Friday, August 28, 2009


Chris you did it to me, now I gotta send it back, my thoughts on your thoughts.

1. Truly sad,
2. You think anyone on Denver's D is good enough to get to him, umm no
3. Case in point, Thunder Collins
4. Duh
5. Injuries suck
6. Preseason doesn't count, he's had two years.
7. As an owner of Crabtree I agree
8. Next year, what about Richmond, I think he wins there, anyway I'm pretty sure he's never gonna win a championship, and yes Chris was there from the begining, not like the bandwagon Jr. lovers who liked him after his dad died and it was cool.
9. We know my thoughts on Plax, with Stallworth call the judge, it's bull.
10. Not sure maybe everyone got tested so they cycled off?
11. When retard owner Dan Snyder keeps an offense for more than one year, also if we could get a WR over 5'10" to stay healthy it would help.
12. Agreed
13. Lump Vick in with Plax, just dumb, too dumb, look at the history, water bottle, dog fighting, and going to Philly, just dumb.
14. You think it was him, or was it someone pulling his strings, good way to get around the rule though, know your going pro so by time they find out your gone.
15. The more I find out, the less I worry.
16. You shouldn't love yourself so much me.
17. Ok but not on ESPN there has to be something better to show.
18. What is it the Ravens and rookies, do they feel it necassary to get on Sportscenter with the anchor going, "welcome to the NFL, rookie" I think it's just ESPN's love of Ray Lewis, can't wait till he retires.
19. Real sad, hey I missed it is Will Power ok, everyone not named Chris just went, "Who the F is Will Power?"
20. Rivers I get, Eli sucks
21. Hey K.C. aren't you K.C. yeah that's what I thought, remeber when you were good, it wasn't b.c of a QB, it was O-line and Defense, maybe you should go back to that.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Oh I Don't Know

So I'm gonna do the wonderings

1. Is it sad I'm pulling for the Yankees this year? I'm enjoying the empire this year.

2. I'm scared shitless of the Bears going to Denver this weekend. I'm not sure if the bounty on Bin Laden is as high as the one on Jay Cutler. I don't chew my finger nails but I may start for oh 30 mins.

3. Did Bo Pelini not read the Tom Osborne guide to winning titles? If you didn't know Pelini kicked off talented running back Quentin Castille for undisclosed reasons. Hello in Nebraska you don't kick off talent you turn your head. Go Big Red!

4. Cubs Suck

5. Mets Suck

6. Tavaris Jackson hey way to show you got game. A little to late.

7. Andre Smith and Michael Crabtree you both are morons. Andre don't you remember a few months ago most teams weren't going to draft you ? Maybe he is barginging to get more tee shirts. Fat guys shouldn't run shirtless. Crabtree you where hurt the whole draft process umm sign. I know you feel you where a top five pick but well you where hurt. Quit your bitching.

8. Dale Jr. showing life about time. Next year a win! Gotta keep your head high. Been a fan for his whole career ask Derek so i get to be negative.

9. I do feel sorry for Plax. You shoot yourself and get two years. Donte Stallworth man o man kills somebody drunk serves a month! Are you f@c$$$$ing kidding me. Money gets you out of things and money makes you an example. I love being broke I'm screwed anyway.

10. What happened to home run the second half of the year?

11. When will the Skins find an offense? Answer please Derek

12. Brandon Marshall vs. The Broncos. We need to get the Ufc to keep the hype up. This is going to get bloody before it gets better.

13. Hey Mike Vick don't f this up. I know its one drink just do it at home. Tony Dungy is way to nice of person for you screw this up.

14. Derrick Rose wow I'm starting to feel great about him being the face of the Bulls. Not really.

15. Hoping things work out for Micheal Beasley. That's an evil thing.

16. Can't believe I was suckered into the T.O show. Its so bad and I can't stop watching I fell trapped.

17. Preseason football is better than no football.

18. Was glad Mark Sanchez made it out of that game last night. Hey look out!

19. Its sad that all open wheel racing in the Us has to talk about is Danica. Make your mind up.

20. The price tag for Eli Manning and Phillip Rivers is whoa. That's a lot of coin.

21. Matt Cassell getting pushed by Brodie Croyle. Hey K.C didn't you just give Cassell a big time extension. Not good.

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Wonderings August 24

Here we go again, I wonder.....

what makes Matthew Berry a fantasy expert, because he can tell you who a super sleeper is, I can do that.

if Brett Favre is addicted to football like he was to pain killers and booze.

why ESPN wastes time showing pre-season football, it's like watching the first three episodes of Rock of Love, most of the people on aren't gonna be there when the show gets good.

how many different people Direct TV is gonna use to tell me to order a football package that the people who really want it already have it.

if anyone actually uses that Direct ticket to watch all 13 games in an afternoon, maybe one or two, but who's watching the 49ers play the Rams, besides fans of them teams.

why everyone gets up in arms about the Yankees being so great, they paid 3 guys this last winter what the Royals are gonna pay their whole team the next 3 years. If they don't win the World Series their a bunch of failures.

how many games above .500 Notre Dame's opponents will be at the end of the year, can you "puff" schedule, surprised they didn't schedule Clarke, they don't even have a team.

whose gonna win the Big Ten, does Ohio State have it owned again?

if anyone actually "hears footsteps" when their about catch a ball and get laid out.

why people always talk about Brett Favre mowing his lawn when he's retired, like he doens't have something better to do, like torture the great people of Wisconsin.

how people in Iowa pick their favorite teams, not like I'm a Wisconsin backer or anything, but 85% of the people I know like Bucky, The Pack, and The Crew, what do Iowa people do, say ah hell we don't have a team so we'll root to the closest thing to unprofesional, the Cubs.

why I'm typing for so long, I'm tired.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Wild Wild West

All this football news coming out we're forgetting about my favorite sport. It's still baseball season and the NL West is heating up. The Dodger, Rockies, and Giants are all with 5 1/2 games of each other, with the Rockies also leading the wild card by a game over the Giants. Last night the G-men and Rocks started a 4 game set, which the Giants won. The Rockies after this series go to LA and then to SF, so things are gonna get interesting. Now I obviously have a dog in this fight, and that dog needs to start hitting. The Giants have the pitching but the offense is streaky. The LAme Dodgers however seem to have it all, good pitching, good offense, and the best right handed hitter in baeball, damn you Scott Boras. The Rockies, what can I say they are an enigma, they were terrible at the begining of the year, then fired their manager, hired Jim Tracy now their the best damn team in the league, what the F. They are two years removed from the World Series but come on. I would bring up the other teams in the wild card but nobody cares, Atlanta and Florida, ha your not getting near this.

Honestly I never thought the Giants would get this close this year. I know we have Timmy and Cain, but after them two a lot of questions in the rotation. Randy Johnson is probably done, Barry Zito is stealing, and the other guys are unproven. Jonathan Sanchez has been a nice surprise, no hitter in July, and has had some solid starts Friday night included. Joe Martinez is making a nice comeback after taking a line drive to the face earlier this season. But after the pitching where is the hitting, the team is made mostly of defensive guys, old ass Edgar Renteria, defensive center fielder Aaron Rowand, and defensive catcher Benjie Molina. There has been one surprise, the Kung Fu Panda, Pablo Sandoval. An All Star snub because Jerry Manual loves his Philliers so much there wasn't any room for anyone else. After that we've made a few moves for guys who are solid but not superstars, Ryan Garko and Freddie Sanchez. I like Sanchez want him to stick around. I'm not gonna break down the Dodgers and Rockies rosters because I don't care about them, and I hope they both start losing.

This is why I dislike where I live, kidding I love Iowa and the midwest, but the Giants play most of their games at 9:15 and I never get to see them play, the same goes for the Redskins, I miss out on all the new because I don't live near there. I am however going to watch them in two weeks against "The Crew." So, since my 4 readers all live around here you have the same problem as me, so to keep track of the best race in the National League get up every morning and check Sportscenter to see who won and how the standings look. GO GIANTS, we can do it.


Green Bay hows that knife feeling? God I love it! Finally after having to listen to Packer fans for years on how great Farve is and he stabs you in the back! Awesome! The only way this could get any better was if he was a Bear. I understand both Farve and the Packers stance on the situation on the matter last summer. I realize there is a time when you have to move on but it usually doesn't work out any better. If Aaron Rodgers doesn't win a Super Bowl for the Packers will you think differently than your thinking right now? I understand Brett lost that N.F.C. Championship game but he also got you there. If Farve was there last year would they be as bad as they where? Just wondering not saying it was Rodgers fault. So now he is a trader and his loyalty is being questioned. Do us fans forget they really don't care as long as they get paid. Now that Farve is a Viking they became the sexy pick to win the N.F.C. ARE YOU SERIOUS!!! A forty year old qb and a dumb ass coach! That's an evil combo. Brad Childress is terrible folks he won't take them anywhere. So Packer fans enjoy your three cheese sandwich and M.g.d and I'll just keep laughing. In closing I just want to say Nick Barnett your a tool and I'd laugh if somebody took your knee out in that Viking game

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Plaxico Burress

Sorry about the gap in posts, I've been really busy at work working 14-16 hour days so I haven't had much time to be on the internet. Also, not much has happened since Friday until the last few days with the Favre signing, which I'm letting Chris take since he's Favre's number one fan. Then today when I was gonna give my Favre opinion my boy Plaxico finally wises up and takes the plea deal for shooting himself in the leg like the idiot he is. In case you missed it smart guy wore sweat pants to a night club with a hand gun in the waste band. Well the gun slipped down his leg and he went to grab it and shot himself, even Forrest Gump knows not to wear sweat pants while carrying a gun. Well to make matters better he didn't have the gun registered, and he was in New York which has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation. Also, he tried to cover it up and go to the hospital and use a fake name, because lots of people are 6'7" and look like a star WR from the Giants. So when the DA came down with charge they offered him the deal and he said no, like nobody knew what you did. Then all the sudden things got real when the grand jury indicted him and if the case went to trial he was facing 3 1/2 years minimum. Still he says no to the deal, finally he meets with the Comish Goodell and he tells Plax if you plead not guilty and go to trial your suspended for all of 2009, and guess what happens less than a week later........DING DING DING we got a deal. So, the prospect of going to jail for over 3 years doesn't scare you but all the sudden missing the entire season does, WOW, what an idiot.

Before we go any further let's evaluate Plax's situation. For one he's 32 so after he serves his 2 years, reports are he'll get off early for good behavior somewhere around 20 months, then two years supervised release. Basically when he comes back the NFL in two years he'll be 34, he needed to be smarther like Vick and go to prision in his 20's not his 30's. Plax what you thinking, you'll be 34, a free agent and three years removed from catching a pass in the league, there is high demand for old guys who haven't played in 3 years, (see Freddie Mitchell). If he would've taken the deal earlier it would've been around December or January that he would've gotten out. Still he wouldn't have played in 3 years but he would have mini camps and OTA's to attend to get back in shape. The one good thing about his deal is the comish said once he's done in jail he's back in the league, no further suspension. Dude, makes you really evaluate your wardrobe when you go clubbing, while packing heat. Those two minutes it would've taken to put on some jeans with a holster cost him at least 2 1/2 seasons of football, and maybe more if anyone doesn't want him when he can come back, but someone will sign him.

Now to the beef of the matter. Why did my boy finally take the deal after months of saying no. I really hopes it's not because the big bad Comish said he was out for the year no matter what. I'm almost certain he did take the deal because he wasn't gonna be able to play. Nice priorities dumb ass. The best part is he got released in April and nobody touched him, think about who has signed since his release, Vick, Favre, T.O., hell the Skins even signed 400 pound Mike Williams, the lineman, not the slow tight end, (thank you Mike Ditka). So the Redskins signed a dude over 400 lbs. who hasn't played in two years but left Plax out in the cold. Shows what everyone thinks of your brains. There it is plain as day, your and idiot you actually thought you were gonna beat this and keep playing in the league, you really are a dumb ass, my case for this YOU WORE SWEAT PANTS TO A CLUB AND HAD GUN A FREAKING GUN, IN YOUR ELASTIC WASTE BAND, I wish my caps could get even bigger. Your dumb now have fun in jail stupid and in two years I hope nobody signs your dumb ass. One more thing, Brandon Marshall stop being a bitch you signed your contract, now learn the playbook and help out the neck beard.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Vick to Philly

I gotta do it, I just gotta. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, really Philly? I can't believe it, I'm amazed, shocked, and overjoyed. So Mike Vick signs with Philly for one year and a team option for a second, no guranteed money so they can cut him whenever they want. So first question is why, why Philly? I'm not gonna go on about Vick's past, everyone deserves a second chance and anyone can rebuild their image. I think he served his time and should be given his chance, people in the NFL have done lots worse and are beloved by all, (Ray Lewis) and don't give me this crap about what he did is so horrible. It's bad I get it, I'm a dog lover, I love my dog more than anything in this world, but he didn't kill, rape, or molest anyone so he's not lower than scum in my book. You wanna say he didn't serve enough time, call the judge and tell him. Ok enought about the past, like Mark McGwire I'm here to talk about the future. Philly you have Donovan McNabb and that Kolb kid, why you need Vick? Kolb got hurt I believe but Vick won't play until week 6 so he's not an injury replacement. You already have a mobile QB who can make things happpen on the move. I think they just wanted some media on the team so when they fail again under Andy Reid nobody notices. I'm sorry that huge walrus is a terrible coach. But I digress, Vick is not gonna work in the west coast offense too much thinking. I'm not gonna lie he's kind of dumb. Also, Mike what were you thinking, the Packers or 49ers made way more sense. Green Bay has two unproven back ups, and Niners have a strong coach who could help you with your skills. Now I understand McNabb lobbied to get Vick so maybe that had something to do with it. I guess GB and SF maybe didn't want his that bad. So yeah I guess it makes sense to go where people want you. I will say Philly did it's homework, it called around the city to protest groups and animal lover places and asked for their support, so that's a plus.

So I'm in Pennsylvania for work, not sure how to close to Philly I am, but there are a lot of Eagles fans around here. This morning on the radio it's all they talked about, and it was a normal music channel not sports radio. I actually heard one guy say he was done with the Eagles, and he was getting rid of all of his Eagles stuff, I couldn't believe my ears. As someone who just droppped a team I've loved since my youth I understand what it takes to stop your allegiance, but in the NFL you don't root for the guys in the helmets you root for the symbol on it. I understand there are a few exceptions, Chris's love affair with T.O. for one. But to stop liking your team b/c they signed a new 3rd string QB, at least I hate Michigan now b/c their head coach is an idiot. I'm not gonna hate the Redskins if they cut Colt Brennan, I'm not b/c I don't care about the 3rd stinger. If the Skins would've signed Vick I would've been fine, for two reasons. One he has to play for someone and two b/c he would have never made the team. The Z man loves Colt and JC, and Todd Collins is a safe back up. So hats off to you Philly way to take the guy nobody likes, I hope he can rebuild his image, and he can have some sucess in life, but your signing makes me laugh b/c it just doesn't make football sense. Feel free to comment about your thoughts on Vick I know he's very polorizing and maybe you don't agree with me, so voice your opinion.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Throwing Beer

Ok so last night Shane Victorino of the Philadelphia Phillies was tracking a fly ball at Wrigley field in a game against the Cubs. He was back on the warning track and suddenly about a second before he catches the ball, some idiot throws a beer at Shane. All I can say is WOW, I mean is this how we act in Chicago? I saw it this morning on Mike and Mike and couldn't believe my eyes. Throwing a beer at a guy about to catch a fly ball is not cool. So much could've happened: !) he drops the ball and the guy hitting gets a double, I'm sure interference would've been called, but still. 2) not only does he not catch it but the beer takes his focus off the ball and it hits him in the face or somewhere else on his body, causing a season ending injury or something. The Phillies are a good team but losing an all star centerfielder is not good. I wish Victorino wouldn've turned around and chucked the ball as hard he can at that dudes head. Then to make matters worse security pulled out the wrong guy, way to go, way to watch the tape. My final thought is this, why on earth would you pay over $5 for a beer and throw it on someone? In this economy we can't afford to be wasteful. So if you go to a game and buy a beer, drink it, enjoy it, and for God's sake leave it out of the field of play.

Monday, August 10, 2009

My Thoughts on Wonderings

So I told Derek I was going to give my two cents on Wonderings

1. Come on Db dont hate. Not a huge fan(he bailed on Nebraska in college). Hes got a heck of an arm just didnt go to a big qb school. So he may not have the best mechanics, but with time he might pan out. Speaking of J.P. good luck the U.F.L

2. With everybody drafting or signing players to play the wildcat not anytime soon. But the new fad may be the Titans and their fake punt. Not bad.

3. Yes he loves me some me.

4. Devin Hester and Greg Olsen. They will be fine.

5. Don't get me started. There is not enough time in the day to answer that. I think he got last years 5 car.

6. No. Football anyone?

7. We have beaten ourselves up for over one hundred years. We are numb to pain. Beer solves a lot of problems.

8. The Giants became irrelevant when they went to the west coast. They play sports out there?

9. Never or maybe a near death experience will help. Just saying it may help.

10. Cause that Farve guy asked for his release to retire. I think Clemens will do a hell of job all he has to do is take the snap turn and hand off.

11. 4th. Sorry hardest division in the league. Philly NyG Dallas Wash.

12. I hate G.B. and Oklahoma seriously just go away.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Wonderings

So I'm gonna try something here, I won't elaborate much but I'm just gonna make some random statements. I'll start with I wonder....

if the Bucs are as excited about Josh Freeman as much as the Bills were with JP Lossman.

how long is this "wildcat" thing is gonna be around.

does T.O. stare at himself in the mirror for fun.

who the hell Jay Cutler is gonna throw too.

what is wrong with Dale Jr. everyone else on his team can win races, does Hendrick just give him shit cars or what.

do people really think Shaq is gonna make a difference in Cleveland.

how long are Cubs fans gonna beat themselves over the head.

if anyone realizes the Giants have the second longest World Series win drought.

how old is Kyle Busch gonna be before he grows up and stops blaming everyone else for his failures.

why Kellen Clemens battling for the starting job with the Jets.

where the Skins will end up this year, I have hope but it seems when we have hope we fail and when we have no expectations good things happen.

what the Cowboys ever did to me, I just can't stand them.

if that's enough for now.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Training Camp

So I headed down and watched the beloved in Bourbonnais, Il today. Froze my ass off and got soaked. All i have to say it thank you Josh McDaniels and your ego!!! I really need to get this tool a thank you card and I'll be nice and give him ten bucks in the card. Keep pissing your core off and you'll be out of job! It will be nice to see that laser slash cannon in action this year. You can see it on tv all you want but him person WOW. All the throws look easy to this guy. Gonna be a great year.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


So the only real football news the past couple of days is what team is going to take the chance on Michael Vick. Yesterdays rumor was Green Bay was interested. Living in Wisconsin I heard a few people say that he would ruin their image and tradition. One even went as far to say he wouldn't go to another game again. Buddy don't worry somebody will take your seat. I will say that he does have more baggage than the Green Bay airport could hold. You can be as mad as you want but do you think your favorite teams management cares what we think? No. The NFL is a million o wait billion dollar business do think teams care about image? Talent is what teams care about. Is Vick good enough to make the Packers eighty man training camp roster? Make the 53 man? They aren't going to make him the starter you should know that. They like many teams in the league could use a talented backup. Green Bays management knows either win this year or they are out the door. So the guestion is do they really want Vick or do they want to make him somebody else's distraction? I mean does somebody sign him now or wait till the end of camp? Would you want Vick in camp? Talk about a distraction having to deal with hundreds of PETA and Humane Supporters everyday. As soon as camps end Vick will be signed so fast you can kiss morals good bye. Like it or not people Michael Vick will be playing again and he will be making plays. You'll forget about the things he did when you see him running down the side lines to set your team up for the winning field goal. The league and your team will forget to because the old saying goes what have you done for me lately.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Iowa Speedway

Well to continue the NASCAR theme we have started for ourselves I'm gonna give a little feedback from Saturday's Nationwide race at the Iowa Speedway. This weekend was the first time the Nationwide cars came to Iowa and I'm pretty sure within the next 2 or 3 years they'll bringing their big brother the Sprint Cup with them. Besides the race being what all Nationwide races are these days, a 3 way competition between Carl Edwards, Kyle Busch, and Brad Keselowski (spelling?), the race was very entertaining. The track that Rusty Wallace help design and build is pretty different than any other track on the current Cup circuit, 7/8 of a mile with progressive banking in the corners, starting at 12 degrees on the bottom and being 14 degrees on the top. The cup goes to a few short tracks, but of all the newer tracks added to the circuit most are 1 1/2 mile cookie cutter tracks, the races at these tracks tend to be boring and very follow the leader. Also with 36 races on the circuit I think the mile and a half tracks have too many races. I mean Chicago, Michigan, Texas, California, Kansas, Homestead, Las Vegas and Charlotte are all a little different but not different enough to hold about a quater of the schedule. Cup scheduling in general kind of sucks, I mean look at Chris's post below about Pocono, a track I like not because the racing is good but it's unique and Denny has that place figured out, but he has a valid point why twice to Pocono? Once is enough for Sears Point and the Glen. Also a place like California gets two races, they can't even sell out one. Anyway, back to my point Iowa needs to break into this 36 race cup schedule soon, and maybe can take a race away from one of these mile and a half tracks, but I'm sure NASCAR will wait and then take a race from one of the short tracks, probably Phoenix, which also kind of stinks.

Personally I think short track racing is the best racing there is. The Bristol night race is still the best race on the circuit, Richmond is exciting every race, and Martinsville gives a clock away how cool is that? Loudin and Dover are both entertaining for the most part. Iowa Speedway in my opinion is more like Richmond than any of the other short tracks on the circuit, I may be wrong about that too. Richmond has two races already and is always exciting. So here it goes my pitch to Nascar get Iowa a Cup race listen to your Nationwide winner from the race on Saturday, Brad Keselowski, get the Cup cars there soon. I am a bit selfish in this because if Iowa does get a race I will be close enough to go every year, and I will. So please give us a race at the house that Rusty built. Final note the wrcck that Algair and Steven Wallace had on Saturday was one of the funniest wrecks I've ever seen in stock car racing.

Monday, August 3, 2009


So as my first post on this blog I'm going to rant. I'm Chris by the way and I suffered through that "race". Why do we have to go there twice a year? Why do there once? But if we do why does it have to be for 500 miles? Espn I hope you where joking when you said today that that was the best race in a while there. I'm going to say the best best race there was yesterday. Yeah the one that never happened. Its sad when the only excitement of the day is when two back markers get into. Way to go Robby and Stremme for making four hours of hell a little bit better.

Denny Hamilin wins at Pocono

So Denny Hamlin went out today and did what he's done twice at Pocono already in his career, he won. I was at work in West Virginia listening to the race on the radio, and was going crazy the last 10 laps knowing Denny's 50 race winless streak was about to be over. Couple of thoughts, yesterday Denny was on the front page of as a potential winner, which was cool. Before that Denny guranteed victory this weekend. Then after the race to prove what a true fan I am, I learn that Denny's grandmother died on Friday, which I didn't know. I'm very proud to be a Denny fan today and the emotion he showed after the race was genuine and real. In case you missed it Denny was basically crying. It's pretty cool when guys let their guard down and let you into their personal lives a little bit. Denny also helped himself in the Chase standings moving from 6th in points to 5th, and being the only Joe Gibbs Racing member in the Chase, Kyle Busch is currently about 100 points out of 12th. Denny said after the race he thinks he's the best non-Hendrick motorsports car in the field right now, I agree. Those Hendrick boys, sans Jr. have it figured out and if anyone is gonna crash their party it's gonna be Denny. So congrats Denny on a great and needed win, and keep this momentum in the Chase. Also a few atta boys to Juan Pablo Montoya and Sam Hornish Jr. couple of open-wheel guys getting some top 5's today.