Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Wonderings

So I'm gonna try something here, I won't elaborate much but I'm just gonna make some random statements. I'll start with I wonder....

if the Bucs are as excited about Josh Freeman as much as the Bills were with JP Lossman.

how long is this "wildcat" thing is gonna be around.

does T.O. stare at himself in the mirror for fun.

who the hell Jay Cutler is gonna throw too.

what is wrong with Dale Jr. everyone else on his team can win races, does Hendrick just give him shit cars or what.

do people really think Shaq is gonna make a difference in Cleveland.

how long are Cubs fans gonna beat themselves over the head.

if anyone realizes the Giants have the second longest World Series win drought.

how old is Kyle Busch gonna be before he grows up and stops blaming everyone else for his failures.

why Kellen Clemens battling for the starting job with the Jets.

where the Skins will end up this year, I have hope but it seems when we have hope we fail and when we have no expectations good things happen.

what the Cowboys ever did to me, I just can't stand them.

if that's enough for now.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Shaq will make a difference in Cleveland like he will in WWE Wrestling...All I can say is Shaq hurting for money or just getting bored?

    Also I am pretty sure that the only reason you hate the cowboys is because of Tony Romo...That is the majorities reason.
