Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hate List

Before I get started, I have something to say. If it seems like I'm giving up on the Skins, I'm not. I'm just frustrated as are all the fans. I picked this team to win the division and now I'm looking like an idiot in front of our 4 readers. That makes me mad so I must vent, that is all onto tonights topic. The hate list, I shouldn't call it the hate list, maybe the dislike list, hate is a strong word, I don't use hate. I only hate two things, The Dallas Cowboys and someone from my past. That's it, so instead this is a list of things I strongly dislike......

Notre Dame, pretty much everything to do with the school is annoying. Chicago Cubs, not the team so much just the fans, every year is "the year," accept it never is. Dale Earnhardt Jr. fans, I have plenty of friends who are Jr. fans and their nice, but he gets a lot of media because he's the most popular driver, however he's never won jack. If my guy is out of the top 10 I don't hear his name, or what's going on with his car, but Jr. could be running 28th and you'll hear something about him, lately this trend has gone down which is nice, but the focus is still there. TV timeouts, so someone just scored, commercial, we kick, commercial, then the other team comes on offense, what the crap is that about? You go to commercial for 3 minutes, show 8 seconds of football, then 3 more minutes of commercials. DUMB!!! Sean Hannity, not sure that's how you spell his name, but this is how I do it, this guy is an idiot. Pretty sad that John Stewart is more trustworthy than this bag of douche. Controversal sports writers, I mostly mean Jay Mariotti and Skip Bayless, I think even they only believe half of what comes out their mouths. All they do is say outlandish stuff and then half heartdly try to defend their outrageous opinion, you know after the camera goes off they go, "I wonder if the audience bought it." Case in point Skip "hates" LeBron and doesn't give him credit at all. I'm sorry but LeBron is in the top 3 when it comes to active players, he takes games over, and probably the best passer in the league. Tony Romo, name one thing he's accomplished, he threw to T.O. that's it, he sucks. I can't stand this guy he's like Brett Favre without the talent. People who claim a player ruins his legacy because he hangs around too long, or unretires or does whatever the hell he wants with his career. What legacy, your opinion of the guy is that what you mean? Jordan still got in the hall on his first try, he still has 6 rings, he's still the Greatest of all time, his stats are the same as they've been since he retired, in fact he's been gone for 5 years and his shoes are still the best selling, so where is that legacy getting tarnished at again? Because, he played for the Wiz he's no longer the greatest, HARDLY, he's still MJ. So, yeah Favre is getting killed for going to Minny, he stabbed Packer fans in the back, sort of. But hey, they got rid of him, don't want him in the purple, start him, but I digress, anyway in five six, or seven years, depends on when he retires, he's still in the hall, he still holds the records, and has that Super Bowl ring, he may get another one, and if he wins the Super Bowl this year, then what about his legacy? All those guys will start to change their tune then. Who am I to tell you not to play anymore, I can't, your gonna do whatever the hell you want, someone wants to sign you, your gonna play. We can't tell people to stop working, and making cash. Can we say you held on too long, sure but that was your choice, and I'm gonna guess a guy "holding on too long," never kept him out of a hall of fame.

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