Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Case For the BCS

Being a few days from the greatest day of the year, a day I like to call National Football Day, I've decided to make a case for the BCS system of determining a champion in college football. I want a fair system as much as the next guy but I'm gonna throw a few cogs in the arguments for various playoff systems.

I'd like to start with thanking the BCS since you've come along things have been better. In 1997 Michigan and Nebraska both went undefeated, Michigan went to the Rose Bowl, ranked first in both polls, beat Washington State. Nebraska, ranked 2nd in both polls, whooped up on Tennessee in the Orange Bowl. After the bowl games, the coaches poll changed it's mind and gave Nebraska the #1 ranking, making a split national championship. So, that's awesome 2 national champions, how "fair" does that sound? The two best teams didn't play each other because their conferences had arrangements with different bowls. If that's not a case for the BCS I don't know what is. I don't know who would've won between the two teams but I wish Michigan could've had a shot against Nebraska and I know Chris wishes they would've gotten their shot against the Wolverines.

Now, I'm gonna drill some holes through some arguments against the BCS, or how to find a national champ.

First Idea: Plus 1. The plus 1 idea is that 4 teams get into a playoff, 1 vs. 4 and 2 vs. 3, the winners play an extra game after the bowl season. In theory a good idea, you keep the integrity of the bowl system, which I like, and the top teams play each other. One gaping hole, who are the top 4 teams? This year you have 5 undefeated teams, and I'm pretty sure Florida deserves a top 4 ranking, so that's 6 teams for four spots. So, who gets in, Bama, Texas, TCU, and Boise b/c their 1-4? So Cinncy and Florida get screwed? This is the arguement against the BCS b/c TCU got hosed out of the championship game, so if you invited 4 than Cinncy got screwed, or maybe if they invite 4, Boise suddenly doesn't get as much love from the polls and Cinncy jumps them, so now Boise if F'd over. This year is different than most, we normally have 1 or 2 undefeateds, and about seven 1 loss teams. So whose number 4 now? Now I understand it's a little easier to distinguish 4 from 5 than 2 from 3, but if you did this than whoever ends up 5th is gonna have a shit fit every year. What about the year Auburn was 3rd and undefeated, so now you have 3 unbeatens and 1 one loss team, pretty sure that one loss team doesn't deserve a shot with the other 3.

Another idea is 8 or 16 team playoff. I hate these ideas, ruins the entire bowl schedule. I love my bowls, especially the Rose Bowl, love hearing Keith Jackson call the "Grand Daddy of 'em all." Tradition is a huge thing with me, and the bowls are tradition, January 1st is tradition. I have Idaho and Bowling Green on my TV right now, without a bowl schedule these two small schools don't get national recognition, which helps their recruiting. The reason a playoff ruins the bowl schedule is, why are these advertisers gonna pay to have their name on a bowl if the playoff game scheduled that same day is gonna steal their viewers. The Bowls will cease to exist, the 8 or 16 teams will continue their years while the other 50 teams get nothing. Same thing happens as well with who gets in and who doesn't. Do you give automatic qualifiers to the conference champs? Just a lot of questions I have that people who make these arguements can't answer. Once again I love Bowls, I want bowls, and hey 12 years ago the best two teams in the country didn't play each other, so the BCS is better than what we had. Besides how much does it matter if we have a "true" national champ, who won it 7 years ago? I don't know, don't care and if it was a BCS travesty than so what at least the top teams got to play each other.


Well 2009 all you say is w.t.f. All the expectations to this. All you really say was great was the Minnesota game on Monday night that was awesome. I'm just going to throw my two cents into everything to the G.M. to the coaching to the players.

Well the man who built this team is Jerry Angelo. The Bears are always know for never going for the big free agent talent and just getting the cheaper talent and hope it works. Well the free agents Jerry brought in this year have done well nothing. Draft they always go for defense and really haven't drafted an offensive lineman besides Chris Williams. Some of the dumb moves J.A. has done. Trading our second round pick next year for Gaines Adams. Trading Chris Harris to Carolina for nothing. In my mind if anyone is fired he should be it. Let somebody else come in and evaluate Lovie Smith.

Lovie Smith

Two years left and owed eleven million dollars. Ouch for an organization that is cheap. That's putting it nicely. Lovie is a student of the cover two. Just won't change which is disappointing. Wish he would show a little more fire on the sidelines always seems to have a blank look on his face. Took over the defense this year and really aren't any better.

Ron Turner

Found the first moron that should be fired. How the hell did this guy ever get to be a head coach. Ron coached at Illinois for those that don't know. Had one good year. This guy can't do crap. Way to predictable.


Jay Cutler. Only one qb in town. A Porshe working with a bunch of Fords. Gotta get this guy some talent. One of the better qbs in the league. I know hes got twenty six picks but I'm sure he feels likes hes gotta do everything. What Wrs does he have? None


Matt Forte. Paging Matt Forte Matt Forte your wanted at Soldiers Field. Look at your milk carton hes on is it. Want to see a disappearing act. But seriously hope he bounces back. Great back just looked a lot like Anothy Thomas this year. If you get him in space he looks great. No line really hurts.


Jason suck


Devin Hester. Most overrated player. What does he do?

Earl Bennett. Starter. You look ok but you really shouldn't be starting

Johnny Knox. I like you one day and the next I don't. Amazing speed just quits on routes.

Devin Amorashodu. Cutlers only been asking for this guy to play for the last two months. Finally gets to and looks good.

One last note on Hester what do you do again?


Greg Olsen. Cant' block and drops a lot of balls.

Desmond Clark. Best te on the team. Not fast but it works. Good blocker. Problay gone after this year

Kellen Davis. Good second year had a few tds would like to see him more.

Offensive line

Orlando Pace. Done done done done done done done. Hall of Famer but done done done done done done done done done.

Frank Omiyale. The big free agent signing of the year. Heard of him? Ya me either. Got twelve million guarantee. Started one game in his Carrier. Fu@king nuts and dumb. That was at tackle now he plays guard.

Olin Kreutz. Well hes been a leader for years but that's the problem years. Up there can't get a push anymore. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Roberto Garza. Doesn't do anything great. Average

Chris Williams. Moved to left tackle when Pace went down. Played ok but then Monday night went up against Jared Allen and looked awesome. Starting to like him.

Kevin Shaffer. Playing right tackle since Williams was moved to left. Cleveland cut him after they signed John St. Clair from us. Well that's never a good sign since St. Clair wasn't great but consistent. I guess hes playing alright.

Defense to come later.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Decade

I've been seeing some stuff online about "this of the decade" and such so I thought what the hell let's put 10 years into a few paragraphs.

Team of the Decade all sports.
Well the list of possible winners is small, Patriots, Red Wings, Lakers, and Yankees. Even though the Yankees only missed the playoffs once, and the Pats won 3 Super Bowls and appeared in another, I have to give the nod to the Lake Show. Kobe and the gang won 4 Championships and appeared in the Finals two other times, so in 10 years they either got 1st or 2nd 6 times. That's pretty hard to argue against.

Team Sports Athlete of the Decade
Once again the list is short but distinguished, Brady, Manning, A-Rod, Jeter, Kobe, Shaq, and for kicks Marty Broduer. This is tough, real tough, to give a guy and entire decade that was better than anyone else. In a close race, I gotta go with A-Rod with the slight edge or Kobe and Peyton. Alex put up huge numbers every year, and got his title in '09. I don't care about the performance enhancers the guy can hit and was better defensivly than the guy at SS on his own team. He's bulked up since then so he's not really a SS anymore.

Individual Sports Athlete of the Decade
Easy Tiger, nuff said. So he cheated on his wife he didn't cheat on his sport like Lance did. Federer another guy who could stake claim to this just isn't in the media enough. Tiger ruled golf the entire decade.

College of the Decade
Tough one here, Florida has the nod from me, they won multiple national titles in football and basketball. Texas had some good runs in both sports, but Florida for sure had the best.

Cinderella of the Decade
Nominees are New York Giants over New England, Boise State over Oklahoma, Gonzaga in basketball, now a powerhouse, but 10 years ago nobody knew who they were, George Mason Final four team, Pittsburgh last year Stanley cup team. I gotta go with Boise over OU, definantly the best game of the decade in my eyes, especially since Boise pulled all the school yard plays to beat up the big neighborhood bully. Statue of Liberty and hook 'n ladder. I urgevyou try to find that game sometime and watch it again.

Well that's it for these 10 years, let's see how the next ten go.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Must Read

Unfortunate happenings yesterday, Chris Henry, WR from the Bengals died from injuries in a weird truck accident. I'm not talking about the details of the accident, just more about the situation of an athlete dieing in the middle of the season and his team having to play a game days after the tragedy. I've had many run-ins with death starting at a young age when my mom died, and a few years ago losing someone very special to me. When my mom died nobody made me go to school, when my friend died I quit my job and moved back home to live my brother. I didn't have to go out and play a sporting event 3 days after either. The Redskins went through this situation 3 years ago when Safety Sean Taylor was murdered in his own home, after his death we played Buffalo to a close game, losing after coach Gibbs called back to back timeouts and moving their kicker 5 yards closer for the the game winning FG. After that game, we stepped up the rest of the season and made the playoffs. The team had many players take the death hard, mostly Clinton Portis and Santana Moss, who along with Taylor attended "The U." Fortunatly for the Bengals, they are in better position than the Skins were, being in first place and in the drivers seat for a playoff spot.

I have to give it up to athletes who can get over the death of a teammate and play. I remember being so mad that we lost after Taylor's death but in hindsight I think I was wrong. We didn't play for him that game, we played for him the rest of the season. I hope the Bengals can use Henry's death as inspiration for their playoff run. I'm not sure how they'll respond this weekend, but I think after this week they will play for the honor of Henry.

I do have to compare Henry and Taylor simply because when I heard about Chris, I thought of Sean T. right away. Henry and Taylor were both considered troublemakers early in their careers. Sean used the birth of his daughter to help him grow up, Henry used a couple of suspensions from the league to grow up. Both were tremendous talents and died way to young. Both were hurt when their deaths occured, Henry was done for the year, Sean was hurt and missed the game against Tampa Bay the day he got attacked. The robbers apparently thought he wouldn't be home, I guess they couldn't read the injury report. I wish both men could have kept living and reached their true potential.

I'll end with this, my prayers are going out to the Henry family, his children, and the Bengals family. I hope the league has everyone wear 15 stickers on their helmets the rest of the year.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


It happened, it finally happened, Dan Snyder "fired," the official news is resigned, Vinny Cerrato. Oh boy oh boy, for the first time in Snyder's ownership we have an official GM, Bruce Allen, former Tampa Bay and Oakland executive, and son of former Skins coach George Allen. Bruce has close ties to one mister John Gruden, who is calling the game on Monday night so let's see how hard Tirico and Jaws hammer him with questions about his employment. The hiring for me has a few implications, the first being we have a guy who knows what he's doing in the front office. A guy who can tell Snyder to shove it and just pay the bills. This also means Jim Zorn is most likely gone as well a few older players, I hope. Bruce built the Raiders of the early 2000's, the teams that lost the Super Bowl, and the team that got screwed by the tuck rule game. So yeah I'm excited. Been a while so I'll give some more NFL thoughts.

  • Doesn't matter how much we bitch, Thursday games are here to stay, damn you NFL network
  • The Saints look like the chosen ones pulling games out of their asses, we'll see how the playoffs work out for them, I'm guessing not with a Super Bowl appearance.
  • Green Bay keep proving me wrong, please, I don't want both Wild Cards from the East.
  • Dallas, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  • Philly stop using Vick, you have DMC let him play
  • Hey Chicago, how's Cutler working out? I know it's all we talk about, but if you were winning guess who'd get all the credit?
  • Pittsburgh, WTF, does one guy make that big of difference for your D, if he does maybe we should be revaluating last years Defensive MVP
  • Ray Lewis sucks
  • hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, it's December, do you think next years Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Calender will only have 11 months in it, like the Cowboys season?
  • San Fran owns Arizona that is all
  • Not my words, JaBust did not work out for Oakland, got that from a Raider fan thanks Kevin.
  • Hey, Pack fans, Chaz Woodson is playing out of his mind keep the compliments coming please, only Defensive orientated player to win the Heisman.
  • Tiger gettting divorced best thing for him, go get your play Tiger. Also, athlete of the Decade Hell yeah.
  • Final thought for Chris, Suh is probably the best player in the country, but when you average 201 yards per game against ranked opponents and killed Florida the week before the voting, your gonna get the Heismann. I think Suh should have been 2nd, but Ingram deserved the award. In April when Suh goes number 1, he'll get something way better than a trophy and a curse, he'll get paid, DOLLA DOLLA BILL YA'LL.


So would just like to add my two cents to this. WTF I realize you have just over a billion dollars but C'Mon man. Do you realize you have a supermodel wife. What are those a dime a dozen these days? I guess they always say you never know about somebody until you walk in their shoes but it cant be that bad. I know as guy you always may not be happy with things but over fifteen woman have said they slept with him. DAMN from club hosts to porn stars to escorts to cougars. Seriously Tiger find a better cougar. To death do we part huh? Just kinda sad that's all we are really talking about these days but I guess that gold pedestal we put him on wasn't right. Hes a man who made mistakes and now he will pay for them. Its kinda sad that as an average person we'd give up anything to be him for one minute. But right now that's a pretty bumpy road that I want nothing to do with. I hope it was worth it.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Trying something new, had to go with 3 parts for it to work right, I'm gonna try to work on it and try to make only one video, until then enjoy.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Power Rankings

How about a common thing among sports websites the power rankings with my own little spin on it.

The Wuerffel Division

32. Cleveland, new coach same problems, name two guys on this team that would be impact players for another team in the league? Josh Cribbs and Joe Thomas maybe but the rest of 'em stink.

31. St. Louis, seem to play everyone tough but really this team has zero upside.

30. Tampa Bay, the YUCS, have a long way to go and I got a feeling their coach is only gonna get 1 shot at this.

29. Detroit, haven't put up a decent showing against a decent team yet.

28-27. Oakland and Kansas City, played out of their minds two weeks ago but really I don't see these ships going anywhere, JaMarcus Russel I hope your time in the league was fun.

Rod Smart Division,

26. Washington, Dan Snyder why you hate me so much get some depth and a training staff, the list of Skins on IR is starting to look like a Pro Bowl roster, Chris Samuals, Chris Cooley, and Randy Thomas, with Haynesworth and Portis both injured.

Beautiful Dreamers Division

25. Buffalo, oh the hope T.O. brought and he's not gonna blow up because he needs to be signed next year.

24. Carolina, good thing you gave Jake Delhomme all that money dummy's.

23. Seattle, not sure what's going up there but really stop wasting Hasselbeck.

Bill Cowher Division

22. Chicago, if you want Cowher as you coach keep it up, what happened to that Forte guy you had last year he was good.

21. Houston, you could make the playoffs if you would win a big game for once in your lifetime, maybe Schaub isn't a closer, or maybe Kubiak isn't a closer whatever it is fix it.

Jeckyll and Hyde Division

20. NY Jets, nough said I hate you Rex Ryan.

19. Miami, not sure what to make of the fact that you always dominate the ball but your D for some reason can't stop anyone.

18. San Francisco, WHO ARE YOU, are you good? are you bad? are you decent? COME ON TELL ME.

17. NY Giants, you suck, Eli sucks, your D is old and slow, stop making people think your good, your WR's are terrible by the way.

The Outsiders Divison

16. Tennessee yeah you've won 5 straight but eventually your lack of talent at WR will catch up with you, however I understand your D taking a while to come together after Haynesworth left.

15. Denver, hoo ray you beat the Giants on a short week, at home good for you, you still stink.

14. Jacksonville, when you lose you lose bad it seems, why is that?

13. Sorry, Green Bay, too many injuries on the Defense I just don't think your gonna make the playoffs, but your the best of the worst.

The team behind the curtain

12. Dallas it's December so you can show your true face.

The Kevin Costner Division

11. Baltimore, blah blah your D is still ok

10. Pittsburgh, blah blah, Ben is still good, but run the damn ball

9. Atlanta, what can I say I love this team and think they're on their way to the playoffs.

The Andre Agassi Division, think they don't have a shot but might just shock you and win this.

8. Arizona, you saw the tear they went on last year, you don't get trophies for the regular season

7. Philly, still think the Walrus is gonna screw you over, by the way why you gotta run stupid trick kicks and go for it on fourth down to beat the Skins?

6. San Diego, haven't seen them use Sproles much lately is that so late in the year LDT can grab some pine and Sproles is fresh?

5. Cinncy, played not to lose to Cleveland by running the ball every play, so we'll see what the two faced monster of Benson and Johnson can do, two guys running with tremendous chips on their shoulders.

4. New England, even though New Orleans dismantled you, your the only ones I like going to Indy, accept for San Diego, but I like you more.

The Brett Favre Divison

3. Minnesota, to me they are the best team in football but you can't deny undefeateds and as Bill Parcells says, "you are what your record is," so their not better than NO or Indy, YET!!!

The Can We Really Do This Division

Tie 1. Indy and New Orleans, both have awesome QB's, great WR's, good enough D's, and always find a way to win even when they play poorly for a half or so.

So there you have it, for the most part these are pretty standard but at least I got to throw my thoughts of each in.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Jimmie vs. Denny

History was made Sunday when Jimmie Johnson won his 4th straight Nascar Sprint Cup Championship over teammates Mark Martin and Jeff Gordon. I don't wanna discount Jimmie's accomplishment at all, it's amazing what he's done and frankly he doesn't get enough credit from the fans, when Gordon won his four you either loved him or hated him, same with Dale Sr. Jimmie Johnson has so many middle of the road fans it's sickening, and for the record I was cheering for him to win this one after Denny got eliminated from contention, simply so Mark Martin didn't win. Jimmie should also be the number 1 driver fan wise in Nascar, but he's not because so many Jr. fans are blinded by the guys non-performance and his dad's performance that they don't get real greatness. If the Bulls ever won 4 in a row and entire generation would walk around with Jordan jerseys forever, hell they won 3 and they were by far the number 1 team. Also, if you didn't like the Bulls you hated them, you didn't go, ahh well it was nice to see them win even though I don't like them. I don't hate Jr. by any means just his "fans" who voted his pit crew the 2nd best in ESPN's little contest they had, 2nd best huh, HARDLY, I'm a fan but I know when my team sucks and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to the Pro Bowl voting and giving Chris Cooley every vote I have just because he's my favorite player. Back to Jimmie, this accomplishment is amazing, for him and Chad Knaus, who by the way has been suspended a couple of time during these championship runs, why no asterik, oh because Nascar fans aren't petty. He won in the old car, won when they ran both cars, and won two in the new car, they guy can friggin drive. He's a corporate guy, always talking about Lowe's, he's good looking, according to my girlfriend also according to her his wife is not. Basically the guy has it together when it matters most and well you can't discount greatness, now if he could generate some opinions of himself, hell the Patriots haven't even won 4 but they are universally hated. In an effort to not sound like a Jimmie fan I will say this, I respect the guy, he's not in my top 5 for drivers I don't like, but I'm thinking he might just crack that next season. Guess what I'm saying is, it's time to start either wearing Jimmie stuff or start hating him with a passion, and well I guess it's time to get my hate gear on. However, that starts next year, I'm super happy Mark Martin didn't win this championship, he is in a two car race for driver I dislike the most with Carl Edwards.

At the top is says Jimmie vs. Denny, so far it's been all Jimmie and Jr. comments. With all respect to Jeff Gordon and Mark Martin, you two were not Jimmie's biggest competition in the Chase. That award goes to Denny Hamlin, in the chase two wins, 5 top 5's, and beating Jimmie on the track 5 of the 10 races. Denny lost the chase by 317 points, he had 3 DNF's, one race was his fault wrecking while in the lead, the other two were mechanical failures. So if he would have kept his head on at California, wear he lost 138 points to Johnson the winner of the race, let's say he just gets 5th at that race, he would have scored, 103 more points than what he did. Then at Charlotte he led laps before problems forced him out of the race, if he gets 5th there he gets 113 points. So, far in those two races he's gained 216 points, and don't try to say he had bad cars, he was leading when he wrecked himself at California and he led 54 laps at Charlotte so top 5 is not far fetched, also Joey Logano got 5th at Charlotte a Gibbs car. So he only needs to gain 101 points from Talladega were he blew up, he would have needed a top 5 in that race as well, and I understand the lottery that is Talladega but still you understand, the guy was close. Don't try to sell me the top 5's he needed are highly unlikely, he only finished out of the top 5 twice in the Chase of races he finished so it's not that far fetched. So, Denny needed a few breaks to go his way, and guess what next year those breaks are gonna go his way, he's been in Cup for 4 full seasons been in the Chase all 4 years, with finishes of 3rd, 12th, 8th, and 5th. This season he doubled his carreer wins to 8, and he's slowly turning into a short track genius, with wins at Richmond and Martinsville this season. He also owns Pocono, so if he can lay claim to 3 tracks he'll be a force to be reckoned with. He's also gaining some respect around the garage for his actions with Brad Keselowski in the Nationwide Series. For those of you who missed it Brad likes to wreck Denny and in the final race Denny spun Brad out, he didn't wreck him like a brat, just spun him out as to say dude I can do much worse to you. Next year, my second favorite owner Roger Penske is gonna have a lot to cars to build with Brad in his Cup cars because all he has done is piss people off and then smile like he did nothing wrong like he's Dale Sr. or something. Guess what kid, your not and you never will be because you are gonna wreck more than Steven Wallace and that takes a lot. So, I'm calling it in November, one year from now I'll be celebrating a championship with Denny. Jimmie will be right behind in 2nd.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Week 11 Thoughts

Another week, another loss, oh boy I knew this season was lost but come on dudes, we gotta beat Dallas. If we ever go 2-14, I would hope those two wins are against Dallas, seriously can't stand losing to those arrogant pricks. Didn't watch the game but saw the game winning touchdown on the highlights and what happened to ineligable receiver downfield? Dallas ran the play from around the 9 or 10, I saw a lineman down on the 6, that's crap. The refs didn't lose us the game but at least call it fair. I hope Dallas is real happy, barely beating a team with it's two best RB's on the shelf, and best player as well on the shelf. So, yeah Cowboys fans laugh it up you beat the worst team in the NFC, not named St. Louis or Tampa, by one point, can't wait till December and you guys suck again. Romo blows and so does the rest of the team. P.S. whens the last time you losers won a playoff game? Oh yeah it was when cocaine got passed around the locker room like Jessica Simpson. And for the record Emmit Smith couldn't carry Jim Brown or Barry Sanders jock. Enough bitterness on to the rest of the NFL.

It was nice to actually watch some games this weekend, got a solid day in on Sunday, and watched the first half Monday. Haven't done that in a while, worked last Sunday, and the week before that me and Jess went to the Bears game with Chris. So, it's been a month since I got to watch. Missed some of the late games watching Denny find victory lane, and Jimmie Johnson find his 4th championship, more on that tomorrow.

Got All Day in fantasy so I've watched Minnesota more than any team this season, their good, Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump good.

Seattle, I am so dissapointed in you, I picked you and this how you treat me, your D stinks and do you have a RB? I thought you had like 5 good WR's where they at?

49ers are who I thought they are, and I'm not letting them off the hook, I called this before the year, then they suckered me in, and presto chango their back to who they really are, TERRIBLE.

Green Bay, not sure how your gonna get over the injuries, not so much Kampman but Harris going down is a huge blow, Chaz Woodson is my boy, but he's better at covering the number 2 guy not the 1, we'll see how this pans out.

Can't believe Chris hasn't gone on a rant like mine after the Detroit game, about the Bears yet, I will say this what their doing is dumb. It's like bringing in Jimmie Johnson and giving him a Gremlin to go out and compete with it. Cutler is good, but he needs some sort of talent around him, the Bears have the same problem the Skins do, zero size at WR, Knox and Hester are fast, but at the end of games when you need a play, fast don't do it, size does. They need a big body at WR, maybe a free agent to be from Buffalo.

Didn't watch Indy-Baltimore, not a fan of Baltimore don't really like Ray-Ray he is so annoying and the media just slurps him, don't they remeber he killed someone? Don't get me started on Flacco either.

Pittsburgh and Cinncy I'm gonna treat you like I treat the Ted, go to bed, NOW get in there, and then I'm gonna lock you up until you learn your lessons. Don't bark and whine just sit in there until you know better.

Denver your reminding me of a team from last year, they had a great start and then just couldn't find a way to win a game, oh yeah it was Denver, now I remember.

San Diego your the Anti-Dallas, start out sucky then turn it on as the season goes on, now if only Norv could help you guys in the playoffs.

New Orleans is still amazing, and I'm sure everyone hates them in fantasy, besides Brees you have nobody you can consistantly start and feel good about. If you go with Colston, Moore and Meacham are gonna get 2 TD's each, but if you bench him, he's gonna get 7 catches for 125 yards and a score, so annoying.

Rex Ryan stop crying like a little bitch, you are so damned annoying, oh and I remember why now, your from Balitmore. Cry cry, your the one who started talking shit about New England don't you know Bellichek takes losses and shit talk about his team out on the people who say it. Look at the undefeated year, spygate comes out, he's pissed at the whole league and then kicks everyones ass. It's what he does, so shut up and win a game. This just in Sanchez just threw another pick, JETS Suck.

Atlanta, I don't even wanna be friends anymore, damn you.

Didn't see much of the Arizona game but really Matt Leinhart is not good.

Houston we need to start winning games we're supposed to, come on now, I want you guys in the playoffs, I can't help it always kind of been a Texans guy, want to see you do good. Also, wanna see Andre Johnson get in the playoffs, the guy doesn't talk just does his job and kicks ass every week, I know my step-brother Greg likes him too, seems every year he drafts him in fantasy.

Tennessee believe I called this a few weeks back, put Vince in and see what happens.

What happened to LenDale White, did he blow a knee or something, I get Johnson is good, but dude everyone takes a breathier, where you at fat boy?

Now, the game of the week, that's right Detroit vs. Cleveland, oh BABY what a game, wish I could've watched it, so do the fans in Detroit!! Game was blackedout for those who missed it. All I can really say, where the hell is the D? 24-3 Cleveland leads and Drew Stafford brings them back, then at the end of the game, pass interferance in the end zone. Cleveland way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Not to mention Stafford get killed on the play, then can't play the next play until Man-Genius calls time out and allows him back on the field. What you thinking, I guess the guy couldn't pick his left arm up but still I'd take my chance and let a cold Culpepper beat me not an adrenaline filled Stafford, who threw the game winner to MY BOY Brandon Pettigrew, had this guy from before the season ask anyone who plays fantasy with me, I think he is gonna be an elite TE in the league for a long time.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Been a long while, sorry but been busy and haven't really wanted to type on my nights after work. I got this whole week off so expect at least 1 post a day. Today's topic the best rivalries in sports With the passing of the Michigan-Ohio State game on Saturday, not to mention me being in Toledo, Ohio last week, the forefront of the rivalry, and Dallas vs. Washington yesterday. I got to thinking what is the best rivalry in sports. To break it down I'm gonna pick some of the best ones from each sport then give my top ten.

Let's start in college football, to me the best rivalries are in college, you never see guys going from one team to another in college. If pro rivalries mattered as much Johnny Damon would not have a new ring and Brett Favre wouldn't have 21 TD's and 3 picks this season, sorry had to through out Favre's numbers for those who think he still doesn't have it. So college football is tough to even pick a top 5 in, Oklahoma-Texas, Michigan-Ohio State, Army-Navy, Oregon-Oregon St., Alabama-Auburn, Florida-Georgia, Nebraska-Oklahoma used to be huge, Notre Dame-everyone who hates Notre Dame, Harvard-Yale. Those are just a few I'm sure I missed some maybe locally Iowa-Iowa State, but this game is only huge in these borders and it's not a hate thing like Michigan-OSU. Wisconsin-Minnesota is the same thing, huge to the people involved but not outside the borders of each state. To talk about how huge a rivalry is kind of arbitary, I mean if you ask a dude in Texas he's gonna say UT-OU is the biggest, but if you talk to someone in Georgia I'm sure they'll tell you the cocktail party is the biggest. So, you kind of have to take a look at what the games mean, frankly Mich-OSU often decides the Big Ten, UT-OU typically decides the Big 12 South. UF-UGA sometimes decides the SEC East but admit it Tennessee being down lately ads to the rivalry. This weekend the Civil War in Oregon will decide the Pac-10 but it often does not. The best rivalry in college football is Michigan vs. Ohio State, the game means something every year and the closest one I can think of to it it UT-OU, and that game for Oklahoma wasn't the biggest one for it every year until it got seperated from Nebraska.

College Basketball has one rivalry that is way way above all the others, Duke-North Carolina is by far and above all others. The two teams regularly win the ACC regular and playoff championships. Almost 3/4 of the times they play someone is ranked number 1, so there you have it. Nough said, I can't even think of another rivalry that basketball is bigger than the football one.

The NFL has a few rivalries, all are divisional it seems. Whether it's Dallas-Washington, Green Bay-Chicago, New England-NY Jets, Denver-San Diego, Oakland-Kansas City, Green Bay-Minnesota, Me-Andy Reid. The last is so one sided it's not even funny I own the Walrus so much he doesn't even know who I am. Let me first put a boot to a couple other ones, Indy-New England, not a rivalry until 8 years ago, Indy has sucked until Peyton happened and same for New England with Brady, a rivalry has to be older than 8 to take over some of these others. This also goes for Ravens-Steelers, I get it their defensive minded teams that beat the crap out of each other but really the Ravens haven't been around very long. The best, not sure what's the best, I'll go with Green Bay-Chicago over Dallas-Washington, these reasoning for this is the proximity to the teams, and the fact that both sides take it seriously. I know Dallas acts like the Skins aren't as bigto them as they are to us, yeah yeah whatever. GB-Chi is quite the deal, when I was a kid two guys bet on the game and one had to walk from the Illinois border to Monroe with the opposing teams jersey on if they lost. Not sure I'm making that bet with a Cowboy fan. Brett Favre happened to add to this rivalry by playing for long in GB and the Bears having about 50-60 different QB's in that time frame. This season it's kind of taken a backseat to the Vikings but Packer fans will admit that they'd rather have Favre in purple than blue and orange, you can admit you can.

MLB has some goodies, and since it's the oldest sport it has some of the oldest rivalries, Yanks-Sox, Cubs-Cardinals, Dodgers-Giants, Phillies-Mets, Royals-league minimum payroll. I know the media goes ga-ga for the Yanks-Sox, personally I'm more of a LA-SF guy simply because it goes back to New York, and both teams moved to Cali at the same time. Cubs-Cards is pretty cool simply because the Cardinals hate the Cubs, I'm almost a defacto Cardinals fan since they hate the Cubs as much as I do. Simply put, smaller markets, less media coverage, makes this rivalry better than anyother.

The NBA has one rivalry, it's LA-Boston that's it, the two most winning franchises in the sport, Jordan's Bulls vs. Zeke's Pistons was huge, but only at the time. If the NBA could it would have the Lake Show play the Celts every year in the Finals.

So my rankings go like this for a top 10 rivalry in team sports. From 10-1
Yanks-Sox, only because their payroll fights in the off-season compare to the games they play in the regular season.
Cowboys-Redskins, everyone loves Cowboys and Indians, and it seems like each year the lesser of the two teams seems to rise up and take one from the better team.
The Iron Bowl, Auburn-Alabama, conference contenders from one of the most storied college football states in the nation, also they got nothing else beside Nascar in Alabama.
Lakers-Celtics renewed a few years ago, but nothing compares to Bird-Magic in the 80's.
Notre Dame-USC America's team vs. California's team, this is a great game every year, and both teams leave their hearts out on the field every game.
Bears-Packers the two most storied franchises in history and the original rivalry of the NFL, if only Halas and Lombardi could coach both teams forever.
Texas-Oklahoma neutral site game, seating 50-50, decides the conference, if not national, title every year it seems.
Cubs-Cardinals, hatred from both sides, border battle, the fact the Cards seem to win a world series every once in a while.
Duke-UNC, the closest of all the rivalries, seperated by what 7 miles? The fans are nuts about it, the Cameron crazies take it up a notch, and how many great players have played in it.
Michigan-OSU, this season not really much of a factor the last 6 years, same story after the game, but before that this rivalry was back and forth a lot, and the 10 year war between Woody and Bo is probably the best 10 games in the series, check it out.

So that's it, you got a problem send your hate mail to Andy Reid.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


First off I want to say congrats to the Yankees. Its been a while and their back and I'm fine with that. I am a Cubs and Mets fan and not a huge Yanks fan by no means but I'm glad they are back. Maybe its I'm sick of the Red Sox. Maybe I think as twisted as it seems baseball needs the Yankees winning more than anything. Everybody needs somebody to hate and for baseball its the Yankees. People are mad they spend and get the best talent but really we all are just jealous we can't spend the money that the Steinbrenner family can. But as long as they can spend the money on the tax then why the hell not. Money can't buy happiness? Ya right. You know whatever works and gets the job done. As long as theirs no salary cap its the way it will be. Looking at their lineup great story lines all around. Jorge as been behind the plate since I've been a kid. Getting towards the end just cool he hung around to get one more. Texeria did what he was supposed to do. Big run producer one of the better young guys in baseball. Hey at least they spent money on young guys instead of over the hill guys. Robinson Cano had a career year. Solid just gets lost with all the big names around him. The batter number 2 Derek Jeter. His life is a story alone. There are only two guys in a heart beat you would want to be. Jeter and Tim Tebow. Poor poor Sox fans what do you think now with an Idiot in pin strips winning the series? I think its great! Bet thiers a few Sox fans at the pub right now crying saying why. Awesome! Melky running center was very close to being a Brewer in the off season for Mike Cameron. Swisher really is a guy that's hard to hate does a lot of little things that helps a ball club out. C.C. who would want em? Wait I remember you didn't want to be their? How you feeling now? A.J. isn't it great how a guy that's been losing for years and now on a winner is way different. He was as cool as the other side of the pillow the whole year. Pies in the face after every game. How can you not love it? Pettitte way to come back. Watching all those games back in the day he was the most consistent. He always won when they needed him. Last but not least A Rod. There is a huge monkey on the loose right now formally owned by Alex. That monkey is like Godzilla I'm sure you can see him. Congrats to the best player of my generation. All in all they are champs what a fun team to watch. They really deserve this. Best team after June and they dominated. Now the question is when will I finally hate them?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Week 8

Wow a whole week between postings, either we're incredibly lazy or been very busy. Personally been a little of both, didn't have internet for 2 days, and when I got home on Wednesday just wanted to forget the NFL weekend. Well the Skins had the bye this week, hate the bye week, so I gotta lead with something else. I'll go with Denny Hamlin, last week showed what he was made of winning in Jimmie's house Martinsville. Pretty happy with that showing Denny set a career high for wins in a season with 3 and showed what could've been had he not had those two mishaps in the previous races. Then today rolls around, having a decent race, he was as high as first and as low as 29th just moving around and having fun, then caplouey engine goes and our day is over. Well, sweet, an already boring ass race and now my rooting interest is gone, needless to say I wasn't very attentive the last few laps. Jessica was not very happy with me because I just kept saying who cares. Well the race was horrible, multiple times all the cars on the track were in a straight line nose to tail, that's not racing that's a parade. Things didn't get interesting until with 5 laps to go something got boggled up and Ryan Newman took a ride on his roof pretty scary. The scariest was when he landed with his rear end right on Kevin Harvick's windshield. Well Ry-Guy ended up on his roof and it took about 10 minutes to flip his car over and cut off the roof for him to get out. I've made plenty of fat jokes about Ryan in my day, but Nicole Ritchie couldn't have gotten out of the car without cutting the roof off. Well, Jamie McMurray went onto win after another huge wreck happened on the restart, not sure who finished where or how the last wreck happened but either way Nascar has to fix this crap. It's redudant and bad racing, you can't go 475 miles of boring with everyone all packed together and then the last 5 laps everyone starts racing and wrecks half the field. Not sure what the answer is but this was not awesome. Onto the NFL thoughts of the day.

Redskins, Patriots, Saints, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, and Cinncy all didn't play today good scheduling NFL, that's a lot of fans left with nothing to do. Once again bye weeks are dumb, and the schedule this week was once again horrible. Accept for Green Bay vs. Minnesota more on that later.

49ers why do you hate me, I give you love and more love and now I look like a fool. I'm out no more Kool-Aid for me.

Colts are still good, could've used some more points today.

Balitmore took it to Denver, at home, not sold on the Ravens but they needed a win today and got one.

Denver you can't win them all, bounce back next week.

Speaking of Denver heard they're giving Brandon Marshall his fine money back, why? I thought that went to charity, it should still go to charity like he needs 73,000 dollars more than a charity.

The Texans starting to play like I thought they could this year, nice game.

Where did Ryan Moats come from? Not complaining played Steve Slaton in two leagues so him not playing much helped me out a lot.

Dallas still sucks wait till December they'll show it.

Once again J-E-T-S Jets Jets, L-O-S-E lose lose, what the hell is up with this team, pretty sure they were overachieving at the begining of the season.

Miami well your still Miami with a gimmick offense that some how gets it done, but you need a real offense to be a real contender.

Who are the Giants? Much like how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop, the world will never know. I stand by this always have, Eli sucks.

Can't wait for the worst coaching match-up ever in the playoffs, Brad Childress vs. the Walrus with a headset, how many stupid challenges and retarded screens will called that game.

STL in W column nobody should lose 'em all, atta boy to Vince and the Titans too.

Chris Johnson is really, really good.

LDT found the endzone twice today, very nice.

San Diego when playing Oakland try to win by more than 8

Are my eyes deceiving me did Jake Delhomme go a whole game without throwing a pick, it happened, it really happened. I haven't been this shocked since, well since ever.

Fire Jim Zorn, had to throw that in there.

Onto, the game of the day, something I labeled Brett Bowl, let's get the breakdown.

I almost did a running diary of the game Bill Simmons style but decided against it, and the race ran long so I missed most of the first quarter.

Brett's biggest weapon has 28 on his jersey and Brad Childress can't forget this.

Brett's second biggest weapon is gonna be an all-pro at the end of the year is he keeps this up, Percy Harvin is turning into guy I never thought he could be. Brett was looking for him on that crossing pattern almost every 3rd down.

Green Bay why you kicking it to Harvin?

Why does Minnesota seem like they forget how to play football a half way through the 3rd quarter. Seriously after Green Bay seized momentum after the TD off the fumbled kick, Childress play calls go like this screen fail, pass play, fail, pass play, fail, punt. You have All Day give him the ball all day, or at least on 1st or 2nd down.

Green Bay, you need help on the O-Line, Rogers is good but damn he's on his back way to much.

Speaking of Rogers, dude throw the damn ball, and the play calling, if your getting sacked constantly, move the pocket and let A-Rod throw on the run, he's pretty good at that.

Who is this guy that played LB at UCLA and is now the biggest threat inside the 5 for Green Bay, 3 TD's in 2 games what a stud.

One officiating thing, why are we protecting QB's so much, A-Rod needed a pink jersey on after that "roughing the passer" call, I know he's not the only one but seriously do QB's need to wear dresses?

How about Brett making sure Greg Jennings is ok. That was pretty cool, say what you want Packer nation but Brett still cares about those guys.

That brings me to my last point, Packer fans, Brett has nothing against you or your team. His beef is not with the players or fans, his beef is in the press box all alone. Brett's beef is with Ted Thompson. He still cares about the fans and don't give me this crap if he did he wouldn't play for Minnesota, he wants to play for Minny to do what he did today, beat Ted Thompson twice. He threw 4 td's to show Ted he still has it. I understand you wanna be bitter but don't forget those 16 seasons he gave you, and that trophy in the stadium he brought back. If he said this years team is the best he's ever played on, let it go, he needs to build this team up. I'm not for sure, but I'm almost certain he said the team 3 years ago, that made the NFC championship game was the most talented team he's played on. That '96 team was great, but don't get it twisted how's it gonna sound if Brett goes, well this team would be any team I've been on accept the 96 team? That not's very inspiring. I'd like to thank the media for blowing that comment out of proportion and bringing up a bunch of guys only people from Wisconsin remeber, like Gilbert Brown and Mark Chmura. I mean how much did it take to get LeRoy Butler on camera? Probably not much. So the booing today unnesasary, throwing away your Brett memorabilia unnesasary, disliking the guy in general is not needed. I understand he put on the purple, could be worse he could be a Bear.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

UFC 104

Last night I went to my buddy Dunne's house to watch UFC 104, and I'm not sure if I gonna watch another ppv again. That statement is probably false, I've been watching UFC closely for about a year now, and I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna bail. The reasoning behind it though, I can make a reason for being pissed. The Main Event, Shogun vs. Machida, was a great fight. The undercard started out well. Then quickly turned to crap. First of all let's visit this entire idea of a Pay Per View. When you ask people to spend money to watch your sport on TV, your asking for trouble. Boxing used to be in the top 3 sports in the country. Then the 80's came and you had to pay to watch the best fighters in the world, and it was ok because Tyson was carrying the sport. Nowadays though who watches boxing? Who's the heavyweight champ? I don't know either. It's hard to gurantee a great night of fights when you have a PPV, it's not like wrestling where you can build it up, and then have good scripted matches all night long. These are guys trying to make a paycheck and guess what if they can knock you out in the first round that's what your gonna get. I love KO's as much as the next guy but watching them all night gets redudant. However, I guess I'd rather watch KO's all night as opposed to the couple of crap fights that the middle of the card had last night.

The first two fights were fun to watch. Anthony Johnson looked awesome, with a great KO of his opponent, the ref stopped it early according to Dunne, but I thought the dude was out. The second fight Joe Stevenson took it to Spencer Fisher, and got a 2nd round TKO, once again dominating the fight. The the UFC showed a fight from the undercard, not sure why they do this but it went all three rounds and frankly took the wind out of the room. We were all excited from the first two KO's and then we had to watch a snorefest for 15 minutes, not sure who was even in that fight. So, when we got back to live fighting we were all ready for another action packed fight, we were dissapointed. Gleison Tibau decisioned Josh Neer in a lackluster performance. Tibau just kept taking Neer down and then getting back up, this isn't wrestling you don't get points just for a takedown, I thought the object was to hurt the guy. Well after two 15 minute fights we were really realing. The fact that Machida was still to come kept us going. Then the undercard wound up with Cain Velasquez, fighting for a shot at Lesnar, fought newcomer to the UFC Ben Rothwell. Rothwell is a big dude, that's all we figured out about him Velasquez took the fight to him and was whipping his ass all the Octagon. Giving the room some life for the first time in an hour, then in the second round the ref stopped the fight. I thought he stopped it early, but whatever that big dude was a few seconds away from being knocked the F out.

So finally we made it the main event. They show the stats of Machida, never lost a round in UFC, never been taken down in UFC, been hit the least of any fighter ever in the UFC. He looked unbeatable and you wondered if Shogun Rua had something for him. Well he had something for him, and it was one of the best fights I've ever seen. It was like two surgeons picking each other apart, neither making mistakes for the other to capitalize on. I'm all for watching two champions have it out, and not just one dominating and knocking the other guy out in the first round. Rua kept landing kicks to Machida's legs and body. Machida kept counter striking to the body, just a great battle. It was pretty even until the 4th round when Rua started to dominate the fight, in the 5th round Dunne left the room because Machida wasn't fighting well. So I was feeling pretty good, Shogun looked like he was gonna wear some gold out of the ring tonight. When the final bell came, Shogun raised his hands in victory and Machida half heartdly raised his arms. Then the judges came down, Rua with his head up, Machida's down awaiting defeat, and all the judges score the fight 48-47 for Machida. WHAT the hell, what fight were these judges watching. The crowd at the fight was booing, the 5 people at Dunne's house couldn't believe what happened. Machida was surprised as hell, he thought he lost. I thought Machida won one round and Rua won four rounds apparently I was wrong, until I got home and looked at the ESPN/Sherdog blog of the fight and each guy scored the fight for Rua, including one guy give Shogun every round. This is where fighting in general gets a bad rap, if a dude doesn't get KO'd it goes to the judges. Well when you have people judging the fight if opens you up for scrutiny and the possible ideas of a fix. I'm not sure if this fight was fixed but it looked awful fishy, I thought Shogun won and so did about 90 percent of the people watching, just not those 3 judges, what crap. I want a rematch tomorrow.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Chicks that rock

Time for some more fun. Been really getting into some background of bands. I've found some cool stuff especially the amount of women in rock bands. This is mostly coming from me checking out the Sick Puppies website and their bassist Emma Anzai is pretty hot. You'll see a lot of girls front bands, with all guys playing the instruments, Lacey from Flyleaf, Lzzy Hale from Halestorm, and Cristina Scabbia of Lacuna Coil. Sometimes the whole band will be girls like Kittie was in the 90's, but hardly ever is their a girl that just play instruments, that's why I find Emma so interesting, then I ran across the band Skillet, they've been around a while. Their song Monster is one of my favorites at the moment. Well the drummer and guitar player are both woman, guitar player Korey Cooper is the lead singers wife, and they have a new drummer Jen Ledger.

Think it's pretty cool when the girls can rock out, especially when they play bass or drum, two physically demanding instruments. I espcecially like Emma because from what I've read she gets tons of respect from other bass players that she's toured with. Also, with only 3 people in the band she has to carry a large part of the song and just can't blend in with and let everyone else play over her. The begining of "Your Going Down" she starts the song off with a great bass line. So I'm not gonna get all long winded here just want some opinions who is your favorite "Chick that Rocks?" Post a comment, I'll take Emma with Lacey a close second.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


So I'm going to skip my NFL thoughts for the week. On my mind is all the Earnhardt Jr talk from the past week. The poor guy is in a rut and can't catch a break. Something needs to change. Not real sure what it is, but something should be done. Here's what i believe happened to him in his career. February 18 2001. Jr as we all know lost his father and had all Dale Srs fans thrust on him. In Sr Jr had obviously a father and somebody to steer him in the right direction. If Sr has still around its hard to believe Jr wouldn't have a title right now. Losing his father like that had to be crushing. Then when you take that Alms race in the Corvette when he was lucky to make it out of the fire that was to be hard. Maybe this is more of business instead of being a winning driver for him. Before that crash on off weekends you would see Jr running races. Jr had gotten into running the 24 Hours of Daytona every year. After that wreck do you see Jr running in anything but that Hendrick 88 car? No. In going to Hendrick he put all the pressure on himself. So he went from being a number one driver to being number three. I know the equipment at Hendrick is better,but that's rough not getting things your way. Hendrick is all about Jimmie and Jeff that's fine they deserve their status in the organization. Jr really doesn't fit there. I mean people can say he was born with a golden spoon. I'll take that spoon you say he had and hit you with it. Jr was never in car till he was a teenager. Jeff was racing all over the country by like age twelve. Jimmie was running off road races and bikes when he was younger. Ya Jr had everything handed to him. Sure keep saying that. I'm not saying that Jimmie and Jeff running all those races when they made them champions but it helps. If you want to race F1 over the pond you better get your kid in a go kart when they are four. Ya I said it four. Those kids are running fifty mile an hour go karts learning car control. Man when i was four I loved my big wheel. Not a go kart. The three drivers at Hendrick now have won everything they have driven. All I know is how many four car teams in Nascar can you say that all four are success? None. To me the perfect car number is three. I have no clue why you need four cars. Does an organization really have enough resources to to run those four? I know Rick Hendrick says all four cars all equal. Ok but why in California in February did Jr and Mark Martin blow up but Jimmie and Jeff didn't? If you didn't know they 24 and 48 are built in one shop and the 5 and 88 are in another. I know everybody is sick of the excuses and it is put up or shut up but maybe this isn't really a fight he can win. If Jr wins a championship it will be great. If he doesn't it won't be the end of the world. Some guys are just great when it comes to stock car racing. And some are just good. People have to remember though there is another seven time champions son who never produced anything.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Rush to judgement

Last week a little news happened in the NFL and I didn't really cover it. Not sure why, but today at work I was like, dude what is all the fuss over Rush Limbaugh. A little disclaimer here, one I'm not very political, get most of my news from the Daily Show. Secondly I'm not a republican and I could care less for Rush, he's dumbass who is like Sean Hannity, basically a fear monger when the Dems are in charge, but doesn't think anything of it when W. broke laws for 8 years as president. That's just my opinion of the guy and as I said I'm not as informed politically as I should be. However, this is a sports blog so here it goes, Rush was asked to join a group interested in buying the St. Louis Rams. ESPN got wind of this and ran with it, several players said if Rush bought the Rams they wouldn't go there, hell even an owner said he would vote against Limbaugh's group if they had the highest bid. Well that group swiftly kicked Rush out, after they asked him in.

My problem with this whole deal is they didn't tell the whole story. I'm not even gonna research it b/c I could really care. But, they never said how much of the team he was gonna own. I know for sure he wasn't gonna be primary owner, so you wouldn't see him in the owner box every week like Jerry Jones, Ziggy Wilf, or Al Davis. All he was really gonna do is put up some dough and make a little return on his cash, being a minor owner of NFL team is easy money, it's not like a team loses money ever. As I said, I don't agree with his politics but the guy wasn't running the team or anything why would you care if he owned some stake in the club. A lot of the critisism stems from a few years ago when Rush said Donovan McNabb wasn't any good, and the NFL wanted a black guy to make at QB, during ESPN's pregame show. Well Rush your and idiot for even saying that, but well some people think that, and there idiots too. When he said that he pretty much alienated 85% of his possible workforce, so why would he act so surprised when there was an uproar about possible ownership for him. I can't gurantee there aren't owners who feel the same way, but they keep there mouths shut. Pretty sure southern boy Jerry Jones might have just cracked some black jokes as a kid, no gurantees there but maybe. Everyone is a little racist whether you want to admit it or not, but most of us keep our opinions to ourselves, we don't broadcast to the world on a radio show. So, guess what I'm saying is I see both sides, but Rush don't act like your the victim here, you started this crap a few years ago don't act like you didn't say what you said, but on the other side, more people need to get the facts before they go ape shit.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Week 6

I'm heading out tomorrow, gonna be in a truck all day and night so I'm gonna do this a little early. We all know where I stand on the Skins and my opinion is not changing, the only thing that happened today was Jason Campbell got benched in favor for Todd Collins in the second half. Now only if Jim Zorn would get fired already. So, that's that, what else did we learn.....

even when Denny doesn't F up something goes wrong the last two chases seem to be ending up about the same. The rest will be about football.

hey, Belichek you can let off the gas now, 44 points in the first half, seriously dude, get a running game so you run the clock out.

Brad Childress, take a note out of Belichek's notebook and NOT let off the gas, I watched this game and I'm pretty sure Childress is gonna be the demise of my Super Bowl pick. At one point when Minny was up, they ran the ball 3 straight times including a draw on 3rd and 8, Childress you got Brett Favre let him throw.

Green Bay get a freaking line already.

Detroit well your still Detroit.

Way to Oakland, way to go, cha cha, way to Oakland way to go, love it when the Walrus loses.

Matt Schaub realized that it's not preseason anymore, but riddle me this, how you gonna throw 4 TD's and not find Andre Johnson for one?

Hey, Rams, nice try, I'd like to think that if you guys had the Skins schedule you might have one a game by now.

Pittsburgh didn't you win the Super Bowl last year? Start playing like it.

DREW BREEEEEEEESSSSSS, I was an idiot and started Favre over Drew today, however I still won.

How 'bout that Aints D, they are playing amazing.

Snow in October glad I don't live in the Northeast.

Watching this Jets-Bills OT, a few things Rex Ryan your not a good coach, you coached your guys up the first 3 weeks and since nothing, losing to teams you should beat. Dan Fouts you suck as an announcer. Lee Evans caught that ball. Love OT no commercials. Rian Lindell spells his name weird according to my g/f. But he can kick, way to go. Rex Ryan, you need to keep playing after your personal Super Bowl 3 weeks ago. Mark Sanchez this NFL thing is hard ain't throw to the guys in green not in white bro.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Well Chris asked me a question in the post below, and I will answer it. First of all totally agree with Chris on the windbag from CBS Sports, if you gonna keep anyone off the ballot it's Bill France Jr. not Dale Sr. That's all I'm gonna say about that. Here is where I think they screwed up, they should have had 10 guys in the first class, this sport is over 60 years old and plenty of guys have claims to be HOFers. This is the first class make it special, next year go to 5, but this year 10 would be fine. First 5 for me, Bill France Sr. founder of NASCAR, built Daytona, took the sport from dirt to pavement. Richard Petty, 200 wins, 7-time points champion, team owner, was the face of the sport. Dale Earnhardt Sr., 7-time points champion, 76 wins, won championships when rules were stricter, death may have been reason for the second biggest fan boom in the sport. Junior Johnson, probably one or the most respected drivers ever, owner of six championship cars. David Pearson, 3 time points champion, 105 wins. Well there you go my top 5, but since I said I wanted 10 in the first class, so here are the final 5. Bill France Jr. took the sport from the South to the nation, got big time sponsors and national TV interested. Cale Yarborough, 3 time straight points champion. Bobby Allison, part of one the best racing families in the sport, 1 time points champion, 85 wins, part of the the biggest event in NASCAR history along with brother Donnie Allison, and Cale Yarborough, if you've never seen this fight check it out. It's from the Daytona 500 in 1979, watch this These two deserve to be in for transcending the sport, this is the biggest thing to ever happen to the sport. Darrell Waltrip, 3 time points champion, great announcer as well. The final spot I'll give to a car owner, Rick Hendrick, has owned 8 driver point championships, about to be 9, has owned cars when rules have been the strictest and the playing field has been the most even. Well there you have it, I have a lot guys from the last 30 years, but seriously the last 30 years have been way way bigger than the first 30 years of the sport. I have an argument I use often, just because your first doesn't make you the best. Couple of guys who should be in the next 5 years, Red Byron, Bobby Isaac, Tim Flock, Lee Petty, Ned Jarrett, Benny Parsons, Joe Weatherly, Fred Lorenzen, Fireball Roberts, Terry Labonte, Bill Elliott, my man Rusty Wallace, Alan Kulwicki, Davey Allison, and Dale Jarrett. These guys when they retire, Mark Martin, Tony Stewart, Jeff Gordon, and Jimmie Johnson. There you have it, my only question is what took so long for this Hall of Fame?

Thursday, October 15, 2009


So today while I was at lunch I was on Cbs Sports and I saw an article from Peter Pistone entitled Byron, not Earnhardt should part of the inaugural HOF class. For people that didn't know Nascar voted for their first five into the hall of fame yesterday. The France family who started and took Nascar to where it is today where the first two in. Richard Petty a remarkable 200 race winner and seven time champion. Dale Earnhardt seventy six race winner and seven time champion. Junior Johnson two time championship driver and two time championship owner rounded out the list. I saw that title for his article and instantly said my new catchy pharse cha please. For those who don't know cha please check ur Chad Ochocino thesaurus. Then i thought this man is creating career suicide. I understand people are in titled to their own opinion but come on! To say Dale Earnhardt shouldn't be in the first hall of fame class is asinine. The man he suggested was Red Byron Nascars first champion. Red was a two time champion in 1948 and 1949. So we will get his due into the hall soon enough, but not over Earnhardt. So then this jag bag goes on saying how great Earnhardt is and what he did for the sport but doesn't believe he should in the hall this year. What?!?! I understand he was the first champion but come on what did he do that Earnhardt didn't. I know he raced in the forties on it was different times but really? I understand with seventy six wins Dale wasn't the driver with the most wins in Nascar history. But when you win seven championship you must be doing something right. I also believe that from the mid 80s to the mid 90s was the most competitive time in Nascar. I mean think of the good drivers from that time. Davey Allison, Mark Martin, Bill Elliot, a young Jeff Gordon, Rusty Wallace, Ricky Rudd, Tim Richmond, and Darrell Waltrip. Every single one of them will be in the hall. Well maybe not Richmond he should be but hes a black sheep. As you can tell I'm an Earnhardt fan who is shocked that somebody would honestly think he wasn't a first time hof er. I wonder how Mr. Pistone email inbox is doing? I'm sure there are quite a few people who agree with me. So Derek who's your first five?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Week 5

So another week in the book and the Bears bye is over. Thank god!

1. The Raiders should should really have to play USC every year to be able to play the NFL season. I mean come on is this team ever going to progress?

2. By the way if you haven't caught my drift Jamarcus Russell sucks.

3. Congrats to the Broncos on beating the ugly uniforms and the Pats,but Josh McDaniels losing both his challenges in the first quarter and a half not smart. Losing them on a clear fumble and a three yard gain not bright.

4. Just want to call Mike Sims Walker a tool for almost costing me a game in fantasy football! Way to get suspended for violating team rules.

5. What the heck happened to the Jags?

6. How many points could the Vikings put up on the Rams? That was a nice easy coast.

7. I really feel bad for Steven Jackson. Heck of a player really doesn't talk much and he hasn't played on a winner.

8. Watching the Jets Monday night just because the Dolphins are great at running the wildcat doesn't mean you have to.

9. Funny how well Braylon Edwards played. When your on a good team helps.

1o. Cedric Benson is a bust. j/k WOW he looks great. Like a said before this is the Texas Ced.

11. So Derek K.C. this weekend have you guys played a team with a win?

12. Looking at the schedule this weekend all those great noon games why wasn't one moved to three?

13. So when you playing the Lions and your running all over them why does the idea we should go shotgun all second half sound like a good idea?

14. What will it take for the Texans to realize their potential.

15. Jeff Fisher just play Vince Young you gotta see what you got. I know Colt and Bradford are waiting but give him a shot.

16. I'm a huge supporter of Tony Dungy but Jim Caldwell is on the gas at all times there is no burn the clock out he is go go go.

Well that's all i got for the week. Week six is next with hopefully some revenge for the Falcons ahead.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wonderings 10-13-09

Going back to the well, I wonder........

what is taking so long for Dan Snyder to pull the trigger on Jim Zorn, seriously I knew he should be gone almost a year ago.

if anyone besides Miami can run the Wildcat, I'm almost a believer on this thing but I wanna see it work a little bit more, but Monday night it was awesome.

if John Gruden is cut out for the booth, not a fan, he overanalizes everything and why do we need three guys, nobody else goes 3 guys, why does ESPN. Tirico and Jaws would be good enough.

if Brad Childress is gonna screw this up by being Brad Childress, watched Sunday's game and he did not seem to be pushing the right buttons, but maybe I'm wrong.

why everyone picked the Cardinals, pretty sure the Dodgers were the best team in the NL all year, I'm gonna go out on a limb and pick them to go to the series.

if the Angels can make me happy and win this series.

if Brandon Marshall is smarter than I think, the dude played the game and lost, now he's playing out of his mind and could demand some real value if he throws another tizzy.

why receivers can go over a DB's back, but DB's can go over WR's back, I watched that play in the Denver-New England game, Orton threw a deep ball to Marshall, and he totally raped the DB but no call. Jess said it was because he was going for the ball, if the DB was going for the ball Denver get its at the 2.

if Phil Ivey can show back up in November and bring this thing home for the Pro's. Sorry watching Poker on ESPN right now, so I'm in that train of thought. I hope he does it.

if the Colts actually got better when Dungy left, this is a total farce but dude, 5-0 and are kicking some arse.

are the Saints ready for all this attention, if they keep it up New Orleans is gonna be busy place, and guess what we're gonna be reminded of again. Her name starts with a K.

if Boise is undefeated, Florida or Bama have one loss, and Texas has a loss, does Boise get it's shot, they better damn it.

can Iowa run the road gauntlet the next two weeks, or is there a let down in there, Wisconsin is a tough place to play, but they did just win a Penn State.

can San Fran bounce back from that loss, come on guys I'm drinking the Kool-Aid, please don't let me down.

why are there bye weeks? I don't need a break from the losing.

how much longer before we see some Vince Young, he might have played Sunday I didn't watch, but Fisher what you got to lose, your done.

if the Rams are gonna win one this year, seriously you had your shot against the Skins, not many bullets left.

if Rex Ryan had his Super Bowl week 3, all that talk leading into the Pats game now since two losses.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Lost Sunday

Yesterday sucked, what a shit day. We go out and lose to another team with zero wins, I'd like to thank the NFL for this easy ass schedule, and I'd like to thank the Skins for screwing it all up. You guys have got to be kidding me, 17-2 lead blown, well good job Z-man, why aren't you fired yet? The problems are all the same, accept for these few. This is Chris Cooley's line, the best player on our team, ZERO CATCHES for ZERO YARDS. Hey, Zorn you have Todd Yoder to block, let him block and let Cooley run some pass routes, and Campbell get it through your thick skull Cooley is a great option. Speaking of thick skulls, we might have won is Byron Westbrook didn't muff a punt inside the twenty. Which begs the question, why was he returining a punt, I thought Randle El did that, and when he needed a blow Santana Moss did it, good call Zorn. Too make matters better Chris Samuels is out at least one week, and Phillip Daniels is playing hurt. Why do we have Phillip Daniels again? I'm sorry but Chris needs to go, he's been hurt a lot the last few years. Well moving on in my day, my boy Denny decides he needs to be dumb ass, takes a hard line on Juan Montoya, and then takes a few spins around and catches the end of the pit wall ending his day. Hey Denny when your in the lead try not wrecking yourself. Seriously dude, you need to leave these personal vendetta's out of the car. They bit you in the ass twice this weekend, first on Saturday subbing for Kyle you were so focused on Keselowski that when Biffle got behind you, you didn't notice and got wrecked. Then when Montoya is in second you try to cut him off, WHY, if that JJ or Gordon you don't make that move, I know you don't because you don't have beef with them. Denny your a dumbass and need to grow up just a little more. First place to 36th stellar move in the Chase. I was so grumpy last night I didn't even bother to watch the Colts game, instead opting for Footloose on CMT, I hate watching movies on regular TV, but it was better than being reminded of the days failures.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


I live in Iowa now. I lived in Wisconsin for around 22 years, I've never liked anything Wisconsin sports. I've cheered for University of Wisconsin hockey, that's it. For most of my sporting life I like Michigan in football and basketball, then a few things happened, mainly Rich Rodriguez, and I no longer like Michigan. Well me and Chris had a little drawing one night and I drew Alabama among other schools, I chose 'Bama, of course to make me look like a fair weather fan the go undefeated regular season. Lose the SEC Championship game and lose the bowl game. Well, I'm having a hard time liking the SEC, I know it's the best conference, but I'm a Big Ten kid and I miss not have rooting interest in the Big Ten accept for cheering for whose playing Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio State. With the recent developments in my life I've pretty much decided I'm gonna start cheering for the Hawkeyes. I know I know, their undefeated leave your bandwagon comments on the bottom. But, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna live in Iowa for a long time, my kids are gonna grow up here, and well it's easier to follow a team close to home than thousands of miles away. I'll still have rooting interest in Alabama, but I'm gonna start following the Hawks.

Now you ask, Derek why Iowa it's because their good isn't it. Well, for one yeah, nobody wants to cheer for a loser. But there are other reasons, Iowa City is around an hour way, easy to get to games. The other D-I team Iowa State is 2 1/2 hours away, they stink, and well their in the Big 12, so my missing of the Big Ten is still there. My brother is a Hawks fan, has been since I've known him. His liking was really for wrestling, but he follows the football team, and this is gonna burn his ass when I start showing up with the black and gold on, and know more about the team than he does. They show the games on local TV, this is more of a basketball thing but still, it'll be easier to follow the basketball team, I couldn't name one guy from Alabama last year. I also want this, when I was a kid I more or less berated Badger fans every Monday, now in the workplace I wanna be able to talk to guys on the long ass road trips about stuff they like. So if I learn more about the Hawks I'll have more to talk about. So there you go call me a bandwagoner, a homer, whatever you want, but at least it's Iowa not USC or Florida.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Brett Favre Enigma

I gotta come out and say it, I LOVE Brett Favre. I do, he is awesome, ageless, timeless, and ruthless, that's a whole bunch of lesses. If you didn't watch last nights game, why do read this blog, if you like sports you watched. Since I'm on the east coast and had to work at 6 I only stayed up until the middle of the 3rd quarter. The part or the game I watched, Favre had "it," whatever that is he had it. Aaron Rogers looked good as well, he can move and throw like none other, he makes mistakes though, and his line stinks. Side note, thank you for the 8 sacks I won a fantasy game by 1 points because of those sacks. Back to the topic, Favre, the dude was on. That pump 'n go to Berrian was awesome. Sidney Rice is turning into a go to guy, he's kind of turning into what Cotchery was last year. You know Berrian like you knew Lavernius Coles, and fans knew of Cotchery and Rice, but neither were great. Both Cotchery last year, Rice this are showing what can happen when they have talent throwing them the ball. Rice a second round pick in 2006, I had to look that up, has been playing to that potential for the first time in his career, he was there for Brett every throw, accept for the one he wasn't expecting to get the ball on. Also, the first TD to Shiancoe, spelling on that, the play was amazing, look right, look right, oh yeah that guy on the other side of the field is open, Brett threw the ball 20 yards on a rope for a 1 yard TD, pretty cool.

I'm not a Packer fan, never have been. I had my interests peek just because when you live with Packer fans, have family Christmas with Packer fans, go to school with, be taught by, live by, pretty much anything you do in Wisconsin, you do it with Packer fans. On the Bredeson side I have 9 cousins, plus my 3 siblings, and Greg, step brother. Of those 13 people 11 on Packer fans, at least when I was younger, only non ones are my sister, 49ers and my cousin Russ, Colts. So guess what at family gatherings we watched Green Bay, that's it. So my point is this, I had to watch the guy from 1992 to now. When you watch one of the greatest ever, you learn to appreciate the guy. You can't be a Favre hater, you can try all you want but you have to respect talent. How many QB's have played in the NFC North since '92? Well at least 20 in Chicago, 10 or so in Minny, Daunte had a few years, and Detroit, well nobody cares. Green Bay has had 2, and Rogers is his second year. Brett is all the things that people say about him, gunslinger, plays a little out of control, rocket arm, and linebacker mentality. The last is totally true, he's gonna be 40 in less than a week and on the bubble screen to Harvin last night, when Harvin reversed his field ole number 4 was running downfield looking for someone to block. Of course Harvin got tripped up behind the line but still the oldest QB in the league was running downfield looking to light someone up, or at least get in there way. How many people has Peyton Manning blocked in his career? Yet he's the one whose gonna challenge the records. If he played with that intesity I'm sure he'd miss some games. When a guy plays like that you can't help but love him.

The love of Brett wasn't instant for me, I was young, I wanted to hate Green Bay with a passion. You know when I picked the Skins, the Pack was nothing, they had the Majik man and Sterling Sharpe that's it. Then the Majik man went down and the streak began. People say you can't lose your job to injury, oh yeah ask Brett Favre and Tom Brady how that works out. I always wanna point that out when people say that crap. "You can't lose your job, you just can't, your the QB your team needs you, and needs to know who the leader is. When you get back your job should be waiting for you," say the random ESPN Analyst. Oh yeah dude, how'd that work out for Don Majkoski and Drew Bledsoe? So, as Brett got older I noticed some things, for one in those days he threw a lot of picks. Two he threw to Sharpe a lot. Then Sharpe retired due to injury and Favre started his list of guys made better by him. Starting with Robert Brooks and Antonio Freeman. The Super Bowl year he was helped out by Andre "Bad Moon" Rison, and a stellar D led by the one of the greatest ever. I kind of bandwagoned onto that team, had to cheer for someone and I like the NFC more than the AFC, it was kind of like when I cheered for the Rams against the Titans because my two buddies and one buddies dad liked them, just showed support to the people I knew. Favre played with so much passion and the celabration after the first TD in the Super Bowl, when he ran around the field helmet off, I was like this dude loves this game. He still celebrates like a little kid after every score. I love that about him, he still has the passion the flare, the whatever you wanna call it. Think that guy who played last night looked like a guy who should be at home watching football? I don't think so, he was throwing beads all over the field, and making decisions better than he ever has. He also picked the perfect situation, the Pack showed it last night, teams are gonna make Brett beat them because their affraid of Adrian Peterson. Hate to break it to teams, but Favre is in the top 3 QB's of all-time, All Day is the best RB right now but he's not even in the top 20 of all time, YET. I go yet because he's still young. If I had a choice I'd let the RB beat me, not one of the greatest ever. So, I know this was a lot jibberish about stuff you already know, but I just had to explain why I love me some Brett. My final thought on Brett can be summed up by an old announcer. "When you get a guy like Brett Favre on your team you get Brett Favre type of plays, and a Brett Favre type of player, who makes Brett Favre type of throws." Thanks John, maybe we'll see Brett in the Super Bowl again this year, and guess who I'll be cheering for?

Week 4 Thoughts

So first off I want to say I was at the Bears game so I didn't watch most games.

1. So good guess Derek about Aaron Rodgers, but nobody wants to see Jenna Jameson on her back anymore. Way to used and abused think of somebody newer.

2. Great idea the N.F.L. had with the wearing pink for breast cancer awareness. But the N.F.L should really do something for the majority of its viewers. I'm all for saving the ta tas but for a guy why don't they do something for prostate cancer or maybe wear baby blue for the E.D. suffers.

3. Speaking of pink Tom Brady should be required to wear pink at all times. That "hit" he took are you kidding me personal foul!!! That was terrible.

4. Yet again why I love football. Sixteen games is all you got. Baseball 162 and guys get hammered before the biggest game of the year. I always wonder how many times at the end of the year a player goes gee we could have made that one game up but i got shitfaced and went 0-4 for the day.

5. Jamarcus Russell still sucks.

6. For the people that say Jay Cutler doesn't care did you see the hit he took diving for that touchdown? Ya he cares.

7. So it looks like there will be a battle in Cleveland. Lebron James vs. Braylon Edwards. Name of the fight will be. Guys Who Will Be Gone Next Summer.

8. How many 0-4 teams can the Skins play? Looking good I mean enough to get by against them though.

9. Pretty disappointed that Chicago didn't get the 2016 Olympics. Always find it funny that something like this the world wants to pretty much tell us where to go. But if it comes to something serious they beg us to help. The IOC knows Chicago had the best bid and basically screwed them.

10. Danica Patrick now rumored to go be going to Jr Motorsports. Would be the best move for her going to a satellite team of the best team in the garage. Wise and easy choice.

11. Why is it whenever you see Brett Farve play the announcers always act like they are ten years old and the saw there first Playboy. I mean Jon Gruden clam down!

Friday, October 2, 2009

What if

No fantasy match up this week, or ever again. I've picked three games and haven't gotten one right, heck everytime the team I picked got killed. So instead of being the Sports Illustrated curse I'll refrain from picking. Besides you can admit it, you didn't care about fantasy match ups. So, I'll try something new again, after the wonderings, which I believe is a hit, it's gonna be along the same lines only I'm gonna say, "What if" this happens and add what an effect could be or along that lines. Let's see how it works, what if........

Bill Cowher never said no to Dan Snyder a summer ago? Pretty sure we're 3-0 defending our NFC East championship with a bitter taste in our mouths after losing in the NFC Championship game.

Aaron Rogers is on his back more than Jenna Jameson on Monday night? This is more of a prediction, that terrible line against Jared Allen and the rest of the Vikes, Rogers may leave the field on a golf cart.

Sam Bradford left Oklahoma? Well, for one Sam is in Detroit, not hurt, Drew Stafford is the QB for the 1-2 Jets, and Mark Sanchez knowing Sam came out, stays at USC and they are 3-0 on their way to the ship.

the Cubs won a world series? The entire midwest would burn to the ground, I think the riots in Iowa would rival those in Chicago.

Jay Cutler convinced Jerry Angelo that Brandon Marshall was worth whatever Denve asked for? Dude, can you say Chicago vs. Minny for the NFC Championship, and the score would be 56-55, amazing.

Michael Crabtree wasn't an idiot? San Francisco, is undefeated, Crabtree has around 5 TD's in his first 3 games, Samurai has his defense swarming to the ball and playing out of their minds. I guess that last one is happening anyway. Side note, how dumb do you look holding out on a 2-1 team, that was 8 seconds away from 3-0?

a Nascar drive had a bad car after a wreck? Every time someone gets wrecked in the first half of the race, they had a great car. Jeff Burton is king of this. "Ok let's go down to Dave Burns with Jeff Burton." Burton takes a swig of Coke Zero. Burns say, "Jeff what happened out there." "Well we thought we had a real good car, one that was gonna contend for a win today. The 31 Catapilliar Impala was running great and we were moving to the front." Dude, you were in 19th when you got wrecked how were you contending? Plus, you can say you had a good car when you can't prove because your out of the race. Just once, I want someone besides Kyle Busch to go, well we had junk today the car wouldn't turn, I really didn't pass anyone, and well at least with this wreck we won't have to run the final 200 miles to finish where we were gonna end up anyway.

Superman turned to a life of crime? He couldn't be stopped.

Urban Meyer got nailed for recruiting violations? I am not accusing him of any wrong doing, NONE whatso ever. That is not a joke, he's a good coach, their a good team, and they prove it year after year. But could you imagine, he gave Tebow money to stay or something crazy like that. I mean Tebow has a clean image, ESPN eats him up, that dude is purer than pure. I mean it would lead Sportscenter every day for a week straight. This just in Tebow got 2.5 million dollars from Meyer, which he used on the weekends for cocaine and strippers. What a bombshell man, if this happens remember where you heard it first. I pray this never happens.

Jacksonville never go the Jaguars? Actually not much would change, LA might have a franchise, it's not like the people of Jacksonville would miss them.

someone told the NHL it's way to early to start the season? Seriously thought the NFL is 3 weeks old, and your starting, they don't finish until May. People say baseball is a long season, hockey has to be longer.

Sidney Crosby and Alex Ovechkin ended up on the same team? It would be like the Edmonton Oilers of the 80's with Gretzky and Messier. By the way GO PENS.

the Giants had one person who could get a hit down the stretch? Well, with Timmy, Cain, and Zito all pitching well, the sky was the limit, just didn't have a bat. Hey Brian Saben we haven't had anyone who could hit since you let Bonds go, it's time to fix that problem.

Michigan hired Les Miles? Well, for one I'd still be a Michigan fan, West Virginia would still be a good team. LSU would be the same. So the only person it would affect is me.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hate List

Before I get started, I have something to say. If it seems like I'm giving up on the Skins, I'm not. I'm just frustrated as are all the fans. I picked this team to win the division and now I'm looking like an idiot in front of our 4 readers. That makes me mad so I must vent, that is all onto tonights topic. The hate list, I shouldn't call it the hate list, maybe the dislike list, hate is a strong word, I don't use hate. I only hate two things, The Dallas Cowboys and someone from my past. That's it, so instead this is a list of things I strongly dislike......

Notre Dame, pretty much everything to do with the school is annoying. Chicago Cubs, not the team so much just the fans, every year is "the year," accept it never is. Dale Earnhardt Jr. fans, I have plenty of friends who are Jr. fans and their nice, but he gets a lot of media because he's the most popular driver, however he's never won jack. If my guy is out of the top 10 I don't hear his name, or what's going on with his car, but Jr. could be running 28th and you'll hear something about him, lately this trend has gone down which is nice, but the focus is still there. TV timeouts, so someone just scored, commercial, we kick, commercial, then the other team comes on offense, what the crap is that about? You go to commercial for 3 minutes, show 8 seconds of football, then 3 more minutes of commercials. DUMB!!! Sean Hannity, not sure that's how you spell his name, but this is how I do it, this guy is an idiot. Pretty sad that John Stewart is more trustworthy than this bag of douche. Controversal sports writers, I mostly mean Jay Mariotti and Skip Bayless, I think even they only believe half of what comes out their mouths. All they do is say outlandish stuff and then half heartdly try to defend their outrageous opinion, you know after the camera goes off they go, "I wonder if the audience bought it." Case in point Skip "hates" LeBron and doesn't give him credit at all. I'm sorry but LeBron is in the top 3 when it comes to active players, he takes games over, and probably the best passer in the league. Tony Romo, name one thing he's accomplished, he threw to T.O. that's it, he sucks. I can't stand this guy he's like Brett Favre without the talent. People who claim a player ruins his legacy because he hangs around too long, or unretires or does whatever the hell he wants with his career. What legacy, your opinion of the guy is that what you mean? Jordan still got in the hall on his first try, he still has 6 rings, he's still the Greatest of all time, his stats are the same as they've been since he retired, in fact he's been gone for 5 years and his shoes are still the best selling, so where is that legacy getting tarnished at again? Because, he played for the Wiz he's no longer the greatest, HARDLY, he's still MJ. So, yeah Favre is getting killed for going to Minny, he stabbed Packer fans in the back, sort of. But hey, they got rid of him, don't want him in the purple, start him, but I digress, anyway in five six, or seven years, depends on when he retires, he's still in the hall, he still holds the records, and has that Super Bowl ring, he may get another one, and if he wins the Super Bowl this year, then what about his legacy? All those guys will start to change their tune then. Who am I to tell you not to play anymore, I can't, your gonna do whatever the hell you want, someone wants to sign you, your gonna play. We can't tell people to stop working, and making cash. Can we say you held on too long, sure but that was your choice, and I'm gonna guess a guy "holding on too long," never kept him out of a hall of fame.