Saturday, September 12, 2009

AFC West

Since this division has only one team it's pretty easy to pick. San Diego has it, instead why they will how about why nobody else will. Oakland, well Al Davis is still the owner, they drafted a second round WR in the top 10, and they let go of the better QB. Kansas City, new coach, crappy QB, I saw a stat a few weeks ago, last year Matt Cassel held onto the ball the longest in the pocket of anyone in the league, he was in New England which has a top 5 o-line, now he's a team with bottom 5 o-line, can you say SACKED. Denver, has the Neckbeard at QB, he needs to prove he can throw the ball 30-40 times a game, Marshall and Royal have talent, but the D is no good, questions at RB like is Moreno gonna be a stud. So nobody gets over 500 accept San Diego, so they win by default and they play KC and Oakland twice each which is nice.

So I have in the playoffs for the AFC New England, San Diego, Indy, and Pittsburgh for division winners. Tennesee and Houston for wild cards, New England loses at Pitt in the AFC championship game. NFC Washington, Chicago, New Orleans, and Seattle. Minnesota and Philly for wild cards, Minnesota runs the road gamet and beats Chicago to get to the Super Bowl. Then Minny lead by All Day and Never Give Up at QB beat Pitt on a last second corner of the end zone catch by Bobby Wade, ok I made that part up, but still Minny over Pitt.

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