Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hate List

Before I get started, I have something to say. If it seems like I'm giving up on the Skins, I'm not. I'm just frustrated as are all the fans. I picked this team to win the division and now I'm looking like an idiot in front of our 4 readers. That makes me mad so I must vent, that is all onto tonights topic. The hate list, I shouldn't call it the hate list, maybe the dislike list, hate is a strong word, I don't use hate. I only hate two things, The Dallas Cowboys and someone from my past. That's it, so instead this is a list of things I strongly dislike......

Notre Dame, pretty much everything to do with the school is annoying. Chicago Cubs, not the team so much just the fans, every year is "the year," accept it never is. Dale Earnhardt Jr. fans, I have plenty of friends who are Jr. fans and their nice, but he gets a lot of media because he's the most popular driver, however he's never won jack. If my guy is out of the top 10 I don't hear his name, or what's going on with his car, but Jr. could be running 28th and you'll hear something about him, lately this trend has gone down which is nice, but the focus is still there. TV timeouts, so someone just scored, commercial, we kick, commercial, then the other team comes on offense, what the crap is that about? You go to commercial for 3 minutes, show 8 seconds of football, then 3 more minutes of commercials. DUMB!!! Sean Hannity, not sure that's how you spell his name, but this is how I do it, this guy is an idiot. Pretty sad that John Stewart is more trustworthy than this bag of douche. Controversal sports writers, I mostly mean Jay Mariotti and Skip Bayless, I think even they only believe half of what comes out their mouths. All they do is say outlandish stuff and then half heartdly try to defend their outrageous opinion, you know after the camera goes off they go, "I wonder if the audience bought it." Case in point Skip "hates" LeBron and doesn't give him credit at all. I'm sorry but LeBron is in the top 3 when it comes to active players, he takes games over, and probably the best passer in the league. Tony Romo, name one thing he's accomplished, he threw to T.O. that's it, he sucks. I can't stand this guy he's like Brett Favre without the talent. People who claim a player ruins his legacy because he hangs around too long, or unretires or does whatever the hell he wants with his career. What legacy, your opinion of the guy is that what you mean? Jordan still got in the hall on his first try, he still has 6 rings, he's still the Greatest of all time, his stats are the same as they've been since he retired, in fact he's been gone for 5 years and his shoes are still the best selling, so where is that legacy getting tarnished at again? Because, he played for the Wiz he's no longer the greatest, HARDLY, he's still MJ. So, yeah Favre is getting killed for going to Minny, he stabbed Packer fans in the back, sort of. But hey, they got rid of him, don't want him in the purple, start him, but I digress, anyway in five six, or seven years, depends on when he retires, he's still in the hall, he still holds the records, and has that Super Bowl ring, he may get another one, and if he wins the Super Bowl this year, then what about his legacy? All those guys will start to change their tune then. Who am I to tell you not to play anymore, I can't, your gonna do whatever the hell you want, someone wants to sign you, your gonna play. We can't tell people to stop working, and making cash. Can we say you held on too long, sure but that was your choice, and I'm gonna guess a guy "holding on too long," never kept him out of a hall of fame.

Week 3 Thoughts

1. First off I just want to say who the hell decided the Seahawks should wear those ugly uniforms. Somebody should have gotten fired as soon as they said hey I have an idea.

2. So Drew Brees is human. All day pressure made is day difficult. Pierre Thomas came in and dominated.

3. Gotta give they Bills some credit. They care playing great just one win to show for it.

4. If Kyle Orton was still the Bears qb they would be 1-2. They would have beat they Packers. He for sure couldn't have lead the comebacks the last two weeks.

5. Hey Arizona throw it deep!!! I know you want to run the ball and hard nosed, but come on its not working!

6. Jamarcus Russell still sucks. I'm going to say that every week till he proves something.

7. Congrats to the Lions. So Washington fans you may be upset about last week,but if you lose this week I think it would be even worse. The Lions have been playing a hell of a lot better then the Bucs have.

8. Wonder what Dan Synders phone bill looked like Monday and Tuesday.

9. Limas Sweed I think has dropped more passes than he has caught in his two years at Pittsburgh.

10. Who misses who more? T.O. and Jerry Jones.

11. New England will be fine. Wes comes back they'll be throwing all over again.

12. I sure would like to know how much the hit is on Farve this week. You know the Packers would love to take him out.

Monday, September 28, 2009

State of the Skins

Well well, here we go again. I know maybe two or three other Redskins fans, and I'm sure they don't read the blog, but guess what I'll give you what you want my reaction to yesterday's despicable loss. I was on the road all day driving from Iowa to Massachusetts, I got nothing, no tv, no radio, hell I didn't even read the recap of the game. I couldn't stand to bring myself to even look up stats or anything for this horrible ass team. For one, the Lions are an ok team they showed it for 2 quarters against Minnesota last week, they were gonna win a game this year, just so happened we were in town. So, I know nothing about the game just that we lost, but I'm sure I do know what needs to change. THE WHOLE GOD DAMN THING, pardon my french. Our stupid owner is too busy trying to be the younger Jerry Jones, note to Dan Snyder WE HATE DALLAS, stop trying to be like them. Please put us out of our misery and either sell the team or butt out and just be an owner not meddling and throwing your money around. Well we all know he ain't going anywhere so I'll move on to stuff that could happen.

Fire Jim Zorn, he's worthless, including the last 8 games of last year we are 3-8, after a great start last season. Our one victory this season Shaun Shazam kicked 3 fg's even though we were in the redzone 4 times, and we got zero TD's. I don't know anything about yesterdays game, but if you can't coach up your guys against Detroit you need to go. He's not only the head coach but he also calls the plays and is the QB coach, previous experience QB coach for Seattle, that's it. How does he go from nothing to calling all the plays and deciding who plays, I don't know. I went to the Hall of Fame last year and on the shuttle from parking to the stadium I talked to some Skins fans, and one of these guys I didn't even know said this and I've believed it the whole time, Zorn was put in a place to fail. We don't have the personel for his offense, and well he wasn't ready for this. So plane and simple let the guy go, you had a terrible run.

Next step fire Vinny Cerrato, GM. This guy has a job b/c he is Snyder's, yes man. Dan calls him up and says hey get me every free agent who has played in a pro bowl, I don't care how much he costs, overpay for him and get him. Vinny doesn't talk about why the guys old team doesn't want him, he just says yes sir, of course sir, whatever you want sir. We've problems on the O-Line depth wise for about 5 years and guess what, we never fix it. This guy is an idiot.

The D-Line, DE's Phillip Daniels (age 36) Renaldo Wynn (35) Andre Carter (30) Jeremy Jarmon (Rookie) DT's Lorenzo Alexander (26) Kedric Golston (26) Cornelius Griffin (32) Albert Hayneswoth (100 Mill) Anthony Montgomery (25). Your rush comes from the outside, who of those for DE's can rush the passer? NONE OF THEM, Carter was a 3-4 outside guy and that's where he belongs, Daniels and Wynn are old, and Jarmon well dude you'll get a chance. I we spent 100 mill on one guy why do we have 5 DT's? We only have 2 QB's but we have 5 DT's, good call Cerrato. The DT's are young I like Golston but he's the only one on the line I care for. Haynesworth, well nobody is worth that much money and nobody can play up to that contract at DT, but if he plays solid and stays healthy he'll be ok in my eyes.

WR's, this is where the hiring of Zorn even as o-coordinator baffled me. Our two biggest threats the year he was hired were and still are 5'10" Santana Moss and Antwan Randle El, small WR's don't work in the west coast offense. So, we drafted two guys in the second round to help, Devin Thomas and Malcolm Kelly, neither really were healthy last season and even though they're both playing this season neither has had any influence on the team. Why do we have short WR's in a west coast O, I understand last year, but why bring Randle El back? We cut Marcus Washington, best LB on the team but we keep Randle El, terrible decision making. I like Moss but dude you don't belong in this Offense your a deep threat not an over the middle kind of guy.

Jason Campbell, dude I've had your back to whole time. I'm not a fan of running the QB out of town, especially one who never has the same offense year after year. But dude, I've had enough. I was hoping this season you'd turn it on since it was your contract year, but no you didn't. The Giants game you had a clear 8 yards to run but no you throw the ball when your already 4 yards past the line of scrimmage and you getted picked, what the hell is that? You have Chris FREAKING COOLEY, and you throw him zero TD's last year, what the crap man. You look like your always thinking and never just playing, maybe Zorn is messing with your head too much or something, but you never look right when your playing.

So there it is, fix all those problems, only about half the team, and we'll be fine. We have some great players, Cooley, Clinton Portis, London Fletcher, Brian Orakpo who should be playing DE's not freaking LB, LaRon Landry still imagine what him and Sean Taylor together would be like, and Carlos Rogers. But we have a lot of mistakes, DeAngelo Hall and the rest of the stuff I talked about earlier. Is the season over, no. Do we still have a chance, yeah. Anything can happen we still get Tampa and Oakland, and maybe we can steal some division games, but dude 9 against the Rams, lose to Detroit, let the Giants nobody WR's beat us. There isn't much hope and frankly Skins fans are tired of it, I know I am. The losing makes me sick and sad to say our 1 win this year makes me sick. I know I'm long winded but this is just how I feel. I told my dad when I was a little tike I wanted the guys with the Indians on the helmets to win, and they did Doug Williams won that game, and a few years later I was old enough to know who was actually playing. We won a Super Bowl that year and I was a fan for life, Mark Rypien, the Posse, the Hogs, Darrell Green and the man Joe Gibbs. I lived in Wisconsin and it's hard to be a Skins fan when your whole life Brett Favre is throwing the ball all over the field and your QB is banging his head into a wall. But guess what I'm still here, still wearing my hats, jerseys and sweatshirts trying to show support for this team, it would be nice if they threw a little something back. Hell I'm such a fan, my favorite NASCAR driver is a Joe Gibbs racing guy, from Virginia, Denny Hamlin. If your still reading thanks.

Friday, September 25, 2009

More Fun

At the top of the page it says, "Sports and more fun," well so far it's all been sports and no more fun, unless you don't count Nascar as a sport. I'm thinking today what could be my first more fun topic, and then it hit me. My step-brother Greg asks me everytime I see him, Derek what you listening to these days? So since I haven't seen him lately I throw down my top ten tracks that have been in heavy rotation in my ears.

1. Your going down, Sick Puppies awesome song great hook and the "fist in your face and your face on the floor" gets me jacked, I wish I still played competative sports this song would be on my playlist every game.

2. Champagne, Cavo another great hook rocking song, however kind of feel these guys are going to be a Nickleback, Theory of a Deadman type band, not truly hard just sort of on a few songs.

3. Again, Flyleaf if anyone knows my taste, I like chick lead singers. The long awaited somphmore effort from Flyleaf is coming and this song is good, a little Goddish but still good.

4. Boots On, Randy Houser, oh boy I swore when I was 16 I'd NEVER like country well guess what, I love this song, it's pretty sweet and the video is even better.

5. Jars, Chevelle these guys keep surprising me, never been a huge fan but everytime they come out with something new I'm like this is good. I'm coming around, I wasn't a huge Korn supporter either, then one day it clicked and I was like whoa, maybe that's where I'm heading with Chevelle.

6. Seasons, The Veer Union pretty rockin track, always like a rock song with a good hook and this has it.

7. Let it Rock, Kevin Rudolf I know I know I'm all over the map here, but dude you can't deny this song, when it plays in "The Hangover" your like dude this song fits this movie and these dudes so well, another song that would be in my playlist if I still played sports.

8. Hey You, 311 been a long time since these guys showed up, sweet track and totally their sound, if you don't like 311 check them out again, and if you still don't please don't talk to me.

9. Shoots and Ladders, KoRn old school I know, but I've had it in my car for about a month now and I still get jacked everytime I hear it, Bagpipes rock, also a 9a, Clown also a sweet ass song.

10. Happy, Mudvayne another older song but I have this thing everytime I hear it I have to listen to it again, think of a song you've heard in your life where your like, that rocks I gotta hear it again right now? Pretty sure I've never done that, but I do it everytime I hear this song.

I gotta throw a bonus track at you and save the hate mail please I know I'm different but "If You Seek Amy" by Britney is a freaking good song, and guess what she's crazy I know but there is still something about her, maybe it's because when she broke out I was 16 and so was she and damn she was hot, sometimes you can't run from your past. When it turns out Meghan Fox is a nut job all you guys will understand what I'm talking about.

Fantasy matchup week 3

The hits keep coming, this is why I shouldn't have days off. I may put up two posts today. Anyway, back to our weekly feature of the fantasy matchup. This weeks game a match made out of love. It's the 2nd place team Addicted to GJ85, whose owner if Abby, facing the LAST PLACE Big Dawg's Pack, owned by her boyfriend Greg. I'm not by these too who reside in Green Bay, so I can't see the smack talk around their lives. I can imagine though, and the fact she's undefeated is probably not helping Greg's cause. Enough about that onto the matchups, hopefully I don't put the curse on anyone this week.

Neckbeard..................Matt Schaub.........AGJ, not sure what Schaub will show up and Denver plays Oakland
Larry Fitz...................Andre Johnson.....BDP, top 2 fantasy WR's coming into the year, AJ has been better
Justin Gage................Marques Colston..BDP, New Orleans never stops scoring
Face Puncher.............Tana Moss............AGJ, Steve Smith is better, the Skins can't fine the Endzone
Frank Gore.................Steven Jackson...AGJ Gore is a beast
Marion Barber............Kevin Smith........BDP, Detroit won't win, but Smith always scores
John Carlson...............J-Witt DAWG.....BDP, only b/c not sure who's at QB for Seattle
Nate Kaeding..............Neil Rackers........Push, both are at home, how do you break down Kickers?
Dallas...........................San Diego.............AGJ, they play Carolina and Mr. Turnover, Jake Delhomme

So the matchups are even at 4-4, so now what? I'm gonna have to take AGJ because where she loses on the matchup her players are closer than the BDP. Also, if I pick her to win and she loses and I win I'm the only undefeated team left. I say she wins 122-118.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Wonderings September 24

So it's been a whole month since I gave some wonderings, so here we go again. I wonder.....

what's up in Philly, DMC still is not back, Vick can play, they have Garcia, and yet of the 3 pro bowlers, Kolb is starting this weekend, ladies and gentlemen the Walrus with a headset Andy Reid.

how long before Dallas gives up on Tony Romo, just b/c he smiles pretty for ESPN they refuse to bash him.

why Derrick Brooks is on my TV right now? I'm pretty sure he'd be in the top 20 lb's in the NFL right now.

why my job hates me, I'm leaving Sunday morning on what will prove to be at least an 18 hour drive, so that means, no NFL and no race for me to watch, CRAP.

how many more picks will Jake Delhomme throw this year maybe 30?

if I'm gonna get burned for drinking San Fran's Kool-Aid, I haven't watched them play yet, but whoa I'm impressed. I know I have one sister who is happy with this start.

if you realize baseball is still on?

who the Skins coach is gonna be next year?

who the Skins QB is gonna be next year?

why Dan Snyder doesn't just sell the team, to make Redskins Nation HAPPY!!!!

why people aren't allowed to refer to their team as "we," damn right I'm gonna say we when I talk about the Skins, according to me, I've been with the team longer than the current players, so guess what, it's us. I'll also use our.

could this be the year the Yanks get by the Angels?

if Tiger Woods really needs to win this FedEx Cup thing and get another 10 million, come on dude let it go and let Stricker win this he actually "needs" the money.

if Jeff Reed has a camera on him right now at practice?

if the Saints 7 on 7 at practice is "must see TV," I bet you'd watch it, could you imagine?

how long before Lane Kiffin is coaching at Texas A&M Kingsville, addicted to pain killers and doubling as head football and golf coach.

if anyone figured out the above statement is the career path Ryan Leaf took, accept he wasn't the head football coach, just QB's coach, but let's face it he wasn't head coach material.

if the Giants are gonna pony up and give Tim Lincecum some freaking money this winter, this guy is worth it, 650 thousand this year, pretty sure he's the best bargain in sports.

if "wait till next" has been uttered yet, by a certain team from a certain town with a certain coach who's name may or may not be Ditka? Ok his name is Pinella but you get it.

if the Pack are maybe regretting not bringing back that Tauscher guy?

if Chaz Ochocinco is back, I think he changed his name b/c he didn't wanna be the 2nd best Johnson WR in the league.

if anyone will ever comment on the blog, I appreciate the readers and would like some accknowledgement you've been here, or if it's just me and Chris talking cross country on the web instead of text messaging.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What I'm Thinking Nfl

So week 2 is over and heres what I'm thinking.

1. Dree Brees is sick. Swine Flu H1N1 whatever you want to call it sick. I really hope he goes after Bradys T.d. record. I'd feel better if he had just because they really have no defense and have to throw. When Brady did it they where just being assholes.

2. How the hell was Marques Colston not drafted? I know he's been around a while now but WOW. They say if your good the scouts will see you. Guess nobody made it to Hofstra to check him out. I'm sure there are 31 owners looking at their G.Ms and coaches and going really?

3. Jerry Jones congrats on your 1.1 billion dollar palace. Place is great but you haven't won a playoff game in ten years maybe your not a g.m. Stick to being an owner your good at that and players love you, but your not a g.m.

4. When Chad Johnson(won't call him anything but Johnson) is playing great football is fun to watch. Hes a character and its fun to watch him. Awesome leap fun to watch.

5. Cedric Benson looks like a beast. Kind of reminds me of this guy you couldn't tackle from Texas a few years back. I think hes name was oh yeah Ced Benson.

6. Rex Ryan you've a head coach for two games. I don't mind swagger but you will get punched in the mouth sooner than later so really shut up.

7. Jamarcus Russell needs to sit your terrible. Al Davis needs to bite that bullet and admit it. His rant towards Lane Kiffin last fall makes it even funnier.

8. Kiffin shut up what the hell are you doing attacking Urban Meyer.

9. Chris Johnson is amazing every time he touches the ball you gotta watch he can break anything, anytime, anywhere.

10. Seriously does Espn have to write an article on Jay Cutler every week? Guy plays great and they still dog him.

11. Look out for the Niners the Samurai has them playing great. Hard hitting d and Frank Gore smash mouthing. May not be pretty but they are tough.

12. The skins putting up 9 against the Rams. Is it tampering if you call Mike Shananon and say get ready for 2010?

13. Micheal Crabtree is still a tool. Millions of people out there with no job and you are bitching about a few million dollars. Get real.

14. How many owners do the Dolphins need? How many of them care or know about football?

15. What the hell is Ray Lewis on? I mean hes still a monster at his age.

16. How is Buffalo going to sit down Fred Jackson when Marshawn Lynch comes back?

17. Is Shawn Merrian going to lose thirty pounds now that hes not with Tila? Lame I know.

18. Tampa Bay is warming up for Josh Freeman. I know Byrons playing ok but if your team sucks might as well do it with a rookie.

19. Is Aaron Rodgers going to make it though the whole year? That line is terrible.

Well that's it for the week now on to week three.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Week 2 review

2 down 15 to go, oh boy I'm in for a long long season. 9 FREAKING POINTS 9 points against the FREAKING RAMS, what the crap is going on here. Due to the fact I live nowhere near Washington I did not watch the game, I did however watch the gamecast on and we had the ball inside the 10 twice on beautiful drives in the first half, only the play calling and execution of said plays were terrible. So what do we get 2 field goals. Now, I'm a bit biased but I'm pretty sure we have 1 of the top 5 TE's in the game in Chris Cooley, and we have 1 of the top 10 RB's in the league in Clinton Portis, but did either get a real shot in the red zone, NO. Portis got like one run each time, and Cooley wasn't even looked at, instead we're throwing passes to two of the shortest WR's in the NFL, good play calling Zorn you dumb ass. The D played well got some turnovers and held the 2nd or 3rd worst team in the league to just 7 points. Next week Detroit, if we lose I may just become a fantasy guy the rest of the year and not pay attention to the Skins. Other bad news Randy Thomas, former pro bowl guard, is out for the year, and our terrible ass coach does not know who to put in to replace him. My choice UNIer Chad Rhinehart sounds good but I'm sure they won't. Enough about the Skins onto what did we learn.....

I'm terrible at picking fantasy match ups, I'm the friggin Madden curse if I pick you to win
I am however, pretty good at fantasy, went 3-0 this week, in first place in two leagues
Matt Hasselback going down helped me win in one league, don't like that he's a good player
San Fran, holy crap I had you guys wrong, I apologize, trade for Frank Gore, he's back
Green Bay, REALLY, REALLY, I believe my facebook status called this when I cautioned for fans to not get cocky
Note to all TV channels, stop showing kickers who miss FG's I don't care what Jeff Reed looks like after he lost the game, he's the KICKER nobody cares
If your known for defense, when your kicker misses a FG shouldn't you be able to stop a team with no WR's, sorry Chris, or blitz the crap out of a QB who is known to sometimes make a mistake or 4 in a game
Miami give up this Wildcat crap, maybe you took up too much time and your D fell asleep on the bench 45-15 in time of possesion and you lose, that's bad.
Minnesota don't scare your fans by not showing up until the second half against Detroit
Tom Brady your on notice, signed Drew Brees
Patriots your on notice, signed Rex Ryan
Did anyone notice KC played Oakland this weekend? me neither it's ok
I believe Chris vs. Andre could be the best Johnson mathup since Cinncy had 10 Johnson's two years ago.
This just in New Orleans just scored again.
Lane Kiffin SHUT THE F UP, your a nobody, a nothing, Pete Carroll made you and YOU SUCK
USC your on notice, signed Washington
If you let a coach leave your program to become a head coach make sure he leaves the conference.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Upset

It's late so I'll be brief. Today the reason college football is less predictable than pro came to light again. Washington beat USC in Seattle, how upsetting is this? Washington didn't win a game last year, USC is the best college team in the last 10 years and were ranked 3rd in the nation. This happens almost weekly in college football, maybe not to top 10 teams but at least someone ranked loses to someone they should beat. This is where pro football loses to college. When a pro team who is a dog wins you don't consider is a HUGE upset. Hell, teams are hardly ever double digit dogs in the pros. It's hard to have a huge upset when your favored to lose by only 6. The only HUGE upset I can think of in the last 5 years is the Giants Super Bowl win over New England. That was big, but it was the Super Bowl in February. I mean it's friggin September and people are going crazy about this win by Washington, ESPN will cover it the next 3 days, break down from every angle. If the Rams beat the Skins tomorrow, the Rams are double digit dogs, you'll see some coverage but not wall to wall coverage of how it happened. I guess what I'm trying to say is, maybe you don't as excited about college and don't look forward to it all week, but when you watch Sportscenter on Saturday night you go I can't believe they won over that top 10 team and you wanna see how it happened, but when you watch on Sunday night you go well I guess they caught them on the right day, or team A played down to team B, but your not shocked. So, you don't follow college as much as pro's because it's hard but, I think I'd rather watch football on Saturdays from 11 to 11 with games on 4 different channels, than watch games from 12 to 10 on 3 different channels, that aren't as exciting.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


So we are at that time of the year where Nascar starts its playoffs. I'm going to break it down for our readers. By readers i mean Derek. Ten races of non stop action during football season. Not a good idea in my mind. Even Jr couldn't make people turn off Tom Brady. But here we go. Heading into the chase first in points is Mark Martin. The experts sentimental pick to win it all. Older than dirt in Nascar terms but dominating in a Hendrick car. I believe its more Alan Gustafson who is severely underrated in the garage a mini Chan Knanus in my mind. Second coming into the chase Tony Stewart. The new generations Dale Sr. Its hard not to root for Tony. Hes a prick and really doesn't give a damn who he pisses off. Coming into this hes not running very well though. Also he gets his engines from Hendrick. Hope he doesn't get any from them during the chase they may not be running at full song. Wouldn't look good to lose the championship to a satellite team. Third is the three time in a row Jimmie Johnson. How do you beat this guy? I'm bored with him but its going to be hard. Chad Knaus and him are the most dominating combination in sports. That's right in everything football, baseball,and basketball. If you see that 48 in your rear view when it matters you are thinking one thing. Game over. Seriously they are that good. Fourth is Derek's man Denny Hamlin. Horse power wise they are the only ones that can compete with the Hendrick cars. Toyota always make sure they are jammed packed with power. Denny's problem really is luck in my mind. Just seems he runs great and then the next race when you think they should be there he isn't. Fifth is Kasey Kahne. Well last week they switched to Fords for 2010 joining Yates Racing. Why is it called Richard Petty motor sports? He really is nothing more than a poster boy. But besides that nothing more than a lame duck for the chase in mind. Dodge cut back funding and sponsorship wise in 010 Dodge really won't want them to win it to help them with getting more sponsors for next year. Sixth is the most decorated man to turn left in the United States Jeff Gordon. Back problems and takes a back seat to Jimmie. Will put a fight and fall short. Seventh is Kurt Busch a real dark horse in my mind. Problem is crew chief Pat Tryson is leaving at the end of the year. Another lame duck situation which will lead to just a filler for the chase. Eight is Brian Vickers who is coming into the chase on a hot streak. I'm talking off track to whoa. Check out the gf not ugly. But seriously first time in the chase and will struggle. Ninth is Carl Edwards always a threat problem is he broke his foot. I give him credit that takes a lot of balls to do but that has to wear on him as the chase continues. Tenth is Ryan Newman. Struggled for some of the year and had a real quiet steady summer to make it into the chase. Wont do much. Eleventh is Juan Montoya. Talent wise he should have this wrapped up. But driving for Earnhardt Ganassi Racing it may be hard for him. One of the hottest drivers this summer hope he keeps it up. If he was driving for Gibbs or Hendrick he would in the top five to start instead of eleventh. And to round out the top twelfth of left turners is Greg Biffle. Roush is down this year and I don't think talent alone will get it done. Roush is really down this year. Sure they've won but not like last year. Lets check the tracks out for our last ten. We start out at Loundon. Isn't that exciting? Nope I'll pick Denny for that one. Moving on to Dover the 48 will take that one. Kansas we'll take Gordon for that one. Then we head out to Cali for a complete waste of time cause Jimmie will dominate there. Heading back to Nascar country in Charlotte for a Saturday night shootout at Lowes. This will be Lowes last race as sponsor of the track so you know Jimmie will take that easy. Martinsville is a Hendrick track and I know your getting bored with me saying Jimmie this and Jimmie that so I'll take Denny but odds are it will be Jimmie. Talledaga late in the chase should be fun cant really ride in the back all day. I'll give it to Ryan Newman why you say just sounds fun. Texas is up and Kasey Kahne is usually good at mile and a half quad ovals so he'll give him a win. Heading back out west for a snooze fest that gets two races Phoenix. Well yet again Hendrick is bad fast there so I'll take Mark Martin. He has to win one race in the chase when is eliminated from the championship just so people can say he'll win it next year. And last is a track getting better and better Homestead. The Biff will take it but in the end the winner and champion is drum roll please. Jimmie Johnson 4 time champion. I'm not a huge fan of him but if you can tell me who's going to beat him and why I'm willing to listen.

Fantasy Matchup week 2

After being completely wrong last week I'll try to redeem myself this week. Our matchup is the only game where two undefeated teams are going against each other. The Dog Whisperers vs. Addicted to GJ85. Here we go,

Trent Edwards------Donovan McNabb----------Not sure DMC is gonna play it's Wed. so this may change
Lee Evans-----------Larry Fitz------------------AGJ Fitz is the man
Lance Moore--------Steve Smith----------------DW Steve Smith is a better player but he has zero at QB
Greg Jennings-------Chaz Cinco-----------------DW, funny the team name is Addicted to Greg Jennings yet no GJ
All Day--------------Frank Gore----------------DW All Day is god
Ryan Grant---------Marion Barber-------------DW I hate Dallas
Vinsanthe Shiancoe--John Carlson--------------AGJ Carlson is pretty good
Rob Bironas---------Nate Kaeding--------------DW Ten kick FG's
Tennessee-----------Dallas---------------------DW Tenn. play Houston who stunk it up last week

So it looks like the Dog Whisperers have this one locked up, we'll see who plays QB for AGJ, maybe that will help in the matchup.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Week 1

Well week 1 is in the books and what did we learn. We learned I'm ok at fantasy football, powered by Drew Brees in one and Adrian Peterson in another I won in 2 leagues and lost in the other. We also learned I suck at picking fantasy matchups, the Dog Whisperers killed Big Dawgs pack, thanks mostly to a blitzing like crazy Jets D that stumped the Texans. The NFL hates the Redskins since we had to play AT New York to start the season the last two years. Just like last year we looked like crap early and got behind and when we finally started playing decent it was too late. Jim Zorn did not help things by calling a reverse pass on our second play after Clinton Portis busted off a 30 yard run, and we lost 11 yards on the play. I also learned if I want my relationship to last it be best the Redskins are never on TV, she does not like Derek when the Skins are on. Enough about that, we get the Rams this week we better friggin win.

What else you ask:
Drew Brees + playing Lions=Saints win and lots and lots of points.
Jay Cutler - Receivers=4 picks and a narrow loss
God hates Donovan McNabb
Brett Favre + great RB=good things for 40 year old QB's, we saw this once when a guy named Elway got a RB
The Redskins can make Eli look good
Rex Ryan is still a defensive genius
The Packers need a new right tackle that dude sucked
The 49ers are better than expected
Jake Delhomme cannot throw to his own team.
Notre Dame + expectations=epic fail, I love it
Kanye West + booze + Taylor Swift winning an award=stupid idiot who should be banned from being on TV.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

AFC West

Since this division has only one team it's pretty easy to pick. San Diego has it, instead why they will how about why nobody else will. Oakland, well Al Davis is still the owner, they drafted a second round WR in the top 10, and they let go of the better QB. Kansas City, new coach, crappy QB, I saw a stat a few weeks ago, last year Matt Cassel held onto the ball the longest in the pocket of anyone in the league, he was in New England which has a top 5 o-line, now he's a team with bottom 5 o-line, can you say SACKED. Denver, has the Neckbeard at QB, he needs to prove he can throw the ball 30-40 times a game, Marshall and Royal have talent, but the D is no good, questions at RB like is Moreno gonna be a stud. So nobody gets over 500 accept San Diego, so they win by default and they play KC and Oakland twice each which is nice.

So I have in the playoffs for the AFC New England, San Diego, Indy, and Pittsburgh for division winners. Tennesee and Houston for wild cards, New England loses at Pitt in the AFC championship game. NFC Washington, Chicago, New Orleans, and Seattle. Minnesota and Philly for wild cards, Minnesota runs the road gamet and beats Chicago to get to the Super Bowl. Then Minny lead by All Day and Never Give Up at QB beat Pitt on a last second corner of the end zone catch by Bobby Wade, ok I made that part up, but still Minny over Pitt.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Fantasy Football matchup of the Week1

So every week, I'm gonna pick a game in "The Elite Fantasy Football" league and call it the game of the week, break it down and pick a winner. This weeks match up the Dog Whisperers against Big Dawg's Pack.
Here's the teams
DW's BDP Advantage
Romo Schaub BDP-Hou plays the Jets
L. Evans A. Johnson BDP-see above and Andre Johnson is way way better
L. Moore M. Colston BDP-both play for Saints, Colston is better
G. Jennings S.Moss DW-Jennings is a bigger target
All Day S. Jackson DW-Adrian Peterson is the man
R. Grant K. Smith Push-Don't know which Grant is gonna show up or how good Det is
V. Shiancoe J. Witt DAWG BDP-Dallas Sucks but Witten is a good fantasy guy
R. Bironas N. Rackers DW-Tenn. play Pit which means FG's not TD's
Tenn San Diego BDP-close but SD plays Oakland easy game.

So there you have the Big Dawg has the advantage 5-3 and his big scorers are gonna go for big numbers. So I'll take BDP 110-95, I'll let you know how it ends up.

Monday, September 7, 2009

AFC East

The hits just keep coming, the AFC East. Where do we start, Brady is back, TO is there, Sanchez to the Jets, and the Dolphins well nothing. Let's get into it.

Patriots are gonna win this. Brady back is huge, got a lot of depth at RB, nobody who's really good just depth. The D is younger than it has been in years, however not a fan of the Seymour trade. I also think Billy B is still pissed about missing the playoffs, plus nobody in the division got better.
After the Pats the questions start, I'm thinking Miami as the second place team. Not because I think their great, just because I don't like Buffalo or NYJ. They won the division last year, have good RB's, solid D, drafted Pat White to run the Wildcat, and still have my boy Chad Henne waiting in the wings. Other than that I got nothing for them, probably a 5oo team.
3rd is Buffalo, the addition of T.O. is bad for this team. Push over coach and no QB equals T.O. blow up around week 8 or 9. I mean this guy killed Garcia, McNabb, and Drew Bledsoe, all them guys have more talent throwing left handed than Edwards has. The only good thing is Lee Evans can shine through while teams double T.O. End of the day I don't like Buffalo and wouldn't be surprised if they finish with only 4 or 5 wins.
Finally the J-E-T-S JETS JETS, screwed themselves years ago when someone said hey let's draft Kellen Clemons, really solid decision. After Brett left they had no choice but to get Sanchez in the draft. New coach in Rex Ryan, a guy whose about as volatile as the guys on Tool Acadamy. I'm affraid Sanchez is gonna be scared of him by about week 8. The D is ok, they have zero at receiver, accept Cotchery. RB is deep with Jones, Washington, and Iowa guy Shonn Greene, and the o-line is good but still they won't win more than 4 or 5 games, just won't do it.

Friday, September 4, 2009

NFC West

Well well the division nobody cares about. Name the four teams in the NFC West, thinking, thinking, still thinking, Rams? Yeah that's right the Rams, 49ers, Seahawks, and Cardinals. Half the division is birds, and one isn't even real, no such thing as a seahawk. Anyway, I'm not gonna go deep into the teams here just the predictions with little notes behind each team, as if you care anyway.

Loving Seattle, new coach, same QB, new WR in TJ Houshmandzadeh, you forgot he went there I know. Mora is a D minded coach so I gotta hope the D is better, I can't even name two guys on their D to be honest, Tatupu is he still there? They have like 3 RB's and they play the 9ers and Rams twice, plus they steal one from Arizona they got this.
I'll take the Cards second, they'll miss the playoffs, Super Bowl hangover. The Anquan Boldin thing being unresolved, of course that was the story last year and he outperformed Larry all season, just not in the playoffs, where Fitz blew up. Warner is 108 and due to be hurt around week 3, Beanie Wells stinks, and well I just don't like them.
The 49ers will be a few games below .500, will have 3 or 4 different QB's one penis showing coach, I love Samurai but really your penis. They do play the Rams twice, which is nice. Ever improving D, with a great LB in Patrick Willis, if anyone belongs in a 4-3 it's him, but I think they switched to a 3-4. I'm serious Willis could be the next Urlacher for sure. Did I mention I love this kid.
Let us not forgot the Rams. I have a heavy heart for my buddy Adam, a Rams fan to the bone, but oh boy, they stink. I'll put them as the favorite in the Sam Bradford sweepstakes, I know Detroit stinks but St. Louis is BAD. They've cut every guy from the Super Bowl teams, have zero at the QB position, no real playmakers on D, not sure if they even have an O-line.

Now a tangent, if Sam Bradford comes out, and Colt McCoy is in the draft, who do you take? Both are bonafide studs with all the tools, not just good college players like Tebow. I mean if your planning for a future QB this is a good year to tank maybe go 1-15 or 2-14 to get in them top two spots. Not you Detroit, you made your bed with Stafford, but St. Louis, Buffalo, Cleveland, Jacksonville, Kansas City, and Oakland, you would all have a hard time passing on those two guys. One more thing when you lose don't punch people,

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Nfc North

So Derek has put me in charge of the north and south divisions. I'll start with the NFC north where my beloved Bears play. First off I'll say all four teams improved. Three of the four with new qbs. This division is going to come down to the wire. I'm of course going to be bias since I'm a Bears fan and of course hates Gb. I'll just go from team to team with a little info on each.
Chicago. What an off season for the Bears. For the first time since Jimmy Mac we have a qb. And yes hes a punky qb. Matt Forte is going to love not having that eighth man in the box. Wrs wont be a problem I dont believe. With Olsen, Hester, and Forte they'll be fine. You where their wrs last year? Ya nobody. Rod Marinelli takes over an underachieving defensive line. Its early but it looks like they are playing harder. Weakest part of this team is dbs. Nathan Vasher has gone from a pro blower to an easy guy to pick on.
Minnesota. Hope comes in the right arm and cracked rib of a soon to be forty year old qb. Well that's not good. I know it will never happen but when they play Detroit why don't they let T Jack start and play those games? Do they really need Farve to play those games to win? No. Percy Harvin is going to make a lot of teams go Oops should have had that guy. I know hes an idiot. Why the hell would you go to the combine with pot in your system. Moron. But that speed makes you forget about the pot thing. The biggest thing I hate about the Vikings is the Williams boys. Great dts of course the best in the league. They both failed a drug test last year and are fighting it in Minnesota courts. Ya like they are ever going to say your guilty. So if and when they are suspended it will be for four games. They should be out the first four games but that's not going to happen as of now. Their first four games are Cleveland, Detroit, San Fran, and Gb. Ummm not to difficult, well three out of the four. So keep fighting guys here's when I hope you do get suspended. Starting week 6, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Gb, and their bye week. That could easily be 0-3. And like I said before any team having faith in Brad Childress is going to pay for that. Hes a terrible coach very questionable play caller on a very hot seat. Desperate times call for desperate measures like hugging Brett Farve at the airport. Aww how cute.
Green Bay. O how i hate thee. So I'm sitting here thinking what can I say nice. Still thinking. On to Detroit.
Detroit. Call me nuts but they aren't going 0-16 again. Ballsy aren't I. So Sam Bradford should be a very serviceable qb to build around. O wait he stayed in school and had to take Matthew Stafford. Well he isn't no Bradford but he looks good. Kevin Smith and Calvin Johnson are great building blocks. Look out folks this team isn't going to be a push over. Well maybe so but next year they'll turn some heads. Check out this lb unit. Ernie Simms, Larry Foote, and Julian Peterson that's pretty good. So now on to my predictions. Does my opinion matter? Nope but oh well.

1st. Da Bears. Cutler and the leagues easiest schedule that should help.
2nd. Minnesota. Made the playoffs last year with Jackson should do it with Farve. But I really think if the Williams boys get suspended late the Packers could overtake them.
3rd. Green Bay. Injury prone running back. Switching to a 3-4 could hurt them. I know the d looks good in preseason but a whole game will show how good you are. B.j. Raji looks like a beast. There I said something nice.
4th. In a shocker Detroit. Not as bad as you think.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

NFC East preview

With the season almost here it's time for a some predictions and me to give some thoughts on the divisions. I'll be doing the east and west of both the conferences. So, I'll start with where my favorite team resides the NFC East. Probably the best division in football rivaled maybe by the NFC South, also dominates the big markets of the media. Every year it seems all four teams are around the playoff hunt accept the Skins which are around the playoff hunt about every other year. I'll start with the big news of the division from the offseason. Dallas cut T.O., the pacman, and Tank, two felons and the me show. In other Dallas news Jessica Simpson cut Tony Romo, that' funny sorry. No other big news to report they traded their number one pick for Roy Williams so they didn't make any major moves. The Giants also had a slow offseason, cutting Plax and losing Derrek Ward was about the only major moves they made. They drafted Hakeem Nicks in the first round, solid pick I think, but he's no Plax. They also gave Eli the 3rd largest contract in the league, DUMB. The Eagles had a busy off season making news by cutting the heart of their D Brian Dawkins, and also firing an emplayee who facebooked his disapproval of the cutting. They then drafted Jeremy Maclin, another deep threat for Chunky Soup McNabb to throw too. Finally, made THE SPLASH of the off-season by signing Mike Vick, how much he's used is up to them but still a splash. The Skins made the biggest free agent signing of the spring getting Albert Haynesworth and giving him 100 mil, that's alot of cash. Same day they resigned Deangello Hall, and at the draft Brian Orakpo fell to them, awesome. After the draft they cut Marcus Washington, the teams best LB. Not many other moves just tormented Jason Campbell by trying to get Jay Cutler and Mark Sanchez, idiots, not on Cutler just Sanchez. So, the teams will look basically the same as last year, where the Giants won the division, Eagles second and made the playoffs, Cowboys 3rd and Skins 4th.

On to the predictions, I'll take the Cowboys to finish fourth, Romo stinks, Roy Williams is no T.O., their new stadium is a joke. The defense is a year older, and the starting RB isn't as good as the back up, or even the 3rd stringer. I'm a bit biased I hate Dallas. 3rd is gonna be the Giants, you saw them at the end of the year without Plax, not the same team. Eli is overated, B-Jac is good but the Giants don't use him well, Bradshaw is a stud but never plays. With Osi back on D he'll help things, but once again not enough improvement on the D. 2nd I'm feeling the Eagles, not a fan of the Vick move to much distractions for a guy whose not gonna help you win football games. Also didn't make and improvements on the D, getting rid of Dawkins was not a good move. I look at them don't really see where they've improved as a team, Maclin is a good addition but he's the same player as Desean Jackson. The rookie RB McCoy could be good but Westbrook is still there so when he's gonna play? I think they make the playoffs but as a wild card again. Finally, first place in division, I gotta take the Skins. If I don't think their gonna win it all what kind of fan am I? The Haynesworth move and Orakpo are huge, both awesome players to add to the front 7. Also, have 3 great corners and two awesome safties, so we got the front and back covered. We'll also have our two draft picks from last year healthy to help the Z-mans offense. Add that to JC, CP, the Tana man and Cooley, we got a good team. Also, have the easiest schedule in the division, only team who plays Detroit. So their you have it, like it or not I like the Skins I may be crazy and tell me that but how else am I supposed to feel?