Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Brett Favre Enigma

I gotta come out and say it, I LOVE Brett Favre. I do, he is awesome, ageless, timeless, and ruthless, that's a whole bunch of lesses. If you didn't watch last nights game, why do read this blog, if you like sports you watched. Since I'm on the east coast and had to work at 6 I only stayed up until the middle of the 3rd quarter. The part or the game I watched, Favre had "it," whatever that is he had it. Aaron Rogers looked good as well, he can move and throw like none other, he makes mistakes though, and his line stinks. Side note, thank you for the 8 sacks I won a fantasy game by 1 points because of those sacks. Back to the topic, Favre, the dude was on. That pump 'n go to Berrian was awesome. Sidney Rice is turning into a go to guy, he's kind of turning into what Cotchery was last year. You know Berrian like you knew Lavernius Coles, and fans knew of Cotchery and Rice, but neither were great. Both Cotchery last year, Rice this are showing what can happen when they have talent throwing them the ball. Rice a second round pick in 2006, I had to look that up, has been playing to that potential for the first time in his career, he was there for Brett every throw, accept for the one he wasn't expecting to get the ball on. Also, the first TD to Shiancoe, spelling on that, the play was amazing, look right, look right, oh yeah that guy on the other side of the field is open, Brett threw the ball 20 yards on a rope for a 1 yard TD, pretty cool.

I'm not a Packer fan, never have been. I had my interests peek just because when you live with Packer fans, have family Christmas with Packer fans, go to school with, be taught by, live by, pretty much anything you do in Wisconsin, you do it with Packer fans. On the Bredeson side I have 9 cousins, plus my 3 siblings, and Greg, step brother. Of those 13 people 11 on Packer fans, at least when I was younger, only non ones are my sister, 49ers and my cousin Russ, Colts. So guess what at family gatherings we watched Green Bay, that's it. So my point is this, I had to watch the guy from 1992 to now. When you watch one of the greatest ever, you learn to appreciate the guy. You can't be a Favre hater, you can try all you want but you have to respect talent. How many QB's have played in the NFC North since '92? Well at least 20 in Chicago, 10 or so in Minny, Daunte had a few years, and Detroit, well nobody cares. Green Bay has had 2, and Rogers is his second year. Brett is all the things that people say about him, gunslinger, plays a little out of control, rocket arm, and linebacker mentality. The last is totally true, he's gonna be 40 in less than a week and on the bubble screen to Harvin last night, when Harvin reversed his field ole number 4 was running downfield looking for someone to block. Of course Harvin got tripped up behind the line but still the oldest QB in the league was running downfield looking to light someone up, or at least get in there way. How many people has Peyton Manning blocked in his career? Yet he's the one whose gonna challenge the records. If he played with that intesity I'm sure he'd miss some games. When a guy plays like that you can't help but love him.

The love of Brett wasn't instant for me, I was young, I wanted to hate Green Bay with a passion. You know when I picked the Skins, the Pack was nothing, they had the Majik man and Sterling Sharpe that's it. Then the Majik man went down and the streak began. People say you can't lose your job to injury, oh yeah ask Brett Favre and Tom Brady how that works out. I always wanna point that out when people say that crap. "You can't lose your job, you just can't, your the QB your team needs you, and needs to know who the leader is. When you get back your job should be waiting for you," say the random ESPN Analyst. Oh yeah dude, how'd that work out for Don Majkoski and Drew Bledsoe? So, as Brett got older I noticed some things, for one in those days he threw a lot of picks. Two he threw to Sharpe a lot. Then Sharpe retired due to injury and Favre started his list of guys made better by him. Starting with Robert Brooks and Antonio Freeman. The Super Bowl year he was helped out by Andre "Bad Moon" Rison, and a stellar D led by the one of the greatest ever. I kind of bandwagoned onto that team, had to cheer for someone and I like the NFC more than the AFC, it was kind of like when I cheered for the Rams against the Titans because my two buddies and one buddies dad liked them, just showed support to the people I knew. Favre played with so much passion and the celabration after the first TD in the Super Bowl, when he ran around the field helmet off, I was like this dude loves this game. He still celebrates like a little kid after every score. I love that about him, he still has the passion the flare, the whatever you wanna call it. Think that guy who played last night looked like a guy who should be at home watching football? I don't think so, he was throwing beads all over the field, and making decisions better than he ever has. He also picked the perfect situation, the Pack showed it last night, teams are gonna make Brett beat them because their affraid of Adrian Peterson. Hate to break it to teams, but Favre is in the top 3 QB's of all-time, All Day is the best RB right now but he's not even in the top 20 of all time, YET. I go yet because he's still young. If I had a choice I'd let the RB beat me, not one of the greatest ever. So, I know this was a lot jibberish about stuff you already know, but I just had to explain why I love me some Brett. My final thought on Brett can be summed up by an old announcer. "When you get a guy like Brett Favre on your team you get Brett Favre type of plays, and a Brett Favre type of player, who makes Brett Favre type of throws." Thanks John, maybe we'll see Brett in the Super Bowl again this year, and guess who I'll be cheering for?

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