Monday, August 24, 2009

The Wonderings August 24

Here we go again, I wonder.....

what makes Matthew Berry a fantasy expert, because he can tell you who a super sleeper is, I can do that.

if Brett Favre is addicted to football like he was to pain killers and booze.

why ESPN wastes time showing pre-season football, it's like watching the first three episodes of Rock of Love, most of the people on aren't gonna be there when the show gets good.

how many different people Direct TV is gonna use to tell me to order a football package that the people who really want it already have it.

if anyone actually uses that Direct ticket to watch all 13 games in an afternoon, maybe one or two, but who's watching the 49ers play the Rams, besides fans of them teams.

why everyone gets up in arms about the Yankees being so great, they paid 3 guys this last winter what the Royals are gonna pay their whole team the next 3 years. If they don't win the World Series their a bunch of failures.

how many games above .500 Notre Dame's opponents will be at the end of the year, can you "puff" schedule, surprised they didn't schedule Clarke, they don't even have a team.

whose gonna win the Big Ten, does Ohio State have it owned again?

if anyone actually "hears footsteps" when their about catch a ball and get laid out.

why people always talk about Brett Favre mowing his lawn when he's retired, like he doens't have something better to do, like torture the great people of Wisconsin.

how people in Iowa pick their favorite teams, not like I'm a Wisconsin backer or anything, but 85% of the people I know like Bucky, The Pack, and The Crew, what do Iowa people do, say ah hell we don't have a team so we'll root to the closest thing to unprofesional, the Cubs.

why I'm typing for so long, I'm tired.

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