Thursday, August 20, 2009

Plaxico Burress

Sorry about the gap in posts, I've been really busy at work working 14-16 hour days so I haven't had much time to be on the internet. Also, not much has happened since Friday until the last few days with the Favre signing, which I'm letting Chris take since he's Favre's number one fan. Then today when I was gonna give my Favre opinion my boy Plaxico finally wises up and takes the plea deal for shooting himself in the leg like the idiot he is. In case you missed it smart guy wore sweat pants to a night club with a hand gun in the waste band. Well the gun slipped down his leg and he went to grab it and shot himself, even Forrest Gump knows not to wear sweat pants while carrying a gun. Well to make matters better he didn't have the gun registered, and he was in New York which has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation. Also, he tried to cover it up and go to the hospital and use a fake name, because lots of people are 6'7" and look like a star WR from the Giants. So when the DA came down with charge they offered him the deal and he said no, like nobody knew what you did. Then all the sudden things got real when the grand jury indicted him and if the case went to trial he was facing 3 1/2 years minimum. Still he says no to the deal, finally he meets with the Comish Goodell and he tells Plax if you plead not guilty and go to trial your suspended for all of 2009, and guess what happens less than a week later........DING DING DING we got a deal. So, the prospect of going to jail for over 3 years doesn't scare you but all the sudden missing the entire season does, WOW, what an idiot.

Before we go any further let's evaluate Plax's situation. For one he's 32 so after he serves his 2 years, reports are he'll get off early for good behavior somewhere around 20 months, then two years supervised release. Basically when he comes back the NFL in two years he'll be 34, he needed to be smarther like Vick and go to prision in his 20's not his 30's. Plax what you thinking, you'll be 34, a free agent and three years removed from catching a pass in the league, there is high demand for old guys who haven't played in 3 years, (see Freddie Mitchell). If he would've taken the deal earlier it would've been around December or January that he would've gotten out. Still he wouldn't have played in 3 years but he would have mini camps and OTA's to attend to get back in shape. The one good thing about his deal is the comish said once he's done in jail he's back in the league, no further suspension. Dude, makes you really evaluate your wardrobe when you go clubbing, while packing heat. Those two minutes it would've taken to put on some jeans with a holster cost him at least 2 1/2 seasons of football, and maybe more if anyone doesn't want him when he can come back, but someone will sign him.

Now to the beef of the matter. Why did my boy finally take the deal after months of saying no. I really hopes it's not because the big bad Comish said he was out for the year no matter what. I'm almost certain he did take the deal because he wasn't gonna be able to play. Nice priorities dumb ass. The best part is he got released in April and nobody touched him, think about who has signed since his release, Vick, Favre, T.O., hell the Skins even signed 400 pound Mike Williams, the lineman, not the slow tight end, (thank you Mike Ditka). So the Redskins signed a dude over 400 lbs. who hasn't played in two years but left Plax out in the cold. Shows what everyone thinks of your brains. There it is plain as day, your and idiot you actually thought you were gonna beat this and keep playing in the league, you really are a dumb ass, my case for this YOU WORE SWEAT PANTS TO A CLUB AND HAD GUN A FREAKING GUN, IN YOUR ELASTIC WASTE BAND, I wish my caps could get even bigger. Your dumb now have fun in jail stupid and in two years I hope nobody signs your dumb ass. One more thing, Brandon Marshall stop being a bitch you signed your contract, now learn the playbook and help out the neck beard.

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