Thursday, August 13, 2009

Throwing Beer

Ok so last night Shane Victorino of the Philadelphia Phillies was tracking a fly ball at Wrigley field in a game against the Cubs. He was back on the warning track and suddenly about a second before he catches the ball, some idiot throws a beer at Shane. All I can say is WOW, I mean is this how we act in Chicago? I saw it this morning on Mike and Mike and couldn't believe my eyes. Throwing a beer at a guy about to catch a fly ball is not cool. So much could've happened: !) he drops the ball and the guy hitting gets a double, I'm sure interference would've been called, but still. 2) not only does he not catch it but the beer takes his focus off the ball and it hits him in the face or somewhere else on his body, causing a season ending injury or something. The Phillies are a good team but losing an all star centerfielder is not good. I wish Victorino wouldn've turned around and chucked the ball as hard he can at that dudes head. Then to make matters worse security pulled out the wrong guy, way to go, way to watch the tape. My final thought is this, why on earth would you pay over $5 for a beer and throw it on someone? In this economy we can't afford to be wasteful. So if you go to a game and buy a beer, drink it, enjoy it, and for God's sake leave it out of the field of play.

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