Sunday, October 18, 2009

Week 6

I'm heading out tomorrow, gonna be in a truck all day and night so I'm gonna do this a little early. We all know where I stand on the Skins and my opinion is not changing, the only thing that happened today was Jason Campbell got benched in favor for Todd Collins in the second half. Now only if Jim Zorn would get fired already. So, that's that, what else did we learn.....

even when Denny doesn't F up something goes wrong the last two chases seem to be ending up about the same. The rest will be about football.

hey, Belichek you can let off the gas now, 44 points in the first half, seriously dude, get a running game so you run the clock out.

Brad Childress, take a note out of Belichek's notebook and NOT let off the gas, I watched this game and I'm pretty sure Childress is gonna be the demise of my Super Bowl pick. At one point when Minny was up, they ran the ball 3 straight times including a draw on 3rd and 8, Childress you got Brett Favre let him throw.

Green Bay get a freaking line already.

Detroit well your still Detroit.

Way to Oakland, way to go, cha cha, way to Oakland way to go, love it when the Walrus loses.

Matt Schaub realized that it's not preseason anymore, but riddle me this, how you gonna throw 4 TD's and not find Andre Johnson for one?

Hey, Rams, nice try, I'd like to think that if you guys had the Skins schedule you might have one a game by now.

Pittsburgh didn't you win the Super Bowl last year? Start playing like it.

DREW BREEEEEEEESSSSSS, I was an idiot and started Favre over Drew today, however I still won.

How 'bout that Aints D, they are playing amazing.

Snow in October glad I don't live in the Northeast.

Watching this Jets-Bills OT, a few things Rex Ryan your not a good coach, you coached your guys up the first 3 weeks and since nothing, losing to teams you should beat. Dan Fouts you suck as an announcer. Lee Evans caught that ball. Love OT no commercials. Rian Lindell spells his name weird according to my g/f. But he can kick, way to go. Rex Ryan, you need to keep playing after your personal Super Bowl 3 weeks ago. Mark Sanchez this NFL thing is hard ain't throw to the guys in green not in white bro.

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