Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Week 2 review

2 down 15 to go, oh boy I'm in for a long long season. 9 FREAKING POINTS 9 points against the FREAKING RAMS, what the crap is going on here. Due to the fact I live nowhere near Washington I did not watch the game, I did however watch the gamecast on ESPN.com and we had the ball inside the 10 twice on beautiful drives in the first half, only the play calling and execution of said plays were terrible. So what do we get 2 field goals. Now, I'm a bit biased but I'm pretty sure we have 1 of the top 5 TE's in the game in Chris Cooley, and we have 1 of the top 10 RB's in the league in Clinton Portis, but did either get a real shot in the red zone, NO. Portis got like one run each time, and Cooley wasn't even looked at, instead we're throwing passes to two of the shortest WR's in the NFL, good play calling Zorn you dumb ass. The D played well got some turnovers and held the 2nd or 3rd worst team in the league to just 7 points. Next week Detroit, if we lose I may just become a fantasy guy the rest of the year and not pay attention to the Skins. Other bad news Randy Thomas, former pro bowl guard, is out for the year, and our terrible ass coach does not know who to put in to replace him. My choice UNIer Chad Rhinehart sounds good but I'm sure they won't. Enough about the Skins onto what did we learn.....

I'm terrible at picking fantasy match ups, I'm the friggin Madden curse if I pick you to win
I am however, pretty good at fantasy, went 3-0 this week, in first place in two leagues
Matt Hasselback going down helped me win in one league, don't like that he's a good player
San Fran, holy crap I had you guys wrong, I apologize, trade for Frank Gore, he's back
Green Bay, REALLY, REALLY, I believe my facebook status called this when I cautioned for fans to not get cocky
Note to all TV channels, stop showing kickers who miss FG's I don't care what Jeff Reed looks like after he lost the game, he's the KICKER nobody cares
If your known for defense, when your kicker misses a FG shouldn't you be able to stop a team with no WR's, sorry Chris, or blitz the crap out of a QB who is known to sometimes make a mistake or 4 in a game
Miami give up this Wildcat crap, maybe you took up too much time and your D fell asleep on the bench 45-15 in time of possesion and you lose, that's bad.
Minnesota don't scare your fans by not showing up until the second half against Detroit
Tom Brady your on notice, signed Drew Brees
Patriots your on notice, signed Rex Ryan
Did anyone notice KC played Oakland this weekend? me neither it's ok
I believe Chris vs. Andre could be the best Johnson mathup since Cinncy had 10 Johnson's two years ago.
This just in New Orleans just scored again.
Lane Kiffin SHUT THE F UP, your a nobody, a nothing, Pete Carroll made you and YOU SUCK
USC your on notice, signed Washington
If you let a coach leave your program to become a head coach make sure he leaves the conference.

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