Monday, October 12, 2009

Lost Sunday

Yesterday sucked, what a shit day. We go out and lose to another team with zero wins, I'd like to thank the NFL for this easy ass schedule, and I'd like to thank the Skins for screwing it all up. You guys have got to be kidding me, 17-2 lead blown, well good job Z-man, why aren't you fired yet? The problems are all the same, accept for these few. This is Chris Cooley's line, the best player on our team, ZERO CATCHES for ZERO YARDS. Hey, Zorn you have Todd Yoder to block, let him block and let Cooley run some pass routes, and Campbell get it through your thick skull Cooley is a great option. Speaking of thick skulls, we might have won is Byron Westbrook didn't muff a punt inside the twenty. Which begs the question, why was he returining a punt, I thought Randle El did that, and when he needed a blow Santana Moss did it, good call Zorn. Too make matters better Chris Samuels is out at least one week, and Phillip Daniels is playing hurt. Why do we have Phillip Daniels again? I'm sorry but Chris needs to go, he's been hurt a lot the last few years. Well moving on in my day, my boy Denny decides he needs to be dumb ass, takes a hard line on Juan Montoya, and then takes a few spins around and catches the end of the pit wall ending his day. Hey Denny when your in the lead try not wrecking yourself. Seriously dude, you need to leave these personal vendetta's out of the car. They bit you in the ass twice this weekend, first on Saturday subbing for Kyle you were so focused on Keselowski that when Biffle got behind you, you didn't notice and got wrecked. Then when Montoya is in second you try to cut him off, WHY, if that JJ or Gordon you don't make that move, I know you don't because you don't have beef with them. Denny your a dumbass and need to grow up just a little more. First place to 36th stellar move in the Chase. I was so grumpy last night I didn't even bother to watch the Colts game, instead opting for Footloose on CMT, I hate watching movies on regular TV, but it was better than being reminded of the days failures.

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