Thursday, October 8, 2009


I live in Iowa now. I lived in Wisconsin for around 22 years, I've never liked anything Wisconsin sports. I've cheered for University of Wisconsin hockey, that's it. For most of my sporting life I like Michigan in football and basketball, then a few things happened, mainly Rich Rodriguez, and I no longer like Michigan. Well me and Chris had a little drawing one night and I drew Alabama among other schools, I chose 'Bama, of course to make me look like a fair weather fan the go undefeated regular season. Lose the SEC Championship game and lose the bowl game. Well, I'm having a hard time liking the SEC, I know it's the best conference, but I'm a Big Ten kid and I miss not have rooting interest in the Big Ten accept for cheering for whose playing Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio State. With the recent developments in my life I've pretty much decided I'm gonna start cheering for the Hawkeyes. I know I know, their undefeated leave your bandwagon comments on the bottom. But, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna live in Iowa for a long time, my kids are gonna grow up here, and well it's easier to follow a team close to home than thousands of miles away. I'll still have rooting interest in Alabama, but I'm gonna start following the Hawks.

Now you ask, Derek why Iowa it's because their good isn't it. Well, for one yeah, nobody wants to cheer for a loser. But there are other reasons, Iowa City is around an hour way, easy to get to games. The other D-I team Iowa State is 2 1/2 hours away, they stink, and well their in the Big 12, so my missing of the Big Ten is still there. My brother is a Hawks fan, has been since I've known him. His liking was really for wrestling, but he follows the football team, and this is gonna burn his ass when I start showing up with the black and gold on, and know more about the team than he does. They show the games on local TV, this is more of a basketball thing but still, it'll be easier to follow the basketball team, I couldn't name one guy from Alabama last year. I also want this, when I was a kid I more or less berated Badger fans every Monday, now in the workplace I wanna be able to talk to guys on the long ass road trips about stuff they like. So if I learn more about the Hawks I'll have more to talk about. So there you go call me a bandwagoner, a homer, whatever you want, but at least it's Iowa not USC or Florida.

1 comment:

  1. when nebraska gets back to where its supposed to be(top 5) your gonna regret your choice
