taylor Martinez sucking ass.

How this is illegal is beyond me, this is possibly one of the best blocks of all time.
Johnny Manziel for Heisman

I have to talk a little about the Baseball Hall of Fame ballots being sent out, if you read my older posts my stance on this is known.  I have no problem with guys who used PED's.  In the case of 2 guys Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens they were both HOF guys before they're alleged used began.  If you wanna keep out McGwire and Sosa that's fine with me b/c both guys were just power hitters, but Clemens and Bonds were both great players who used the stuff to hang around the game longer.

I'm starting to know why the Direct TV football package was cheaper this year, there aren't any games on.  Week after week I'm trying to find games I want to watch and I never see them.  For 1 the Skins have played 1 of the last 4 Sunday's, the entire reason I got the package was to watch them and 1 in the last month I've gotten to watch them on a Sunday.

The dumbest thing to happen is these Thursday night games, so dumb wish the NFL would stop shoving their network down our throats.  Let's face it the Thursday games are a joke and I think 1 road team has won a game this year.  The teams don't have enough time to prepare.  Thanksgiving is 1 thing but to have these game every week for 16 weeks is dumb.

Hey Baltimore I know I said this a few weeks ago but give the rock to Ray Rice, please and thank you, no touches in the 4th quarter yesterday.

Hey Arizona if you need a QB pretty sure I can throw the rock and try to find Larry Fitzgerald, I can't be worse than the 3 guys you got.

I'm not a big predicion guy but I'll say tonight the Skins are gonna lose, the Giants have a ton of WR talent and the Skins can't cover anyone.

The playoffs are starting take shape with 3 teams clinching yesterday in Houston, Denver, and New England.  That leaves 2 spots in the AFC up for grabs and Indy is in control of one of them.  Amazing turn around in Indy.

That's it for this week probably not the most informative post I've done, but if you all take away from this is the Kenny Bell block well than that's alright by me.  I'll be back next week in the mean time follow me on twitter @derekbredeson.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Too Fire or not to Fire

Wasn't sure what to write about today and when I finally sat down I thought why not talk about coaches getting fired.  I posted a story last night on facebook about Gene Chizik getting fired at Auburn and a friend of mine who's opinion I normally care for said maybe the dumbest thing I've ever heard.  He claimed Wisconsin should fire their coach b/c he underachieved this year.  Well after having a back and forth I realized people are irrational when it comes to coaches and their team.  I'm not a fire everybody guy, I've been through enough coaches in Washington, I know firing the coach isn't always the answer.  I'm gonna say have a few arguements about why firing coaches isn't the best idea.

Why not give your coach a chance, this is a real problem in college, how many guys get 3-4 years to turn things around?  Almost none do, look at Notre Dame Brian Kelly is winning with kids who were recruited while he was at Cinncinnati, well not all of them but for the most part.  In college you need to be able to fill your cupboard with your kids.  How many guys get the axe when their first recruiting class are still Juniors?  In the pro's it seems 3 years is the longest you get, well you barely have time to get your system in.  The Redskins in the early 2000's had 4 coaches in 4 years.  Jason Campbell a 1st round draft pick of the Skins had 4 different O-Coordinators his first 4 years and you wonder why he didn't succeed.  There was a time when coaches got a long time to prove themselves, these days it's out the window.  I'll tell you this if the Giants (both baseball and football) didn't stick with their coaches when they were struggling they wouldn't have those 2 rings.  How many times have you heard Tom Coughlin needs to be fired in New York?

Who is better?  The last 2 years I've had to listen to Iowa fans bitch about Kirk Ferentz and say he needs to be fired.  Oh yeah, who ya gonna get to come to Iowa and coach local kids?  I understand Ferentz is one of the highest paid coaches in the country, but he's also one of the longest tenured so threfore he should be paid a mint.  When your gonna get rid of a guy who has had success you gotta look around and see who else is there.  Look at the Titans, they fire Jeff Fischer, now their a garbage team while Fischer is turning the Rams into a playoff contender.  I understand guys wear out their welcome but unless he's 80 like Bobby Bowden was, you need to keep him around.  I again look at Iowa, last year when the Kansas City Chiefs head job opened up, Ferentz got brought up as a potential suitor, well if the NFL wants your guy I think a college in the Midwest should keep him.  I also look at Wisconsin in this situation as well.  You wanna fire a guy who takes you to Rose Bowl after Rose Bowl, wins you conference championships, and now after one down year you wanna get rid of him?  Who is gonna come to Wisconsin and have more success?  I'm not sure but I'd guess Bielema is the winniest coach in school history at least by win percentage.

Know who you are.  If your in the Big Ten the ultimate goal is to get to the Rose Bowl.  If you the Kansas City Royals your job is to get out of the basement, then the playoffs.  If your in the SEC for football or ACC for basketball you better be competing or your out.  You want to look at championships look at who wins them, teams who have their coach around a while.  Because those teams have a plan and stick to it even when they go .500 or heaven forbid under .500.

What is so wrong with having a bad year?  You've never had a bad year, never made a few mistakes you live to regret?  This is especially prevelant in the Pro's.  People always want to fire a guy after his team has a bad year.  Why?  Doesn't a guy build up credit?  Do you know how many coaches in the NFL have Super Bowl rings?  Of guys who coached last weekend it's 5 (Tomlin, Belichek, McCarthy, Coughlin, and Shannahan though he's not with Denver).  Other coaches who've won a Super Bowl in the last 15 years, Brian Billick fired, John Gruden fired, Dick Vermeil retired, Sean Payton suspened, Bill Cowher retired.   You've made the playoffs every year but this year you didn't, even though you had a ton of injuries and a few of the signings didn't work out, it's all the coaches fault.  I get you can't fire all the players but every once in a while you gotta give guys an off year, it happens.  I know fan bases ask for changes a lot but since when does and owner have to listen to a fan base?  The Redskins were dreadful for 15 years under Dan Snyder and he's went through almost 10 coaches yet they keep selling out and people are still fans.  Fan is short for Fanatic, people are crazy and firing coaches shouldn't be left up to fans.

Now I'll give a few examples of when it's ok to fire someone.  When their in over their head, the Skins had that few years ago with Jim Zorn.  He set the franchise back 5 years.  Gene Chizik should never of been head coach at Auburn his resume at Iowa St. was horrible, and then his first year he has Cam Newton and wins a national title making him look like a genius, well 2 years later no Cam, and his kids are starting to take the program over and he goes 0-8 in the SEC, well in the SEC you don't go 0-8 in conference and get to keep your job.  Another example is Andy Reid in Philly a guy who's built up a good record, but he's floundered the last 2 years, the reason I think Reid gets fired is the fact he chose Micheal Vick and got rid of McNabb and Kolb, he chose Namdi and got rid of Asante Samuel.  The guy keeps making mistakes and needs to held accountable.

I understand coaches need to get fired and coaches are gonna get fired.  I just want to say have some patience with your coach and maybe it'll pay off, the Giants had some off years with Bruce Bochey but now the guy has 2 rings and people are saying make some room for him Cooperstown, you don't wanna fire your then realize 2 years later you made a huge mistake.  I think coach firings are too often and too quick, if you've had 3 coaches in the last 10 years you've had too many coaches, and someone didn't get a fair shot.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Power Rankings

Been promising some power rankings so I figured might as well do some.

32. Kansas City (were 29), their 1-9, have no idenity, have barely had a lead in a game.  They need a QB and I wonder why they haven't tried Stanzi yet, give him a shot couldn't be much worse.  Don't think the Chiefs could get much worse than what they are.

31. Jacksonville (were 28) another 1-9 team, they took Houston to OT yesterday.  Not sure what direction this team is taking, unless it's too London or LA.

30. Cleveland (were 32) 2-8, I still don't like them but they seem to play good teams tough.  Took Dallas to OT yesterday.  My thoughts on Cleveland are known no defense, not a big Weeden guy, and Trent Richardson is gonna get wasted if he's there for a while.

29. Carolina (were 25) 2-8, they can't win a game and always find a way to piss it away.

28. Oakland (were 31) 3-7, don't watch Oakland a lot, all I know is they keep losing.  I did watch 2 plays a week ago, some DB made a play on Anquan Boldin, and the DB was acting all cocky and being a dick, Quan got up and pointed at the scoreboard Baltimore had 40 points, next play Baltimore ran a fake FG and scored a TD.  That's your Oakland Raiders.

27. Philadelphia (were 10) 3-7 my last power rankings the Eagles were 3-1, 6 losses later they are down 17 spots, need their coach fired and need a new QB.  Never thought the Eagles would fall like this but yesterday's loss to the Redskins was the game that ended the Eagles season for good.

26. St. Louis (were 18) 3-6-1, yeah a tie, who the hell ties?  Can the NFL get rid of this damn tie thing a few years ago people got all butt hurt b/c the MLB All-Star game ended in a tie.  But for some reason when the NFL ties nobody cares.  I don't want them to play all day but maybe do something else after the first OT if teams tie.  Side note the Rams still suck.

25. Tennessee (were 26) 4-6 that game a few weeks ago against Chicago says it all for the Titans.

24. Arizona (were 5) 4-6, last rankings they were 4-0, well 6 losses later they fell.  They had 5 picks yesterday and still lost to Atlanta, you get that many picks you need win the game.

23. Washington (were 21) 4-6, they have no secondary and need lots of help.  RG III keeps getting better and does anyone throw a better deep ball? 

22. San Diego (were 12) 4-6, another team that was 3-1 last rankings I did.  I have no clue what's up in San Diego, pretty sure they need a few WR's and Phillip Rivers leads the world in turnovers.

21. Miami (were 24) 4-6 this is the start of the 3 4-6 teams in the AFC East, I haven't watched the Dolphins a whole lot, but I'd guess the Tannehill experiment isn't working, or maybe it is.

20. Buffalo (were 22) 4-6 as well, just beat Miami Thursday, they give games away to much for me.  They also don't like to use their best weapon CJ Spiller.

19. New York Jets (were 17) 4-6, I guess Sanchez looked good yesterday, but still think they need to give Tebow his shot, why trade for him to protect your punter.

18. Dallas (were 14) 5-5, you know Dallas is gonna keep winning b/c Romo is Mr. November but not Mr. January.

17. Detroit (were 19) 4-6, I love Detroit I don't care what their record is.  They have a ton of talent just need to put it together and maybe lose the attitude.

16. Indianapolis (were 23) 6-4 last rankings I did they were 1-2 since then 5-2.  Luck has some magic in him and is turning into the guy I thought he was.  Still wish the Skins got him instead of RG.

15. Seattle (were 20) 6-4, play great at home not so great on the road, tough thing for them is they won't get a home playoff game.

14. New Orleans (were 30) 5-5 the Saints make the biggest leap on the list.  Guys get hurt they just find another way to dominate you.  Jimmy Graham is the best TE in the league.

13. Tampa Bay (were 27) 6-4 are on a nice little run right now, David Martin is a stud.

12. Minnesota (were 3) 6-4 funny thing happened to the Vikes they can't beat rookie QB's.  Adrian Peterson is back to 100%.  Once again the best RB in the league.

11. Cincinnati (were 7) 5-5 it's just too bad they play in a tough division.

10. Pittsburgh (were 16) 6-4 how long Ben is out is the real question.  They throw a lot and need him back there.  The defense is playing awesome, only gave up 6 points last night but they still lost.

9. San Francisco (were 4) 6-2-1 with Kappernick at QB they are in trouble, the tie could come back to haunt them.

8. New York Giants (were 11) 6-4 once again the Giants are in flux, they need to loss games or else they'll have to play at home in the playoffs and we know they suck at home.

7. Chicago (were 13) 7-2 depends how long Cutty is out if they stay this high or not.

6. Green Bay (were 8) 7-3 no clue what's going on there but Randall Cobb is becoming a real weapon in GB.

5. New England (were 9) 7-3 the Pats are hitting on all cylinders now, the Gronk injury is gonna set them back, but they'll find a way.

4. Denver (were 15) 7-3 Peyton has this thing moving in the right direction, and the defense is playing better.

3. Baltimore (were 6) 8-2 they lost Ray, they lost their best DB, but somehow they keep winning.  Still think you can't trust Flacco but if they keep winning it must be working.

2. Houston (were 1) 9-1 in a tight race I gotta put Houston 2 b/c they let Jacksonville take them to OT yesterday.  Andre Johnson is healthy, Arian Foster is playing great and the defense (except for yesterday) is playing well, JJ Watt for Defensive POY.

1. Atlanta (were 2) 9-1, lone loss was on the road in New Orleans, found a way to get over Matt Ryan's 5 picks yesterday.  He seems to struggle early in games and he better fix that b/c you can't get down early in the playoffs b/c most teams in the NFC are good front runners.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Thought of the week

I was gonna focus all my efforts on the NFL this week, but a funny thing happened at the end of the day yesterday Nascar drivers decided to into it and took my focus off the football for a while.  Well I don't wanna write an entire post about 2 guys fighting so I figured I'd give my thoughts on the whole weekend.  Here we go.........

If I were to do a power rankings I think Atlanta would still be number 1, they lost on the road in one of the toughest places to play.  They also were without Julio Jones for over a quarter of the game.  The defense is still suspect but not many teams have as many weapons as New Orleans.

Number 2 would be Houston they are good, and played a tough game last night in tough conditions.

My thoughts on the fight yesterday in racing.  In case you missed it, Jeff Gordon got ran into by Clint Bowyer, this isn't the first time since they've met on the track.  After they touched which wasn't even that bad by the way, Gordon decided to retalliate and failed miserably.  Instead of hurting Clint, Gordon ended up wrecking himself.  Jeff then drove around waiting for Clint to come back around and when he did Jeff just turned straight into him.

After the accident the crew for Bowyer went down to confront Gordon and a fight ensued.  Guys were on the ground and lots of pushing and shoving.  When Bowyer finally got out of his car he ran to the garage area and tried to pick a fight with the 24 team at their hauler.

Who was right, who was wrong?  Jeff Gordon was totally wrong, he handled the contact on track like a baby.  He says he's tired of Clint running into him, well you tried to get him back and failed so you just leave it there.  Instead he waited around on track and then wrecked the guy who was running in 5th, not to mention taking out 2 other cars who had nothing to with it.  I'm not sure what Bowyer's team was trying to do by confronting the 24 team but they were probably wrong as well.

My take on Jeff Gordon is this, he's fake tough.  When he has a car he can run into people, but when he gets out of the car he's a big wuss.  He also goes after Nascar nice guys, last year he took on Jeff Burton, probably the nicest guy in the sport.  He's also had feuds in the past with teammate Jimmie Johnson, and now this with Clint Bowyer who people never have anything bad to say about.  If Gordon was really a bad ass he might get after Kyle Busch, Kurt Busch, Kevin Harvick, or Tony Stewart, actual bad boys who could hurt you.

Joey Logano a guy who got into this incident unfairly had a few harsh things to say on Twitter and I liked what he said.  Brad Kesolowski had a lot of stuff to say as well and I agreed with him as well, it's time these old guys in the sport start listening to these young guys especially when the old guys act like 4 year olds on track.

Enough about racing, I watched the end of the Rams-49ers game yesterday, wow do the Rams need to look in the mirror and figure out what went wrong.  It was a mess and honestly they couldn't of messed up the end of the game more.

The Jets have to go to Tebow, why trade for him if your not gonna use him?  I don't even like Tebow but you gotta give him his shot, and I wonder if Rex Ryan is just trying to get fired.

I'm not gonna get fired up about the Cowboys or Giants I said it last week, these 2 teams are like clockwork, they do the exact opposite of what you think is gonna happen.

Andy Reid needs to be fired and Mike Vick needs to get out of Philly and they need to start over.

Hey the Skins didn't lose this weekend, cool.

Big shake up in college football with Texas A&M beating Alabama.  I watched a lot of that game and Bama got in too big of a hole early and should've won.  The BCS came out yesterday with the 3 undefeatedes top 3, then 4-9 are all SEC schools.  That's right 6 teams from 1 conference are ranked top 10.  This only proves that the SEC is by far the best conference in college and I think most of these teams would win the conference title if they weren't in the SEC.

I really hope Notre Dame loses b/c they play a cupcake schedule and if they were in a conference they'd be done.

Tough year for Iowa but I wasn't expecting much, was expecting wins the last 2 weeks, but injuries to the offensive line have killing them not to mention the revolving door at RB and the fact none of the WR's can get seperation.

If your in the NFC you gotta start winning now, with the Packers/Bears taking the first wild card spot, if your New Orleans, Tampa, Seattle, Minnesota, and Dallas you gotta go now and win the games your suppossed to win.

AFC is wide open, I don't have the standings in front of me, but I would guess a 500 team is gonna make the playoffs.

Should we be affraid of Denver yet?  I honestly think Houston would beat them, but not sure who else.  I think New England had the game handed to them by Buffalo, Baltimore is a mess and they don't have an idenity.  Pittsburgh is coming on strong but we'll see they tend to be streaky.  Maybe it is Denver, holy cow.

Jay Cutler, Alex Smith and Mike Vick all left yesterday's games with concussions.  Yeah this is starting to be a huge problem.

If your a Wisconsin fan shut up about clinching the title game.  You had to beat out 3 other teams to make it, oh boy what a rigorous schedule.  The 3 teams have a combined 3 wins in conference and 15 losses.  Be happy you made it but don't make a big deal about it.

That's all for today, sorry it got a little Nascarey, but if you didn't watch the fight you should check it out here in the mean time follow me on twitter @derekbredeson and next week I hopefully will get to a power rankings and I have an elaborate post I'm working on that actually includes research.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Thoughts of the week

Was thinking of doing a power rankings but decided instead to just jot down some thoughts, mainly so I can put out my predictions for baseball's awards.  No more wasted time here we go....

What a tough weekend for me, Iowa is done, need to win 2 of the last 3 to get into a bowl, can beat Purdue, but have to beat either Michigan or Nebraska, gonna be tough.  Young team that has been hurt a lot, I think the Hawks got a bright future, if they got a QB in the wings.

The Skins looked like shit yesterday against a team with 1 win.  The defense is a mess and nothing works for it.  Too many penalties and non playmaking in the secondary.  Jim Haslett either needs to be fired or given some guys who can make plays. 

Denny's car was garbage yesterday so glad that once again he's falling apart at the end of the year.  He did give me great joy Saturday night calling out Austin Dillon in the nationwide race.  If you missed it try to find it, pretty funny and had some truth behind it.

I'm so tired of the Dallas Cowboys can we stop caring about them already, you know what's gonna happen though right?  Right now they're 3-5, they're gonna win 6 straight get to 9-5 then fall apart in the last 2 games, that's what the Cowboys do.

Another thing I'm tired of is the New York Giants, so sick of breaking down every game they play, you know what they're gonna do, win 10 games, go on the road win playoff games and when everyone thinks their done they'll win.  OR if you think they got it all wrapped up they'll piss it away, that's what happens when you talk too much about teams.

Nice to see Alabama get the win Saturday night, I wanted to stay up to watch but we were up early Saturday and I couldn't make it.  Bama is a good team with tons of weapons and all kinds of NFL talent.

I've been against the playoff for college but this year I want one real bad.  I want the  in 2 offense teams to play each other and the 2 defense teams to play then let the winners have it out.  Bama vs Notre Dame wouldn't even be a game ND would be so overmatched.  Oregon vs Kansas State would be an awesome game to watch, I think the scores would be in the 60's.  Let's make this happen.

If I were Todd in the Subway commercial I would give my "Sub" to Samantha everytime, go away Sally, I don't wanna give you my Sub.

I said something about MLB Awards, I'll hand those out quick AL Manager of the year Buck Showalter Baltimore, he got 2nd in the highest paid division in baseball and maybe the most competitive.  NL Manager of the year Davey Johnson Washington Nationals.  Has this easily nobody saw them coming.

Cy Young awards NL R.A. Dickey almost had the pitching triple crown 1st in K's w/230 2nd in W's and ERA 20 and 2.73.  AL David Price tied for 1st in W's with 20 lead AL in ERA with 2.56 and 6th in K's 205.

MVP NL I gotta take Buster Posey led the league in hitting, 6th in RBI, and 22nd in HR's all while playing catcher for a team that made the playoffs and eventually the World Series.  Buster had a great 2nd half as well.  I know Ryan Braun put up good numbers finishing top 3 in all 3 triple crown categories 3rd in AVG 1st in HR's and 2 in RBI's, but Braun hits in a hitter friendly park while Buster hits in a tough park to hit HR's in.

AL is tight but you gotta give the MVP to a guy who hit for the Triple Crown and had his team in the playoffs, I know Mike Trout  was right there with him and led the league in stolen bases with 49, not to mention the defense he plays. BUT Miguel Cabrera's team made the playoffs, Mike Trout's team with all the star power in the world didn't make the playoffs.  So Miggy has to win and a triple crown is pretty awesome.

Rookie of the Year, Trout in the AL has to be.  NL Wade Miley and Todd Frazier put up good arguements, but Bryce Harper's team made the playoffs and he was among the top rookies in all stat categories.  Give it to the PHENOM

Are the Bears this good?  51 points, the defense keeps housing picks, eventually teams will stop turning it over to them right?  I don't know what's gonna happen but just know when things start to get rought Jay Cutler doesn't get tough, he gets bitchy.

I know a lot of Packer fans are feeling good about the win, but I see the stuff said during games and a few Packer backers don't like this team, and think the o-line is gonna be where this team fails.

Is Atlanta good?  You are what your record is so yes they are, come playoff time will they be this good, not sure.  They've failed so much in the playoffs maybe they'll make it over the hump.

Dear Baltimore Ravens you have this guy named Ray Rice feel free to use him.

Arizona started out 4-0, are now 4-5 ooops, they need a QB.

Been a week and I'm still proud of my Giants, watched the parade on MLB network, what a great sight.  This team is so full of characters, and I'm not even talking about Brian Wilson.  Sergio Romo might be the new guy in that city dude is crazy, but can speak and is all about the team.  The team is full of guys from everywhere, you got the southern boys in Cain and Mad-Bum, you got the Latin guys like Scutaro, Pablo.  You got your west coast chill guys in Zito and Timmy.  Then the So-Cal guy in Romo, amazing.

If you don't watch Intentional Talk on MLB Network you missing out, Chris Rose and Kevin Millar have the best talk show in sports.

Can't wait for this Nascar season to be over, and hopefully Jimmie Johnson wins it all.  I'm not a big fan of Brad Keselowski.

Enjoy the 2nd half of the NFL season, with the Skins having the bye week it'll be nice to give my heart a break.  Follow me on twitter @derekbredeson for my thoughts during the week.

Monday, October 29, 2012

World Champions of the World

Like you thought I'd talk about anything else today?  Last night the San Francisco Giants won the World Series in a 4 game sweep of the Detroit Tigers, 2 World Series wins for the Giants in the last 3 years.  I'm not gonna go on a long narrative about the team and ups and downs of the season just gonna hit a few of the points I want to make, some will be short some will be long here we go.

I've said it twice on Facebook but the talk before the series reminded me so much of 2010, in both series the Giants were suppossedly outpowered, but the Giants clowned Prince and Cabrera like they did Hamilton and Cruz for the Rangers.  Two years ago the Rangers had the "best pitcher" in the series in Cliff Lee well the Giants whooped him twice, this year Verlander was that guy and Kung Fu Panda did some yard work twice.  Of course you had to outplay both those teams their great but the Giants were better.

The 2 teams have a lot in common but a lot of differences, for the most part the pitching was the same, only names missing from this year were Jonathan Sanchez and Brian Wilson.  Zito wasn't on the postseason roster but he stepped up this year and pitched well, Romo was the set up man for Wilson 2 years ago this year he shut the door.  In the starting 8 position players only 1 guy was on both teams, Buster Posey, and Pablo Sandoval was only other starter on roster 2 years ago. 

Biggest difference is the homegrown talent on this team Brandon Belt and Brandon Crawford both farm kids from the Giants, as well as Posey and Sandoval.  2 years ago it was a bunch of misfits, this year was a team built by Brian Sabean.

Mid-August the Dodgers brought all those Red Sox in and everyone said be affraid, but the Giants weren't affraid, in fact the Dodgers were closer in the race the day they made the trade than they were at the end of the season.

The Giants have the All Star Game MVP-Melky Cabrera, LCS MVP Marco Scutaro, World Series MVP Pablo Sandoval, and hopefully regular season MVP Buster Posey all in one year, that's pretty cool that it's 4 different guys.

Tim Lincecum was an absolute weapon for us, he pitched amazingly out of the pen.  He also took the ball in game 4 in the LCS which gave us the option get Mad-Bum right.  He was a huge weapon and I'm happy to have his Jersey hanging in my basement.

I've been a Giants fan my whole life and have never waivered by rooting for anybody else or having an American League team I like.  This stems from Robby Thompson my 4th cousin playing his entire career for the Giants including batting 2nd and playing 2nd on the 1989 World Series team, and I hope that I bring to the table a little more perspective than some Johnny come lately fan who's only contribution is posting the teams FB pics after every game, I love my team and welcome all fans but please be a fan and have something to contribute.  Know the players learn their stories get into the team, I know most people don't care as much as me but don't come around when things are going good add something.

Have a couple loose ends to tie up, if you follow me on twitter @derekbredeson you may have noticed I gave up on the Giants not once but twice this postseason, when they were down 0-2 to the Reds and Homer Bailey pitched a 1 hitter but somehow they pulled it out, I was sick and could barely watch a game.  BUT when they Timmy was pitching in game 4 I thought for sure the Giants were gonna win, I just didn't want to voice it to jinx it.  Then when the Giants were down 3-1 to the Cardinals in the LCS I stopped watching the games and they won game 5, so I didn't watch until they got up in both game 6 and 7.  Superstition is a bitch and couldn't bring myself to watch the games.  I was dying watching us loss those games and for my sake I had to stop watching b/c I loved this team so much.

The Blockbuster (Marco Scutaro) was the biggest pick up this year in MLB, I know we got Hunter Pence but Scutaro was the difference in the regular season and the difference in the LCS, what a pick up.

All this positivity I gotta be a little negative, I fucking hate Prince Fielder, that guy is a big piece of shit.  I remember a few years ago when he hit a walk off against the Giants the Brewers did this celebration where everyone fell down when Prince landed on the plate.  Since then I've disliked him, in game 1 he hit a liner to left and did some bat flip, well Gregor Blanco caught the ball and Prince had this look on his face, well buddy hope your happy with all that money b/c the Giants are gonna be at home shinning their rings.  I think Prince is a fat piece of crap who comes up small in big situations, I'm not sure on the actual stats but I know he didn't hit any homers and he didn't have 1 clutch at bat.

If you watch the highlights you'll see all kinds of great defensive plays by the Giants and the only guy on the Tigers who can make a play was Austin Jackson, I think defense was the difference in this Series.  The Giants could get to the balls where Miggy and Peralta couldn't for the Tigers.

Next year the Dodgers will be the favorite to win the West and I'm ok with that, we'll have to shock the World again and the Giants will once again come from nowhere to win it all. 

Last note I called the Giants winning it all on this blog in August and I had them beating the White Sox, well I was 3/4 right they beat the AL central champs just was the Tigers not the White Sox.  Chase note for the week Denny's chase is over and I remember in 2010 when he could've won the Chase instead he finished 2nd, I thought maybe this year the Giants would finish 2nd and he'd win the Chase but it's not gonna happen, so be it get stronger and come back next year Denny, or even try to win these last 3 races.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Lance Armstrong

Today it became official the International Cycling Union or UCI, not sure how that works, stripped Lance Armstrong of his 7 Tour De France titles.  Last week Armstrong stepped down as chairman of the Livestrong Foundation, and Nike dropped their sponsorship of him, and today Oakley his last sponsor dropped him.  The USADA brought the doping charges against Armstrong in August and he refused to fight them claiming he's tired of fighting.  My stance on Armstrong is this, why are we shocked that a guy who dominated the most doped sport doped?  I'm not shocked and frankly I was waiting for this too happen, all greats in doping sports eventually cave.  The debate however is this, should Armstrong be known as a doper or as a guy who helped raise more than 470 million dollars since it started in 1997.

I personally find the fact he helped raise 470 million dollars a farce.  Armstrong started the foundation in 1997, he won his first Tour de France in 1999, I have no facts to back this up but I bet he didn't raise as much money those first 2 years as his did after he won.  I bet you didn't wear one of those yellow bracelets until after he won a few of those races.  He basically built his foundation, career and bank account on lies.  My stance on steroids in baseball has been stated I'm all for it, and I won't crucify guys who used, my stance is almost the same for this.  Armstrong wanted to use to win, fine with me, but don't lie about it and don't have a foundation and career based off it.  I don't like when people say they're giving Armstrong a pass b/c of all the good he did.  Well that's awesome are those same people giving Joe Paterno a pass for all the good he did at Penn St.?  I bet not.  When your life is built on lies no matter what you did good or bad you should be held accountable.  So far, business wise Armstrong has but I fear in the court of public opinion he's getting a pass b/c he helped cancer victims. 

My final thought is this, if your Lance Armstrong please just admit the truth already, don't come out with this "I'm tired of fighting" crap, if your innocent you never get tired of fighting.

Monday, October 15, 2012

QB Trade Value Part II

I started it last week with the AFC, today we'll move onto the NFC.

Dallas Cowboys would trade Tony Romo for Tom Brady, Big Ben, Joe Flacco, Andy Dalton, Matt Schaub, Andrew Luck, Phillip Rivers, Peyton Manning, RG III, Eli Manning, Jay Cutler, Aaron Rodgers, Matthew Stafford, Cam Newton, Matt Ryan, Drew Brees, Russell Wilson, and Sam Bradford.  That's right the Cowboys would take over half the league over Tony Romo, what a pile this guy is, has anyone done less to be considered a top QB?  No Super Bowl appearences, 1 playoff win, and we have to hear about how great the Cowboys are constantly, wanna see Tony Romo's greatness watch the last 30 seconds of yesterdays game.

New York Giants would trade Eli Manning for nobody, he's their man and nobody could replace him.  2 rings over the Patriots, Eli is on the Mt. Rushmore of current NFL QB's nough said.

Philadelphia Eagles would trade Micheal Vick for Brady, Ben, Flacco, Schaub, Luck, Rivers, Peyton, Eli, Rodgers, Stafford, Cam, Ryan, Brees, and Bradford.  I think the Eagles are a mess and it starts at QB.  I think the Eagles need a guy who's experienced and accurate and they could be a Super Bowl team.  I kept RG III off the list b/c he's Vick 2.0 and the Eagles don't need what they already have.

Washington Redskins would trade Robert Griffin III for Brady, Ben, Luck, Eli, Rodgers, Stafford, Cam, Ryan, Brees, and Bradford.  I love RG III and did you see the 77 yard run he had yesterday to ice the game?  I'll give you my commentarty from the play.  RG drops back to pass, "why are you throwing the ball you idiots"  RG sees a hole and takes off, "get the first down run run"  RG makes a move away from a defender to the outside to get to the sideline "get down get down, keep the clock running"  RG realizes nobody is in front of him and goes the distance "go baby go baby, yeah baby RG III has struck."  Yeah only reason any of these guys could replace RG is expercience and maybe durability.  Another reason I listed these guys is they are better than RG but RG may have the biggest upside in the whole league.

Chicago Bears would trade Jay Cutler for Brady, Ben, Luck, Rivers, Peyton, Eli, Rodgers, Stafford, Cam, Ryan, Brees, and Bradford.  I'm pretty even keeled on Cutty, when he's good he's great, when he's bad he's Danny Wuerfel.  I can handle the faces he makes the attitude all of it b/c he's not the only one with those things, just the only one who gets seeked out when he's blowing up.  I think the Bears would have to get a guy who throws better than Cutler but not a runner except for Cam.

Detroit Lions would trade Mathew Stafford for, Brady, Ben, Eli, and Rodgers.  This doesn't mean Stafford is better than Peyton or Brees just means he's younger and has a future, the guys listed have rings and futures in this league so yeah Detroit would take them.  My Stafford rant is this, dude can you play the first 3 quarters the way you play the 4th good god man your killing me.

Green Bay Packers would trade Aaron Rodgers for nobody.  Only guy who could be listed is Eli and I don't think the Packers want Eli's up and downs in the locker room.

Minnesota Vikings would trade Christian Ponder for, Brady, Ben, Flacco, Schaub, Luck, Rivers, RG III, Eli, Cutler, Rodgers, Stafford, Cam, Ryan, Brees, and Bradford.  I like Ponder more and more but the Vikings have 2 of the best weapons on offense in the league in Peterson and Harvin.  Ponder has his moments but he threw one yesterday that cost the Vikings the game.

Atlanta Falcons would trade Matt Ryan for, Eli and Rodgers.  Once again I'm not saying Matt Ryan is a top 3 QB just saying his age draft position and fit on this team makes him perfect for this team.  The Falcons are the last undefeated and Ryan has something to do with that, watch that pass he threw to Roddy White 2 weeks ago and tell me different.

Carolina Panthers would trade Cam Newton for Brady, Ben, Luck, Eli, Rodgers, Ryan, and Brees.  I think Cam is stuck with a bunch of losers and he's feeling like he needs to make every play.  I'm not really a Cam guy but I think the Panthers like him and frankly don't want to give him up for anybody, but these guys are pocket passers and could do a better than job than Cam right now.

New Orleans Saints would trade Drew Brees for Brady, Eli, and Rodgers.  This system is perfect for Brees and I can't imagine what these other three would look like in it, with a running game and the WR's that are dangerous, let alone Jimmy Graham.  The 3 listed have shown glimpses of offense like this but never consistantly like Brees.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers would trade Josh Freeman for Brady, Ben, Flacco, Dalton, Schaub, Luck, Rivers, Peyton, Carson Palmer, Romo, RG III, Eli, Vick, Cutler, Rodgers, Stafford, Ponder, Ryan, Cam, Brees, Wilson, and Bradford.  I'll be honest I don't like Josh Freeman, never have.  I think he's erratic and inconsistent.  I like a lot guys for the Yuks more than Freeman.

Arizona Cardinals would trade John Skelton/Kevin Kolb for everyone, you name them the Cards would take em.  I think it's a mess out in Arizona and they win despite it.  I even think a guy like Mark Sanchez would help.

San Francisco 49ers would trade Alex Smith for Brady, Ben, Flacco, Schaub, Luck, Rivers, Peyton, Eli, RG III, Cutler, Rodgers, Stafford, Cam, Ryan, Brees, and Bradford.  I think the 49ers are a QB away, Smith is good at times but you can't trust him to bring you back in a game.  I think that playoff game last year against the Saints was blip instead of the norm.  The 9ers need a winner and a playmaker.

Seattle Seahawks would trade Russell Wilson for Brady, Ben, Flacco, Luck, Eli, RG III, Rodgers, Stafford, Cam, Ryan, Brees, and Bradford.  Can't believe this list isn't longer, I don't even like Russell Wilson I just know the Seahawks love him and think he's the future.

St. Louis Rams would trade Sam Bradford for Brady, Ben, Eli, and Rodgers.  I've had Bradford on this list a lot and I think the Rams love that they have him, and wouldn't want another young QB on their team.

Well that's the end of the list I will say the NFC was much easier than the AFC.  Hope you enjoyed it and if you got any beefs feel free to leave a comment.  Chase thought of the week, Denny got 2nd and closed the gap a little but running out of fuel at Chicago in the first race is hanging around.  With 5 to go Denny has won at all the tracks and could still win this but the 48 and 2 aren't going anywhere.  Speaking of the 2, it was nice to see the fuel mileage bug bite them back since Brad always seems to win fuel mileage races.  Stay tuned to the NLCS this week as the Giants try to bounce back from last night, and if you want my thoughts on them follow me on Twitter @DerekBredeson, I'm pretty active during the games.

Monday, October 8, 2012

QB trade value

I was watching First Take last week, if you don't know the show Skip Bayless and Stephen A. Smith "argue" about the NFL and NBA 5 days a week, you don't have to watch the show daily they basically say the same thing day after day week after week.  Last week however they brought up a good question, what other team would take Tony Romo straight up in a trade for their QB?  It got me thinking if you were team A and team B called you up and said hey do you want our QB all you gotta give us is your QB.  Think of it as turning fair trades off on Madden and you giving Matt Cassel to the Patriots for Tom Brady, I know it couldn't happen but if your KC you'd take that deal.  I'm gonna list each teams starter and then say who they trade for.  Take into account age, system, and ability.  Another thing to look at is where someone was drafted or what the team gave up to get them.  Meaning guys like Tannehill, RG III, and Luck are in my eyes a little more valued by their current teams, and that is gonna go for a lot of teams who've drafted their QB in the last 3 years. 

Buffalo Bills would trade Ryan Fitzpatrick for Brady, Big Ben, Flacco, Andy Dalton-would be close, Matt Schaub, Andrew Luck, Phillip Rivers, Peyton, Romo-would be really close, RG III, Eli, Vick, Cutler, Rodgers, Stafford, Cam, Matt Ryan, Brees, and Sam Bradford.  I know Buffalo just gave Fitzy an extension but I tend to think they'd take most of these guys.  Over half of them are top 10 picks and for the most part are more consistent than Fitzy.  I think the Romo-Dalton-Vick line is really close other than that I think the rest would be no brainers for the Bills.

Miami Dolphins would trade Ryan Tannehill for Brady, Big Ben, Flacco, Schaub, Luck, Peyton, RG III, Eli, Rodgers, Stafford, Cam, Matt Ryan, Brees, and Sam Bradford.  I don't even like Tannehill and I think the list I made is short, but they took him top 10 so they'd have to get someone better than him back.  Guys like Rivers and Cutler are gonna be as inconssistant as Tannehill but he's younger so age does matter.

New England Patriots would trade Tom Brady for Eli and Rodgers.  Maybe one of the hardest decisions to make in this.  The only reason I think they'd pull this trigger is age, both guys are younger than Brady but both have rings.

New York Jets would trade Mark Sanchez for everyone but Kevin Kolb.  I think the Jets are done with Sanchez and even a Jake Locker or Brandon Weeden would at least get a little more rope from the fan base.  Now remember this is only for the starting QB so Tim Tebow isn't part of the discussion.  I just think Sanchez is in such a terrible spot that the Jets would be willing to take anyone for him if they could handle the pressure better.

Baltimore Ravens would trade Joe Flacco for Brady, Big Ben, Peyton, Eli, Rodgers, Stafford-close, Matt Ryan-close, Brees, and Sam Bradford.  I look at the Ravens like this, if they had an experienced QB they're in the Super Bowl last year.  They have talent on the outside but Flacco doesn't seem to utilize it all the time.  On the flip side I think they'd take one of the top QB's who've been in the league a few years but none of the new top guys, that's why I like Bradford-Ryan-Stafford for them but not Luck-RGIII-Cam, because Baltimore needs a guy who's been around at least a couple years.

Cincinnati Bengals would trade Andy Dalton for Brady, Big Ben, Flacco, Schaub-close, Luck, Rivers-close, Peyton, Eli, Rodgers, Stafford, Cam, Matt Ryan, Brees, and Sam Bradford.  I know the Bengals like Dalton but he's a game manager and they could use a playmaker back there.  I bet Jay Gruden would like a little more experience.  Rivers and Peyton would be interesting because the leap wouldn't be as big but I still think the Bengals make the move.  I'm gonna use Stafford-Bradford-Luck a lot in this thing only b/c they are all #1 picks and all have talent in bunches so I tend to think most teams would take them in heart beat.

Cleveland Browns would trade Brandon Weeden for Brady, Big Ben, Flacco, Dalton, Schaub, Rivers, Peyton, Carson Palmer, Romo, RG III, Eli, Vick, Cutler, Rodgers, Stafford, Christian Ponder, Cam, Matt Ryan, Brees, Alex Smith, and Sam Bradford.  Brandon Weeden is 28 years old, if it takes him 2 years to get comfortable in this system and the Browns to surround him with talent he'll be 30 on the downward portion of his career what a future.  I think the Browns would pull the trigger on someone younger than Weeden say a Ponder just because his age gives him a longer window to learn the system.

Pittsburgh Steelers would trade Ben Roethlisberger for Brady, Eli, Rodgers, and Brees.  For the most part I think Ben is the QB for the Steelers he's big and tough just like the Steelers but the 4 guys I listed all have that little extra Ben doesn't.  But Ben has age on Peyton, and is a winner over Rivers-Schaub-Flacco.

Houston Texans would trade Matt Schaub for Brady, Flacco-close, Big Ben, Rivers-close, Peyton, Eli, Rodgers, Stafford, Matt Ryan, Brees, and Sam Bradford.  Houston is in a unique position of being in a window where they could win it all, so they'd either need a proven winner or a young guy who takes care of the football b/c Kubiak doesn't like guys who give the ball away.  That's why I leave Cutler off he doesn't have the control to keep Kubiak happy.  I do however think a guy like Rivers would thrive with all the weapons.  Matt Ryan is basically doing the same think in Atlanta only slightly better so I like the fit.  Once again Bradford and Stafford are b/c of the age and draft postition.

Indianpolis Colts would trade Andrew Luck for Eli and Rodgers.  They have Peyton 2.0 and the only reason I think they'd take these 2 is age.  I keep Brady-Brees off b/c they're the closest to Peyton in age and the Colts are set at QB for the next 10 years and they only has about 5 years left.  Peyton is left off as well b/c frankly the Colts already made that deal.

Jacksonville Jaguars would trade Blain Gabbert for Brady, Big Ben, Flacco, Dalton, Schaub, Luck, Rivers, Peyton, Romo, RG III, Eli, Vick, Cutler, Rodgers, Stafford, Cam, Matt Ryan, Brees, and Sam Bradford.  I think the Jags are a mess that's all I can't really comment on the current situation.

Tennessee Titans would trade Jake Locker for Brady, Big Ben, Flacco, Schaub, Luck, Rivers, Peyton, Romo, RG III, Eli, Vick, Cutler, Rodgers, Stafford, Ponder, Cam, Matt Ryan, Brees, and Sam Bradford.  Another team that's a mess, I don't care for Locker and think he's overated but the Titans made their bed when they drafted him in the top ten, but I think they see Ponder and wish maybe they had him.

Denver Broncos would trade Peyton Manning for Brady, Big Ben, Rodgers, Eli, and Brees.  Requirement to replace Manning is rings and these guys are all younger than him and they all have rings.

Kansas City Chiefs would trade Matt Cassel for well it'd be easier to say who they wouldn't trade for, and that's Sanchez and Kevin Kolb.  The Chiefs are a mess and yesterday the fans cheered when Cassel got hurt.

Oakland Raiders would trade Carson Palmer for Brady, Big Ben, Flacco, Dalton, Schaub, Luck, Rivers, Peyton, RG III, Eli, Cutler, Rodgers, Stafford, Cam, Matt Ryan, Brees and Sam Bradford.  Another team that is a mess but if your Oakland you gotta upgrade so bringing in a guy who's a pick around 10 isn't gonna help he's either gotta be a winner or a top 3 pick.

San Diego Chargers would trade Phillip Rivers for , Brady, Big Ben, Flacco, Luck, Peyton, Eli, Rodgers, Stafford, Matt Ryan, Brees, and Sam Bradford.  I actually like Rivers and think he's a bona fide stud just stuck with nobodies at WR.

That's all for today I'll tackle the NFC next week.  Chase thought of the week is I wish on a last lap crash they raced back to the checker flag b/c if your car is so torn up it can't move a car who avoided the accident should finish higher than you if that car can cross the finish line.  Denny has 6 races left to make up 23 points, but the rest of the way doesn't have the bumps the last 2 weeks had.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Power Rankings week 4

We're 1 game away from the quarter pole but since I work Tuesday's I'll have to do the power rankings a day early.

32. Cleveland Browns 0-4, they are the worst in the league gave the Ravens a fight on Thursday.  Weeden isn't the answer and they have no weapons on the outside.  Trent Richardson is a nice piece but things need to change.

31. Oakland Raiders 1-3, their win took a miracle comeback.  They just seem overmatched wish I watched them more to have something to add.

30. New Orleans Saints 0-4, they lost their coach, their idenity, they've lost it all.  Sad part is they've lost to some bad teams and haven't even hit the hard part of the schedule yet.  You know the worst thing about this bounty thing is, the Saints D was never even that great, it took miracles for them to beat the Vikings in the NFC champ game a few years ago.

29. Kansas City Chiefs 1-3, only reason they aren't lower is that they beat the Saints.  Buffalo dismantled them 3 weeks ago.  I like the tools on O, but these top picks on D continue to underperform.

28. Jacksonville Jaguars 1-3, they stink, it's bad.

27. Tampa Bay Buccaneers 1-3, watched them yesterday, they have a bad secondary, and up until yesterday had a good run d but the Skins torched them.  Freeman is good at times but woeful at others.

26. Tennessee Titans 1-3, Locker got hurt yesterday, their line play is bad.  I can't name a guy on their D, gonna be a long year for the Titans.

25. Carolina Panthers 1-3, they've beaten the Saints, lost to a banged up Giants on a short week, lost to Atlanta yesterday.  I like Cam but I don't think he's surrounded with the weapons and talent to win.  Don't be surprised if they make a run though.

24. Maimi Dolphins 1-3, played the Jets and Cardinals to tough losses but I'm not buying them.  Tannehill is playing better than I expected but they still don't have the depth.

23. Indianapolis Colts 1-2, beat the Vikings week 2, but it was announced today they've lost their coach for at least 6 weeks ask the Saints how not having your head coach goes.  They are also lacking talent at a lot of positions.

22. Buffolo Bills 2-2, when their good their real good but their bad they blow ass.  Their defensive front is bad even though they have 90 some million of guranteed money on it.  Spiller is the real deal and they need to realize it.

21. Washington Redskins 2-2, lost to the Rams and Bengals, beat Saints and Bucs, not a tough schedule so far.  The secondary is terrible and needs help.  Offense is moving the right direction.

20. Seattle Seahawks 2-2, should be 1-3 but aren't I'm not buying the Hawks don't like Carrol or Russell Wilson.  Lost yesterday to the Rams.

19. Detroit Lions 1-3, they should be in the 20's I know but with all the talent they have they should be better than this record and I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt and thiking they'll still finish with 9 wins or so.

18. St. Louis Rams 2-2, never underestimate Jeff Fischer.

17. New York Jets 2-2, excuse me for not acting like the world is ending b/c the Jets are underperfomaning.  I'm tired of hearing they have no weapons, they have weapons just a shit head coach who doesn't know how to use them and I'm not talking about Tebow..

Top half of the league is

16. Pittsburgh Steelers 1-2, don't count the Steelers out that's all I'm gonna say.  They'll get this on track.

15. Denver Broncos 2-2, their gonna be up and down get used to it.  One week Manning, Decker, Thomas, and Stokely on gonna be on the same page the next week they won't.  Too much stock is giving in week to week performances let's get to week 10 and see where this team is.

14. Dallas Cowboys 2-1, shut up

13. Chicago Bears 2-1, whoever wins tonight will be 13 loser will be 14.

12. San Diego Chargers 3-1, who knows with this team they don't trust Ryan Mathews.  They are off to a good start which is odd for them but things could change, good for them they have Chiefs and Raiders in division.

11. New York Giants 2-2, Giants schedule so far prime time Wed, reg Sun, prime time Thurs, prime time Sun.  can these guys get a normal fucking schedule.  You can't overbuy or oversell the Giants whatever you do they'll make you look dumb.

10.  Philadelphia Eagles 3-1, first team to be 3-1 that turns the ball over so much.  This team still has a shit ton of talent they could win this whole thing or take a huge dump.

9. New England Patriots 2-2, took a contorversal call for them to have 2 losses.  Also took a terrible meltdown by the Bills to get 2nd win.  Defense is better than they have been in the past, and they have a running game, who knew.

8. Green Bay Packers 2-2, should be 3-1 BUT unless this offensive line doesn't start playing better they are doomed.  Also, can someone on this defense make some plays.  Really wish I watched them more but haven't yet.

7. Cincinnati Bengals 3-1, beat the Skins, Browns and Jags not an impressive resume, but Jay Gruden is a great o-cordinator.  This team has talent just a tough division.

6. Baltimore Ravens 3-1, do you trust Flacco?  Why do they abandon Ray Rice?  Why does a team so many thinks is one of the best in the league have so many questions?  Don't mention the old D.

5. Arizona Cardinals 4-0, beat the Eagles and Patriots, but struggled to beat the Dolphins at home.  They have serious questions at QB, but the D is awesome.

4. San Francisco 49ers 3-1, should be higher but the team they lost too isn't listed yet.  They are built for the long haul and if I do this list again I can only imagine them going up.

3. Minnesota Vikings 3-1, beat the 9ers and Lions, but lost to the Colts, huh?  They run, play d, don't turn it over, have a huge home field advantage.  Not sure they keep this up but last week they out 49ered the 49ers.

2. Atlanta Falcons 4-0, had Carolina give the game away yesterday.  I said it last week they are front runners.  That said though their 4-0 just need to win 6 more games to get in the dance.

1. Houston Texans 4-0, they can do everything, and frankly anyone who says different it wrong.  The difference between Houston and San Francisco is this, the Texans have real talent at all positions, and a back up RB who could start for 30 teams in Ben Tate.  I love the Texans have for a few years and this team is legit, especially being in a terrible division.

Chase thought of the week.  Tell me Denny Hamlin will come out of Dover 8th I'd be happy so no bitching about yesterday.  I do have a problem though with Brad Keseloski, has he ever dominated a race?  Does he always seem to use strategy or fuel mileage to win races?  That's what I thought I told Jessica yesterday he doesn't scare me and we need to keep Jimmie in our sights not Brad, she thought I was crazy but that's what I think.  That's it for this week, baseball playoffs start next weekend so Orange October has officially started.  Follow me on twitter @derekbredeson or check out the older posts.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Thoughts of the week

Another week in the books, time to throw out some reflections of the week that was.

  • Division Champs baby, how bout those Giants, 2 years ago they had to win the last game of the year to clinch, this year the Giants clinch with 2 weeks to go, setting up the rotation and making sure everyone is well rested for the DS.
  • Reds clinched as well, congrats to them, they also helped the Giants by beating the Dodgers.
  • American League is hot this is gonna go down to the wire, I stick to my picks last week.
  • Iowa and the rest of the Big Ten sucks.
  • Never thought I'd say this but the weakness on the Redskins is the defense, been terrible the last 2 weeks.  The safety play alone is mind boggling.
  • The Redskins need an offensive idenity, yesterday they went to the option and walked down the field but they can't throw out of it so they need to work on it.
  • The officials are terrible, the end of the Vikings game was just terrible.
  • I think the announcers need to continue to berate the officials during the games to embaress the NFL
  • The problem with the officials isn't the calls, it's the procedures they keep giving teams extra time outs, marching out the wrong distances on penalties, they don't control the players.  I know nobody is perfect and the regular officials aren't, but at least they keep the game undercontrol.
  • Starting from 28th, driving to the front before lap 100 and dominating the race Denny Hamlin showed he's the guy everyone should look out for.  Lots of people can start up front and stay up front but to drive to the front on a mile track inside of 100 laps shows your a great driver and a great team.
  • 3rd in points 7 back of 1st if Denny can weather the storm the next 2 weeks he'll take this thing.
  • The Cardinals are a good team, beating New England and Philly back to back.
  • Parody is at an all time high in the league this year, the Vikings beat the 49ers who everyone thought are the best team in the league. 
  • Houston is awesome and I think are the favorites in the AFC
  • Atlanta is good but they are front runners, they get a lead but don't knock you out in the 2nd half, that could come back to haunt them.
  • 3 weeks in and no Tebow, how long the Jets gonna wait?
  • The Saints have something wrong, more than Sean Payton, something bad.  I thought KC had no chance after the way they played against Buffalo but the Saints let Jamaal Charles just rip them.
That's all for this week, after week 4 I think I'll try a power rankings for the NFL post, so look for that next week.  In the mean time follow me on twitter @derekbredeson or read some of my older posts.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Thoughts of the week

Holy crap has been it a while, first post since late April.  What has happened since then?  Well the birth of my daughter for one took away from my time.  So now instead of going long winded on one topic I'm gonna hit a few bullet points on the NFL, MLB, NCAA Football, and NASCAR.  Here we go.............

  • RG III is the real deal, leading up to the draft I didn't like the idea of getting him, but as summer went on I started liking him more and more, then I watched him play.  The guy is amazing and he takes care of himself, he'll run but rarely take a shot.  The one knock I have of the kid is he's a one read QB, if his first target is covered he doesn't check off very well.  The Redskins aren't a great team but 500 isn't out of the question.
  • Josh Morgan get the fuck out, are you kidding me throwing a ball at a guy, dude get serious and play with your head
  • Direct TV's NFL package is gonna lead to my divorce, my wife doesn't mind me until the Skins are on, yesterday when Sam Bradford was tearing us up I was a wreck and pretty sure she wanted me to leave.  I'll get better I swear, I blame this on the Skins you don't beat the Saints then lose to the Rams.
  • Green Bay needs an offensive line
  • Jay Cutler is crazy good at times and crazy bad at times.
  • If Denny Hamlin is gonna win this Chase which I think he will they need to tighten up, last two races we've had fuel mileage issues, I still love ya Denny just need to not make mistakes.
  • I can't blame the gas man for screwing Denny out of his finish yesterday b/c the Pit Crew is who won Denny the race in Atlanta, so we win together and lose together go get them 11 team
  • Who the hell are the Saints?  I knew losing Payton would hurt them but not this bad, they look lost.
  • The SF Giants magic number as of today is 9, and it sounds like Melky Cabrera will be welcome back on the team in the playoffs.  Not sure what to make of that, sounded like at first the team was pissed at him but now we want him to help make a run?  Whatever I guess
  • When the Dodgers made the trade for Gonzalez, Becket, Punto, and Crawford I was pissed, but I wasn't scared.  I knew they were losers in Boston so why should they come to LA and do any different?  Since their arrival the Giants have opened up a bigger league in the division and frankly are a better team.  Next the Dodgers will be the favorites but that won't matter this season.
  • IF the Freak is a shadow of the guy from 2010 and nothing like the 2012 guy the Giants will win the World Series, they can out pitch the Reds and Nationals are a different team with Strasburg on the bench.
  • Speaking of the Nationals they are letting Scott Boras run the team and it's annoying as hell.  Strasburg has a mechanics issue not an innings issue.  Babying him will do you no good when his elbow goes again it's gonna go not b/c he pitched to much but b/c his mechanics are flawed.
  • Bill Belichek is pushing Wes Welker out the door in New England, we made you we can tear you down, always been his way.
  • Tom Coughlin shut the fuck up, your mr. hardnose then you cry when a team goes hard on a kneel down, that's terrible bro.  If Tampa wants to go hard they can go hard.
  • 49ers are the best team in the league, hands down they got weapons everywhere, and the D plays like no other d in the league.
  • Dear St. Louis Rams players, you haven't won anything stop being cocky.  Yesterday some no name big meat head tight end was cocking off to London Fletcher, HEY dipshit London Fletcher has done more for the Rams than you ever will so shut up.
  • SERIOUSLY Josh Morgan get the FUCK OUT you moron.
  • MLB playoff predictions, AL Yankees, White Sox, Rangers, A's and O's get wild card A's win that, White Sox win AL.  NL Nationals, Reds, Giants, Dodgers and Braves wild card, Braves win that, Giants win NL, and Giants over White Sox in 5, BUT if the Nationals reactivate Strasburg, they win the whole thing.
  • Big Ten is down this year, like way down, our best team can't play in the postseason, not gonna be pretty but in our defense we lost a lot of good players last year.
  • Alabama is a great team, and I think their offensive line as a unit could compete in the NFL, not be great but compete, they got some big boys up there.
  • The SEC is the Triple A to the NFL and the rest of college football is playing at a double A level.
  • I know we're a race into the Chase but final 12 in order from 12th-1st 24, 56, 16, 29, 17, 15, 88, 5, 14, 2, 48, and 11.
Hopefully, I can keep this up for a while when Cora takes a nap on Mondays I'll try to get time to type something up.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Draft Diary 2012

Draft Diary is on, Chris will be chiming in via text, everything happens as I see no editing.

7:02 we are live from the man cave, spottf:ed cow in hand.  NFL Network for my draft, Rich Eisen, Marshall Faulk, Mooch, Micheal Irvin, and Draft Guru Mike Mayock are our announcers.  Prime is on the stage

7:03 to a course of boos, Roger Goodell comes out and announces the 2012 draft is open.

7:04 Andrew Luck is on the phone.

7:05 Goodell announces Andrew Luck is the #1 overall pick, not shocked this has been known since week 12.

7:06 Andrew Lucks mom puts a Horshoe pin on his jacket, gotta protect the horshoe that left in the middle of the night to Indy.

7:07 Luck holds up a #12 Jersey, his hat wasn't horrible looks like he asked for bill to get bent before he got up there, must be some Skins fans there as a chant of RG3 breaks out.

7:08 Mayock is breaking down Luck the best prospect since John Elway, Mayock say athletisism is close to Cam Newton.  I love the kid wish we could've gotten him, last year.

7:09 Redskins pick is in. RG3, RG3, RG3, RG3, RG3

7:10 Prime has to interview Luck before we can get the Skins pick in.  Glad Prime's wife let him get to New York tonight.  Two texts one wishing me luck, the other telling me to get excited a little.

7:11 let's get this moving, you got 4 months to interview these guys.

7:12 we've moved on from the Colts already, all I hear is how great RG3 is gonna be.  I'm still scared we're getting Ryan Leaf to the Colts Peyton Manning.

7:13 Eisen Browns pick is in already and Goodell hasn't announced Skins pick yet.  Redskins select Robert Griffin the third.  I like the suit, his g/f though could use an upgrade.

7:14 again all we hear is how great a guy he is, and how he'll fit in the Skins system.  RG3 looks like shit in the hat, dude won't be wearing many hats on the sidelines it looks like.

7:15 Griffin III on a #1 jersey, not sure what number he'll rock for the Skins.  RG3 says he expects more from himself than any fan will expect from him.  RG3 rocking Skins colored socks I like.

7:16 Browns pick is in, yet commercial.

7:17 Chris is wondering if Gaffney will sell his number to Griffin, I've heard the Skins want to trade him, so no.

7:18  With the Cleveland pick in all I can think is what is Minnesota gonna do, Claiborne seems like the pick but they might move back even farther, not sure what's gonna happen too bad we gotta wait for the Browns to get done before anything will be said.

7:19 This is the problem with the draft, ESPN and NFL network both cover it, so they both have to get their interviews in, therefore time is wasted when we could be moving.

7:20 Vikings pick is in, so we're 2 picks behind and the Bucs are on the clock.  Cleveland Browns select Trent Richardson, RB Alabama, this was a known pick about an hour ago the Browns moved up one pick to get him.  Also, since the end of the season people have been saying Richardson will be a Brown.

7:21 Chris says Kalil to Minny, I say Claiborne was the right pick we'll see. 

7:22 for the record NFL Network isn't showing guys on cell phones so Chris may know who's going before I do since he's on ESPN.

7:23 I love how Nick Saban is always at the draft not many college coaches show up and hug their players on the way out.  If I'm a kid and got a choice I'm going to Bama since my coach is there for me.  NFL Network is reporting Jacksonville has moved into 5 and it sounds like Justin Blackmon is going to be a Jag.  Also says Minnesota didn't take Blackmon.

7:25  Trent Richardson has both his kids on the stage, he has a 5 year old, dude keep it in your pants in the league.  Chris says hats are embarassing, I agree New Era you've screwed the pooch.

7:26  Eisen says picks 2-7 have all been traded for, feel bad for the Rams they won't get Blackmon now that the Jags have moved up.

7:27 Marshall Faulk says the obvious with the wage scale teams are able to move up and get guys, sort of like the NBA Draft.  #4 to the Vikings is Matt Kalil tackle USC.  He's a big guy should work well in Minny but I liked Claiborne more.

7:28  Mayock declares the Rams will take Claiborne now, not bad for 6.  Commercial for NFL Network, 4 picks in 28 minutes if it wasn't for the networks we'd have 6 done already.

7:30 Chris just said the next 3 picks are made, come on let's get going some of us have to work tomorrow.  I already received an e-mail from the Redskins team store with RG3 shirts and hats, DAMN that was fast.

7:31 they show the trade between the Bucs and Jags, Bucs got a 4.

7:32 Dallas trades up to 6, Rams move back to 14.  #5 Jacksonville takes Justin Blackmon.

7:33 I LOVE this kid, he's T.O. 2.0 in my eyes big body runs great routes, not a speed demon but a great player.  Too bad he'll be in Jacksonville.

7:34  Irvin says Blackmon reminds him of Andre Johnson and Hakeem Nicks, that's a lot of hype.  Chris says ESPN is going crazy for the Cowboys now, whoopity doo as long as 9 is their QB they suck.

7:36 Cowboys pick is in, Morris Claiborne has to be the pick.

7:37  #6 Cowboys select Morris Claiborne, hard to see a kid I like go to the Girls, sorry dude I hope your a bust now.

7:38 too many hugs when guys get picked act like your surprised you got invited to New York, your obviously getting picked.

7:39 they show him returning a punt, if I pick 6 I'm not letting him return punts. Cowboys still suck.

7:41 commercial again and the Bucs are using the whole clock apparently.  Chris just texted me the trade for the Rams I missed it, Rams get a 2 and down too 14 for the Cowboys to move up 8 spots, it cost us 3 1's and a 2 to move up 4 damn the luck.

7:43 Again the hats are freaking ugly, Bucs pick is in let's get going.

7:44 first suprise of the night here comes Goodell, #7 Bucs select Mark Barron Safety Alabama.  Mayock says his downside is a Pro Bowl safety.

7:46  Guessing we're gonna have 5 Alabama guys in the first round, we've got 2 so far in the top 7.

7:47 Mayock says Bucs will be good team next year, I'm not sold on Freeman.  Time for the Dolphins to fuck themselves over and pick Tannehill

7:48 8 and 9 are both done already yet no Goodell come on, something needs to change.

7:49 right now the Bills are on the clock.  Goodell comes out again #8 Ryan Tannehill, QB Texas A&M a kid who didn't play QB the whole time in college.

7:50 Mayock has him at 19 overall, I have him at 250, he's terrible, not a QB. congrats Dolphin fans your team is set back another 4 years.

7:52 Carolina pick is in, I think Floyd WR from Notre Dame here, or maybe Reiff from Iowa.  Erb wants Fletcher Cox from Mississippi St. so does Mayock.

7:53 if it is Cox Buffalo will take Riley Reif from Iowa.

7:54 Buffalo pick is in, Tannehill says he just got married congrats.  Chiefs are on the clock.

7:55 Carolina at #9 takes Luke Kuechly from Boston College, Linebacker.  Kid is a stud, I know Todd McShay loved him.

7:57 Chris is saying Gilmore to Buffalo, which means Kansas City is doing the happy dance having Reif fall to them.

7:58 Bills pick is in let's get rolling here comes Roger, #10 Stephon Gilmore DB South Carolina, thought the DE Ingram would be first SC guy to come off board.  Don't know what this kid brings but you need to cover to play in the AFC East I guess.

8:00 Erb says Poe for KC I think Reiff, Chiefs are using the clock, Arizona is trying to move back, according to Lombardi and La Confora two big insiders for NFL network.

8:01 Chiefs pick is in.

8:03 Mayock says Poe, Floyd, or Fletcher Cox.  Mooch says Reif or Decastro from Stanford. 

8:04 #11 Chiefs go Dontari Poe DT Memphis, the Chiefs again go for a D-Line guy, stupid pick in my eyes, how many times are the Chiefs gonna strike out on the D-Lineman before they give up.

8:05 Philly has moved up to 12, for Fletcher Cox, Seattle gets a 4 and a 6 for pick and move back to 15.

8:06 Chris says Cox for Philly as well not a big secret.  This Poe dude sounds like a bust, dare I say Amobi Okoye?  Mayock says his film is average but he's a workout warrior, yeah bust written all over him.

8:11 5 minutes between writing, yet the Eagles pick was in the whole time, let's get moving.

8:12 #12 Philly selects Fletcher Cox Mississippi St. DT.  Cox is only 21 nice move Philly I fucking hate you.

8:13 Mayock can't resist to bring up the wide 9, shut up about the wide 9 it's not something Philly just came up with.  Chris has informed me he's on the NFL Network now, can't resist Mayock I know.

8:14 before I die I'd like Mike Mayock to break down my film, good or bad review it'd be cool for him to tell me what he thinks of me.

8:15 Arizona is on the clock, Chris and Larry Fitzgerald want Malcom Floyd from Notre Dame, how far is Riley Reif gonna fall is what I'm wondering?

8:18 Cardinals pick is in Mayock is with me on Reif, #13 Micheal Floyd WR Notre Dame, Larry Fitzgerald gets his wish some talent opposite of him.

8:19 Mayock says he's best blocking WR in draft seems like a good fit for the Arizona

8:20 Rams are on the clock, don't think they can move off this pick again, Chris has Reif, I don't they just drafted a tackle a few years ago, I'm going D-Line Coples or Ingram.

8:22 STL pick is in, get it going I thought we were on 17 no we're only on 14 I'm gonna be here till midnight.

8:23 Chris again says Reiff.

8:25 another commercial this is gonna get old fast.

8:26 just read on Yahoo the Giants are putting Aubrey Huff on the DL for anxiety issues, yeah I'd be pissed too if I was getting paid to not hit with guys in scoring position.

8:27 Eisen just said all the pass rushers of this draft are still there, #14 Ram select Michael Brockers DT from LSU, ok I guess seems like they could've moved back for this guy. 

8:28 find it odd that 3 DT's have been taken yet no DE/OLB's find it odd that in a passing league you'd rather have a run stuffer than a guy who can get after the QB.

8:29 Seattle's pick for 15 is in Reiff is gonna have to wait till at least 17 neither team is going for a Tackle.

8:30 Eisen and the boys say Seattle is going pass rusher here.  Just made a bet with Erb that the Jets take Jones from Syracuse.  #15 Bruce Irvin West Virginia, Mayock says best true pass rusher.

8:31 I'm calling REACH, big time REACH, Coples, Ingram or Jones for the Jets.

8:34 we're back with the Jets still on the clock.  Erb says Ingram, I'm with Jones since the Jets threw it out they loved him.

8:36 problem with Jones is Coples and Ingram are both still there, which makes the value of Jones fall a lot.  Jets don't need Reiff they got D'Brickashaw.

8:37 J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS is the cheer

8:38 what are we waiting for, come on, Eisen is perplexed the pass rushers aren't gone.

8:39 #16 Quinton Coples DE North Carolina, I thought this guy would go top ten he goes to the Jets.  I question what the Jets will do with him, sounds like he'll play DE in the 3-4, not a premium pass rush position. 

8:40 Chris says he looks like Julius Peppers, one pick and commercial, DAMN come on, Bengals on the clock, NOW Reiff goes.

8:42 NFL Network is pushing the top 100 players thing, my #1 guy in the league if I got to pick is Calvin Johnson love that guy.

8:44 sounds like Dre Kirkpatrick to the Bengals, can't believe Reiff is lasting this long.  Chris is with Kirkpatrick as well.

8:45 Pick is in, let's roll.  Eisen brings up this is the Raiders pick, and says this is the first Al Davisless draft, still miss that crazy old fucker

8:46 #17 Dre Kirkpatrick DB Alabama, 3rd Elephant taken in the 1st round, still got Hightower to go for the Tide.  Mayock says the Bengals need some youth in the secondary, and he's the only top round DB left.

8:47 Chris says Coples looks stoned and Ingram to San Diego, I agree the Chargers could use Ingram, stand him up and turn him loose.

8:48 Micheal Irvin's breakdown of Kirkpatrick, "I talked to him and said man quit sizing me up, he said I do it to all WR's"  nice breakdown shithead.

8:50 Chargers pick is in.  Yet we're at commercial damn.

8:51 Dre Kirkpatrick wins best dressed, the hats still suck.

8:52 Chris is confirming Chargers went Ingram, Bears on the clock with tons of options.

8:53 I think Reiff for Chicago, b/c they have a QB who runs for his life.  #18 Melvin Ingram DE/OLB South Caroalina, this kid went up the board then back down, he sounds like a stud to me.

8:54 Chris says Reiff as well.

8:56 Bears pick is in at 19, has to be Reiff.

8:57 Chris is not happy uh oh I won't read his texts until the pick is announced I'm guessing it's not Reiff.

8:59 NFL Network guys say DE, #19 Shea McClellin DE Boise St.  I saw a mock today that said Packers for this kid.  Can't believe they're gonna let Cutler die in the pocket.

9:00 Did Riley Reiff kill a guy and let the secret out or something?

9:01 Titans got their pick in, put the Pats moved into 21st, giving up a 3rd rounder and the Bengals move back to 27.

9:03 that's the point  of having a hundred picks to move up always wonder why the Pats don't do it more.  Can we move the fuck on, it's always 1 pick commercial, and we got 2 picks in Titans and Pats both are in.

9:04 Does Riley Reiff has a secret porn addiction?  I'll say this whoever gets him is getting a hell of a deal and I wouldn't be surprised if someone didn't trade up to get this guy.

9:06 Browns have turned their pick in, we're 3 behind.  #20 Kendall Wright WR Baylor to the Titans

9:07 not sure about this kid but today Chris tried telling me RG3 made something out of nothing but Baylor just had a kid go 1st round so far Luck is the only Stanford kid gone pretty sure Baylor had a ton of talent.  Mooch call Wright a bigger Desean Jackson.

9:08 Faulk says watch film not the 40 number from combine what unique perspective watch a kid play the game instead of test in it.  11 picks left I might make it.

9:09 New England pick is in, pretty sure Jones is going here, Lions have their pick in, so we're still 3 behind.

9:10 Mayock, Chris and Me all have Chandler Jones #21 Chandler Jones DE Syracuse, Mayock says he'll put 20 pounds on in the next 3 years.

9:11 Chris is still realing from the Bears pick. Browns have 22nd pick and it's in.

9:12 #22 Brandon Weeden QB Oklahoma St.  This was almost a given lots of people had Weeden going here.  My problem with Weeden is this, he's older than the guy you got now, he's 28 years old.  I'm not a fan of his or Tannehill thought there were better options at Qb.

9:13 Goodell brings out soldiers from all the different branches of the military, good moment except for the Lee Greenwood, enough Lee Greenwood.

9:15 Here is my thought on QB's Ryan Mallet waited till forever last year, yet a Granpa and a WR get drafted as QB's in the first round this year?  Should've pounced on Mallet when you had your shot.

9:17 just remembered Andrew Luck is one goofy looking dude.

9:18 Lions pick is in, Steelers pick is in, Pats moved up again into the Bronco's pick.  Next years first player on IR Calvin Johnson to announce the Lions pick, I'm going Reiff.

9:19 Megatron says #23 Riley Reiff Tackle IOWA, Mayock says hey that's a good pick.

9:20 Great pick for the Lions Jeff Backus is 35, so Reiff makes sense, and frankly he's a top ten talent you got at 23.  #24 Steelers David DeCastro Guard Stanford, this kid is all STUD.

9:21 DeCastro will start right away for them.

9:22 Pats gave up a 4 to move up to 25, and the Bronco's move back to 31.  Patriots have 2 picks left.

9:23 #25 Dont'A Hightower OLB Alabama, watch out for New England Hightower is a pure stud or as Mayock says a thouroghbread.  I love this pick and think the Pats knocked it out of the park.

9:24 4th Bama kid in the first round

9:25 Texans on the clock, I think they gotta go pass rusher here.

9:26 Chris is thinking what all of America is thinking Bill is pissed at his defense so he's going all d in this draft, damn right he is.

9:28 #26 Whitney Mercilus LB/DE Illinois stage says WOW, Wow, twice, in draft speak that is REACH.  I'm not sure what other holes the Texans had, but losing the pass rusher in Williams picking up a pass rusher is good idea I guess.

9:30 Bengals 2nd first rounder is in, yet commercial, these last 5 are gonna take an hour.

9:33 They show the Ingram Goodell handshake again, white people should not do hand slaps with black guys who are 20 years younger than them.

9:34 #27 Kevin Zeitler Guard Wisconsin, this kid is gonna be a good pro, most Wisconsin O-Lineman make it in this league.

9:35 Green Bay is on the clock Chris says RB, I think pass rusher to go opposite Clay Mathews.

9:38 this is where these teams who make the playoffs year after year make themselves better, if you f up this pick you could find yourself picking 12 real easy you need to draft at least a part time starter here.

9:39 Packers pick is in and the Vikings have moved to 29.  #28 Nick Perry OLB USC, this is the guy the Packers needed someone opposite Clay.

9:41 nothing looks worse than a Green Bay hat with a flat brim, nothing is as anit-gangsta as Green Bay.  At least in the NFL, when I see a kid in Iowa with flat brimmed Hawkeye hat it makes me want to choke that shit.

9:42 Vikings pick is in, not sure what the Vikes want here probably a DB or WR since they had to get Kalil at 4. Vikings gave up a 4 and a 2 to get to 29

9:45 #29 Harrison Smith Safety Notre Dame.  Not a fan of ND kids but hey Mayock likes him.  Sounds like a good zone safety and Minny plays a lot of zone.

9:47 49ers on the clock 3 picks left in the 1st round, Upshaw from Bamaa looks good here setting the Bronco's up at 31 to take Fleener from Stanford.

9:49 turns out I'm dumb Broncs trade the pick to the Bucs

9:50 #30 AJ Jenkins WR Illinois, Mayock has him 8th WR and 2nd round.  Not sure WR is a need for the 9ers they have a ton of guys at the position.

9:52 So Fleener will still go 31 only to the Bucs really thought Denver would like him.  Chris says Bucs are trying to move Kellen Winslow so Fleener is def the choice, two picks to go.  We might be done in 3 hours.

9:55 Bucs gave up a 2 and 4 to get to 31, Bronco's fall to 36.  Mayock, Chris and Me all say Fleener for the Yucks.

9:56 #31 Doug Martin RB Boise St. Mayock says he makes a lot of sense, I'm goin you couldn't wait till 36 to get him unless you thought the Giants wanted him.

9:57 Super Champs on the clock, I'm gonna go with Fleener here for them they could use a TE.

9:58 not gonna lie they commercial the hell out of the last 13.picks.

10:00 with the Skins not picking again till the 3rd round I'm not gonna have much interest in the 2nd round unless someone takes Marvin McNutt from Iowa but I doubt it.

10:01 Direct TV is having the NFL package at 199 next year I might be able to budget that.

10:02 back from commercial Giants pick still not in, Fleener or Upshaw for me.

10:03 Mayock says best value Blackmon to Jax, and New England made great moves.  Giants pick is in.

10:04 They show the green room and the guys still have their terrible hats on. #32 David Wilson RB Virginia Tech, that is why the Bucs moved up to 31, b/c they were affraid the Giants wanted a RB.

10:06 I made it 3 hour 1st round, nice work could've been faster.

My final thoughts Cowboys made biggest splash.  Minnesota made best moves. Bears, Dolphins, Jets, and Chiefs all screwed the pooches.  Rams did well also.  Have a good weekend follow me on twitter @derekbredeson