Saturday, August 22, 2009

Wild Wild West

All this football news coming out we're forgetting about my favorite sport. It's still baseball season and the NL West is heating up. The Dodger, Rockies, and Giants are all with 5 1/2 games of each other, with the Rockies also leading the wild card by a game over the Giants. Last night the G-men and Rocks started a 4 game set, which the Giants won. The Rockies after this series go to LA and then to SF, so things are gonna get interesting. Now I obviously have a dog in this fight, and that dog needs to start hitting. The Giants have the pitching but the offense is streaky. The LAme Dodgers however seem to have it all, good pitching, good offense, and the best right handed hitter in baeball, damn you Scott Boras. The Rockies, what can I say they are an enigma, they were terrible at the begining of the year, then fired their manager, hired Jim Tracy now their the best damn team in the league, what the F. They are two years removed from the World Series but come on. I would bring up the other teams in the wild card but nobody cares, Atlanta and Florida, ha your not getting near this.

Honestly I never thought the Giants would get this close this year. I know we have Timmy and Cain, but after them two a lot of questions in the rotation. Randy Johnson is probably done, Barry Zito is stealing, and the other guys are unproven. Jonathan Sanchez has been a nice surprise, no hitter in July, and has had some solid starts Friday night included. Joe Martinez is making a nice comeback after taking a line drive to the face earlier this season. But after the pitching where is the hitting, the team is made mostly of defensive guys, old ass Edgar Renteria, defensive center fielder Aaron Rowand, and defensive catcher Benjie Molina. There has been one surprise, the Kung Fu Panda, Pablo Sandoval. An All Star snub because Jerry Manual loves his Philliers so much there wasn't any room for anyone else. After that we've made a few moves for guys who are solid but not superstars, Ryan Garko and Freddie Sanchez. I like Sanchez want him to stick around. I'm not gonna break down the Dodgers and Rockies rosters because I don't care about them, and I hope they both start losing.

This is why I dislike where I live, kidding I love Iowa and the midwest, but the Giants play most of their games at 9:15 and I never get to see them play, the same goes for the Redskins, I miss out on all the new because I don't live near there. I am however going to watch them in two weeks against "The Crew." So, since my 4 readers all live around here you have the same problem as me, so to keep track of the best race in the National League get up every morning and check Sportscenter to see who won and how the standings look. GO GIANTS, we can do it.

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