Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wonderings 10-13-09

Going back to the well, I wonder........

what is taking so long for Dan Snyder to pull the trigger on Jim Zorn, seriously I knew he should be gone almost a year ago.

if anyone besides Miami can run the Wildcat, I'm almost a believer on this thing but I wanna see it work a little bit more, but Monday night it was awesome.

if John Gruden is cut out for the booth, not a fan, he overanalizes everything and why do we need three guys, nobody else goes 3 guys, why does ESPN. Tirico and Jaws would be good enough.

if Brad Childress is gonna screw this up by being Brad Childress, watched Sunday's game and he did not seem to be pushing the right buttons, but maybe I'm wrong.

why everyone picked the Cardinals, pretty sure the Dodgers were the best team in the NL all year, I'm gonna go out on a limb and pick them to go to the series.

if the Angels can make me happy and win this series.

if Brandon Marshall is smarter than I think, the dude played the game and lost, now he's playing out of his mind and could demand some real value if he throws another tizzy.

why receivers can go over a DB's back, but DB's can go over WR's back, I watched that play in the Denver-New England game, Orton threw a deep ball to Marshall, and he totally raped the DB but no call. Jess said it was because he was going for the ball, if the DB was going for the ball Denver get its at the 2.

if Phil Ivey can show back up in November and bring this thing home for the Pro's. Sorry watching Poker on ESPN right now, so I'm in that train of thought. I hope he does it.

if the Colts actually got better when Dungy left, this is a total farce but dude, 5-0 and are kicking some arse.

are the Saints ready for all this attention, if they keep it up New Orleans is gonna be busy place, and guess what we're gonna be reminded of again. Her name starts with a K.

if Boise is undefeated, Florida or Bama have one loss, and Texas has a loss, does Boise get it's shot, they better damn it.

can Iowa run the road gauntlet the next two weeks, or is there a let down in there, Wisconsin is a tough place to play, but they did just win a Penn State.

can San Fran bounce back from that loss, come on guys I'm drinking the Kool-Aid, please don't let me down.

why are there bye weeks? I don't need a break from the losing.

how much longer before we see some Vince Young, he might have played Sunday I didn't watch, but Fisher what you got to lose, your done.

if the Rams are gonna win one this year, seriously you had your shot against the Skins, not many bullets left.

if Rex Ryan had his Super Bowl week 3, all that talk leading into the Pats game now since two losses.

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